Chapter 12

Seducing Mr Workaholic

A few blissful days had passed since Seungwan and Joohyun's bussiness trip turned romance getaway in Jeju. All too soon, reality called them back to the city with their daily routines and true to his word, Seungwan refused any extra time at work from then on.


It was now the weekend, and Joohyun received an invitation to Yerim's birthday party. It's strictly a girls' night, no boys allowed, Yerim had specified.


Joohyun finished getting ready while Seungwan waited patiently on the couch. When she emerged, he whistled appreciatively. "You look stunning, as always."


As Seungwan pulled up in front of Yerim's house and put the car in park. He turned to Joohyun beside him. "We're here. I'll be back to pick you up in a few hours, okay?"


Joohyun smiled at him,  "Thanks for driving me, Wan-ah. I'll see you later! Too bad Yerim said it's girls' only."


Joohyun started to open the door but Seungwan placed a gentle hand on her arm to stop her. "Don't worry about me, Joohyun. I'm happy to wait. Besides, a few hours alone will give me time to catch up on some chores around the house with some work to do." He leaned in for the goodbye kiss.


She leaned over and kissed him softly. "Alright, don't overdo it though. I expect your full attention later!" 


With that, she exited the car and made her way up Yerim's front walk. Seungwan watched her go with fondness in his gaze, admiring the way her long hair swayed with each step. When she reached the door and turned to give him one last wave, he lifted his hand in return before pulling away from the curb.


With Joohyun occupied at the party, Seungwan set about tidying their home - load of laundry, mopped the kitchen floor, and emptied the dishwasher, humming quietly. As evening descending, Seungwan sat down to respond to some work emails. 








As Joohyun exited the car and made her way inside amid the thumping bass. Yerim greeted her exuberantly, already two drinks in.


"Joohyun unnie! So glad you could make it," Yerim shouted over the music. After chatting and laughing with steady streams of cocktails, Joohyun finally began to loosen up.


The party was in full swing as Joohyun chatted and laughed with friends. Shots were poured generously as the evening progressed. As she leaned against the bar for another drink, snippets of a nearby conversation caught Joohyun's attention amidst the noise.


"...heard from Chaeyoung who heard from Nayeon that Jennie is pregnant..."


At the mention of those traitorous names, Joohyun froze. "...wonder who the father is? I think it's the slimeball ex of hers, Suho..." they whispered.


"After everything that happened with Joohyun? The nerve of some people!"


Joohyun tried to ignore them and, but more comments reached her ears. "Well, she always did go after other girls' men. I'm not surprised."


"Joohyun must be mortified. As if getting her heart broken wasn't bad enough."


"She should consider herself lucky to be rid of him. Can you imagine being tied to Suho for life with his track record?"



Thankfully, quick-thinking Yerim had noticed Joohyun's visible distress from afar. She touched Joohyun's arm gently. "Unnie, let's get some fresh air outside for a minute."


Joohyun followed gratefully, glad to remove herself from the room. Once they were alone on the back porch, Yerim turned to her with a sympathetic look.


"Don't pay any attention to the things those ignorant girls were saying in there." She squeezed Joohyun's hand supportively.


Joohyun nodded slowly, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. "I know, it just caught me off guard hearing about...that situation." 


Joohyun sighed, tension melting away in Yerim's comforting embrace. "It just brought back on how Jennie and I were once close." Joohyun smiled gratefully.


Yerim grasped her hands supportively. "Well...past is the past. You have so much happiness now." A mischievous glint entered her eyes. "Speaking of happiness, that husband of yours, has Seungwan oppa softened up at all?"


"Actually a few weeks ago, Seungwan had a business trip to Jeju. I asked if I could tag along and he agreed. But as usual once we got there, he was so busy with meetings and clients."


Yerim nodded understandingly. "That must have been really disappointing. But at least you got to see some of Jeju in the process!"


Joohyun expression turned more solemn as Joohyun recounted their fight. "One day though,  saw one of his colleague hugged him. It really bothered me, even though I know Seungwan would never do anything."


Yerim nodded understandingly. "Ugh, that girl sounds shady. But I'm sure it was all innocent on Seungwan's part."


"You're right," Joohyun sighed. "But we did end up fighting about it that night. I was angry.."


