Chapter 7

Seducing Mr Workaholic

Time went by really fast.


It had been three months since since Joohyun had became a full time housewife.



Throwback about a month ago...


Seungwan found Joohyun sitting on the couch, staring into space.


Seungwan sat down next to her and said, "Joohyun, you just finished your doctorate program after so many years. Now that we're married, why don't you take some time for yourself before looking for a job?"


Joohyun sighed and thought to herself, "Seungwan is right. After spending so many years of studying and working so hard for my degree, I do need some time to rest and recover. My mind and body are exhausted."


"Are you sure? But you do remember when I said I would pay you back my tuition money, right?" Joohyun replied.


"You don't have to pay me back. Let's just say I see it as an investment in our future together." Seungwan said casually.


"Still, I appreciate it, thank you... And you're right. It would be really nice to have some time to just relax and recharge after studying so relentlessly."






Back to the present. 


Seungwan was still with his workaholic behaviour. He was busy working in the day and night. Sometimes, he even worked on Saturday and Sunday.


Joohyun sighed as she folded the laundry. Taking some time off for herself, had its moments of satisfaction, but often she found herself bored with the endless chores of cooking, cleaning and tidying up. The days seemed to blend together into one monotonous routine.   


If Joohyun was tired of doing the chores, escaping into a good book always lift her spirit. Joohyun could finish a novel in less than a day - as she had lots of free time.


Joohyun was grateful to Seungwan as he would gave her pocket money to buy new novels every month.






Recently, though, Joohyun had become fascinated with fabric softeners as she always had a sensitive nose, abled to detect subtle smells that others missed.


There were so many different kinds of softeners with its own distinctive fragrance - floral, fresh linen, fruity. For some reason the array of softener scents intrigued her, providing a small escape from her mundane tasks.   


Joohyun began buying different softeners to try, enjoying the variety of aromas that wafted from the clothes as she folded them. The hobby gave her something to look forward to, a small pleasure amidst the repetitive chores.   


Soon Joohyun was purchasing multiple softeners at a time, comparing scents and discussing them with other homemakers online. Her collection grew as she experimented with layering different softeners for unique combinations.


Joohyun hummed to herself as she sorted the laundry into piles on bed.


Just a typical chore, yet something about it always put her in a good mood. Perhaps it was the freshness of the newly wased clothes.


Seungwan had started to notice that his clothes often smelled different scents. Some days it was a fruity aroma, other times floral or vanilla. "My clothes smell different again," Seungwan thought as he walked through the front door at work.


At first, he was confused, but then he realised that Joohyun must have purchased various fabric softeners as part of a new hobby.


The first time Seungwan noticed the changing aromas was when his work shirts started smelling like apples.  "Joohyun must have bought new fancy organic softener with real fruit extracts," he thought to himself.




Seungwan was walking into the living room after a long at work as usual and found Joohyun sat on the sofa, browsing fabric softener options on her phone, and surrounded by several bottles of it, "Researching your latest hobby?"  


" noticed the different smells?" Joohyun looked up, slightly embarrassed.


"Hard not to when all my clothes smell different kind of flowers lately."


"It's silly...I just enjoy thought they smelled good and looked pretty on shelves. It gives me something to look forward to amidst all this housework." Joohyun said.


"I hope it doesn't bother you. I just thought it would be fun to try different scents." She continued.


Seungwan smiled. "It's not silly and it doesn't bother me at all. But it does smell like a flower shop in here with all these floral fragrances, and I like it."


"Really? Okay, your clothes will continue to be my fabric softener guinea pigs" Joohyun said.


"Buy as many as you want and don't worry about anything, and soon we'll smell like a flower shop!" He replied.



Though, Joohyun was pleased with her relationship with Seungwan, but she was still unsatisfied as Seungwan still thought about work for 24/7. And their relationship hadn't progress much.


 " do I changed his workaholic there any tips?" Joohyun quickly typed on the search page : How to Deal with a Workaholic Husband.


TIP #1 : Find Out His Favourite Food

The mission began!


Joohyun quickly messaged Sooyoung to ask her about Seungwan's favourite food. For the past three months, Joohyun had known what he liked and disliked. However, Joohyun wanted to know what food he liked the most, to the point he would do anything for it.


