My Boyfriend Is From Mars



GD and Dara were now sitting beside each other on the couch. GD was busy watching TV. 
His focus was all in the show. He was very interested unlike the woman beside her who 
was yeah, staring at the TV but not actually paying attention at the show being flashed. 
Her mind was soaring somewhere else. She was in deep thoughts, processing the events 
happening recently.

‘At first he was just some weird  creature whose  landed in my house, then he 
began to perform magic, and now in just a short span of time, he learned how to speak 
by himself! And not just babbles but really speak! Like S-P-E-A-K!’

She took time to look at him with a wondering expression on her face.

‘I wonder what more surprises does he have with him? Hmm, maybe he could teleport! 
Omo, that’d be cool!!’ 

As she stared at him, she didn’t miss to see him scrunched his nose as he watched TV. 
She find it a bit cute, he was like a little kid!

‘I cant believe I’m saying this, but I’m starting to get amazed by him really….’

GD seemed to sense her staring because he looked at her too and spoke,

“I’m handsome, aren’t I?” he complimented himself as his brows went up and down. 
Dara’s face straightened at hearing what he just said,

‘Oh, and I think I’m starting to get annoyed too! Great! Tch, conceited Martian…’

When GD did not get any response from her but just her straight face, he went back 
on watching TV while Dara was drowned back in deep thoughts again.


“D-did you just say Hi to me and you’re name is GD not Jingyo?” Dara asked one 
more time, trying to clarify once again. She cant stare at his eyes directly and can 
only look at his chest.

“Hmm..Yeap!” GD answered her question. When she heard his reply, she froze on her 
spot and cant utter any single word.

‘* Gulp* I’m speechless…I think I just swallowed my tongue..’

Dara can’t believe Jingyo can now speak. He’s speaking like a human now!! There 
were many questions playing inside Dara’s mind. But among all these questions, 
the no, 1 question she wanted to be answered was, 


“Dara?” GD called out when she was in her motionless and shocked state. GD waved 
his hand in front of her face and snapped his fingers. Only by then Dara got back to 

“H-huh?” she said when she broke out from her trance.

“I said hi! The books said, when someone says ‘Hi’ to you, you should say Hi too!! 
Say ‘Hi’ to me!” he explained and smiled wide at her as he waited for her to say hi to him.

“U-uh..H..hi” Dara stuttered awkwardly. Upon hearing her say Hi to him. His grin went wider.

“Oh! Oh! By the way, I have a surprise for you!!” he said giddily as he looked at her with 
eyes glinting in excitement.

“W-what su..surprise?” she asked nervously, A little bit afraid of what that surprise was. 
She held her breath as he waited for him to reveal his ‘surprise’

“I can now speak!!!” he revealed to her happily. Like it wasn’t the most obvious thing 
right at that moment.

Dara’s tensed body relaxed, her shoulders fell and the breath she was holding escaped 
 and nostrils.

‘Oh right, I didn’t notice that, really, *Sarcasm all over the place*’

GD noticed Dara wasn’t that happy upon revealing to her his surprise. He pouted and 
asked her if she didn’t like his surprise.

“O-of course I like it!” Dara stammered as she forced to make her smile wider. 

“Great!” he said as he was pleased to hear her comment. 

GD took her wrist and led her towards the box of books. Dara saw that the books were 
now dry and they were placed properly inside the box. She felt great, the number of tasks 
she had to do diminished and as well as her stress. All thanks to the Martian beside her. 

But before she could say her gratitude to him, he already started,

“I dried your books already and I also fixed them. So you don’t have to sleep late again 
waiting for them to dry using your lame choogoohoogoo—Oh wait, I mean....gun! Yeah! Air gun!”


“GD” he emphasized.

“Sorry. GD, that was a hair blower, not air gun” she corrected him and GD just shrugged.

“Anyway, Your books are really great! As a matter of fact I already read all of them and 
I learned a lot. But there’s this book which I love the most. Lemme show it to you,” he picked 
one particular book from the box and showed it to her.

‘SAY WHAT? HE READ ALL OF THEM ALREADY?!’ That’s a shocker, knowing that there were 
some thick books in there, like really thiiick books!

“B-braaiiiin..ny B..baaaa..bies. Brainy Babies! I love this book! You should check it out!” GD promoted 
the book to her enthusiastically, like it was a best seller. If only he knew that book was meant for toddlers.

Dara grabbed the book from his grasp and checked it out. She then read the cover page,

‘Brainy Babies. The most amazing book for…babies’

‘Last time I checked I was living with a Martian not with a baby…’ she thought. Then she went to 
look back at him. He was still smiling and then he reached the book back in his hands as if he never 
wanted to let go of it.