Her gaze fell to her lap in shame. "I shouldn't have doubted Seungwan's faithfulness despite his cold personality."


Yerim squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Fights happen in relationships. I'm just glad you made up."


Joohyun nodded. "We did. We both apologized and put it behind us." A faint blush colored her cheeks as she continued.


Yerim watched her knowingly. "I bet that's when oppa started to really let his guard down around you, right?"


Joohyun nodded, cheeks pinking as she lowered her voice. " was...really nice." She dared a glance at Yerim shyly. 


Yerim gasped dramatically. "Unnie! why are you blushing!! Tell me did you two finally -"


"Kim Yerim!" Joohyun stopped her.


Yerim cackled cheerfully and winked. "My innocent Joohyun unnie is all grown up. I'm so happy for you both. It seems this trip was just what your relationship needed to blossom even more beautifully."


When Joohyun finished recounting all their trips to Jeju, Yerim sighed dreamily. "It sounds like you two had the perfect happy ending little honeymoon getaway."


Joohyun blinked in surprise. "Honeymoon? Well, it was for his business tr-"


Yerim waved a hand. "Same difference! Tomayto Tomahto! You've been married for months. Might as well consider it a belated honeymoon." Her eyes gleamed slyly. "Especially since it seems Mr. Tsundere finally opened up fully to his sweet wife..."


" I like seeing that sweet side of him."


Yerim cooed teasingly. "Aww, you're so in love! I'm glad you two were finally able to let your guards down completely. It's what great relationships are built on." Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Speaking of building...when can I expect to meet little Seungwan and little Joohyun junior running around soon?"


"Kim Yerim!" Joohyun gasped, cheeks flaming red. A flush crept up Joohyun's neck as memories resurfaced of their intimate moment in Jeju.


Undeterred, Yerim pounced. "Come on, you must have thought about it! I bet Seungwan would make the cutest little daddy." She cupped her hands in front of Joohyun stomach exaggeratedly. "Can you see it?"


Joohyun just giggled, cheeks still pink but eyes sparkling. Within, her heart swelled at the mental image Yerim painted of a miniature Seungwan toddling after its parents.


"Maybe someday, if it's meant to be," Joohyun replied softly.


Yerim smirked. "Well, I expect to hear baby news soon! Seungwan would be such a doting dad. And you'll be the cutest little mommy." She made exaggerated cooing noises that had Joohyun giggling helplessly despite her shyness.


Just as Joohyun and Yerim were giggling together, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway to the patio. Jennie paused there, one hand resting lightly on her protruding belly.


Yerim's smile immediately vanished upon seeing her. Joohyun tensed, fighting to keep her composure. "Jennie unnie. What are you doing here?"


Jennie gave a tight smile. "Surprise, I ran into some of the girls inside and they invited me to join. I hope that's okay, Yerim." Her gaze flicked deliberately to Joohyun. "I just couldn't resist catching up with everyone."


Yerim's expression was stony. "Oh really? Funny, I don't remember extending an invite to you." Her tone made it clear Jennie was not welcome.


But Jennie ignored the hint. "How have you been, Joohyun? It's been a while." Though phrased as a question, her sly smirk said she already knew the answers.


Joohyun spoke coolly. "I'm good. Congratulations on" She gestured tersely at Jennie's bump, unwilling to utter more.


Jennie's smirk widened, reading between the lines. "Glad to hear it. Hopefully all is well with you and...what was his name, Seokmin?"


"Seungwan," Joohyun corrected sharply. She refused to rise to Jennie's baiting. "If you'll excuse us, Yerim and I were in the middle of a private conversation."


The glance Yerim shot Jennie could have melted steel. Taking the hint this time, Jennie shrugged and backed into the house, triumph in her eyes.


Once Jennie had left, Joohyun sat onto the patio sofa. Yerim sat beside her, expression concerned.


Yerim mad. "The audacity. As if rubbing her pregnancy in your face wouldn't be painful." She took Joohyun's hand supportively. "You don't deserve to be treated this way by someone who was supposedly your friend."


Joohyun leaned her head on Yerim's shoulder wearily. "We were such good friends for so long. I never thought she'd betray me like that."


Yerim nodded understandingly. "It must have been difficult seeing her betrayal unfold."