After a few minutes sending the text to Sooyoung, Joohyun got a phone call from Sooyoung, "Woa, Sooyoung is really fast," Joohyun thought.


"Unnie, is there any reason why you want to know my brother's favourite food? Hehehehe..." Sooyoung said over the phone.


The sound of Sooyoung's hehehehe had made Joohyun felt shy - Joohyun felt like a little kid who wanted to know about love for the first time.


"It's nothing, I just want to know...just because," Joohyun answered trying to deny. "I won't tell you my big plan! I might get more embarrassed," Joohyun thought to herself.


" brother's favourite a little diffcult," Sooyoung answered.


"Huh? How difficult it is?" 


"Please, don't say he only eats his mom's cooking. If that is the case, my plan is over." Joohyun muttered to herself.


"Joohyun unnie, you know my brother is a picky eater right?" Sooyoung continued.


"Yes, so what should I do?"


"Why don't you just cook the food that you're good at?"


"Huh? What should I cook then..?" Joohyun asked again.


" long as the food is super-delicious."


"How would I know if my cooking really tastes good? Even my burnt eggs, I would say it tastes good," Joohyun replied.


"What I mean is that even your mom and dad really likes that food. For them, it's special."


Joohyun thought to hersef, "Hmm...I think my mom and dad are not that fussy. They always eat what I cook even if it's not tasty. My dad only complained if I put too much salt. Eh! Wait! I think my parents always want to eat my seaweed soup during their birthdays."


"Sooyoung-aah, perhaps does your brother likes seaweed?"


"Seaweed is Oppa's favourite dish. You can even gives him only a rice and seaweed, and he loves it!"


Joohyun facepalmed herself, " could I forgot. The last time we went to market he had bought tons of seaweed laver even the raw ones."


"Sooyoung,now  I know what to cook.." Joohyun spoke.


"Joohyun unnie...?" Sooyoung said.




"I hope you succeeded in seducing my brother," Sooyoung supported. Feeling shy, Joohyun quickly excused herself. 


" knows. I can't even deny it."


Joohyun started to rummage through the refrigerator and found the seaweed still freshed. 


Joohyun looked at the clock. It was 6.00 pm. He usually had finished his work at this time, but as usual he would still worked overtime until 10 pm. 


"Hmm, but I'm not sure at what times he usually had dinner. He rarely eats dinner at home, as he usually working until late though.'s better to just start cooking first. Some people believed that cooking with passion and love could even make an unappetizing dish turns delicious."


After staying in the kitchen for an hour, Joohyun had finished cooking with a few side dishes.


She quickly opened her phone and texted him.


[I cook seaweed soup today. Are you going to come home early?] 

Within minutes, Joohyun had received a message from him.


            [Send me a picture first] - Seungwan

Joohyun's eyes widened, "Woaa, he doesn't trust his own wife? Even if I share the picture, he won't be able to smell my delicious cooking. But, fine, I'll send it if he still wants the picture"


Joohyun immediately took a picture and sent it to him. 


Shin on Twitter:

(real photo of Joohyun cooked seaweed soup for Seungwan's birthday, 2022 xp)



[Okay..I will arrived at 8.30 pm. Wait for me and don't eat first] - Seungwan.


"Yes! Mission completed!" Joohyun thought to herself as Seungwan had arrived home from home.





TIP #2 : Accompany Him when He Works so He will Feel Comfortable at Home.


Joohyun saw him doing his work in the living room. "Yes! This is the time," she thought.


Joohyun walked to the kitchen and decided to make some eels leftover for a snack. 


Joohyun walked to the kitchen and began preparing the eels. She chopped up some celery and garlic and cooked them in pan with oil. Then she added the eel slices and sauces, mixing everything together. 


As Joohyun was done, she approached Seungwan and put the bowl on the table. 


Joohyun managed to get his attention when he looked at her. But then, Seungwan continued focusing on his work.


"It's okay, Joohyun! Let's try again," Joohyun cheered herself up.


Joohyun reached for a novel and sat at the end of the sofa where he was sitting. She turned off the television on purpose and pretended to read a novel. Then, she slowly moved her sit closer to Seungwan.


