Chapter 2

Seducing Mr Workaholic

Son Seungwan, a 33 years old man came from a wealthy family. The man with IQ of 140 had graduated from University of Toronto. 

Seungwan's mother Jessica Jung, a Korean Canadian met his Korean husband while they were studying in Seoul National University.


Unfortunately, due to a car accident almost a decade ago, Seungwan had lost his father. As a result Seungwan had inherited his family bussiness.


Despite his priveleged upbringing, Seungwan was humble, and acknowledged his success was due to the hard work and dedication of those who came before him. 


Seungwan was an excellent communicator at work as he was able to build strong relationships with bussiness partner, and navigate complex negotiations and deals.


Too bad, same cannot be said in terms of his personal social skills. Seungwan might felt somewhat isolated from his peers due to his introverted nature. 




Seungwan had arrived at Jessica's house after his date with Joohyun. He sat nervously across from his mother, "Momma, there's something I need to talk to you about, I wishes to continue with the marriage between Joohyun and me."


"That's wonderful news, Seungwan-aah. I'll inform your aunt Tiffany and uncle Taeyeon about this." Jessica exclaimed.


No one knew why would Seungwan suddenly keen about this arrangement.




Joohyun's house, The next day.



"HAHAHAHA.. I do not expect this. When I first heard about you and Seungwan Oppa, I thought you were pranking me !" Yerim expressed. Kim Yerim, Joohyun's little cousin, who lived nearby.


Yerim had been familiar with Seungwan as he was her high school Physics tutor, before Seungwan had to move for college.


 "What kind of witchcraft had you used on Seungwan Oppa for him to accept you as his wife?" Yerim asked for confirmation.


Yeri continued, "Do you know that aunt Jessica had tried to match Seungwan Oppa with multiple women, but he had rejected all of them."




Seungwan's and Joohyun's families often spent holidays and celebrations together.


Seungwan was 13 years old when he first noticed Joohyun, who was 10 at the time. She was shy but had a bright smile, and had a pair of deer liked eyes that filled with stars. 


Over the next few years, Seungwan and Joohyun became acquainted through family gatherings.


They would chat during dinner, or play games together. Weirdly, as they both in high school, Joohyun had became a confident girl while Seungwan became a shy nerdy guy.


Joohyun used to call him Oppa and Seungwan was fine with it.


But when Seungwan came back from his study in Canada, Joohyun suddenly remembered things started to change. "Oppa? Since when I had became your brother?" A 24 years old Seungwan declared.


Snapped back to the present,


Joohyun puzzled, "Well, I can't understand him either. When I met him yesterday, he didn't even answer my questions properly. I thought he had rejected me, and I didn't expect him to proceed with the marriage."


"Yaa unnie... what if, Seungwan Oppa has feelings for you all along," Yerim kept guessing.


Joohyun was buffering deep in her though and voiced out, "That might be.. but I don't think that is the case. I think he probably tired after being pushed by aunt Jessica to get marry." 


( I'll explained it in laaaater chapter why Seungwan does not want Joohyun to call him Oppa, clue,,, something happened to 20 years old Seungwan when Joohyun called him 'Seungwan Oppa' XD)




The sunlight streamed through the curtains, rousing Joohyun from sleep.


A new day had begun, today was the day for Joohyun to send out her wedding invitation to her classmates.


Joohyun was going to complete her doctorate study in less than a month. 


"Here come's the future bride. What's up with you? I noticed that you're grinning from ear to ear and your face looks more glowing." Minjeong, Joohyun's classmate teased. 


"Someone has finally locked you down, huh? Had to put a ring on it to keep you!" Karina, added.


"Me? Grinning? No I'm not.. my wedding is in 6 weeks, I hope you all can made it" Joohyun handed out the wedding invitations to everyone.


Joohyun was glad he never introduced Suho's name and face to them, as he just mentioned him as an Oppa.


Or, her classmates would have noticed that the man on the invitation was a different guy.





After Joohyun had done with her coursework, she had received a message from bank. Joohyun then made a quick called to the bank.


Joohyun : Excuse me, the bank had notified me that my remaining semester fees had been paid in full but I never made that payment. Can you check what happened?

Bank Teller : Let me take a look.. it seems that someone paid your remaining tuition fees remaining of 6 million won.

Joohyun hesitated : Are you sure? I think there may be a mistake.

Teller : No mistake ma'am. The payment was specifically designated for Bae Joohyun's student account.

Joohyun shocked : I..I don't know what to say. I don't have any idea who would pay for me.

Teller : It stated here, the payment was made under the account name Mr Son Seungwan. Do you by chance know him?

Joohyun : Ohh yes I do know someone with that name... I see... Thank you for checking. Have a good day.