"Not really," Joohyun replied matter-of-factly. "Since Suho and I were in an arranged relationship by our families. While I didn't want to disappoint our parents, I couldn't force genuine feelings where there were none. When Jennie came between us, it was almost a relief to have an easy out."


She shrugged. "Though Jennie blocked me on social media afterward,  it didn't bother me. Our friendship was probably superficial."


 "When Seungwan came into my life. Our marriage was arranged as well, but from the beginning there was a like real connection and care between us."


"It's clear Seungwan was meant for you," Yerim said firmly. "You're better than Jennie in every way. She'll get what's coming to her someday."


Joohyun merely laughed softly. "I wish her no ill will. Our paths just happened to diverge in a way that led me to my true happiness. I wish Jennie well with Suho and her new family."


Joohyun and Yerim continued chatting happily until Joohyun glanced at her watch with a start. "Oh wow, it's gotten a lot later than I realized."


She turned to Yerim apologetically. "I'm sorry to cut our catch-up short, but I should get going since Seungwan said he'd pick me up."


Yerim waved off her apology. "Not a problem at all. I'm glad we got to spend some quality time reconnecting today." She stood and pulled Joohyun into a tight hug.


"Thanks so much for coming. And don't be a stranger unnie - you're always welcome here whether it's a loud party or cozy girls’ night in," Yerim said warmly.


Joohyun hugged her back just as fiercely. "Thanks Yerim-aah. We'll have to plan our next hangout soon."


As if on cue, headlights shone through the patio windows. But it wasn't Seungwan's familiar car - it was Suho's expensive sedan pulling into the driveway.


Joohyun felt Yerim tense up next to her. Together they watched as Suho stepped out, straightening his designer suit jacket. He strode purposefully inside without a glance toward the patio.


Soon after, Jennie emerged, waddling out with a hand resting smugly on her pregnant belly. She leaned into the passenger seat and Suho closed her door gently, ever the solicitous partner.


Joohyun merely sighed. "I see they're as cozy as ever." She felt no twinge of jealousy watching them. 


Yerim shot her a curious look. "Aren't you even a tiny bit bothered by the sight of them?"


Joohyun shrugged. "Not at all. Jennie did me a favor taking him off my hand."


Just as Suho was about to get into his car, another vehicle pulled into the driveway - Seungwan's Corvette.


He emerged from the driver's side, straightening his collar as he walked around to the passenger side. Joohyun smiled, always one to open doors for her.


Noticing the new arrival, Suho paused to look over appraisingly. Seungwan met his gaze calmly, then turned to help Joohyun from the patio.


"Ready to go?" he asked softly, taking her hand. Joohyun nodded, waving goodbye to Yerim.


Joohyun leaning into his comfortable embrace as they reached the car. "Thank you for coming to get me," she said warmly.


Seungwan  smiled, eyes crinkling the way she loved. "Of course. I'll always be here." With that gentle reassurance, he opened her door before rounding to the driver's side.


As they drove away from the party, Seungwan glanced at Joohyun thoughtfully. "Was that Suho I saw picking Jennie up?"


Joohyun nodded. "Mhm, they arrived together right as I was getting ready to leave."


Seungwan frowned slightly. "I see. That must have been...uncomfortable, seeing your ex with the woman he cheated with."


To his surprise, Joohyun merely shrugged. "Not really. Suho and I were never anything deep.." She smiled, taking Seungwan's hand. "Especially not since it led me to finding you."


Seungwan smiled back, though a hint of curiosity lingered in his eyes. "Still, I was surprised to see him."


Joohyun shook her head. "He probably came to pick Jennie up."


As they drove away, Seungwan replayed the moment of making eye contact with Suho. "When he looked over at me, it almost seemed like a challenge."


Joohyun chuckled softly. "You're reading too much into it, dear. I'm sure Suho doesn't spare us a second thought these days."


Seungwan made a noncommittal noise, pretending to pout. "I don't know, he looked pretty intrigued by you. I saw the way his gaze lingered." Seungwan playfully toyed with the rearview mirror, pretending to check whether Suho might be following. "I'll have to step up our game if he's getting ideas."


Catching on, Joohyun giggled and hugged Seungwan's arm gently. "Oh no, what shall you do? I guess you'll just have to romance me extra hard tonight to prove who I really love."


