
True Ghost Stories

It was around 3:30 when I finally left my school, which was earlier than the usual time our coach let us out. Usually the time I would get out is at 4:20 but since we have a basketball game tomorrow, our coach let us have a break. 

I pulled out my phone to call my sister but it was low battery. "Dang it," I muttered. 

Five minutes passed, then ten, then twenty five, and finally forty minute had passed. 

"Just ten more minutes," I told myself as I looked at my watch. By that time, I was the only student on campus. There was no teachers around since all the teachers have a meeting today. 

"So hot.." I mumbled. It was in the middle of May and the weather were slowly changing. 




I heard a dog barking. I looked to the side to see a dog barking at a tree. 

*What the heck. What's the dog doing?* I thought as I stared at it. 




The dog continued barking. There was no one around that area which made it even weirder. I got up, grabbed my bags, and went to where the dog was. 

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked as I approached the dog. I slowly reached my hand towards him but he almost bit it. The dog angrily growled at me. I stumbled back and watched the dog bark at the tree again.




"GO AWAY!" I heard a faint voice coming from the tree. I let out a gasp and quickly ran away. "AND DON'T EVER COME BACK!"

I stopped and turn around and saw a girl standing by the tree. It seemed as if she was glaring at me, and I quickly turned away and went towards the school's parking lot. I turned back and the girl disappeared.


Thank you so much you guys! I had over 200 new subscribers the time I woke up and I was really shocked that I thought it was glitch! LOL. Anyhow, I read some of the stories you can send me and I just gotta say, it's really creepy ;___; And I just want to say this again, you guys can send me stories that you want to share so you don't have to ask for permission from me c: PM me your stories and I'll read it asap! :D Back to the story, this happened to me not too long ago. Maybe like a couple of months ago? But I wasn't the only one that saw her. My sister saw her too. I wasn't as scared when that happened because she didn't look too harmful.

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Chapter 1: If you want a bunch of chapters I can share a lot with you. I'm a psychic medium.
monmons #2
Chapter 6: I believe in ghost since i saw it in front of me although i'm not sure if i saw it sober or just high
Chapter 4: I didn't believe ghosts were real, but now that I read your stories I'm beginning to consider it. If they are real, the ghost seeing ability seems to be genetic. In my family there are not many interesting ghost encounters, there are stories of babies crying, footsteps, things falling randomly, and as weird as it is, toilets flushing. But then again, most of the family on my dad's side is insane. The part of my family that doesn't have ghost issues, has alien issues.
Chapter 17: Creepyyy...haunting much
SaraGM #5
Chapter 21: I also have one story!!. I was sleeping but then i feel something cold on my stomach. I open my eyes and saw my cat sleeping on it . I laughs and ruffle its head for making me shocked. But then i realized something. Cats are not a mammal. Just when i about to scream, the door open and there stands my brother with my cat 'Almond' on his arm. I look down on my stomach and saw nothing there.
zinebamara #6
I have one story ^^ I was sleeping and i feel something on my neck I open my eyes and I see something white blur just next to me with something was in my neck (I think "he"'s hand) and this disappeared very fast
Chapter 2: Nahhhh then that moment when me and you have the same name.. And the ghost says you're name.... I'm sooooooooooo scared now
tomydearreaders #8
Chapter 6: I want to share my ghost experience. How do I send it to you?
Chapter 1: First I thought you made this up but it's actually TRUE!!!!!! O.O