Joohyun took a peek at Seungwan. He was still deep in his work. Joohyun moved a little closer. This time, Seungwan looked at her and Joohyun quickly read the novel again.


Seungwan resumed his work. But, this time he seemed to be aware of his surroundings.


"Is he really working? There is only one way to know the answer," once again, Joohyun moved closer to his side while looking at the novel. Now, they were just an inch apart.


Seungwan looked at Joohyun again. "Joohyun, what  are you doing?" he asked as Joohyun pretended looking at the novel.


"No..nothing. I'm just reading." Joohyun answered while making an innocent face. Seungwan continued looking at his laptop.


Joohyun was getting ready to move a little closer, when Seungwan quickly looked at her again.


Almost tossing out the book she was holding, she quickly played it cool - pretending to read it.


Suddenly, Seungwan took the novel from her hands. "Uh..what does he want to do? My heart is beating fast...keep calm. I have never been this nervous before."


"Don't make it a habit to read upside down," Seungwan said. Joohyun realised she had been holding her novel upside down.


If Joohyun followed her heart, she would had run into the room and hid under the pillow. But, since this was the part to attract him, Joohyun just ignored it.


At last, Joohyun just scooted right next to him. She craned her neck to peek at Seungwan's laptop.


Blocks of English words filled the document he was writing. She couldn't understood a thing make sense of a single word. 


"Ohh? I thought he was an accountant because I saw numbers on his laptop before?" She said.


Seungwan turned his face towards her and their eyes met, "You married me, yet you don't know what I do?"


Joohyun shook her head no and thought, "Why do I care about all that? I only know he works in a big company. His position..I'm not sure."


"I only know where you work at, but I don't know what you do. So, what do you do? An accountant?" 


Seungwan didn't reply.


"Public officer? Human resources manager?" Joohyun tried again.


Seungwan looked at her. "CEO," he answered short.


"The CEO?" Joohyun suprised. "Wow, I'm suprised. That is not an ordinary position. All of the heroes of my favourite novels are CEO!"


"Really? !" Joohyun looked at him.


Seungwan reached for his wallet and pulled out a card, and Joohyun read carefully _

Son Seungwan

Chief Executive Officer

"Oh no! I'm not only married a workaholic but also a CEO, but why did I never ask him about his job?" Joohyun thought to herself as she kept reading the card multiple times.


"But I told my friends that he only work as a clerk," Joohyun spoke in low volume.


"What? Clerk??" 


Joohyun was suprised as she thought Seungwan won't hear her.


"Err...nothing..." Joohyun grinned.


Joohyun then took the eels that she made for him earlier.


"This is for you," Joohyun said. 


"Joohyun...," Seungwan wrapped his arm around Joohyun's shoulders and pulled her close.


"What is he doing?" Joohyun heart beaten fast.


"Do you know what it means when a wife grills eel for her husband in the middle of the night like this," Seungwan teases while looking at her.


"Why...what's wrong?" Joohyun replied innocently.


"Eels, especially at night?" 


"Yaa..Don't get me wrong. You seem busy with work even late at night, so I make this food for you to replenish energy," she tried to explain.


"It does increase your different way," Seungwan smirked.


"Yaaa...fine! If you don't want to eat it, I will," she claimed.


As Joohyun tried to take the bowl away, Seungwan sharply said, "Wait!"


Joohyun paused and looked at him.


Seungwan took the bowl from her hands and dug in with relish. Before long the entire bowl was cleaned, not a single leftover remained.


Second Mission Completed!





TIP #3 : Invite Him to Do Activity Together.



The morning light filtered through the curtains as Joohyun woke up. She turned to find Seungwan still fast asleep, breathing softly.  It was rare for Seungwan to sleep in so late, as he usually woke up early for work and this might be the first time he slept till noon.


Joohyun quietly climbed out of bed, taking Manen with her. She sat down on the floor next to Seungwan's side of the bed, rested her chin on the edge of the mattress as she gazed at Seungwan's face.


"His features looked so beautiful and serene when he slept. I just noticed he had a beautiful curly eyelashes."


Seungwan lips were slightly parted, taking in steady, even breaths. Joohyun thought he resembled a model with his sharp jawline, high cheekbones and well-defined nose.   