Seungwan grinned, taking her hand and kissing it dramatically. "Consider it done, my darling! I'll wine and dine you so well, Suho will be green with envy. I intend to romance you ten times better than Suho ever dreamed!"


"You know, I have the urge to pull over right now and romance you properly," Seungwan said in a teasing tone.


Joohyun laughed. "Oh really? And what did you have in mind, romancing me in the car?"


Seungwan pretended to seriously consider it while looking at Joohyun suggestively. "Hmm, we could cuddle up in the backseat . I'll shower you with kisses and make you melt."


"Seungwan!" Joohyun giggled, giving his arm a playful slap. "Keep your eyes on the road, we don't need to get pulled over!"



But as their joking continued, nearly an hour passed without seeing any signs of home. Joohyun began to realize they hadn't taken their normal route.


"Seungwan...where exactly are we going?" she asked, noticing the countryside scenery had changed. "This road looks familiar."


He suddenly grinned. "Ah, well you my haste to romance you up, I may have missed a turn or two."


Just then they passed a sign for Daegu, over 100 miles from their home in Seoul. Joohyun gasped.


"Daegu? tThat's...that's my hometown!??" She exlaimed in suprise. 


Seungwan took Joohyun's hand with a tender smile. "Suprise! I wanted to truly step up my game and sweep you off your feet. What better way than a loving home visit to your parents?" Joohyun laughed in delight.


But then Joohyun turned to look at him skeptical, "You planned this visit, didn't you?"


Seungwan feigned innocence. cheerfully "What do you mean? I told you, I want to sweep off your parents as well! Giving your dad some back massage. And your mom a foot rub, cause no woman hates foot rub!"


"Seungwan, I know you're playing dumb. Your expression when we pulled into town gave it away," Joohyun said. "There's no way you just drove hours to Daegu just to sweep them off. Tell me the real reason."


Seungwan sighed. He knew he couldn't keep up the charade for long with Joohyun's perceptive eyes. "Alright, you got me..the truth is...I was a little worried about you after what happened in Jeju last week," he admitted.


Joohyun sighed. "Seungwan, I told you I'm fine. It was just a small fender bender."


"I know, I know. But I thought just seeing your parents might make you feel better, and it has been a long time since we saw them," Seungwan took her hand and gave her a gentle smile. "Humour me, okay?"



Joohyun squeezed his hand. "That's very sweet of you Seungwan. Thank you for thinking of me. I appreciate you taking the time to do this."



Seungwan smiled bashfully. "It was no problem, really. I'm just glad we could come visit your parents. And who knows, maybe while we're here I can use sweep them off as well."


"Wannie, I'm pretty sure you have charmed them by now"


"... but just in case try not to overwhelm them with your loveliness too much, alright? I don't want to see my parents faint from excitement at the sight of their son-in-law." Johyun said.


Seungwan laughed. "No promises!" 


Joohyun toned then changed, " you think we can keep what happened in Jeju between us?" she asked Seungwan hesitantly. "I don't want to send Mom into a panic if she knows."


Seungwan nodded understandingly holding her hand. "I won't say anything if that's what you want. Our little secret." He knew Tiffany well enough that any mention of her daughter being in an accident, no matter how minor, would probably result in hovering and tears for weeks. 


Before long, they were pulling up outside Joohyun's parents house. As they rang, the door opened to reveal Tiffany, who broke into a wide smile. "Joohyun! What a lovely surprise." Tiffany pulled her daughter into a tight hug.


"Hi Mom." Joohyun hugged her back, feeling instantly at ease in her mother's warm embrace.


Tiffany let her go and turned to Seungwan. "And Seungwan too! It's your first visit to our home in Daegu right? Come in, come in." She ushered them inside.


Joohyun's father emerged from the next room. "Joohyun! You didn't tell us you were coming to visit." Taeyeon gave her a hug as well.


"It was kind of a last minute trip," Joohyun explained smiling at Seungwan.


Taeyeon turned to Seungwan and shook his hand enthusiastically. "Seungwan, good to see you again. Keeping our daughter happy, I hope?"


Seungwan grinned. "Doing my best, dad."


Tiffany clapped her hands together. "Well, I just put a pot of soup on the stove. Please, come sit and relax while I serve it up."


