My Boyfriend Is From Mars


            In the vast area of the outer space, unknown to the people of the Earth, a war 
was being held between the Saturnians and the Martians. 

The two clans were having a territorial dispute over Venus. 

Venusians for the past light years had experienced dearth. And in this very present, their 
monarchy had given up and admitted they couldn’t govern their kingdom anymore and so they
had surrendered themselves to whichever planet that could conquer them.

“Son, Me and your mother had already told you that it’s okay if you don’t join the war. Me and the
 soldiers could handle it. And furthermore, a war is too dangerous for you to indulge in” Martian King YG 
told his son, GD.

“Your father is right my dear prince. What if something bad happens to you out there? I don’t think I, 
your mother can handle that.”  Queen EJ added as she approached her son and reached for his face.

Prince GD took her mother’s hand in his and spoke, “Please don’t worry about me and just trust
 your son. I know I’m old enough and I want to do something for our alien-kind, so please let me 
join the war your highness.” GD enthusiastically said and looked at her mother’s eyes directly then
 to his father, he was trying to let them see his determination. His actions didn’t fail and GD’s parents
 accepted what their son wanted to do.

Queen EJ could only let out a small sigh as she took his son in her arms and gave him a tight hug. 
After which she let him go and turned to look at her husband and gave him a nod.  

King YG responded with a nod and reached out his arm telling his son to come over. GD approached
 his father and together they walked to the exit of their lair.


The war against the Saturnians was intense. The place was a complete chaos. But despite the havoc,
 Prince GD was effectively leading the troupe of Martian soldiers. He was good, he excellently 
maneuvered not only his ship but as well as the whole team. The strategies he had planned were 
transformed into commands and these commands were turned into attacks. Attacks which helped 
them become a step ahead of the Saturnians.

 ordered one of the ships through the CSR VXX.0 (Communication System Radio Ver. Double X Zero 
*/lol I invented that one/*)

“Got it!” DS answered back. After the count of three, DS’s ship aimed the oom blast to 
the Saturnians.

GD was too engrossed with the war that he didn’t notice a huge flaming meteoroid was fast approaching 
his ship. And soon the blazing ball of mass hit GD’s ship. GD became aware of it when the system 
of his utility alarmed, loud sounds of siren and red lights flashing filled the place. GD tried to connect
with the soldiers to ask for help but the meteoroid had made a big damage to his ship so he couldn’t 
contact them properly, the line always got cut.

“DAYUUUUUM!!!” he yelled out of frustration.

He tried to push some buttons but nothing happened. In the middle of his panic state, a heavy hard 
thing, probably an equipment, fell on GD’s head causing him to be unconscious. And then everything
turned black.



It was a Friday night and Dara was lying down on the couch as she watched T.V and waited for 
something to arrive. She flipped from channel to channel as she looked for something interesting
 to watch to busy herself with. Failing to do so she ended up watching a news report and it was 
telling about the weather. With a bored face, she looked at the TV and tried to watch the program.

“Expect to have a stormy weather tonight with heavy rainfall and slight chance of thunderstorm. 
So we suggest everyone to stay inside their homes….” the weather forecaster said.

Dara only yawned after hearing all the reporter had to say. Her eyes fluttered as sleepiness slowly 
crawled in her system. She shifted in her position and her hand reached for the bowl of popcorn 
on the floor. When her hand felt nothing was left in the bowl, she just sighed and left her hand 
stay like that.

Soon enough, droplets of rain began to pour and along with this, Dara slowly dozed off to sleep. 
In no time she was already snoring as she lied down flat on her stomach and one of her arms 
dangled beside the couch.



GD’s ship crashed and fell on the Earth’s surface. Soon, GD awoke. He was lying on his stomach 
when he gained consciousness. His eyes opened slowly and he let out a groan when he felt pain
 at some parts of his body. He shifted his frame a bit and he noticed his ship wrecked. He knew
 it could possibly destruct and explode. So he crawled out of it. Once he got away from the vehicle,
 he tried to sit and looked at his surrounding. He became aware that he wasn’t on Mars anymore.

“Where in the Milky way am I?” he mumbled. Then his hands felt something soft, a bit humid and
 rough under his touch. He looked down and he saw some green and slender spikelets under his 
hands and beneath him. He took a fistful of it and examined the green stuff. He took it near his 
nose and smelled it. His nose scrunched and he pulled his hand away at once when he didn’t like 
the smell of the green thing.

