I'm gay!

Pretending to be Gay isn't that Easy!

Narrator's P.O.V 

It was just the same old day for Myungsoo.

The sun shined as he walked on the street, on his way to school. The birds flied in the sky and children were playing as they walked to primary school.

Nothing strange or weird going on.

He let out a deep sigh as he saw the view of his school from a far.

His school is actually a really prestigious one, even though Myungsoo isn't rich, he did got accepted with a scholar ship.

He tried hard for it and now he's in the school that he wished for joining.

To bad he got the title of the biggest player.

I hope that of a Yoona won't annoy me today.. He sighed and walked further when suddenly, he heard quick footsteps behind him and an arm swung around his shoulder.

"Annyeong Myungsoo~" It was his friend Woohyun.

They knew each other since they were little, since they were 6 to be exact.

Woohyun's dad got a job offer in Seoul and so they moved to here. Woohyun got in the same school and class as him, that's how the two of them met.

Now, 10 years later, still the best of friends.

"Annyeong Namgrease." He smirked and walked further away from him, leaving Woohyun with his mouth hung open behind him.

"Y-yah!" Woohyun yelled and ran after his best friend. "You know I don't like to be called like that!"

He gave Myungsoo a light push on the shoulder. Myungsoo laughed and continued walking.

After a few minutes of walking in silence they entered the school campus.

"Yah did you hear?" Woohyun suddenly asked.

"Heard what?" Myungsoo replied, not knowing what he is talking about.

"About this new transfer student coming into our class, it seems like he's a real hottie." He winked and nudged his elbow at him, "Maybe you could 'hang out' with him, if you know what I mean." He grinned and Myungsoo pushed him away.

"I'm not gay, pabo!" Myungoo laughed, "..... I never heard we would get a new kid in class."

"Dude... you're slow!"

"Shut up!" Myungsoo smacked him on the head when he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder.

God... if this is Yoona, please kill me now. Myungsoo thought and let out a sigh when he saw it was indeed Yoona.

"Well... uhh, I'll leave you two guys alone." Woohyun winked and runned away.

You goddamn, loser, Namgrease, greasy, player and betrayer! Myungsoo screamed at Woohyun in his head. I'll kill him for doing this to me!

While Myungsoo was planning Woohyun's dead in detail Yoona butted in, "Oppa, how are you today ~!" She asked and he just wanted to throw up.

"I'm fine." Before I saw your face. "Hmm, that's good oppa! Btw, did you thought of my proposal." She said and came closer, drawing random patterns on his chest.

Ieuwll, gross.

"I'm not going to date you," he bluntly said.

"But why?!" She looked offended. "I'm rich, I'm hot, I'm the queenka, I'm the perfect definition of perfection! What more do you want?!" Yoona yelled making the students that were chatting happily with their friends looking at them, clearly interested.

 "Oppa, oppa please! Just date me! I really love you!" Yoona said as she looked at him with big puppy eyes. 

Ugh, I hate girls like this. Especially if they confess in the middle of the campus, don't they have any dignity. Myungsoo sighed and runned his fingers through his hair.

"No, I don't like you. I like someone else in fact." He lied to her, but yeah, it is her fault that he's lying now.

"Really?! Who's this person that you like then, oppa?" She asked and smirked at him like she didn't believe what he just said. 

Goddamn, why is this so annoying. He thought and stared into space thinking how he should react at this question when suddenly, he got this idea. 

Myungsoo's P.O.V 

I grabbed someone, I don't know who, that just walked by by the arm and pulled that person next to me. 

"I love this person, arasso?" 

"But, but oppa! That's a guy! You can't be gay!" 

What is this chick talking about? I slowly turned my head to see a face, a guy's face, who looked really shocked at me.

His mouth hung open, a sweat drop trickling down his face and his left eye twitching. His face clearly saying 'What the is this dude talking about!' Even with all that, he still looked hot... Myungsoo shook the thought out of his head and faced Yoona again.

"Uhh... yeah, that's right! I'm gay!" 

"What the ..." The guy next to me and the people that were staring at us from a far mumbled.

Here goes my reputation...

I pulled the taller boy by his arm and wrapped my arm around his waist.

"This is my boyfriend, Yoona. So leave me the alone!" I said with a harsh tone in my voice.

Honestly, I felt bad about doing this. I probably hurt her, a lot, and ruined my reputation too. 

From the corner of my eyes I saw the taller boy nodding, letting me know that he understood the situation that he was just placed in.

I hope that he'll play along with me. 

"Oh yeah!" Yoona started and balled her hands in fists. "Prove it!" She yelled. 

Prove it? How the should I do that? 

I was in a little state of panic when, suddenly, a hand grabbed my chin and before I knew it. 

The boy's lips were pressed on mine.

It was soft... 

It was nice...

He smelled nice...

My eyes fluttered close...

I kissed back...

And I actually liked it...

God... what the is wrong with me?



God.. that was so unexpected ><

But either way, this chapter is a bit crappy and boring. Sorry about that but it will become better later! I promise! 

Please continue to support this fic~! 

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Youareamazing #1
Chapter 8: It's embarrassing that you hate so-called "s" so much. Is it because you're an ugly, lonely loser who is never getting a boyfriend?
subreddit #2
Chapter 13: update juseyo
Chapter 13: Authornim please update soon this story is so nice!
angelnguyenzy #4
Chapter 13: el oh el. i heart this
Omo the story sounds great already from the description!!
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaaargh this story is so great asdfyskhjnk I don't know what to say :$
kurami #7
Please update > <
koalaSoo #8
Chapter 13: update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....and more myungyeol moment...I really love those two dorks....( ♥3 ( ♥ .♥ )...

p.s: be easy on my heart authority because don't like it when somebody is in myungyeol way to be together....kekeke
Chapter 13: hii im a new fan of your of your fanfic plz plz plz update im really exited
Chapter 13: Update soon pleaseeeee? Jaeballlllll!!