Moving in + A Date ?

Pretending to be Gay isn't that Easy!

Sungyeol looked confused at the bag who was dropped on the floor, in front of his feet. He pointed a trembling finger to it then pointed that finger to the person who dropped that bag, then pointed it back to the bag. His mouth opened and closed; just like a fish on dry land. His throat felt soar as he said with a hoarse voice, breaking the silence in the progress, "W-What's the meaning of this?"

Myungsoo just shrugged his shoulders and a smirk plastered on his face, "What does it look like? I'm obviously moving in, jagiya," Myungsoo said and walked past Sungyeol. Of course not forgetting to wink at the perplexed boy and brush his shoulder against the other one's as he trotted his way as he remembered was the kitchen. 

He opened the fridge, his eyes searching for that delicious pack of milk he so wanted to drink right now. Not many people know, but he kind of has a milk addiction. Weird? He knows. But that doesn't mean he cares. He felt the corner of his lips twitch before he grabbed the carton of milk. His eyes darted from one of the many cabins in this kitchen, wondering where the freaking hell the glasses would be located.

Sighing as he didn't want to spend the whole late afternoon in the kitchen figuring out what was located where. He put the carton of milk on the counter as he turned around, walking to the living room where he was just a few minutes ago. He opened the door of the living room and peeked inside. He chuckles as he was Sungyeol still standing at the exact same place and the exact same expression on his face of when he left him. It was like he didn't move a muscle, frozen from the shock. Cute. 

Even if Myungsoo thought that Sungyeol looked like the cutest person on earth right now and he wouldn't mind watching him the entire late afternoon or evening; depends on how you want to call it, but he can't just watch him like that. Yes, I can. But he won't.  

Sungyeol jumped as he heard Myungsoo clearing his throat, finally not frozen to his place anymore. He turned around, eyes wide and stared a few minutes before he too cleared his troath, "What do you want?" "Where are the glasses located," Myungsoo asked. Sungyeol shook his head, grabbed th bag of the floor and throwed it on the couch. He walked past Myungsoo into the big kitchen, motioning to the younger to follow him. 

As Sungyeol was busy giving Myungsoo a small tour around his kitchen and later around his whole mansion, Woohyun was in his bed, covered by his blanket. He kept sending daggers to the device in his hand. He kept staring and staring, hoping that the screen would light up, telling him that there was a message that came in. 

He frustratingly groaned and tossed his mobile phone to the side, mumbling curse words under his breath. Why wouldn't Sunggyu message him back? A small pout formed on his lips. Woohyun sent a lot of messages this afternoon, but none got a reply. But quickly, that pout formed into a smirk as a idea popped into his head. 

He reached out for his mobile phone and smiled as he felt it with his fingertips, he dialed the number he put in his phone yesterday night and obnoxiously waited for the other one to just god damn pick up his call. After sometime which felt like centuries to him, the other picked up and said with an annoyed tone, "Hello?". 

Woohyun stayed quiet. He doesn't know why, he just stayed quiet. He wanted to talk to the other, but his mouth just wouldn't work with him and his hands started to get sweaty. Am I nervous? He thought but quickly shoved that thought aside. The great and almighty Woohyun nervous? Pfft. Like that's possible. 

"Hello?" the person on the line said, sounding more annoyed than he was a few seconds ago. Woohyun swallowed down the imaginary lump in his throat and said, "Hey, it's me." "... Me?" "You know, the oh so y dude from yesterday?" The other side of the line fell dead and soon a sound like someone fell was heard. 

Woohyun couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he heard Sunggyu curse under his breath and mumbling about having a sore now. Oh how he wish he was the cause of that sore . "Are you falling for me already, so soon?" "Shut up!" the other yelled and Woohyun laughed again. The boy was amusing. 

He grinned but his smile fell as he heard Sunggyu ask him, "Why did you call me? You know it's annoying, right?" What should he say? Say that he missed the other and called him because the other didn't text him whatsoever. No, he can't say that. "I don't know," he said and Sunggyu sighed. 

The line fell dead againand an akward silence was heard. Woohyun coughed akwardly, "Are you free tomorrow?" he asked suddenly. "No," "Why?" "I have work," he sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Skip it," he said and hung up not letting the other answer. 

To HandsomeGyu

From Woohyun

I'll see you tomorrow at that park close by the Tous Les Jours, 'kays? I'll see you there at four. I'll only annoy you more if you don't. 

From HandsomeGyu

To Woohyun

Fine! Ugh, I'll see you there. 

w 0 w. it's been long, hasn't it? orz. 
sorry guys. life is a . y'all know that. 
atleast I updated???? /shot. 
the next update will be full of woogyu love and cheese. 
till next time, y'all. o/ hearts. 
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Youareamazing #1
Chapter 8: It's embarrassing that you hate so-called "s" so much. Is it because you're an ugly, lonely loser who is never getting a boyfriend?
subreddit #2
Chapter 13: update juseyo
Chapter 13: Authornim please update soon this story is so nice!
angelnguyenzy #4
Chapter 13: el oh el. i heart this
Omo the story sounds great already from the description!!
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaaargh this story is so great asdfyskhjnk I don't know what to say :$
kurami #7
Please update > <
koalaSoo #8
Chapter 13: update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease....and more myungyeol moment...I really love those two dorks....( ♥3 ( ♥ .♥ )...

p.s: be easy on my heart authority because don't like it when somebody is in myungyeol way to be together....kekeke
Chapter 13: hii im a new fan of your of your fanfic plz plz plz update im really exited
Chapter 13: Update soon pleaseeeee? Jaeballlllll!!