Chapter 14 | A Strange Love Triangle | Hyunjin x Minho x Han

24 Stories For Christmas By ⋆。°✩starfan24⋆。°✩
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This is a gift for Sway10, I hope you like it!!

Plot: A crack story with a love triangle! A highschool story with the SKZ members and there is a love triangle with Hyunjin x Minho x Han. The characters should have weird reasoning, the people around them give stupid/non-sensical advice and they think it's an intelligent advice. Teachers wear crazy outfits, maybe the school uniform (if they have any) looks bizare too etc etc. It can be fast paced too (would show the bad reasoning and how the characters don't really think about stuff lol). You can also break the 4th wall to make stuff funny. At the end Hyunjin and Minho get together, cause they are my otp.

Genre: highschool life, funny, crack, romance, love triangle

Anything else?? When you need other characters except for Hyunjin x Minho x Han, use the other SKZ members or other kpop idols as classmates or teachers, parents etc etc etc.







⋆。°✩ A Strange Love Triangle ⋆。°✩




In told Hyunjin that Minho liked him. Hyunjin noticed that In was also talking to Han just moments before. And then before that In was talking to Minho. It was weird but Hyunjin brushed it off, thinking it was just the way In was.

Hyunjin was more busy thinking of how he would talk to Minho, he liked Minho a lot but he was not sur

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Dear starlights!!

Triple posted for Christmas!! Bye!! Have a star day!!



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Chapter 27: Omg I truly loved this ❤️
831 streak #2
Chapter 19: Okay, I'm not one for cheating.. and I love Junmyeon.. But yur affair for real sent flowers?! Hell nah. Areum, get you those two fine looking men. They'll 100% better than that cheating . *huff*
831 streak #3
Chapter 18: You had me in tears.. Hyunin just wanted Minho to have a better life - without the burden of him. And it just made it even worse. *sigh* Felix, keep your magic store away >.<
831 streak #4
Chapter 17: Aws~~ Fanfics to reality~ Now there is one universal rule, Kookie~ If you have fanfics you want to keep away from family and friends, keep it on your phone under a different account. Do not write it on paper where people can see it. Trust me, I speak from experience ;) (Especially if you write !!)
831 streak #5
Chapter 16: Dayummmm Some thirsty boys over here. I'm with you Chan, they just need to get a room already hahah
831 streak #6
Chapter 15: Oh my goodness, I love the concept of the game show. I love watching Nailed It, and to get a bachelor version? With really attractive guys? I'm down to watch that *grabs popcorn* Minho needs to get over himself here, just have some fun - you lost anyway :P In the end, Hyunjin was super shy: kissing and running. Cute!! <3
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: I love this so much ❤️
Chapter 24: Aww, this was short but sweet! I'm amazed Jooheon could do each tactic for years. Such dedication, haha. Curious to know what happens to them next, hehe. Thank you for writing this for me as well! Btw, I hope you had a great holiday! Happy New Year!
Chapter 9: Hello starfan! So sorry for the late comment. Been busy these past few weeks. Thank you so much for writing this for me! It's a cute story and Kihyun was just... omg. So bold, haha. Those last few parts though... wow. Just wow. Lol.
831 streak #10
Chapter 14: Everyone was so cute and awkward in this, so adorable! I love the kiss at the end 😍