“But you know what, your...what you call that? Yeah, the TV! The TV is a real genius too!!” GD again 
pulled Dara with him and pushed her to sit on the couch. He then sat beside her. He grabbed 
the remote control and switched on the TV.

"There's a show from the TV that taught me how to read and pronouce every syllable! 
It was really awesome so it became my favorite!" GD revelled as the two of them sat on the couch.

“I’ll show you my favorite channel and show!” he said excitedly as he pressed the channel 
button. Dara just sat there as he watched Jingyo or rather, GD who was very energized. 
The surprise in her system had slowly drifted off and calmness had already replaced it. 
And gladly the playful atmosphere was gradually returning back.

“Look!!” GD pointed at the screen and Dara followed it with her gaze.

“Disney Junior??” she mumbled unbelievingly.

GD heard it even if it was just a whisper and he nodded vigorously.

“Aww too bad Word World just ended! You missed it! That’s my favorite show 
though” he said disappointingly. Dara could only gawk at him and pat his back.

‘Was he really disappointed just because Word…yeah whatever the name is ended?’

"It’s okay..There’s still tomorrow hehe” she tried to comfort him.


After some minutes, Dara finally broke out from her very long trance. She turned her head to 
check out what the Martian has been doing. She saw that GD was still concentrated on the TV. 
Curious on what he was watching, she turned her head to look at the TV.

Her brows arched, he wasn’t watching cartoons anymore! He was watching some drama show 
and he was so into it!

“Ya” she called.


“What are you watching?”

“I dunna, but it looks nice… They look like me..and you…” he stated not looking at her and 
gaze still focused on the TV.

Dara’s forehead creased. Yeah, She and GD looked the same though they’re different creatures, 
why is that? Hmm..she shrugged the thought off for the meantime and temporarily conclude that 
maybe Martians just look similar to humans. She then returned her stare at the TV to check out 
what GD was watching.

“Hanbyul-ah, I’ve been longing to say you this...” the male lead spoke as he caressed the leading 
lady’s face with tenderness. Their eyes locked with each other. Their orbs were like speaking 
words to each other that only the two of them could understand

“Doongwook-ah” the lead female mumbled as the male lead stepped closer and she waited for him 
to continue his words.

‘I love you’ he finally said to her and a tear escaped from one of the female’s almond shaped eyes.

And Dara knew what was to happen next, so before it could affect the atmosphere between 
her and GD, she tried to get his attention away from the drama and convince him to change the 

“Aish! I think you should change the channel! Disney Junior’s more interesting than that” Dara 
persuaded as she tried to grab the remote away from him. But GD hoisted it far away from her.

“Nope. I don’t want” he declared and just stuck his tongue out at her.

“Anniya!? Give me!!” Dara still tried to reach the remote and GD still kept it away from her. Her 
body was no lying across his lap, still struggling to get the remote while GD kept his sitting posture 
with his eyes intently watching the romantic scene.

And slowly, the faces of the couple inched closer. Breaths caressing each other’s skin and eyes 
slowly closed as their lips were just a needle-breadth away. And finally, their soft lips met 
making the cold night warm for the two of them.

At the exact moment, GD pointed at the scene and told Dara to look.

“Look Dara” Dara absent mindedly turned to where he was pointing which was apparently at 
the TV and automatically her cheeks turned red upon seeing the kissing scene. 
She gulped and turned redder when she realized their position. She froze on the spot and 
realized he was stilled too. Both of their eyes fixed on the scene being flashed on the TV.

When the scene ended, their gaze met each other due to some ‘unexplainable force’. Dara 
could feel all the heat went straight to her face, she wondered how she looked right now. Maybe 
like a tomato who saw its tomato crush? She was just simply so red at the moment.

GD’s eyes met her brown orbs and he stared at her intently. They were like the couple in the 
TV with the way their orbs interact. Slowly he inched closer, his face coming nearer to hers. 
Dara tried to avert her gaze but at the end her eyes still ended up on him.

They were just itsy bitsy apart just one more move from any of them and their lips would 
definitely meet.

But before that could even happened, Dara hit GD’s head with her head. The impact made GD 
fell back on the couch and he massaged his aching forehead. Dara quickly jumped off him and 
ran away.

“Daraaaaaaa!!! I want to do that tooooo!!” he screamed as he stood up from the couch still 
with his hands aiding his forehead. When the ache diminished, GD began to ran and chased her.

When Dara saw him running towards her, she screamed too and dashed away.

“No!! Stay away!! Shoo shoo!!” Dara shrieked as they ran around the house. GD was running 
around with his arms spread wide, ready to capture her.

GD halted for a second, he tried to remember how you call that lip to lip action. He knew he 
read that in the books. He just knew he did.