Joohyun headed home lost in thought. Joohyun was a little mad as if Seungwan thought she could not manage her own responsibilities.


It was not like Joohyun being ungrateful, but she wanted to pay for her study through her own hard work.


To add on, both of Joohyun parents were more than capable to settle the fee for her if Joohyun wanted.




"Meet me at this cafe tomorrow, or I'm going to ambush you in your office," that was what Joohyun texted  her fiancee, Seungwan - and there was no reply for him.


Seungwan finally made an appearance at the cafe after making Joohyun waited for an hour.


He suddenly grabbed Joohyun's wrist and walked out of the cafe. They then arrived at a western restaurant within walking distance.


Seungwan whispered something at the waiter and after a few minutes, the food were served.


"Oh, it's my favourite barbecue ribs. Looks good. Wait -- this is not the main reason why I asked to meet him. Mmm.. but why don't we just eat first," Joohyun took a bite at the rib as well as Seungwan.  


After gobbled up half of the plate, Joohyun wanted to start speaking up but then Seungwan had cut her off, "Don't talk when your mouth is full," he said with a stern voice. 


"Finish your food first, and you can ask me anything after that," Seungwan spoke again and Joohyun continued to wolfed down the ribs.


"Can you please slow down with your eating? I will not go anywhere. What if you get choke?!" Seungwan expressed.


Joohyun started to eat slowly and thought to herself, "..but why am I listening to him.. did he just used a spell on me, what if I'm just gonna follow his order after getting married?"


"Yaa, Joohyun I said to eat slowly not to be as slow as a sloth," his words had brought Joohyun back to earth. 


"How can he eat that fast? I saw his plate was full just now or am I the slow one," Joohyun mumbled to herself and looked at the time. It was 2 pm.


She realised she was late for the class. Joohyun continued to eat quickly until she sarted to choke.


She fumbled to reach the glass. Alas, there was little water left.


Jooohyun grabbed Seungwan's glass that was still full. Seungwan looked at her who was keep sipping the water until it was gone.


"AHHHH.. what a relief!" Joohyun let out a huge relief. 


Joohyun started to feel like all of the eyes in the restaurant were looking at her. She slowly turned around and yes, everyone was looking at their table.


Uncomfortable with their gaze, Joohyun immediately raised both of her hands to cover her face.


After a few minutes, no one had looked at her except for Seungwan eyes that were looking at her without blinking.


Seungwan looked at Joohyun with both of his hands crossed on his chest. It seemed Seungwan was dissatisfied with her due to the embarassment.


"Haish.. why do I always act so weird in front of him," Joohyun scolded herself. Seungwan called for the waiter for payment ignoring Joohyun.


"Uhh.. let me pay," Joohyun immediately stopped his hand from handing out the card.


After completing the payment, Seungwan walked to the exit, while Joohyun had to match his long strides to chase after him as he owned an explaination.


Seungwan stopped at one particular old looking car and opened the door for Joohyun.


" this his car? Okay I'm not insulting his car.. but looking at his stylish branded outfit...I thought he would has a modern technology car," Joohyun talked to herself.


Having a small knowledge about automobile, little did Joohyun know that Seungwan's car was a rare Chevrolet Corvette C1 1962 - that costed around $110,000. 


"Get in, what are you waiting for?" Seungwan ordered.


Without any objection, Joohyun got inside the front passenger seat and muttered to herself, "Yep.. it's confirm. He must use a shaman to control me. Fck.. I do whatever he asks, I hope he won't ask me to do anything weird."


"Aren't you wearing a seat belt after getting in?" Seungwan slaughtered Joohyun with his annoying words.


Again Joohyun had obeyed him.


Seungwan accelarated his car upon seeing Joohyun wore her seat belt.


"Wow, I shouldn't insult his car.It may seems like an old car, but the speed is like a F1 car. But this is not the time to praise his car. I need to scare him until he pees his pants. He hasn't seen my rage yet, right? Son Seungwan!" Joohyun lost in her thought. 


"You! The bank notified me that my tuition has been paid in full under your name. We're not even married yet. Why would you intervene with my financial."


"Just let me pay. I'm rich." Seungwan protested.


"Well it feels like a charity I didn't earn. The debt was mine to pay," Joohyun said.


"I'm srry.." Seungwan talked as fast as he can with a low voice.


"Did he just say sorry... but where he did knew about my debt? Did he stalks me? Arghh, my future husband is not only a workaholic but also a psycho." Joohyun pondered. 


"I know you have a lot of money, but.. you don't have to waste your money on me. See, I have a perfectly intact legs and hands with a superb brain, I can do a part time job" Joohyun continued while flexing her limbs.


"Fine, you can pay me back later or whatever," Seungwan added.


