Kiss the Rain

Sandara jumps and wraps her arms around the young man in front of her, “Joonie!” She squeals clinging herself around his neck.

“Omo! Joon is that really you? You’ve got quiet the muscles there in those arms.” Bom teases stepping closer to them. 

“I may say so myself with your sister’s arms. Err, they’re very strong and I think my neck is going to break soon.” He winks at Sandara who was still wrapped around his neck. She clicks her tongue at him and lets go. Joon helps her settle down.

Mr. Lee grins at the both of them, “Looks like Ms. Park missed her Joonie very much. Joon hasn’t gotten the chance to visit you two here since you guys got back. You know with the whole situation, uh…”

Sandara waves her hand, “It’s okay Mr. Lee. I understand. I’m doing good now see.” She beams a bright smile at them, “I haven’t seen you since we were little and look at you now! I’m sorry Joonie I didn’t keep in touch with you when we moved to Maryland. But I always think of you every time I do a peace sign or I see someone do a peace sign.” She puts her fingers into a peace sign and laughs. “Plus I miss how we used to act silly and so random with our thoughts. I’m so happy to see you again!”

Joon lifts his fingers up into a peace sign too, “Let’s take a picture like old times.”

Bom laughs, “Memories! I wonder if Grandma still kept those old photos of you two when you were little always making peace signs. Acting all cutesy..making puffy face with your peace signs. Don’t tell me Joon you still do that until now with those muscles of yours? Please say ‘no’ or I’ll be laughing my off if you don’t.”

Joon sheepishly nods his head. Bom burst into laughter while Mr. Lee chuckles at his son’s confession.

Sandara gently pulls Bom’s hair, “Stop laughing at my Joonie. I still do that too! Why are you laughing at him for admitting he still does that? It’s our trademark mannerism unnie. We can’t get rid of that ya know?”

Bom stops laughing and tilts her head. She examines her sister’s eyes looking at Joon. She’s smiling. It’s not the same smile I saw when she was with Seung Hyun but it’ll do. She’s happy. I’m happy. And Joon will make her happy. But my fear of staying here in Korea longer is growing. I don’t want Sandara to see Seung Hyun or his family. How will I convince her to go back to Maryland? “Joon, what have you been up to lately?”

“I’m studying fine arts. I actually applied for a scholarship to attend the fine art school in Maryland hoping I could see you guys again. But since you guys are back here I think I’ll turn down the offer. I actually got accepted and I…”

Bom cuts Joon off, “No don’t turn it down!” Yes! Right timing Joon! She smiles, “We’re actually not staying here long. We’ll be going back to Maryland. So please do accept that offer and follow us there.”

Sandara’s mouth hangs open staring at her sister. Cricket. Cricket. Tick. Tock. HELLO SANDARA? REACT! She snaps back, “What are you talking about unnie? Why are we going back? Did Mom and Dad tell you we should go back?” I can’t go back. I need to find Seung Hyun and Chaerin.

“Dara, the only reason we came back here was for you to get away from what happened to you back in Maryland. We thought coming back here would ease the pain you’ve been feeling since Sang Hyun’s death. Now that you’re okay and accepted his death, we can return back home to our parents. You can continue your studies back there like what we’ve been originally doing before the tragic accident.” Bom raises a brow at her sister questioningly. “What’s wrong? Don’t you miss Mom and Dad? Don’t you want to go home and show them the love they’ve missed for how many months?”

Argh! Unnie, you’re making it hard for me. I do wanna go back home to our parents but…Seung Hyun and Chaerin. I have to find them. Especially Seung Hyun… Sandara shakes her head, “Unnie, when will we be going back?”

Bom smiles. Success! Bye bye pain and hello new life for my loving sister. “We’ll leave in two days.”

“That soon?!?”

“Yes. Why? We’re not leaving anything behind. Our family is back in Maryland. Grandma and Grandpa often visit us every three months. Plus Joon will be following us. What’s the problem Dara? Unless you also want Mr. Lee to come with us?”