After a while, Seungwan began to stir. Joohyun perked up and smiled.   


Seungwan's eyes blinked open and he frowned in confusion at the sight of Joohyun sitting on the floor. "Joohyun? What are you - ?" 


"Ahh!" He exclaimed as he fell out of bed in suprise.


"Seungwan!" Joohyun hurried over to him in suprised. "Are you okay?" 


"Joohyun," Seungwan called.


Joohyun grinned as she thought Seungwan looked very cute fell from the bed.


"Seungwan-aah.." Joohyun called him as she was already sitting on the bed while Seungwan still did not get up from his fall.


"Today... is your day off right?" Joohyun continued. "Why..?" Seungwan said, looking scared of her.


"It's fun to see him like this. He usually is the one teasing me. Today, I will be teasing him!" Joohyun thought.


" that case...can I ask something from you?" Joohyun asked while her eyes darted all over his body.


" it?" Seungwan stuttered.


"I want....." Joohyun deliberately cut off her words in a seductive manner.


"Hah! This is what I like. He looked like a scared lost puppy. So cute. If I knew he was this easy being flirted at, I would have messed up with him since a long time ago!" 


"Joohyun.." Seungwan looked at her with a serious face.


"Is it okay if I want to wash your car?"


"Huh?" Seungwan suprised.


"I feel sorry for you car. I know you're busy, but you shouldn't left your car dirty like that. Even car has feelings. I can't bear to see your car all muddy and dirty like that." Joohyun explained.


Seungwan sighed.


"Please..." Joohyun begged.


" can wash it," Seungwan gave a reply.


"Really?" Joohyun couldn't hide her smile.


Seungwan nodded.


"Then....let's wash it together," Joohyun reached for his hand.


"Huh? Wash together?" Seungwan was suprised.


"Let's go!" Joohyun kept pulling his hand so that he got up and went to self car wash.




Seungwan pulled into the self car wash parking lot.


"Ohh..poor you. You haven't bath for so long. It's okay. Today, I'll clean you until you're shining again. Just like the time you were young so people can fall for you," Joohyun said while the car.


"Why do I have to wash?" Seungwan asked sounded not satisfied.


"Cause I never wash a car. What if I accidentally wash the parts that are suppose not to be wash," Joohyun reason. Though, she had washed her father's car multiple time.


"Then I want Ox Bone Soup (Seolleongtang) as a reward," Seungwan claimed.


"Oh my..his request is very challenging. I have never cook a bone soup before. My family rarely eats bone soup since my mom has a phobia of seeing uncooked beef bones. Automatically, the daughter is unable to cook a bone soup. Even if I search for the recipe online, I'm not sure I can excel it. Joohyun, quick! Give him a reason to avoid cooking bone soup."


"Ox bone soup? But where can I find the bones?" Joohyun said.




"Even if you go to the market, it will be difficult to find. We usually have to order it beforehand, and it is not yet guaranteed that we can get it either." Joohyun added.


"Well, that's what I usually heard from my friends. I'm not really sure myself. Hope he believes me."


Seungwan scratched his head, Joohyun grinned and thought, "Look like he just took my bait. Quick! Persuade him again."


"Hmm..what if I cook Beef and Radish soup (Seogogi muguk) ?"


"Okay," he replied.


"Take this hose and connect it to the faucet," Seungwan said.


"It's not like that. You have to wash the car with a clean water first. After then, you rinse it with the soapy water," Joohyun instructed him as she saw Seungwan wanted to splash the soapy water first.


"Take this and rinse the car with the clean water first," Joohyun directed him while giving him the hose.


Seungwan obeyed her command under duress as he looked clueless. "I feel sorry for him but sometimes, people like him need to be taught a little," Joohyun thought.


They washed in comfortable silence for a while when,


Joohyun blew a soap bubble onto Seungwan's cheek. "There, now you've got some decorations while you wash the car!"  


Seungwan shook his head and pretended to frown. "Joohyun-ah, try to wash the car properly," he said in an exaggerated complaining tone.      


Joohyun suddenly lost her mood to joke around, "Is he mad? I was just joking around. He's lucky to has a playful wife like me, if he gets a wife who only knows how to work like Eunbi, he will die from boredom! Huh, after this I will just let him do his thing and see if he will get bored without me!"  


