Private Shower Time

Pretending to be Gay isn't that Easy!

okay. first of all, this chapter is dedicated to HyunAe_oo1 for actually asking something about my story. 

And sorry babies for being so late with the update, and the update is so short too. ;__; and so crappy, i'm totally not happy with this chapter. /sobs. 

Oh well, i hope you'll like it. c; 

Third Person's P.O.V


Both of the young males were sitting at the kitchen table having their breakfast in silence. Sungyeol was poking his food with his fork while Myungsoo was digging in. 

Sungyeol sighed again for god know's how many times now and looked up from his board, only to see Myungsoo staring, "W-What?" he said trying to sound confident but failed. 

"I never thought someone like you would be... gay," Sungyeol narrowed his eyes in a death glare, "I'm not gay, you ," "Oh, really?" Myungsoo rested his elbow on the table, his chin on the palm of his hand staring intensely at the other, "Then why did you ask me? You also could've picked Yoona," he said in a matter of factly tone. 

Sungyeol just shrugged and looked back down at his food, his eyebrows furrowing. It was indeed possible for him to choose Yoona or any other girl in the school to become his fiancée. But honestly, he never thought of making any of them as his fiancée. He cracked his brains for a good excuse, "I don't like that type of girls... but why would you care?" this time it was Myungsoo's time to shrug, "Just because." 

"Uh huh, sure," Sungyeol said as the awkwardness started to grow between the two of them. After a few minutes of silence, Sungyeol stood up from his seat, he looked down at Myungsoo, "I'm done. Hurry up and change in your uniform, school's starting soon." 

The younger just looked at Sungyeol, his eyes filled with confusion as he tilted his head to his side, questioning the other, "Isn't it... Saturday? Like, there's no school today?" 

Sungyeol's cheeks became a light red color as realization hit him, "I-I knew that!" Sungyeol tried his voice to sound confident and sure of what he's saying but it came out like a stutter. He bit his lower lip as he turned around, leaving his plate with untouched food at the counter. 

He couldn't eat. He couldn't eat at all. I mean, come on, who can eat if some guy you met a few days ago - who is also soon to become your fiance - is staring at you whenever he's chewing on his food? Answer; no one. 

Sungyeol sighed in himself while he was walking on the stairs with heavy steps, leaving Myungsoo by himself. He violently opened the door of his bedroom, grabbed a towel and some nice, clean clothes. Sungyeol stood in front of the door of his private bathroom when he glanced back to the used bed. Sungyeol shook his head and sighed deeply. No, no, no! I can't have fallen for him already, can I? Yesterday's feelings were all just fake, I was confused because of Sunggyu! Yeah... yeah, that must be it! Sungyeol thought and smiled big, he opened the door and strolled inside. 

He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side, not caring were it would end up at, the sound of pants being ped filled the room and Sungyeol pulled his pants out of his legs. Soon he was stark . 

Sungyeol walked to the shower but stopped walking midway to look at the giant mirrow that is spread all across the wall. He tousled his hair and put on a y expression, "Damn, Yeollie. You look fine!" Sungyeol said in a deep voice, eyeing himself up and down in the mirror, bursting out in a fit of laughter. He shook his head still laughing as he walked to the shower. 

He turner the shower on and turned it on the heat he liked, not too cold and not too warm. He put his hand under the water and muttured, "Perfect," before stepping into the water. He let out a sigh of relief when the water hit his back. He tossed his head back, letting the water soak his hair. He let his eyes fall close as he enjoyed how the water hit and soaked his body. He was about to grab the soap when the door of the bathroom slammed open. His eyes shot open in shock, he opened the curtain just a little - so only his head was visible - and widened his eyes in shock as he saw Myungsoo. 

"W-What are you d-doing?" Sungyeol said and looked at Myungsoo, his face screaming confusion. Myungsoo stared back at the older, his eyes dubbling it's size and a faint tint of pink covered his cheeks. It was so faint and light, even Sungyeol didn't see it, "I... I didn't know you were..." he gulped his saliva, "Showering..." he said softly. Sungyeol sighed loudly. He was not in his room and also not downstairs. What else could he be doing? I mean, come on... you can hear the shower running inside his room! How could Myungsoo now know?

While the older was too engrossed in his own thoughts he didn't notice the figure that was standing right in front of him now. The totally , no clothes covering his body with a noticable smirk on his face. He lifted his head up once only to stumble backwards in complete and utter shock. His back pressed against the wall and his hands covering his manhood in reflection as Myungsoo entered the shower.

"What the are you dong, get the hell out of here!" Sungyeol yelled at the other and tried to push him away but with avail. "Awh, come on, my fiancée~," Myungsoo said in a whiny voice, "We're both dudes, what's the problem?" Sungyeol opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it, opened it again, but closed it again. He was sure he looked like a freaking at the moment.  

Sungyeol bit his bottom lip, forcing himself to look at Myungsoo's face and not... down there, "J-Just g-go, Myung!" Sungyeol said as he placed both of his hands on Myungsoo's chest, trying to push him away. Myungsoo just let out a loud chortle and placed a hand on Sungyeol's chin, making Sungyeol looking at him straight in the eyes. Myungsoo didn't want to admit it but, seeing Sungyeol like that was making his stomach turn. 

Sungyeol just huffed and puffed out his cheeks, getting no reaction from the other. Sungyeol crossed his arms and gave Myungsoo a look, "If you don't leave then I will!" Sungyeol pushed Myungsoo aside, stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel, wrapping it firmly around his waist. Shooting Myungsoo a dirty look before leaving the bathroom. 

He grabbed a random pair of clothes before leaving his bedroom to go to another room. He wouldn't want Myungsoo to walk on on him while he was chaning clothes right? No, he wouldn't want that. 

What he didn't expect though was the arms wrapping tightly around his neck when he stepped out of his room. The perfume, the long wavy red hair... it was all too familiar, "H-Hyuna..." 


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Youareamazing #1
Chapter 8: It's embarrassing that you hate so-called "s" so much. Is it because you're an ugly, lonely loser who is never getting a boyfriend?
subreddit #2
Chapter 13: update juseyo
Chapter 13: Authornim please update soon this story is so nice!
angelnguyenzy #4
Chapter 13: el oh el. i heart this
Omo the story sounds great already from the description!!
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaaargh this story is so great asdfyskhjnk I don't know what to say :$
kurami #7
Please update > <
koalaSoo #8
Chapter 13: update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....and more myungyeol moment...I really love those two dorks....( ♥3 ( ♥ .♥ )...

p.s: be easy on my heart authority because don't like it when somebody is in myungyeol way to be together....kekeke
Chapter 13: hii im a new fan of your of your fanfic plz plz plz update im really exited
Chapter 13: Update soon pleaseeeee? Jaeballlllll!!