“Ah, popo!” he mumbled and giggled to himself when he remembered how it was called before 
chasing Dara again.

“I want a popo!!!” he shouted out loud not minding if their neighbors could hear.

“Shhhhhh!!!!!” Dara stopped for a second but rest assured she was a number of steps away 
from GD’s reach. She propped one arm on her waist and then placed her index finger in front 
 to signal him to tone it down.

GD stopped on his tracks too and stomped his foot with his arms crossed.

“NO! NOT UNTIL I GET A POPO!!” he shouted and then pouted his lips very evidently.

“No way!!” Dara retorted back so GD began to shout again.


“SHHHHHHHH!!! Alright! Alright!” Dara exclaimed just to stop him from yelling out loud 
that he wanted a kiss.

GD’s expression quickly went to all smiles. His lips turned very thin as his smile reached his ears.

“Yey!!” he squealed. Dara scoffed and stride to his direction.

GD looked like a little kid waiting for his mother to give him his lollipop as his hands were 
kept at his back and his body swayed left to right. When Dara was now in front of him, his lips 
pouted again in a bit exaggerating way.

“Bad Martian, close your eyes!” she commanded and GD obediently followed. Dara tried to 
stifle her laughter at GD’s state. He looked like he was some high school girl waiting for her 
first kiss to be granted by her crush and She, Dara was like the crush. It was like the world 
was flipped.

As GD’s eyes were closed, Dara quietly and quickly reached for her purple plushie named 
Tamtam which was placed just a few inches away from them and then she quickly returned 
back to him.

Slowly, she inched the plushy’s face to GD’s lips. Then she produced a smooch sound as 
she gave GD a quick peck using the plushy. GD’s eyes snapped open and saw the giggling 
Dara. His brows formed a line, Dara tricked her!!

“BLEH~” Dara teased more and began to run away from him as she broke into a fit of laughter.

“DARAAAAAAAA!!!! POPO!!!” GD started to whine as he chased Dara again.



It's been a while. How are you people? ^o^
Okay. must. calm. down. Ohgoshhhh!!!! XD im so excited,
ill make sure that i wont miss this one time opportunity gaaaahhhh!!
And congrats to Malaysian peeps!! They're included too!! ^o^
I hope Big Bang goes to your countries as well!  \(^o^)/
Comment and subscribe! thanks!! ^o^
@AppleUra: OMG OH YES HE DOES!! And he's one talkative martian now. lels XD
@safiahazmi: Yes he can!! ^o^ Yey, hoorah for that!~ kkk :3
@SuperJ13: Me too!! If only i can just stare at the computer screen and
all the details of this story  would transport to the computer, Maybe
Earth would be a better place. Ohhhkay at what i said. LOLOL XD Hm about Ji and YB,
we'll see bt that *Wink wink* Oh and i hope this update answered ur question  ^~^
@yvoj87: Oh yeszszsz!! Hihi me too im excited! i just hope that laziness
would not hit me again so i could update as much as possible \(^o^)/
@Cindy08: Haaaaai!!! ~(^o^)~ im so glad to have a new reader :3
Aw thank u so much!! ^_^ Here's an update, I hope the update was able to answer your question ^^;
@alexaSaciao: YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!! lol u hit the jackpot XDDD trolol.
@nomorepokerface: Ohayo new reader kkkk~ ^o^ LOOOOOL. People didn't know
you were already speaking Martian hahaha! That's alright *wink wink*
I hope the update was able to understand your question :3 OH YES
@bubble_hearts: should we punish GD? lol i think dara already punished
him by not giving him a kiss. :3 kkkk :) Aww. :'( Me toooo!!!! huhu 
@g-topftw: Yes he can now!! XD kkkkk :P
LOL. *closes ur mouth so water wont spill* trololol. XD Oh yea, i see that.^^;;
Hi new username!! *waves* Q(^3^)
@gubuchanchan: Hm yes, Dara still attends school :3 Whhhuuuuut? Instense?
HAHAHA LOL. Well hm maybe it was kkkkkk. XP YES GD CAN NOW SPEAK ENGRISHHHU.
i hope the update clarified your queries ^3^
@iheartSOL: YES HE DOOOOEEES!!! OMOOO!! Lels. XDD Oh yes they are cute very cute
and i want to squish themmmmm!! :3 hehe i hope the update was able to answer your
question :D kkkkk ^^;
@gothiclolita: You are correct!!! Very gooodie XD
@mish4you25: LOL KEEP CALM OKAY? AND BREATHE DARAGON XDDD Hehehe ill try to keep posting updates ^(^0^)^
Til next time *wink wink*
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Thank you!
so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">