The four sat around the table enjoying the home cooked meal. Joohyun's parents asked questions about work and friends, eager to catch up. Joohyun answered smoothly, careful not to mention anything about her accident that day.


After finishing their meal, Joohyun helped her mother clear the dishes while Seungwan chatted with Taeyeon in the living room. She could hear their easy laughter floating through the house as the men talked sports and current events.


Joohyun smiled to herself, content to be surrounded by family. When she entered the living room again with a pot of tea, her mother followed behind.


“So what brings you both all the way out here so suddenly?” Tiffany asked, pouring cups of tea for everyone. “Not that we mind the visit of course.”


Joohyun glanced at Seungwan, wondering how he would explain their impromptu trip without mentioning the accident. Luckily he was quick on his feet.


“The city has been so busy and noisy lately, we were in need of some peace and quiet,” Seungwan replied smoothly. “Figured there’s no better place than with you wonderful folks. I’ve also been eager to show off my massage skills - I’ve been practicing some new techniques.”


He shot Joohyun a wink, making her struggle to suppress a smirk. Her mother clapped her hands together excitedly.


“Ooh, a massage does sound heavenly right about now. I’m sure Joohyun could use one too after that long drive.” She glanced between them questioningly. “Will you both be staying the night then?”


Joohyun opened to politely decline, not wanting to impose, but Seungwan beat her to it.


“If it’s no trouble, we’d love to stay, since tomorrow is Sunday.”


Tiffany beamed. “Wonderful! I’ll get the guest room ready.” Without another word she bustled out of the room.


Joohyun sighed and shook her head, though a smile played at her lips. “You’re in for it now. Once she gets her claws into you there’s no escape.”


Seungwan laughed. “I think I can handle one night of pampering.. want a massage?”


She leaned back against the sofa, stretching out her legs. “Hmm... a massage does sound nice...”


Seungwan patted his lap invitingly. “Your butler awaits, m’lady.”


Joohyun rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling as she shifted to lay stomach down across his legs. Strong hands went to work, kneading the knots from her muscles with practiced care. She sighed blissfully, eyes drifting shut.


“Told you I’ve been practicing,” Seungwan chuckled.


"Mmm that feels amazing," she sighed blissfully. "Thank you for earlier with my parents too."


Seungwan chuckled lightly. "It was no problem, I know how your mom can be. Your secret is safe with me."


Joohyun turned over, grasping his hands fondly. "I really owe you one for keeping my Jeju accident on the down low. How can I repay you?" she asked coyly.


A playful smile spread across Seungwan's face as he leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. "I'm sure we can think of something..." 



Just then came Tiffany's voice.. "All set! I put fresh sheets on the bed and fluffed the pillows. You two get some rest, you must be exhausted from the drive." Joohyun and Seungwan jumped apart like startled deer, breathing heavily. 


Tiffany looked between them suspiciously. "Thank you two weren't...were you?" Realization dawned on her face. 


"N-no mom, of course not!" Joohyun lied unconvincingly. Seungwan turned as red as a tomato.


Shaking her head with an amused smile, Tiffany handed the blanket back. "You know, the guest room at this house has thicker walls. Maybe continue there next time."


With that she winked and left, cackling down the hall at their expense. Joohyun melted into the floor in mortification as Seungwan wondered if the earth could just swallow him whole.


Joohyun and Seungwan quietly crept upstairs after the embarrassing encounter, clinging to each other out of both amusement and residual lust. As they reached the top, Joohyun paused in front of a closed door near the hall. "Come with me," she said softly to Seungwan, taking his hand. 


"Joohyun, what..." Seungwan began to ask, but his question died on his lips as Joohyun turned the knob and pushed the door open.


Bright pink walls greeted them, decorated with posters of pop stars and anime characters. A twin bed was pressed against one wall, strewn with various stuffed animals. A large wooden desk took up the other side of the room, covered in notebooks and trinkets.


Seungwan took it all in with wide eyes. "Is this...?"


Joohyun smiled shyly. "Welcome to my childhood bedroom."


She stepped inside and took a slow spin, drinking in the nostalgia. Everything was just as she remembered - not a single item out of place. Her mother must dust in here religiously.


Seungwan hovered in the doorway, unsure if he should enter such a personal space. "Joohyun, are you sure...?"