Sandara yet again stuck in a dilemma. I can’t leave that soon. I need time to find Seung Hyun. I want to end all these questions in my head before I go. I need a little bit more time. "I still want to enjoy our stay here in Korea a little bit longer. We haven’t been back here for so long. Can we please stay at least another week?” She pleads hoping her sister would say ‘Yes.’

Bom stares into her sister’s pleading eyes. There’s no harm with one more week? After this we’ll definitely not have any connections with the Choi family. But I must remain cautious and on guard for Dara’s safety. I’ll keep Joon by her side when I’m not around. Just to be sure no one will touch her. Remember Bom just one more week. She nods her head, “Okay fine. One more week it is. I’ll go book our flight once we get home from shopping.”

Sandara slaps her forehead, “Man! I was hoping Joonie’s presence would distract you from remembering our shopping date. Why don’t we have lunch instead?”

“Sorry sis, you’re not getting away with it. We can eat first then go shopping. Joon, care to join us?” Bom wraps her arm around Sandara’s arm.

Joon smiles, “I would love to! I’ve been wishing for this day to come since we were little. I really did miss you two.”

“Minus one you mean not including me right?” Bom whispers and playfully winks at Joon making him blush as she pulls Sandara passed him towards the front door. Mr. Lee and Joon follows the two girls out the door.


“Hmm…I wonder what Sandara unnie is doing right now?” Chaerin twirls her cellphone on the glass table in front of her. She sighs and puts her head down on the table.

Seung Hyun walks into the kitchen and sees Chaerin’s slouching position, “Hey.”

Chaerin ignores him and continues twirling her phone around. I don’t want to look at him. Not until he’s happy again. But I can’t do this alone. He too has to help himself…aigoo my tough looking brother is only a small boy inside…he really needs to toughin’ up inside too! 

Seung Hyun grabs Chaerin’s phone away, “I’m talking to you. Don’t be disrespectful to your oppa now.”

“Whatever.” She stands up and brush by him not even giving him a single glance. 

“Chaerin-ah! What’s wrong with you?!” He forcefully grabs her arm making her face him. She still doesn’t look at him in the eyes. Chaerin keeps her eyes on the ground. “Speak to me!”


He shakes her. She still doesn’t budge. One of his hands holds her right arm and the other hand grips her jaw to look up at him. Chaerin stubbornly shuts her eyes. Frustrated Seung Hyun yells, “CHAERIN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?”

Chaerin opens her eyes and yells back, “IT’S BECAUSE I HAVE A STUPID BROTHER LIKE YOU! You’ve loved her for months since you first met her. Then you meet her again and now you’re letting her go once more? You’re blind and stupid! When will you open your eyes oppa? When it’s too late? Huh? When Sandara unnie falls in love with another man and happily gets married leaving you hurt? How could you allow that to happen? You’ll be carrying this pain with you even if you get married. Because you know the only person written in your heart is Sandara unnie. Only her and no one else. I know that oppa! And you know that too! If you want to continue this misery heartbreak path then SEE YA OPPA! I don’t want to be part of it. I’m going to beg Mom and Dad to send me away. You’re breaking my heart watching you like this! That’s why I don’t want to talk or look at you because of your stupid decision! Leave me alone oppa! I can’t help you anymore if you’re not willing to be helped. I GIVE UP!” She shoves Seung Hyun back. 

He lets go of her and watches her run out the kitchen door, “Chaerin-ah. I’m sorry. I disappointed you too…”

Seung Hyun pulls out his car key from his pocket and heads to the garage.


