My Boyfriend Is From Mars





GD was sitting in front of the dining table as Dara prepared food for them to eat. He already 
had some clothes on. Dara lent him her biggest shirt but it just fit him right and a pair of 
sweatpants which only reached the skin above his ankles. There was a small TV in the kitchen 
and as Dara cooked their food for lunch, she let GD watch TV so he could learn human stuffs.

“Jingyo!” Dara called out as she poured a small amount of oil in the pan.

‘Aish, for the love of Mars! Can she stop calling me Jingyo! My name is not Helmet!!’
(A/N: Remember the scene in chapter three where GD placed the bowl on top of his head 
like it was a cap and mumbled “Jingyo”? Let us just say that Jingyo means ‘helmet’ in 
Martian kekeke)

“Gee Dii” GD didn’t turn around to look at Dara but just spoke out trying to inform her 
his name. But Dara didn’t give attention to what he said, she thought he was just burbling 
something random again.

“Ya! Jingyo!” Dara called him again. GD’s face went straight and his eyes narrowed upon hearing 
her calling him Jingyo.

Nonetheless, GD twisted half his body to turn to look at Dara’s direction and once he did Dara 
moved a little bit to the side so GD could see what she was doing over the stove,

“What I’m doing right now is called cooking. Coo-king” Dara explained.

“Gee Dii”  he said again.

“Eh?" Dara raised a brow, confused but pushed him to say the word ‘cooking’ anyway,

 "Noooo, it’s coo-king, coooo-king.” 

“Gee Diiiiiiiii!!” GD spat.

“Aish! It’s cooking, coookiiiing, okay?” Dara spoke a bit irritated then went back to cooking.  
On the other hand, GD just turned around back to the table with a small frown on his face while 
his arms crossed thinking what in the universe did ‘cooking’ mean.

‘Psh! C-coo..coo.king? Bleh whatever’he thought as he stared at the TV.

‘Gee Dii? Tch, what’s that even supposed to mean?’Dara thought as she got the fried eggs from the 
pan using the spatula and laid them on two plates which were for the two of them respectively.

She held the two plates with both her hands then laid them on the dining table together with the 
other dishes she cooked for the two of them.

“Breakfast is served!” she chirped and clapped merrily. GD looked at her confused but followed 
what she did anyway. He clapped his hands with uncertainty. After which Dara took a seat beside 
him. As soon as Dara sat, she began eating her meal but slowed down when she noticed GD had not 
started touching his food yet.

She peeked at him by her peripheral vision. She saw that he was having a hard time using his utensils, 
the spoon and fork were fumbling out of his grip. When he was able to hold the fork in an awkward
 manner, all his fingers wrapped around the fork’s body, he jabbed a piece of bacon and tried to take 
it in his mouth but when it was just a few breadth away the piece of bacon fell and landed on his shirt. 
His brows furrowed in annoyance and Dara couldn’t help but to let out a small chuckle. He glared at her 
when he found out she was watching him and chuckling at him for what happened.

Dara just stuck her tongue out then reached for the bacon that fell on his chest. She put it in front 
of his mouth and motioned him to open his lips which he obediently did. Then she shot the food in 
his mouth and he began munching. She inched closer to him and tried to teach him again how to hold 
the spoon and fork properly.

“I already taught you how to hold these yesterday, right?” she said as she grabbed his hands and fixed 
his fingers on the two utensils while he just stared at her as she fiddled with his fingers.

Then all of a sudden she pulled out from him with a horrified expression on her face,

“Where’s that foul smell coming from!?” she complained and started sniffing. She pulled one of the 
dishes she prepared close to her nose and checked if it was spoiled. But only to find out it wasn’t. 
Then she checked her own self, raising her arms to smell her armpits but it wasn’t her either.

“Eh? It’s not the food neither myself, then what could tha—huuuh!“ but before she could finish her 
sentence her gaze landed on him who was innocently looking at her.

“AHA!! IT’S YOU!”  she yelled then leaned to him and sniffed. Jiyong pulled back a little and had no 
idea on what was happening.

“OH GOODNESS!! YOU SMELL LIKE !” she moved away from him and cried out when she 
confirmed it was him who smelled bad. She forgot that he didn’t take a bath since the day he 
crashed here on Earth. How could she forget about that, she thought.

“uuu?” Jiyong asked. Dara widened her eyes at him upon hearing him say  with 
a…well, uh Martian accent,

“No no no! Don’t say that! That’s bad. Okie?” she told him as she shook her head side to side.

“Why is that you can only repeat the bad words I say huh? Tsk very bad and smelly Martian! 
You got to take a bath! Come here, pali! Pali! Aigoo aigoo aigoooo!” Dara blurted out as she 
stood up from her chair. She took GD’s arm and dragged him with her. She led the two of them 
to the bathroom. He pushed GD inside and left him there for a minute to get him a towel. Once 
she got him a roll of towel, she went back to the bathroom.

