My Boyfriend Is From Mars



It was already late in the evening, Dara and GD were both preoccupied doing 
their own things. GD was again wandering inside Dara’s house, trying to 
discover Earth knows what while Dara was located at the living room with 
the still wet books spread on the floor in front of her. She was trying to dry 
the books using a hair blower. She had been sitting there for a couple of hours 
but there seemed to be no progress with the thing she was doing. GD had 
attempted to approach her a number of times earlier but she shooed her away, 
afraid that he might cause disaster.

GD had probably memorized the entire house already and got exhausted doing 
nothing in particular but just moving around in there. So, he went to the living 
room and tried once again to come near Dara. But before he could walk closer 
Dara stopped him again,

“Ya! Don’t move! Just stay there.” Dara held her hand up signaling GD to not come 

GD frowned and stomped at where he was standing. He was already bored and he 
wanted to mingle with a living object. Though Dara and he, couldn’t completely 
understand each other, he still wanted to commune with her rather than healing 
plants or strolling inside the house.

“Bushibubu!!” he whined as he scratched his head and just went to sit on the sofa.

 “We’ll talk later...ok? Ah, No. Maybe just tomorrow…yeah” Dara said tiredly without 
even looking at him as she continued drying the wet books with the hair blower.

“Buchi gugu shubu fwitululu”  Jiyong pouted and murmured incoherent words as he 
sat on the couch. He fixed his position into an Indian sit and propped one of his 
elbows on his thigh, his hand cupped his chin. He watched Dara quietly and waited 
for her to finish what she was doing.

Hours later, Dara was getting sleepy and she started yawning but then she 
continued doing her work. After a couple of seconds GD began yawning too 
for he got contagious of Dara’s yawn. GD tried to stop his sleepiness for Dara 
was still working. He wanted to wait her finish.

But he was tired and he couldn’t hold his sleepiness anymore so he stood up 
and went to walk towards Dara.

“Huuum!” he tried to call Dara’s attention whose eyes were already half-closed. 
Dara looked up to him.

“What’s wrong?” Dara asked as she rubbed her eyes. Jiyong joined his palms 
against each other and placed them beside his cheek, showing Dara that he 
wanted to sleep now.

“You’re sleepy?” Dara breathed in as she decided if she should also sleep already 
or continue working. But before she could choose an answer GD already took her 
arm and pulled her up from the ground then dragged her to somewhere.

“Jingyo-ya where are we going?” she asked as he hauled her towards somewhere.

“Lubibu” he just uttered. Dara just rolled her eyes and thought, what was the 
sense of asking if she wouldn’t understand his answer anyway.

“Eh? That’s my room” Dara noticed when they were now standing in front 
of her door. GD looked back at her, he smiled and nodded in response then 
he reached for the knob and opened the door.

When they entered, GD let go of her and went to approach her bed. Dara just 
stood at one corner as she watched what GD was going to do. He grabbed two 
pillows and the blanket. He then, laid the blanket on the floor and dropped the 
two pillows on top of it.

“Chana~” GD cheered when he finished setting up a ‘sleeping place’.

“Ya! You cannot sleep here!” Dara protested as she discovered he planned 
to sleep in her room. GD didn’t budge as if he didn’t hear anything.

“Go out now. Sleep on the sofa down stairs” she ordered and pointed at the door 
but GD just shook his head.

“Aish! Stubborn martian! Alright, you could sleep here, but make sure you’re not 
going to do anything bad:” Too tired and sleepy to argue, Dara just let him sleep 
in her room.  She was about to drop herself on the bed when much to her surprise, 
GD pushed her away, making her fall on the ground then he threw his own body on 
the soft mattress. Dara’s  met with the floor, her system awakened again with 
what just happened, her eyes turned wide and her breathing became ragged.

‘Did that Martian just push me away from my holy soft bed!?’ 

‘The guts!! No one dares to deprive me from a good night sleep!!’