Unknowingly to Joohyun, Seungwan picked up the hose and grinned mischievously.     


Joohyun's eyes widened. "Seungwan-ah, don't you dare -" she started to say but Seungwan sprayed her legs with the hose, soaking the bottom of her jeans. 


"Ah!" Joohyun shrieked and jumped back. "You're going to pay for that!"


She snatched the sponge from the bucket and threw it at Seungwan, hitting him square in the chest.   


"You just declared a war!" he said and chased after Joohyun with the hose, spraying her as she ran around the car.


"Seungwan-ah stop, Yaaa! You're spraying me like I'm a plant," she exclaimed breathlessly.


Seungwan chased after her relentlessly, dousing her with more water.


Joohyun hid behind the car but Seungwan ran over and sprayed under the car until she came out, her shirt and hair dripping.


She darted back to the other side of the car, trying to avoid Seungwan's spray. They chased each other around the car for a few more minutes, spraying water. But then Joohyun spotted the bucket that had been used filled with dirty soap.


She edged toward it slowly while Seungwan saw her, "BAE JOOHYUN!! Don't you -" Seungwan exlaimed loudly.


Then she dashed up infornt him and flung the water on to his head, soaking his face and shirt. 


"Ooops.." Joohyun grinned. 


Seungwan yelped as the dirty water hit him and looked up to see Joohyun grinning mischievously at him.


"Oh now that's really going to cost you," he said.


Joohyun quickly ran as fast as her legs could carry her before Seungwan turned the full force of the hose on Joohyun, drenching her completely.    


Joohyun shrieked and put her arms up to block the spray. "I surrender! You win!"   


Seungwan turned off the hose and grinned at his now soaked wife. "I think that means I'm the car washing champion."


Joohyun stuck her tongue out at him. "Only because you got the hose!"


She wrung out her wet hair and looked over at Seungwan, his clothes and hair dripping with water.


"We're both a mess now," Seungwan said shaking his head.  


"But we had fun, right?" Joohyun asked.

"Yes, we did," Seungwan agreed. "Let's finish up here and we'll go inside and dry off, before we catch a cold," he continued.


Though the job took much longer than it should have, they didn't mind one bit.


Joohyun didn't mind getting drenched as well, as long as The Third Mission is Successful!





As they reached home, Seungwan walked into the kitchen while Joohyun was preparing ingredients for seogogi muk. 


"Would you like to help?" Joohyun asked.


Seungwan scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, sure. I have nothing better to do."


Joohyun passed him a knife. "You can cut the vegetables."      


Seungwan started chopping zucchini and pumpkin, trying his best to look skilled and unbothered.    


Joohyun spoke softly. "Thankyou for helping me cooking."


"It's not a big deal, really..."


"Well, it is to me."


Seungwan pretended to be busy, focusing intently on his vegetable chopping.   


Joohyun began boiling the beef broth. The aroma filled the kitchen.    


Seungwan sniffed the air and commented casually. "Smells good."   


Joohyun beamed. "It'll taste even better with those beautiful vegetables you chopped."


Seungwan tried to play it cool. "Yeah, well I'm a pro at chopping vegetables."       


Seungwan added the vegetables to the broth and watched them simmer. He then left the kitchen as his jobe was done.





"The food is ready!" Joohyun said as she served the two bowls of Beef and Radish soup.


Just as she put the bowl  on the table, Seungwan quickly took a spoon and tasted it - acted like a judge in a cooking competition.


"How is it? Is it good?" Joohyun asked.


"Mhmm.." Seungwan nodded.


Joohyun noticed Seungwan immersely ate without looking left and right. "Wow! Is he really hungry? Nevermind- as long he eats what I cook.. apparently, this is the feeling when your husband eats your food."


Joohyun was suprised when Seungwan's phone rang out of the blue.


"Can you not answer the phone?" Joohyun thought to herself as she looked at Seungwan.


Seungwan seemed to know what she was thinking and he continued to eat.


"Wow, this is the first time he didn't answer a phone call. I need to find more tips at this rate."


But, less than a minute later, the phone rang again.