She took his hands and pulled him gently inside. "I want to share this part of myself with you."


Seungwan took his time gazing at each keepsake and memory, gaining insight into the girl Joohyun once was.


As Seungwan's eyes scanned the room, taking in all the pieces of Joohyun's past, one item in particular caught his attention. Hanging above the desk was a large poster of a gorgeous woman, her long black hair flowing behind her as she gazed off into the distance.


"Is that BoA?" Seungwan asked in surprise.


Joohyun followed his gaze and laughed. "Ah yes, my long time idol crush. She was really popular back in my teen days."


Seungwan smiled fondly. "You had good taste. She's incredibly talented."


Their conversation was interrupted by a glint of light reflecting off a small framed photo tucked between some books on the shelf.


Seungwan stepped closer for a better look and felt his breath catch in his throat.


It was a candid shot taken at their old high school.


He remembered the day well - there had been a festival and he was walking to class when he passed by Joohyun chatting with friends. Even from a distance, she had stood out, her beauty and radiant smile piercing his heart with Cupid's arrow.


But he never could have guessed someone had snapped this photo of him in that fateful, lovesick moment of making eye contact with Joohyun from across the yard. Here it was now, preserved all these years in her bedroom no less.


"Joohyun..." he breathed, overcome with emotion. "When did you take this?" Seungwan sat on the bed.


She moved to his side, following his gaze, and gasped quietly. “I didn’t take this. Yerim must have. She was always sneaking candid shots of people.”


A smile tugged at her lips as memories resurfaced. “You looked at me that day like I was the only - Ohh? wait-" Joohyun's attention was drawn to Seungwan's eyes. There was a look in them she had never noticed before - an intense, longing gaze focused entirely on her.


Joohyun's breath caught in . She looked up at the present-day Seungwan standing next to her. Their eyes met, and for a moment he looked at her with the very same expression staring back from the photograph.


"Seungwan...what is this look?" She asked hesitantly, showing him the photo.


Seungwan flushed, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "What look?"


Though he knew full well what she was asking. Seungwan couldn't very well lie with that damning photo glaring at them from the shelf. He took a steadying breath.


"The truth is...I've had feelings for you since our high school days. That day in particular, when I saw you at the school was like the whole world fell away except for you. You were breathtaking." Joohyun's hands flew to in wonder.


Joohyun's mind was racing, placing the pieces together. As Joohyun gazed into Seungwan's eyes, she couldn't help but think back on all the different ways he had looked at her for the past few months. The memory of that one photo stood out sharply, but now she recalled so many other seemingly insignificant moments in a new light.


"I can't believe I was so oblivious for so long," Joohyun marveled aloud. "Your feelings for me were right there, plain as day, and I never realized."



Joohyun shook her head, running her fingers lightly over his features as if seeing him anew. "I should have known no one had ever looked at me the way you do."


Seungwan caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm, eyes shining. "Well, you see it now. And that's all that matters to me - that you know how deeply I care for you."


As Joohyun leaned in Seungwan's touch, a playful smile spread across her lips. "But you know, I didn't realise cause all this time I really thought the way you looked at me was a bit...intense."


Seungwan raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Intense?"


Joohyun nodded, trying to suppress a giggle. "Like a predator sizing up its prey! I always felt like you were staring right through me."


Comprehension dawned on Seungwan's face, followed by embarrassment as he buried it in his hands with a groan.


"Ugh, I'm so sorry! I must have come across as totally creepy."


Joohyun finally lost her battle with laughter, the melodic sound music to Seungwan's ears despite his mortification.


"Well in my defense, you are incredibly beautiful," Seungwan mumbled into his palms. "It's hard not to stare."


"I'm just teasing you, Seungwan. I realize now those intense gazes came from a place of deep affection, not predatory intent." She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Thank you for loving me all this time, even when I wasn't fully aware."


Seungwan blew out a breath of relief, returning her kiss sweetly. "I'm glad my true feelings came to light in the end. Will you forgive my accidental stalker-like behavior?"


Joohyun pretended to ponder this, lips quirked in mocking thought. "Hmm, I suppose so. As long as you continue lavishing me with your affectionate stares from now on."