‘What the blingidowdow was that?! Smells as awful as that grass we experimented way back in 
science class!’ he said in his mind. Then he jerked all of a sudden as memories dawned at him,
 the things he learned from their Science class flashed back in his mind. He remembered when 
they studied about the other heavenly bodies. The teacher made them study different stuffs 
from different planets, and one of those was this green thing and it was from….


‘I’m on Earth…’ he finally knew. As he sat quietly there, a droplet of water landed on his 
skin and interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and more droplets of water came falling 
down from the dark clouds. When the pouring got harder he little by little tried to get himself 
up and looked for some shelter. He difficultly walked til he reached a plain surface not anymore
 covered with grass. The surface was hard and rough. And it was wet because of the falling 
water from above. The path ahead was dark and was dimmed by orange balls held on top by 
high poles.

‘What are those? Stars on a stick?? Aish Earthlings are weird, speaking of them, 
why can’t I see one?! Are they invisible or something??’ 

He walked further, trying to look for shelter and a possible creature that could help him. 
Then he reached a place filled with unmoving huge structures. They seem to be rocks 
sculpted into different forms.

‘Ah those probably are lairs…eh? But wait, aren’t lairs supposed to be made out of steel? 
Gosh, Earthlings are low tech… like hello? Rocks? Seriously? ’  he thought.

He roamed his eyes around then suddenly a fork of lightning flashed across the dark sky together
 with a roaring thunder. The light of the lightning led his eyes towards one particular spot. He 
focused his eyes there, and he saw a big solid squared shaped object in front of one of those ‘lairs’.
 It looked like a big container. An idea popped in his mind and he quickly went to the object.

He stood in front of the object and stared at it for a moment. He touched it carefully, checking
 if it was safe. Once he knew it was alright, he reached for the flap and flipped it open. He saw 
a number of hard rectangular things inside and got one. He checked it, ran his fingers across 
the cover and traced the figures printed on it. He flipped the cover open and found lots of thin
 sheets inside. When he found the rectangular material not interesting he tossed it away and 
grabbed another one from the box. When he discovered they were all the same, he threw 
them all behind until nothing was left inside the huge container.

“Okay, this would be my temporary lair~” he announced to himself as he climbed inside 
the container.

Once he got in, he flipped the flap close and settled himself.

“Stupid freakin water falling from the skies, made me so wet and cold! Aish” he murmured 
as he hugged himself, he was trying to warm himself. Then again he felt the pain from some parts 
of his body. He saw he got some wounds but didn’t worry much because he could cure them if 
he wanted to, but he’s tired now to do so. Anyways, they’d heal tomorrow for sure. What he was 
worrying about was how he’s going to go back to Mars.

But for the meantime, he shrugged his thoughts off and calmed. He tried to take some sleep 
and rest because today was helluva tiring and a lot of ATP was lost in his body.


Here's the first chappie~ kkkk. So to clear things up,
Martians' names are only composed of two letters. Like GD's and YG's. 
Then the Queen's name is EJ because remember, YG's wife's name in real life is EunJoo? 
The initials of her name are E and J so yeah. And LT. COLONEL DS there was DaeSung, okie dokie?
LOL sorry if i had to make up a lame naming system and as well as those weird terms such as,
SATURNIANS, VENUSIANS, OOM BLAST, CSR V.XX0, and etc. Hehehe. btw, I did two chapters tonight 
because you guys motivated me, like woah, 30+ subbies in a short span of time plus the comments! O-O
HUG YOU ALL >:D< Kamshamnidaaaaa~ Okay. Ill stop blabbering nao. :| Click Next to read le chap two :D

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so i checked this fic and i saw that chap 10 had this 'M' stuff. GUYS THIS AINT RATED ORYT? idk what happened TOT btw, i fixed it already so yeah hehe


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 12: Pls don't abandoned this story authornim ❤️
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 12: Authornim why you didn't update this story? Please update soon. I like it.
Maria0801 #3
Chapter 12: ommo.. will u update this one, author-nim? i find it cute~
Denise97 #5
Chapter 12: Omoo i thought it was complete already.. Please update :( I wanna see jiyongiee realize his feelings
Mayrah20_5 #6
pleaseeee updateee soon :(
Sara_yong #7
Chapter 12: I just read this story, and I freaking love it!! Update soon author-nim, nae?…♡♡
Chapter 12: awwww....poor jiyongie...mean dara is mean...:(
Chapter 12: OMG! You finally updated! :D
Aigooo... Jiyong don't leave Dara! Youngbae was rejected and you have the opportunity. Aigoo AIGOOO~ just hope that He won't leave Dara or Youngbae won't even think twice to get back Dara. :">