“I’ll hang this here, after you take a bath you use this to dry your body then you 
wrap yourself with this as well before you get out of the bathroom, okay?”  Dara said as she 
hanged the towel on the holder. As if he understood, he nodded his head in response.

“So when you take a bath, what you do first it to take off all your clothes. Clothes are those things 
you’re wearing. That and that” Dara pointed at the shirt and the sweatpants.

“You remove them, okay? Remove, like this” she motioned how to remove the clothes off. When 
he understood how to take off the clothes, he reached for the bands of the sweatpants and was 
about to pull it off.

“NO! NOT YET!! Not yet, you remove your clothes when I get out of here okay?” she panicked as she 
stopped him from removing his pants.

‘Phew! That was close!’

“Next, You wet yourself. You do that by switching on the shower. Water will come out and pour 
down on you. This is the shower. Got it?” Dara pointed at the shower as she clarified stuffs then 
asked if he got it and he nodded. 

“Okay, this is the knob for the shower. You twist this, just like this and then water will come out from that thing” Dara pointed out from where the water will come out and when she turned the knob water came pouring down from the shower. An amused expression flashed on GD’s face. Then she turned the knob close and proceeded.



“You see this bottle? It has shampoo. You open the lid and pour a small amount in to your palm then you apply it to your hair. Do it this way, you get me?” Dara explained how to wash the hair with shampoo. She massaged her scalp like how you do it when you shampoo your hair to show him how it was supposed to be done. Again, GD nodded his head as a reply.



GD saw the bar of soap placed in the hole on the wall which was purposely made as a soap holder. He took it in his hands then brought the white hard thing near his nose and smelled it. When he found the smell pleasant he brought it to his mouth and was about to bite it but Dara was able to stop him.



“No!! You don’t eat this. This is a soap! You rub this on your body when you take a bath, okay? Like this.” Dara held the soap in her hand and showed him again how to use it. She was like soaping herself without actually doing the real thing, just acting to show him an example.










After schooling him about bath, Dara went out of the bathroom. She went to the living room as she waited for him to finish. She grabbed a magazine then she sat on the couch and flipped the magazine open. She placed her crossed feet on the small table in front of the couch and settled there comfortably. She relaxed herself and freed her mind from all the worries and thoughts running inside her mind. Most of the worries and thoughts were related to the Martian who was currently taking a bath inside the bathroom



After half an hour had passed, there was still no Martian popping out from the bathroom. Dara began to worry. What could have happened to that crazy specie? Her mind started to formulate numerous ideas.




Bad ideas.




What if he was too preoccupied shampooing his hair that he didn’t notice the soap fell on the floor then he accidentally stepped on it and KABLAG! He slipped and fell on the floor, his head crash on the cold hard tiles.Then blood seeps out from his broken skull and spreads all over the place.





Oh god, that’s way that's gonna happen!





Or what if he didn’t understand my instructions earlier and he drank the whole bottle of shampoo and swallowed the whole bar of soap. Then his body ends up sprawled on the floor with bubbles coming out from his mouth.




Oh god! Oh god! No way!! WAAAAHHHHH!!





And before she knew it she was already frantically running towards the door of the bathroom. When she got closer, she heard no noise coming from inside. Not even a sound of a drop of water. Her heart thumped and she swallowed the lump in .




“J-jingyo?” she called softly but heard no response.




She knocked on the door and tried to call him again.



“Y-ya Martian!”








She bit her lower lip as her heartbeat went more wildly. What happened to him inside? Is he still alive? Omo! What if one of her bad thoughts came true? Waah!! She spoke inside her mind as sweat trickled down from her forehead due to uneasiness.




She couldn’t hold the nervousness anymore and she decided to barge inside.




“I’M COMING IN!!” she exclaimed as she turned the knob and pushed the door open. Upon swinging the door open, her eyes met his body clad only with his birthday suit. Her whole body stopped on the spot as if frozen, hanged open and her turned into huge plates.




It wasn’t that ‘bad’ at first, Cuz Dara could only see half-side of his body for he was facing a 
different direction from Dara's. He was really enjoying shampooing his hair and a thick lather 
had already formed on top of his head. But the situation got really ‘bad’ for Dara when 
he noticed that the door was open and someone was there. He completely turned his body 
to check out at the open door, revealing his whole front to Dara’s vision.

Her eyes roamed from his chest down to his stomach then to his defenseless  shaft. Upon 
meeting ‘it’ with no barrier, As if blood also stopped circulating in her body, her eyes twitched,
her face turned pale and her breathing halted. She was like going to faint any minute now.

While on the other hand, GD smiled innocently and waved at her like saying he was so enjoying his bath. 
He completely had no idea that his ness was a bad thing for Dara to see and worse he was
even exposing his clothe-less state to Dara fully.

Dara had to blink a couple of times like she was processing the glorious body in front of her the things 
happening before she erupted.