"With pleasure," Seungwan grinned, pulling her tightly against him and gazing into her eyes in an exaggerated display. Joohyun giggled at his silliness, utterly charmed


As they lay on her old bed quietly together, Joohyun's curiosity got the better of her. "Seungwan...if you felt this way about me for so long, why didn't you ever say anything back in school?"



But then a roguish grin spread across Seungwan's lips. "Well, you were so arrogant and full of yourself back then."


Joohyun gasped in mock offense, swatting his arm playfully. "Yah! I was not!"


Seungwan laughed, capturing her hand to press a kiss to her palm. "You were the most popular girl in high school. I was just the awkward nerd kid. How could I ever confess to someone so out of my league?"


Joohyun opened to protest but he silenced her with a gentle finger to her lips.


Seungwan reached out to play with a lock of her hair, smiling fondly. "You were like an elegant fairy from another world."


Joohyun giggled at the imagery. "A fairy? So you're telling me shy little Seungwan was scared of a silly fairy?"


He laughed along with her delighted laughter. "Very scared! You witches and your magical feminine wiles."


Joohyun smacked his chest playfully. "Yah, who are you calling a witch?!"


"You're right. You're not a witch at all - You've always been my immortal goddess of love come down to earth, Bae Joohyun"


His velvety words sent a thrill through her. Forcing a halfhearted glare, she tugged her hand free with a huff. "Keep sweet talking and you'll get nice kisses later. For now I'm still mad at you, Mister!"

Seungwan grinned, catching her hand to kiss her fingers fondly. "I'm sorry for upsetting you. How can I earn your forgiveness?"


Joohyun peered at him skeptically. "Tell me more about this 'crush' you claim to have had. Prove it wasn't just a fling."


A faraway look came over Seungwan's eyes as he reminisced. "Even as a shy teenager, the way you smiled and cared for others awed me. But being apart in Canada only made my feelings deepen."


She gazed at him softly. "Really? It lasted that long?"


A faraway look came over Seungwan's eyes as he reminisced. "Even as a teenager, the way you smiled and cared for others awed me. But being apart in Canada only made my feelings deepen."


Seungwan nodded. "Experts say a crush lasting more than four months is actually considered love. Mine has spanned over a decade, from our high school days until now at age 33."


Joohyun cradled his face, "You truly love me?"


Smiling lovingly, Seungwan pressed a gentle kiss to her palm. "With my whole soul, my wife. You've captured my heart since we were in school."


"You know, as tough as that period after my dad's passed was, there was another reason I acted distant at first," he said with a playful glint.


Joohyun raised her eyebrows questioningly. "Oh? And what was that?"


Seungwan smirked playfully. "I wanted to see you try your hardest for my attention, of course. Seducing me and all"


She swatted his chest with a laugh. "Yah! A husband should dote on his wife naturally, not force her to seduce him."


Seungwan grinned sheepishly. "I couldn't help it, you were just too cute in your attempts to win my icy heart."


Joohyun laughed betrayed her true affection. "Some husband you were in the beginning - always brooding and pushing me away."


Seungwan nuzzled her cheek in apology. "I'm sorry, my love. But your vibrant spirit and unwillingness to give up was what drew me in too."


her hair tenderly, Seungwan continued shyly, "Truth be told, I absolutely craved your attention and affection from the start."


Joohyun quirked a curious brow at him to continue. He paused, face flushing at the memory. Seungwan continued, "Do you remember one of your late night cooking? It nearly drove me wild with want."


A knowing smile spread across Joohyun's lips. "Ah, the stir fried eel I secretly made for you that night. You seemed so tense eating it while pretending disinterest at first."


"It was all I could do to maintain my act and not ravish you on the spot," Seungwan chuckled, color high on his cheeks. 


Joohyun giggled, cupping his heated face lovingly. "My poor husband." As Joohyun giggled at the memory of thawing Seungwan's cold demeanor, a mischievous look came over her face.


She leaned in close, lips nearly brushing his ear as she whispered in a sultry tone, "Maybe I should cook those eels for you again...see if they have the same effect."


Her warm breath tickled Seungwan's skin, sending a shiver down his spine. He gulped nervously even as desire pooled low in his abdomen.


"Y-you wouldn't dare torment me so," he stammered, though hope and longing filled his gaze.


Joohyun drew back with a flirty smile, thoroughly enjoying the power she held over her once tsundere husband. Leaning in once more, she blew a gentle puff of air into his ear.


