I accept

Pretending to be Gay isn't that Easy!

Myungsoo's P.O.V

The sun shined in my eyes as I tiredly opened them. I sighed and sat down on my bed and rubbed my eyes, rubbing the sleepiness out of them. 

When I was sure that I was awake I looked around my room and stretched. Noticing that I was still in my uniform and fell asleep without bothering to change. 

I was about to get off of my bed when the door of my room opened with a loud slam making me jump slightly at the sound. I turned my head at the origin of the sound and found my mom looking at me with a pissed off look, uh oh, what did I do? 

"Mom... what are you doing here? This early in the morning?" 

"Early? Early?! Are you freaking blind Kim ing Myungsoo?! It's past 8 a.m. young man! You are late!" she yelled at me, her face screaming that she was pissed. I covered my ears to muffle all the cursing and screams umma throwed at me. Honestly, a woman her age shouldn't curse that much. Tho, it was laughable at times. 

I sighed in relief when she was done lecturing me about that i shouldn't be late and that I should listen when she talking and blah blah blah. 

I sighed again and walked to my own personal bathroom. I closed the door behind me and looked at the reflection in the mirror thinking I looked pretty horrible.

Big eyebags under my eyes, my milky white skin even paler than usual etc etc. 

I the water and washed my face. I grabbed a towel and dried my face and looked a little bit refreshed. I brushed my teeth and was about to undress and take a hot and steamy shower when--

"Kim Myungsoo! Don't even dare to take a shower when you're already this late!" 

I sighed again, no shower it is then. 

I quickly did my morning ritual after that. I don't want to have another sea of curses coming at my face. 

I grabbed my bag and swinged it on my shoulder,  "Bye mom!" I yelled when I closed the door behind me.

Being not in the mood to go to school I started walking to the arcade. I was already late anyway, why should I still go to school if I will only get detention?

I looked at my watch before going inside the arcade, 9:15 am huh? That means homeroom is busy now. 

Then suddenly, pictures of Sungyeol came back in my head. About what happened yesterday. 

Thinking it all through I thought that going to school shouldn't be that bad now. The only place that I can talk to him is school.

I turned around and walked outside the arcade when a hand creeped on my shoulder and forcefully turned me around. 

I looked at the person and sighed, "Woohyun! What are you doing here?!" 

"I could ask the same thing you know!"

"But I asked earlier!" 

Woohyun's nose twitched like it would always do when he was pissed, "I couldn't come in the clasroom," he said. 

"Huh? Why?" I asked, being utterly confused.

"Well," he started talking and crossed his arms, "The most popular guy in school kissed a guy yesterday saying that they were dating. Of course, this spread throughout the ENTIRE school. So, this morning, in front of that popular guy's classroom which is also my classroom was filled with his fangirls waiting for him to come." 

My eyes twitched and I sighed deeply, "Sorry," I said. I didn't know what to say so I said that.

"It's  fine. I have two dates with me because of this," he said and a big grin was plastered on his face.

I looked around but I didn't see a sign of girls here outside. Maybe they are inside. I was curious, so I asked. "Where are they then?" 

Woohyun grinned and yelled, "Ladies!" and within a second two girls were standing next to him.

One had blond hair till her waist, a shirt were you perfectly can see her cleavage and a skirt that should be prohibited in Korea. The other one was a little but more decent then the other. She had brown hair and a shirt that was practically glued to her and jeans on who were way to tight on her. Both had high heels on and non of them looked like high school girls. More like college girls. 

"I.. I need to go.." before Woohyun could say anything else I escaped from him. I'm not in the mood to talk to some s. 

After a good 20 minutes of walking I stood in front of my classroom. Before I stepped into my classroom I looked at my watch again. 9.30 am. I sighed and opened the door more loudly then I had liked. 

In an instant, all the eyes in the classroom turned to me. Some started whispering nasty things, some were just looking at me with disgust clearly stated on their face and the other didn't even wanted to look at me. 

Today is going to be a great day. Like hell it will. 

I sighed and ignored the teacher that asked why I was this late. I started walking to the seat next to Sungyeol. I sat down and looked at him seeing that he's avoiding me. 

When I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote something down on it as the teacher started giving the class less like he did before I came into the scene. 

I tossed the small piece of paper that I folded neatly to Sungyeol's table without anyone noticing it.

When Sungyeol found the letter on his desk his head shot to me and his eyes bulged out. 

I made a movement that said that he should read it and when he did so, his face was more priceless than any thing in this damn screwed up world.


Authors Note


Sorry about the delay of this chapter! And I don't really have an excuse, just that I had writers block.

/stabs writers block with a knife. ;-; 

but after a long day of writing I managed to finish it!

I hope you liked it and please do subscribe  and comment /if I still have readers that is. ;o;

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Youareamazing #1
Chapter 8: It's embarrassing that you hate so-called "s" so much. Is it because you're an ugly, lonely loser who is never getting a boyfriend?
subreddit #2
Chapter 13: update juseyo
Chapter 13: Authornim please update soon this story is so nice!
angelnguyenzy #4
Chapter 13: el oh el. i heart this
Omo the story sounds great already from the description!!
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaaargh this story is so great asdfyskhjnk I don't know what to say :$
kurami #7
Please update > <
koalaSoo #8
Chapter 13: update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....and more myungyeol moment...I really love those two dorks....( ♥3 ( ♥ .♥ )...

p.s: be easy on my heart authority because don't like it when somebody is in myungyeol way to be together....kekeke
Chapter 13: hii im a new fan of your of your fanfic plz plz plz update im really exited
Chapter 13: Update soon pleaseeeee? Jaeballlllll!!