Seung Hyun parks his car a few blocks away from the Park’s mansion home. He sneaks by their fence and peeks at their front steps. He sees Bom enter their home followed by Mr. Lee. What he saw afterwards made him grip the metal fence tightly, “Who is that guy?” He mutters under his breath angrily. Flashback of what Chaerin said to him earlier hit him hard in his heart and in his head. He smacks his head on the metal fence. STUPID SEUNG HYUN! STUPID SEUNG HYUN! Chaerin is right! I’m so stupid. I don’t know how long I can bare this PAIN! I rather be with Sandara than follow grandfather’s orders. She makes me happy and I know I make her happy. I’m sorry Sandara for not staying by your side. Please forgive me! I’ll fight for our love! First I must face my grandfather and make sure he doesn’t harm you or your family before I show myself to you again. 

“Wait for me Sandara. Your Prince will go fight a dragon and I’ll come back a stronger man. I love you Sandara.” 

He grits his teeth watching that guy make Sandara laugh. It’s supposed to be me there and not him. I’ll be back Sandara. I hope you didn’t forget me. Please remember me. You’ll see me soon… Seung Hyun walks back to his car. Once he’s inside he dials his phone, “Grandfather? Are you busy? Can I drop by your office? Okay, I’ll be there soon.”


Sandara is sitting on her bed and staring at Tam Tam, “I had a fun day today. I really did miss Joonie. He’s still the same silly boy I knew when I was little. The only difference now is we’re both older and uh” She blushes. He looks good too. She giggles, “But no one can beat Seung Hyun’s smoky eyes. His eyes…”

She abruptly hops out of her bed and sits on her study desk. She pulls out a clean sheet of paper and starts drawing. Ten minutes gone by and she finally completes her drawing. Sandara holds it up in front of her, “Seung Hyun, you’re real and I’m going to find you!” She hugs the drawing close to her chest. You’re my angel please come back to me. Something is definitely wrong. I need to find him. My heart is calling for him and knows he’s in pain right now. I don’t understand this feeling but I can’t ignore it. It’s yelling at me to find him now…Weird? She puts the drawing back down and stares at Seung Hyun’s eyes. 

“Tam Tam?”

Sandara grabs Tam Tam from her bed. She squeezes Tam Tam’s body. Something hard is inside the doll, “Sorry Tam Tam.” She takes a pair of scissor and holds it close to Tam Tam, “This is going to hurt but don’t worry I’ll stitch you back up. Okies?”

Once Sandara opens the purple rabbit up and she finds a cellphone. “What’s a cellphone doing inside you? Tam Tam?”

She turns on the phone and scan through its phonebook. There’s only one phone number listed with no name on it. She hits ‘Call’ on the number to find out who the owner is. It rings and rings and rings, “Please answer the phone!”

Sandara’s heart races. Answer the phone Seung Hyun! I know you’re in pain! Please let me find you!

Finally it stops ringing, “Hello?”


“Hello? Please answer…”


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Daraxxi_2Ne1 #1
Chapter 22: I love this story!!!
Sheng0522 #2
Chapter 7: Waaahhhh.. My tears can't stop falling for Sang hyunie.. huhuhu
Chapter 22: I also reads this story at YGL and this is one of my favorite stories there... Then here.. Ill be waiting for your upcoming updates for your other fanfics.. Fighting!
Chapter 13: i hate the oldman choi
Chapter 22: Oh my god. I feel so sad that I only discovered your story. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Huhuhu. It made me cry my heart out!! Sanghyun. Huhuhu. :'(( I love your story, authornim. I really do. This is so touching. Thank you for the best story, authornim. I just want to tell you that I admire you. This is amazing :) thank you so much. :)
tabitabi #6
Chapter 22: I just found out this story, and already loved it. Thanks authorniiim
Chapter 22: awwww this is so lovely!! thanks authornim! pls keep on writing tabisan fics. fighting! ♡
Chapter 22: Love the this did I not find your stories sooner?
Chapter 22: Ahhh! This story is soooooo Goood! True Love really Conquers All! Way to go author-nim! Fighting!
itsmemarjorie #10
Chapter 22: Waaahhh!!Nice story Authornim! :)