 Dara stood abruptly, dusting the small invisible dirt off her . With an angry red 
face and curled fist she zoomed to the now lying peacefully GD. She climbed on the 
side of the bed where GD’s back was facing. Feeling another weight at the opposite 
side of the bed, GD opened his eyes and turned to look at his back and saw Dara’s red 
infuriated face. Before he could sit up, Dara had already pushed him off the bed. Now 
it was Jiyong’s  which landed on the hard floor.

“Cha bum bum!?” GD spat as he massaged his aching .

Before Dara lied and slept, she first stood on her knees on top of her bed and 
smiled triumphantly at Jiyong then stuck her tongue out. Jiyong’s brows furrowed 
and he got himself up then went back to the bed to push Dara off again.

“Kuyoooo!!” GD yelled as he launched at the bed. Dara squealed as she saw GD 
was about to attack.

The process went over and over again til it was already midnight and their bodies 
were dead exhausted. At the end, Dara gave up and she ended sleeping on the floor 
while GD was on the mattress. Soon snores were heard inside the room as the two 
peacefully slept.


The next morning…

The sun’s rays hit GD’s face as it passed through the glass windows of Dara’s
 bedroom. GD awoke, he fluttered his eyes open and rubbed them to adjust with 
the light. He stretched his arms then after which he rolled to the side of the bed and 
peeked down to check on Dara whom he knew was sleeping on the floor.

His lips pouted when he saw Dara was not anymore there and that the ‘bed’ he 
prepared for her was already folded and was neatly placed at the side. He slipped 
off the bed and walked out of the room.


I walked down the stairs and once I landed on the first floor of the Earthling’s lair, 
I saw her running from one side of the house to another. She was like on a total 
panic mode, I checked her  to see if her  was on fire. But nah, it wasn’t. 
Then what was wrong with this Earthling? Tch, she was too pre occupied that she 
didn’t notice I was already there, standing at the foot of the stairs, watching her 
and waiting for her to give me food.

Uh so where is my food for the morning? Like hello, the bread and the milk? 
Yeah...bread and milk, that’s what you call them right? See? Im learning!

When she went to the kitchen, I trailed behind her. She went at the counter, she 
took two pieces of the delicious bread from the pack of bread. I thought the bread 
was for me but then she walked pass me and headed to the fridge, well that’s how
 I remembered she called that huge container which produces cold air and contains 
food. She grabbed some other foods, which I don’t know the names, from the fridge 
then, she stuffed these foods in between the two loaves of bread. After that she 
wrapped the meal she prepared with a thin piece of white soft thing then placed 
it inside a small bag and sprinted away and headed to the exit

My brows knitted when I discovered she did not make food for me!

I was still trailing behind her, trying my best to be noticed. But the earthling only 
noticed me when she was almost out of the house,

“I have school today, and oh my gosh I am so gonna be late!!” she hollered as 
she took a look of the thing around her wrist.

“I can’t make you breakfast anymore, so you get and eat anything you want from 
the fridge. And don’t you ever ever go out of this house! Understand? I’ll be back 
soon, wait for me, okay?” she said in one breathing. I could only nod without 
completely comprehending what she said. Then after which, she closed the door 
behind her and dashed away.

School? What’s school? ..Hmp she didn’t even tag me along! Aish. 

Now, I’m left alone in this house. What should I do..? Hmm How about…
Eat all the bread and drink all the milk!!! Yey!


“Ms. Park, are you alright?” the teacher called Dara’s attention because she was 
spacing out again in class. This was already the nth time her attention was called 
since the first class in the morning, now was their last class for the day.

“Uh..ye-yes. I’m alright.” She answered and bowed her head shyly. The teacher 
nodded and continued lecturing.

Dara had been spacing out since she left home. Her mind was filled with worries 
about the Martian who was left alone in her house. She kept on worrying about 
him even during breaks, and of course her friends noticed that. Alongside with 
her spacing out, they also noticed that she was so uneasy like she wanted to 
scurry out of the school as soon as possible.

