Trip To Supermarket With An Unknown Guy

Meet The Tough Girl

My face fell when I heard the answer.I was going to curse him when he spoke up again. 

"I'll give it back to you if you let me follow you for the rest of the day."

"And why should I let you?" I raised my eyebrows. 

He blinked innocently then started coughing and rubbing his chest out of a sudden. 

"Ouch,my chest hurts! There must be a bruise now!"His lips formed into a pout like a duck and showed me his puppy eyes. 

And with that sentence and eyes,I reluctantly agreed to his request. 

Then,I continued my walk to supermarket with him trailing behind with light footsteps. 

Few minutes later, we arrived at the supermarket. The name of this supermarket is pretty cute, 'Lelio Ahjumma's Supermarket'. The owners of this supermarket are really friendly and funny ahjummas. The first time I came to this supermarket was when I was wandering around alone without GD. I got lost but thanks to the ahjummas I returned back home safely.

Ever since that day, I'll come to the supermarket whenever I have time. I always help out the ahjummas at the supermarket and I'll always get homemade food cooked by them for free. Also,I was really excited that I had found a supermarket nearby because it would be very convenient for me to buy stuff in case of any emergency.

I stepped into the supermarket through the sliding doors and the warm air from the heater inside made me felt much warmer.Since I couldn't remember the ingredients I wrote down,I turned back and asked him to open the notes where I wrote down the ingredients earlier.I didn't put password on my phone, so basically everyone could use it,not that I mind though,since there's nothing private inside.

As soon as he opened the notes ,we both took a shopping cart and wandered around for the ingredients I need. But before we went ,I warned him,"Don't you dare break your promise. If you ever take my phone and run away,I'll find you. And you wouldn't want to know what I can do to you. Got it?"

He just stared at me and it seemed like he was pretty shocked of what I said ,probably because he didn't expect me to warn him like that. Then,after a few seconds ,he nodded his head with a smirk on his face. Now it's my turn to be shocked.'What the...? My thoughts about him is wrong,this guy is unpredictable.'I thought. 

Now that I had warn him,I sped up while pushing the shopping cart to the drinks section. I decided to buy vegetables first before buying anything else.

After I put the vegetables into the cart, I went for the fruits section.Honestly, I'm a fruit lover.I would always buy grapes when I go for grocery shopping ,and that's what I did now. 

When I passed by the drinks section ,I remembered that our refrigerator's drinks' stock was almost finished, so I wanted to restock it before it runs out.

I grabbed a few cartons of milk into the cart and the guy did the same. Not to forget the drinks for the boys,my eyes wandered around the drinks section, unsure of what should I buy for them. I can't buy beer since I'm underage and I don't think the ahjummas will let me buy. 

'Ah,I'm cooking soup anyway!Why bother,I'll just buy orange juice.'I finally decided in my head.

I turned my head back to search for the orange juices.There it was,next to the guy. Since it's just next to him,I pointed towards the orange juices and asked him to hand me a few bottles.He took it and put it into his cart. I nodded my head and moved in front,grabbing some yogurts on the way and placed it into the cart. 

We continued moving past lanes after lanes of groceries until we arrived at the meats section. I slowly pushed my cart going through the selection of meats available for today. Looking through the fishes, I set my eyes on a type of fish and bought a few of it since one fish is certainly not enough for 13 person,especially when there are boys. 

Then, I went towards the chickens section. I bought plenty of chicken s since they're my favourite part in chickens. Chicken is the healthiest part in chicken anyways. My family loves chicken s, especially me and my GD. That's why I always find new recipes to cook using chicken s.

'Haha, I'm buying food based on what me and GD like.' I thought and started laughing silently.The guy who took my phone gave me a funny look when he noticed me laughing by myself and that didn't went unnoticed by me. So,I stuck out my tongue playfully, giving him a mehrong. He shook his head with an amused smile laying on his lips,probably thinking I was childish. Not that I cared what he thought about me.

We were both silent for a few seconds,before I told him I'm done with shopping,and motioned him to go to the cashier with me. He shook his head and told me he needed to buy something before paying. I had no choice but to follow him since I have some stuff in his cart too.I followed him until we reached the instant noodles section. 

He grabbed quite a few packets of Shin Ramen and went for the junk food section. Tapping his fingers on his chin, he looked through the junk food before picking the ones he wanted.He waved one packet of junk food in front of me and asked if I would like to buy some, I shook my head and said "No thanks." He nodded his head.

Since the clock is ticking and I really have to get the cooking started, I asked him if he was done. Sadly, he answered no. 

I decided not to say anything and just stare at him. 

"Erm, I need to buy some drinks for my friends." He broke the silence.

"We went there just now. Why didn't you buy it earlier? " I asked.

"Hehe... I kinda forgotten about it. " He gave me a sheepish grin. 

"You! Unbelievable! "I scowled and punched his arm. 

He rubbed his arm and muttered silently. I heard bits of it "so violent...must be...boy... not...girl "

'I guess he meant that I'm a boy instead of a girl.' I thought. 

I puffed my cheeks up and pulled his cart with me. I dragged the cart as far as I can, so that he couldn't walk properly. 

It was hard to push one cart and pull one at the same time.So after a few long minutes,I gave up and pushed it back to him,using a little of my strength. 

"Oof! " The cry he made was making a smile on my face. I turned around and he was covering his stomach while lying on the ground.

I was sure this would happen. When he was walking fast,trying to keep up with my speed,he wouldn't be focused.

So, using this opportunity, I had given him a little revenge. The cart would hit him before he could even react.

Even though the strength I have used is just a little part of my real strength,he would still get a bruise.

"Eh, what happened? "I asked him innocently but I was actually laughing hard inside. He glared at me while I blinked back at him.

"Did you fell down? I don't know you are this clumsy. "I took the chance and . My question made him huff and stood up.

I thought he was gonna talk back, but he only winked at me and said "I won't quarrel with a girl. I'm a gentleman, for your kind information. "

I couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing loudly, slapping my thighs. 

"Really? That's the best you can say? Gentleman? Pft!" I again and rubbed the tears from the corner of my eyes. 

His face started turning red in an unbelievable fast speed,even his ears turned red. Pitying him, I stopped laughing and patted his shoulder hard. 

"Nevermind, try again next time,gentleman. Fighting! "I gave him a 'Fighting ' sign and ran off to the drinks section.


Yo guys!!! I'm back again!! Yeah!! I know most of you guys will be like "FINALLY!" Kekeke The guy is yet to be revealed but I'm sure most of you guys can already guess who is it~ Soooo sorry for my really really late update!! Forgive me~ hehe -XOXO Sandyrain

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alejandra12 #1
Chapter 15: Goals update
Taelin #2
Chapter 15: i really love this one , hwaitiing
hiddencreature #3
Chapter 15: So when would the next update be I'll surely wait.
xiaohope #4
Chapter 14: please update
Hope to know wh happen next
xiaohope #5
Chapter 13: Please updats soon
Chapter 13: Please update soon
Na_eunsun20 #7
Chapter 13: This is really good.... Please update soon.... I really like it^_~
myungwoowifey #8
Chapter 13: please update soon :))
bobo32 #9
Chapter 13: please update!!
lovehyunstal #10
Chapter 13: new reader :-)....update soon^^