"Well, I only meant to ease her  as I heard that Joohyun works at part time at a bakery, while completing her thesis..," Seungwan thought to himself.


"I appreciate that you wanted to help. But, just let me know if you want to do something on my behalf," Joohyun said.




"Run away? Are you insane? Your wedding is less than 3 weeks, you know," Yerim scolded at Joohyun.


"But, I don't want to get marry to Seungwan. He's a weird psycho and likes to order me around," Joohyun frustrated.


"Joohyun unnie, listen to my advice.Don't get yourself in trouble. Suho ran away and now you? Suho is a man, and you are a woman. People would think differently if the woman runs away, and they will bad mouth your parents. Anyway, Seungwan Oppa is a better man.. why would you run away solely for that reason?" Joohyun nodded in agreement at Yerim's words. 




A week before the wedding, Seungwan and Joohyun were busy for wedding preparation.


Both families had agreed to held the ceremony in  Four Seasons Hotel Seoul as it could  fit tons of guests in the hall with a large parking space.


However, at that time Seungwan was out of the country for work and Joohyun had to solve the matter. 


"Gosh..Joohyun, you haven't get ready yet? Seungwan has already waiting outside," Tiffany who was suprised to see Joohyun lying on the bed when she entered her room.


Joohyun snapped at the mentioned of her future husband name.


Joohyun looked at her wall clock and mumbled to herself, "It's only 10 am. We promised at 11 am. Seungwan is the one who came early. Ohh, wait.. that's right his watch is one hour early."


"Mom, it's only 10 am. We actually promised to meet at 11 am."


"What is 10 am ?! It's 11 in the morning," Tiffany claimed but Joohyun did not believe her mother.


"Oh God, this girl. Your clock has no battery. I already told you that I had took the battery of your clock to replace it with the clock battery in the living room.." Tiffany added.


Joohyun gasped. She looked closely at the clock and noticed the needle did not move at all, "Arghhh why did this happen to me." Joohyun rushed for a quick shower and done in 10 minutes.


Just as Joohyun about to step outside, she heard Seungwan's voice making her suprised, "How many months haven't you bath?" Joohyun thought  Seungwan could smell her odour from outside.


Joohyun slowly sneaked a peek at the window and saw Seungwan crouched at Tiffany's garden.


Joohyun was suprised to see Seungwan talked and petted her favourite rabbit, Olaf.


"Yaa Olaf, didn't we already agree to make an alliance against that man? But.. the way he caressed the rabbbit seems like he loves animal. I thought man like him would dislike animal," Joohyun whispered to herself. 




While waiting for Joohyun, Seungwan noticed there was a rabbit hopped around Tiffany's garden, "Hey there, little one. How are you?"


The rabit silently sniffed Seungwan. "Yeah, it's pretty quiet around here. I'm just waiting for your owner," Seungwan continued.


Olaf then hopped over to Seungwan's lap and petted him, "Aww, you just love getting attention, don't you? Well, you're in luck..I'm happy to give you all the attention you want."


Joohyun suddenly had an idea, "Ohh.. I thought of something. It's not easy to see this side of Seungwan. This is the time. I should record his little chat with Olaf.. and make this video as a tool to overpower him," while pressing the record button on her phone.


She then walked towards Seungwan's car by taking her own time. 


"Joohyun..what time is it now?" asked Seungwan.


Joohyun pretended to look at the clock in his car. "12.50 in the afternoon. But since you set your watch an hour early, it's 11.50 in the morning!" She answered boldly. 


"How many times do I have to remind you...," before he could finish his sentence, Joohyun started to play the video she recorded earlier.


Joohyun looked up at his reddish blushing face. His hand had tried to snatch the phone but Joohyun had quickly put it away in her pants pocket.


"That's right. If he's a true gentleman, he will not dare to pick my pocket", Joohyun thought.


That's right - Joohyun saw Seungwan lose his mind when he saw what she did.


"You..," Seungwan stopped.


"Seungwan-ssi, Didn't you say you hate to be late." Joohyun said.


Seungwan then snorted angrily, and started his car engine to drive the road.






Thankyou for subscribing , commenting and also the upvotes 🫶🏻 just in case if you thought the story was ridiculous, just think the story as a fluff stuff ✌🏻

also im not sure how to make Joohyun's reaction when Seungwan paid for her debt as I want to make something about Joohyun getting mad at him.. I had think of Joohyun is actually an office worker instead of a student, and Seungwan had send her resignation letter as Joohyun was getting marry.. but then I don't want to potray Seungwan as a close minded person where the wife has to stop working after getting marry. Thus, i just made Joohyun is a student and Seungwan settled her debt which makes him much more better 🤷‍♀️ 





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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1707 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
117 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^