‘What could he be doing right now?...Aish, that Martian. He better 
be doing good or else I’m....I’m gonna.....gah! Never mind ..I just hope 
the house it still in a good state…’

When the classes ended, Dara quickly fixed her stuffs and hastily said goodbye 
to her friends. Her friends could only look at each other and arch a brow.

“What’s wrong with her?” Bom asked Chaerin and Minzy as they fixed their stuffs
 before going home

Minzy and Chaerin just shrugged, not knowing as well why Dara was acting that way.

When Dara reached the gate of the school, Youngbae who was standing at 
the side saw her and called her name.

“Dara!” she looked at where the voice came from and saw it was 
Youngbae who called her.

“O-oppa..” she half-heartedly stopped from her tracks and Youngbae approached her. 
Before Youngbae could speak, she already had started,

“Oppa, I’m so sorry. I can’t talk with you right now. I have to…uh do something 
really important” Dara spoke uneasily. She was so itching to go home that though 
she wanted to spend more time with Youngbae, she couldn’t.

“Maybe I could offer you some he—“

“No, no, it’s okay! I can handle it. I really got to go, Im so sorry oppa! 
Bye! See you tomorrow!” Dara sped off leaving Youngbae standing there. 
Youngbae could only exhale as he watched Dara left.


“Jingyo!! I’m home!” Dara took of her shoes as she finally reached home. 
After taking off her shoes and replaced them with slippers, she went to 
the living room.

She breathed a huge amount of air when she found the house was still 
whole and Jingyo was just sitting on the floor, his back facing her. But her 
forehead creased when she saw the books were laid in front of him. 
Her heart began to beat fast, what could have he done to her books, omo! 
He couldn’t have turned them into plants!? Could he?

“Jingyo! What are you doing with my books?! Wasn’t that I told you not to—“she walked 
to his spot but before she could reach him completely, he spoke,

“Oh I dried and fixed them up, How was school?,” he replied and turned his head to 
look at her.

HOW WAS SCHOOL’ !?”  turned to an ‘O’ and as well her eyes.

“Uhh..Yes..?” GD said uncertainly as he totally turned his whole body around and stood up. 
Dara could only blink her eyes in shock and stood on her spot rigidly.

‘Holy cow...D-did he just say, 'Uh..yes?' Wait wait wait! WAS HE REALLY SPEAKING HUMAN LANGUAGE? OR

GD began to stride towards her and when he was just inches away, 
Dara swallowed as their eyes met each other directly,

“Hi Dara, I’m GD, not Jingyo.” he said and flashed her a boyish grin then it 
turned to a smirk when he saw her face flushed.

'Oh my god...Someone please pinch me...'

Hi. :) Thanks for the comments and for subscribing!! ^o^


@sheepyphantasie: WHY NOOOT? O-O LOL XD
Nooooo dont put me in there, me cant breathe~ he-help! trololol.
kkkk jiyong is always cute. :3
@g-topftw: Yey thank you~ XDD
@bubble_hearts: lol nooo dont dieeee XP Hihi you are welcome :D
hehehe thanks!! ^o^
@yvoj87: looool very bad tsk tsk. yes, lucky dara indeed. XP 
Hmm.. we'll see about that. :> Sure no problem!! :D
@Oh2ne1: LOL XDDDD Well Dara's one lucky girl cuz she died because of 
Ji's hotness and not because of some disease lol. :))) I wish i 
could die the same way hahaha!XD
@matokki: Thank you so much!! ^^; Wow, thanks again :3
@kloyola: Hehehehe :D Thank you!! XD Hope u like this recent update :D
@gubuchanchan: lol yes i see that :))) Oh..it's a manga series.. i thought it
was like some kind of asianovela thingy..lol XD
HAHAHA GD is just too cute :3 and proud, yes. OH YES DARAGON IS
Aw thank you. :) here's an update, i hope u like it :)
@yuukiechan: Martian cuteness XD lol. :)) Your wait is over,
Ji's starting to speak human language now :) hihi :D


comment and subscribe! XD
til the next update, ppyong~
off to mars bed. :3


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Thank you!
so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">