“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” she screamed as she covered her face with her hands and sprinted to her 
bedroom leaving GD bewildered inside the bathroom. GD could only scratch his head in confusion. 
Nonetheless he continued his bath.

When she reached the door to her room, she pushed it open then kicked it closed before she 
dropped her body on her bed.

“I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING! I DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING!! AAACKK!” she cried out like a mantra as 
she rolled on her bed. 

“WAHH MY EYES!! OH MY DEAR EYES WAAAH!!” she hollered. She stopped rolling and laid flat 
on her back while holding her face between her hands and her feet kicking the air.

She stared at the ceiling and pouted, Memories of earlier flashing back on her mind. Her face went 
all red as the vision of his  flashed inside her mind so clearly like she was seeing it again.

‘Oh goodness, I cant believe I saw his..his..thing!! And worse it was a MARTIAN’S THING!! Shizus, 
it was huuuuuuuuge!’Dara's face turned more red if that could still be possible. She then slapped 
herself for thinking that thought. Her trance was interrupted when her door slammed open.

She quickly sat up and saw GD triumphantly standing at the doorway with his fists propped at his sides. 
Dara's brow raised, 'What now? Don't tell me he's gonna show off his ..his..thing again to me!! I'll really 
kick him out from the house if ever!'

“Kuribuuu!” he said then stomped one foot in front and pumped a fist in the air. As he did his 
weird action,the towel draped around his waist unexpectedly loosened and it dropped down on 
the ground revealing GD's  body. 

'OH....MY....GOD. Pray for my soul'

Blood drained out from Dara’s body once again as she froze on her position. While GD just looked 
down at the towel that fell then back to Dara. His head tilted to the side wondering why Dara's cheeks
turned so red and why she wasn’t moving an inch.






Ohayooo. :D Here's a short update :)
I read all your comments. They all made me smile :3
Thank you guys for commenting. Also for subscribing.
Dear subbies, thank you for subscribing to this story!! ^o^
I cant update as much as often because of some acadmic related stuff, tch -__-
But please continue reading and supporting this fic. thank you sooo sooo much!! *hugs all of you*


 @ApplerUra: Kekeke thank you!! hmm...we'll know when this story ends hehe ^o^ So 
i hope u keep reading!! ^3^
@seiche: Geez thank you so much!! <333 hehe sure no problem :D
LOLOL I WANT TO SEE HIM AS WELL!! lol im so green :3 Hahaha yes,
yes i think it will be one of a hell a job for Dara, but dont worry
she can handle it..hmm yeah :) Kkk THANK YOU!!! :D
@g-topftw: Ikr!! They're so squishy :3 lol XDD Hahaha 
worry no more, Dara lent her some clothes already lol XP
Kekeke thank you so much! Ill try to keep up the happy mood 
til the story ends :D
Dont worry she had lent him some clothes and she'll get him his own
in the future. :P OOOPS i shouldn't have said that, im such a spoiler T-T
@rhoseannjin: Im happy i was able to make u laugh XD and sure you're welcome. 
Thanks to you too!! *hugs*
@SuperJ13: lol ikr!! LOLOL funny Ji XD Aww thank you so much!! <333
im very happy u love this story :3 Kekekeke trust our goddess d! 
She would be able to handle it! :> Oh and about GD's pov, 
it didnt appear in this chapter im sorry. :( But it will come 
someday hehe :D
@Oh2ne1: THIS CHAPPIE IS FOR YOU!! ^^; Sorry it took me so long to update T-T
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE POSTER!! ME GUSTA <33 *hugs you super tight*
LOL at DARA. Such a bad woman, she kept on 
looking down at his *toot* XDDD
@sheepyphantasie: OH YES MARTIAN JI IS SUPER CUUUUUTE!! *3*
lolol calm down okay hahaha, that's alright :)
@yuukiechan: Yup!!^o^ Right now he can't understand yet, but trust Martian Ji.
He's a smart yeah..OHGOSH i LOL XD
Hehe thanks!! XD 
@gubuchanchan: lol your username is similar with yuukiechan, 
both have 'chan'. Ok just a random observation. Hehehe me finds 
it so cute :3 sorry im weird lolol. :P Anyway, OH YES JI IS SO CUTE I WANT TO SQUISH HIM UGH.
Yup..yup i agree i agree hehe, troubles will come of course :) Aww thank you!! ^o^
Lol ive heard of the Absolute Bf thingy, that's a series? right? not sure tho hehe.
Oh Yeah Tarzan!! Hahaha yes i remember that part lol XD Sorry it took me some time to update T_T
@iheartSOL: loool dont diiiiie hahaha! Yeeeees i agree!! He's super cute :3 Dont worry they'd
be able to communicate properly :O OHMYGOSH I KEEP SPOILING YOU PEOPLE :(( Anyway, here's an update sorrry 
it took me so long to update :( hehe :D




Remember to comment and subscribe!! :D

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so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">