"Haish, who is so busy looking for my husband? Although, he is a CEO but he is also a human being and he has a wife. Please give him a break at home today!!"


"Can you answer it for me?" Seungwan suddenly said.


"Huh?" Joohyun suprised.


"What are you waiting?" Seungwan asked.


Joohyun rushed to get his phone and saw Eunbi's name. "This girl again!!!?"


"Seungwan, thank God you answered my call. I thought you are afraid of your wife." Eunbi said over the phone.


"Wahh..this woman! Can you start the introduction with a hello. You're lucky I'm too lazy to pick a fight with you, if not I would have cuss you right now."


"Huh? Why are you silent?" Eunbi said in angry voice


"Just a moment..Eunbi-ssi. My husband is currently eating," Joohyun answered calmly.


"Tch..It's you? Who said you can answer his call? Hurry up and give the phone to Seungwan." Eunbi spoke.


Joohyun immediately gave the phone to Seungwan. "This woman really has no manners. If I'm the type who like to fight, I would have attack you! And why is she so busy calling my husband during his day off."


Seungwan stood up and took the call, keeping his distance from Joohyun.


Joohyun thought to herself, "Huh, this guy. Why don't you just answer the phone infront of me. It's not like I'm gonna hijack your bussiness strategy."


After a few seconds, Seungwan returned. "What? He finished the call in less than a minute? What did that woman wants sounding so urgent," Joohyun muttered.


"I have to go to work in Jeju for two weeks." Seungwan said short and clear.


Joohyun was suprised, "Ohh? Jeju? Two weeks?"



TIPS #4 : How To Follow Him When He Works Far From You


"This is probably a crazy tip. I don't think he's going to bring me along for his work trip. But still, I want to follow him. Perhaps if I do a on him, will he be tempted and let me to join him?" Joohyun lost in her thought.


"What's wrong with you?" Seungwan asked.


"No, it's nothing," Joohyun anwered nonchalantly.


"I won't be in Seoul for two weeks, don't get too naughty," Seungwan said.


"Are you really will be gone for two weeks?" Joohyun asked. "Two weeks are a long time. Does he really not afraid to leave me in this big house alone?"


"Why?" Seungwan replied.


"I'm afraid I will get bored."


"Well, three months ago, he went for a bussiness trip for a week, and I had a bad fever. Sooyoung said it's a lovesickness. Though, I try to deny, my heart said Sooyoung might be right. And now he will be leaving for two weeks. Can I survive from - eating, sleeping, playing and do everything alone?"


"Ehh, that's right. Since you're going for the bussiness trip, I can sleep while cuddling with Manen." Joohyun claimed.


"Manen? Who?" Seungwan asked.


"Little Manen! I named Manen cause he's only cost 10000 won (Man Won). So cute, just like a little K-pop idol," Joohyun cooed, holding up her squirrel plushie.


She squeezed his pudgy cheeks and bounced him up and down, making squirrel noises. "Chu chu chu! You're such a talented dancer too!" 


Seungwan glanced over the top of his laptop. "Handsome? Cute?"


Seungwan  returned to his work, but as  Joohyun praising and teasing Manen in an increasingly exaggerated fashion, Seungwan was starting to feel a twinge of jealousy.    


"Oh Manen, I think you're the most handsome squirrel I've ever seen!" Joohyun gushed. "Such beautiful brown fur and those sparkly button eyes!"  


Seungwan sighed, putting down her book. "I don't think he's that cute," he said.  


Joohyun tossed Manen in the air and caught him. "Nope! He is," she said in a high voice, shaking Manen side to side again.


Seungwan took out his phone and made a call, "Chanyeol, please book another one flight ticket for my wife."


"Oh? Ticket," Joohyun suprised.


"Go and start packing your clothes."


"Seungwan, you're going for a bussiness trip, not a honeymoon so why would you bring me?" Joohyun reminded him.


"Well, what's wrong if I said it's a honeymoon?"


"Go get ready," Seungwan added.


"Manen-yaa! Let's go," Joohyun exlaimed.


"No. Manen has to stay!" Seungwan protested.


" seems like someone is jealous with this cute squirrel. But what's more important is that tip #4 is a success!" Joohyun slowly grinned.















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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1707 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
117 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^