So this is Love...

Pretending to be Gay isn't that Easy!

Thirth Person's P.O.V

The unknown guy pressed his lips on Sunggyu's soft and plump lips and kissed him. Sunggyu widened his eyes in shock and placed his hands on the unknown guy's chest. He tried to push him away but with avail. That guy was too strong for him. 

The unknown guy wrapped his arms around Sunggyu's neck and pressed his body against Sunggyu. Without Sunggyu noticing he wrapped his arms around the guy's waist and pulled him even closer. Sunggyu felt the guys lips curled up in a smirk. 

The unknown guy bit Sunggyu's underlip, asking for entrance but Sunggyu didn't let him. He kept his lips shut. 

But when he felt a hand slipping inside of his shirt, caressing his skin, his eyes shot open and abruptly pushed him away, "W-What are y-you doing?!" he yelled and Sunggyu mentally cursed himself for stuttering and wiped his lips, desperately trying to get the sweetness of the guy's lips away, "Hmm... baby..." the guy said and came closer to him again and as Sunggyu was already pressed on the wall he couldn't step back. 

The guy placed both of his arms at both side of Sunggyu's head and pressed his body once again on his, making it impossible to leave for Sunggyu to escape. 

"You know you like it," he whispered in Sunggyu's ear and kissed him again , this time a little rougher. The unknown guy bit Sunggyu's underlip rather harshly, making him gasp and he took this opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth, exploring his hot cavern. 

Sunggyu couldn't take it anymore, the temptation was to much for him. Soon, he found himself kissing him back, on the unknown guy's tongue making the latter moan softly. Sunggyu was surprised to hear him moan but this just gave him confidence and harder on the guy's tongue.

​After a few minutes of hot kissing they both pulled away, needing oxygen to fill their already burning lungs. 

​Sunggyu looked at the guy in front of him, noticing that he was a little shorter than himself, not by much though, only by 2 cm he guessed. He couldn't see his face clearly as it was already really late and dark outside but he knew for sure that the shorter one's eyes were filled with lust. 

Sunggyu didn't notice that a hand slipped in one of his pockets and the shorter one secretly put his phone number in his cell phone and the shorther guy also remembered Sunggyu's number who was saved as 'TheHandsomSunggyu', he couldn't help but chuckle lightly, "Baby, I need to go now. Don't miss me to much," the shorter one said when he was done with Sunggyu's phone, he put the phone back were it belonged and pecked the taller one's lips, winked at him and made him blush. 

The shorter one chuckled softly, "Oh, and the name is Woohyun. See you soon, handsome," and he walked off.

Woohyun's P.O.V

I had a frown on my face when I was walking back to my house. Why had I given him my number? Why did I even pretend to be drunk and kissed him like that? I really don't know. I'm not even gay! But he had a look in his eyes, that I couldn't explain, I just wanted to touch him and feel him up. It was like I was possessed with a ghost.

I sighed when I entered my house, okay, my mansion, and throwed my leather jacket on the couch and sat down, my thoughts soon drifted back to him, Sunggyu was his name, I saw it on his phone. 
I couldn't help but chuckle again as he remembered how he himself saved his number as 'TheHandsomeSunggyu'. 

​I grabbed my phone and thanked god that I had such a great brain. I saved Sunggyu's phone number in my phone and after thinking some time, decided I to text him,


​To HandsomeGyu

From Namstar

​Sleep well baby <3 Dream of me & see you soon, handsome. ;)


​Crap, I think that I already fell in love with him... but I'm not gay, right? Oh well, I'll be gay for him.

​Sunggyu's P.O.V

I sighed as I was lying in bed, desperately trying to find some sleep but I just couldn't fall asleep. When I was about to sleep I heard my phone ringing, singnang that there's a message. 

I sighed and grabbed the my phone that was located under my pillow and seeing that I got a message from 'y Woohyun'. I frowned and I was pretty sure I didn't have someone saved in my phone with that name. 

I cracked my brain and gasped when I finnaly got who that person was, "The guy from before!" 

I sighed and wondered how he got my number but just shrugged it off, thinking he grabbed my phone when I was staring at him... 

I sighed and just opened the message, "He called me baby?! It's not like I will ever see him again," I sighed again and decided tot text him back. 


To y Woohyun

From Handsome Sunggyu

Don't text me again & leave me alone, you ert!


Thirth Person's P.O.V

What Sunngyu didn't know was is that that Woohyun hoped to get a reply and when he finally got one, he couldn't help it but be happy.
Even though the text didn't say much and Sunggyu called him a ert. He was still happy.

