Plans!: Do You Rember Me...Now?

Sweet Treats: You Put The L In Love 

(OMG! I found this and I immidiately thought it as a theam song for the story! It's kinda sad, mke that VERY sad :') Still beautiful though MUST WATCH!!!!!)

.::Story Start::.

I could see him more clearly the closer he got. His skin was as pale as snow. Dark bags circled his eyes. "H-hello,...L. I gulped. He took one hand out of his pocket and took mine in it. I could feel the heat in my cheeks start to rise. "Follow me." Hand in hand, we walked up the glass steps to the uper levels of the building. His hand was cold, but soft and sticky. A few mumbles were in the far off hallway, but we passed it imidiately. He took me into a room labled '302.' It looked like a hotel room to me. Tons of sweets were on the table. "Take a seat." With that he dissapeared behind the courner. I sat on the red and cream striped couch. The thumping in my head just wouldn't go away. L reapeared again with afew folders. "I don't have a long time with you know, but if you read these, tell me if you remember something." My eyes bugged at the piles of folders. All labled with my name. 'W-wow.' There was a knock at the door. "Ryuzaki, what are you doing?" It was a boy. He sounded about 17. Without a word, L got up and slipped out of the room. Leaving me alone again. Alone, I hated to be alone. Just like in the hospitle, I was alone. Like when my house burned down, I was al....'Wait, house fire? My house burned down?' Quickly, I flipped through the top folder. It was horrifying. The grusome pictures of the large house, burning to ash. "One survivor. Aceline McGruffin." My eyes started to water as the pounding in the back of my head throbbed harder and harder. The more I read, the worse it got. Small tears rolled gently down my cheeks. Dripping onto the documents. It hrt. The pain. It hurt so much. 'Wh-was this my life?' I wiped my right eye with the back of my wrist. I turned the folder labled 'Wammy's.' Stopping at a marked page. There was a small peice of paper written with a child's hadwriting. A small picture was paper clipped to it. It was a boy with a small girl. She wore a bright blue dress with black birds and buterflies dancing around it. A pink Sakura blossom stuck in her hair. The boy wore simple cloathing. A white ling sleaved shirt and bright blue jeans. His one arm was wrapped around her waist with her's around his neck. His eyes staired down at her with fluffed filled emotion, yet his face was just bored. Her sparkling teal eyes stairing right at the camera. Cheeks fizzled the brightest pink. "L..."

//Flash Back//

I was scribbling in my journal. My dess whiping back and forth from the warm breeze. "Almost doe and.." "Aceline." "Gah!" I gasped and spun around. Clutching the little black book to my chest. L stood behind me with an arched bored face. "What are you doing?" My cheeks burnt red. "N-nothing...what are you doing?" His eyes rolled at my failure to try and change the subject. "Why are you out here?" Cold sweat rolled over my boiling face. "N-nothing..." I mumbled looking away. In a flash, he had my book in his hands. Flipping through the pages. "N-no!" I protested running over to him. Scrambling for the book. He held me back by wrapping his one arm around my shoulders so my arms locked in place. My face burried in his chest. Face completely flushed in embarissment. It was a poem. This is how it went:

~To The Other Me~

In the dark room I hear his voice
The one voice that has been calling me.
In gentle whisper and a desperate cry
Though this is no place for me to be
Never can I turn my back without a try
He is a proud prince on this other side.
But a helpless beggar in the realm of mine.
When I cross that line of the divided mind.
Everything is as how he wants to define.
He has trapped me in this savage cage
and speaks the words of wisdom and poison.
His mysterious voice I can hear the sad rage.
for he has given up and lived in this prison
so I can be safe and sound wherever I go
but what do you do when you’re not the best?
A captain must be better than the rest
For the crew to follow and sail away
And I’ve lost the war and must repay
The debt I owe to this fellow friend.
“Be the one who you were meant to be
And you will never have to think of me
I know the rules and I know the plays
Its time for you to rise up and maybe someday
You’ll come and visit your old friend.”
I said these words and betrayed myself.
He had just a line to say.
“I am a better you than you’ll ever be
For I can do the distance and truly see
What it means to truly succeed.”
I know its true he is a better me than I’ll ever be
And these words may be the last of me
As I give up my mind
To the other me
 (Poem copied off of By: a guy named James)

He was silent for a moment. "Umm...I'm sorry. I know it -" "No, I like it." My voice was caught in my throat like a fly in a spiders web. Begging to get out, but it just couldn't. He closed the book nad handed it back to me. With shaky hands, I took it back from him. "Aceline." Watari walked up to us. "What are you doing out here?" My body was still at a shock for words. Stairing into space. "Watari." L haded him a small, digital camera. He spun me around and wrapped an arm around my waist. I snapped out of my thoughts and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you." I whispered. "Smile." I cocked my head around and flashed a big grin. Eyes still fizzled pink. Feeling his eyes burning holes into me.


I read the poem a thousand times. The pouding in the back of my head was coursing through my whole body. Tears flowing hard. The door slowly creaked open. I gasped and spun around. L pused in mid steap as he saw my bright red, teary face. I sprang up and rushed into his arms. locking them around his neck. His body was frozen for a bit, but eased into the powerful hug. My body on it's toes just to be face level to him. My head burried in the crook of his kneck. We were silent for a moment. "Do you remember" He asked. My head shook as I squeesed tighter. "Not much, but I remember all I kneed to know." I whispered as he walked us forward. Shutting the door behind him. I couldn't let go of him. I just couldn't. He scooped me up bridal style and gently laied me on the pillow like bed. My fists balled with his shirt. His soothing hand rubbed up and down my back untill I fineally cried myself to sleep.


"I'll be right back." I said to my father right after Ryuzaki left. He nodded and let me slip away from th others. It was quiet. I could hear l's dragging foot steps down the hall. I followed quickly without a sound. He was walking towards his room, opening the door slowly. And, instead of walking inside, he stoped in mid step. Suddenly, a girl sprang up and wrapped her arms around his neck. My eyes widened in shock. 'What the?' She was whispering something, but I couldn't hear it. Tears were streaming down her bright red face. Quickly, I ducked back behind the corner. 'What is this? How could she still be alive?' I heard the click of the door closing. "He-he-he." Ryuuk floated down through the ceiling. "It seams your little friend there didn't get killed? I wonder why that is." My eyes glared daggers at him. "What happened? Why wasn't she killed when I wrote her name in the death note?" I asked. He raised his palms in defence. "Hey, don't blame evry thing on little old me. I'm just here to watch the show." With a huff, I ignored the shinigami and headed back to where my father and the other japanese task force were. 'What ever is going on here, I don't plan for it to stop me.'

(Chibi: So L, how do you become someone like yourself?

L:First, you must become a princess



Chibi: *dies*)

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TatiiLee #1
Chapter 1: I love Death Note! Do update!

Could you add more tags to your fic? Like --->> Lawliet. LightYagami. Stuff like that.

Please check my fic out: "A Kitten" <3


* Love oh my goodness horrible typo >< thanks for the awesome chappie! :D yayayayay *excited* keep the cool beans up :D
Eeeek! Awesome sauce!! <3 <3 I love it!! x33 I totally need to know what's going to happen next!!!~~~ <3
New reader! I live death note! :D YAY I'm so glad you thought of this ! :) ~ update soon neh? This is quite awesome :')
OH. MY. GOSH. I love Death Note. TOTALLY love Death Note. More importantly, I love L. <3 And already, your story has gotten hold of my attention. <3 *0* THIS. IS. AWESOME. And I love what you chose for the background! x33