Aahh, so this is love, huh? Woohyun thought. 

Woohyun squealed in happiness because he finally met that special someone, his first love, made him all giddy, fuzzy and warm on the inside. With this pleasant feeling fell he asleep.

The next morning, when Sungyeol woke up, he found an arm still draped around his waist and sighed loudly. He pushed to arm away but it magically returned to its place. Sungyeol blinked his eyes in confusion, "Don't tell me... he's awake...?" Sungyeol mumbled softly, him himself almost couldn't hear it but the boy, who was clearly awake, could hear him, "Yeah, I'm awake," Myungsoo said. 

"Then put your arm away goddamnit," Sungyeol said and Myungsoo did as Sungyeol told him and pulled his arm back to himself and rested them behind his head, lying on his back on the bed. 

​There was this awkward silence between them and Myungsoo broke it first, "Honestly... your house... it's huge," 

"What do you have at a big house when no one is hear to keep you company, umma and appa are alsways gone, they're never here,"

"You don't have any siblings?"

"I do."

"Then why isn't he or she here?"

"It's a she and she's studying abroad," Sungyeol sighed, "Aahh, I can't believe it, she is 16 but already lives on her own," Sungyeol said and sat down. He scooted back till his back rested on the headboard. 

​"What is her name?" Myungsoo then asked. 

"Sulli, and she's one big spoiled brat," Myungsoo then also sat up and scooted next to Sungyeol. Sungyeol turned his head to Myungsoo and smiled a sad smile, "But I still miss and love her..." Myungsoo nodded in understanding and kept quiet. Sungyeol had a sad look on his face and was about to cry and that didn't come unnoticed at the younger boy. The latter pulled Sungyeol into a big and comforting hug and Sungyeol's hair. The older of the two relaxed at his touch and rested his head on Myungsoo's broad chest making him blush when, "KYYAAAAA!" a deafening squeal was heard. 

Both boys turned their heads at the origin of the sound and both sighed in unison when they saw Sungyeol's mother squealing and spazzing, "Ummaaa!~" Sungyeol whined, "What are you doing here?!" Sungyeol pushed himself of off Myungsoo and got out of his bed, he blushed an even deeper shade of red and his heart was beating in a very, very fast tempo.

"Aah, I'm sorry son. I thought you guys would be asleep and that I could've taken a picture of you two," she said and let Sungyeol and Myungsoo see the digital camera that was in her hands, "And the main reason that I am here is that breakfast is ready and I need to go now," she said and pecked her son's forehead, "Ah, arasso," Sungyeol said and smiled while in the back of his head he was thinking that he didn't want his mother to go already. She always leaves early and comes home really late, yesterday and the day before were just her day off. 

Myungsoo bid goodbye to Sungyeol's mother and she left, letting Myungsoo and Sungyeol alone in the mansions as Sunggyu wasn't there yet. 

Sungyeol's umma smirked and laughed evily when she drove to her company. 


Author's Note

​i know i'm late with this chapter but forgive me ;a;
​i was done waaaay before this but i hated it so i decided to start anew.
anyway, i hope you like it but i personally think it's confusing so questions? don't hesitate to ask me c:
i'm a nice person.
​oh and i'm going on vacation starting tomorrow, YAAY! \o/ 
​i needed it, ah, i can already see my three weeks of relaxing in dubai. i can't waitt! asdfghjkl! 
/cough. anywayss, that means not that much updates, mian~
but please do comment and subscribe ^^ 
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Youareamazing #1
Chapter 8: It's embarrassing that you hate so-called "s" so much. Is it because you're an ugly, lonely loser who is never getting a boyfriend?
subreddit #2
Chapter 13: update juseyo
Chapter 13: Authornim please update soon this story is so nice!
angelnguyenzy #4
Chapter 13: el oh el. i heart this
Omo the story sounds great already from the description!!
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaaargh this story is so great asdfyskhjnk I don't know what to say :$
kurami #7
Please update > <
koalaSoo #8
Chapter 13: update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....and more myungyeol moment...I really love those two dorks....( ♥3 ( ♥ .♥ )...

p.s: be easy on my heart authority because don't like it when somebody is in myungyeol way to be together....kekeke
Chapter 13: hii im a new fan of your of your fanfic plz plz plz update im really exited
Chapter 13: Update soon pleaseeeee? Jaeballlllll!!