Seungwan couldn't suppress a full body shudder, excitement and need surging through his veins at her teasing ministrations. His control was crumbling fast under her adept seduction.


Trailing kisses along his neck and jaw, Joohyun paused to whisper, "I think I'll take that as a challenge, my love. Let's see who ends up tormenting whom..."


With a feral gleam, Seungwan pinned Joohyun beneath him, lavishing attention across her aroused body until she was writhing and pleading for release.


Joohyun writhed and pleaded breathlessly beneath Seungwan's skillful ministrations. She was so close to falling over the precipice when suddenly he stilled. Panting heavily, she gazed up at him in a lust-addled haze. "W-Why did you stop?"


Seungwan smiled apologetically. "As eager as I am to pleasure you fully, my love, I just remembered where we are."


"Your old room is right next to the hall," Seungwan continued softly. "We don't want to risk being overheard in our passionate throes."


Joohyun blushed furiously at the thought but nodded understandingly. "You're right, that would be mortifying to be caught again! Let's move to the guest room. It's all the way at the end of the hall, with the walls are way thicker."


Seungwan helped her up with a playful grin, taking her hand as he followed her  down the hall. "Well come on then, tiger! I believe you have an appetite of your own left to satisfy."  Seungwan chuckled heartily, following his eager vixen down the hall.


As soon as the guest room door closed behind them, Joohyun wrapped her arms around his neck to resume their passionate kiss. With no worries of interruptions, she let Seungwan slowly undress and worship her body, as she gaspsed with pleasured moans.


Joohyun as well showed her husband no mercy as she lavished him with pleasure. Seungwan’s gripped the sheets, lost to sensation, murmured praise and desperate moans of her name. They then moved together in a primal rhythm.


Seungwan and Joohyun both laid sated in each other embraces as they came down from pleasure's heights. She traced idle patterns on his chest, pressing light kisses to his skin.


Seungwan hummed contentedly, carding his fingers through her tousled hair. But then a playful smirk tugged at his lips. "You know...I think we may have been a bit too loud just now," he teased.


Joohyun gasped, smacking his chest in mock outrage even as a blush colored her cheeks. "Yah! Don't even joke about that!".


Seungwan laughed heartily, unabashed in his mirth. "I'm just saying, though your parents' room is at the end of the hallway. I think the whole neighborhood knows what we were up to."


Joohyun buried her embarrassed face in his neck, though a smile tugged at her lips too. "Yah, stop! Now I'll be too shy to look them in the eye tomorrow."


Seungwan chuckled heartily at her reaction. "Aww baby, don't worry. I'm sure we weren't that loud."


She swatted his chest weakly. "You better hope so, or you'll be in big trouble mister."


"Now, now get some rest. I think we've both exerted enough energy for one night," he said playfully.


Joohyun giggled, relaxing into his embrace as exhaustion crept in. "Definitely. Any more and I might not be able to walk tomorrow!"


Seungwan gently tucked stray hairs behind her ear. "We shouldn't overdo it in your parents' home anyway. Better save our stamina for when we're alone again."


She sighed contentedly, pillowing her head on his chest. Seungwan pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, eliciting a sleepy sigh. "Sleep well, my love. Sweet dreams," he whispered, wrapping his lover protectively in his arms, as Seungwan watched Joohyun sleep with a smile.





Morning light filtered through the windows as Seungwan stirred from restful slumber. He froze, smiling softly at the sight of Joohyun still fast asleep, cheek pillowed tenderly on his arm.


Careful not to disturb her, Seungwan tilted his head slightly, content to watch Joohyun's peaceful expression and the gentle rise and fall of her chest. Her tousled hair glowed like spun gold in the sun's soft rays.


As minutes passed, Seungwan's gaze wandered idly around the cozy guest room. That's when he spotted a fluffy white bunny stuffed animal sitting atop one of the couches, beady black eyes seeming to stare right at him.


Seungwan cocked his head, observing how its long ears flopped lifelessly over plush pink nose. Suddenly, Joohyun moved. "Good morning," she whispered with a sleepy smile.


Drawing closer, Joohyun realized her head had been pillowed on his arm for hours.


"Your arm must be totally numb by now!" she fussed, releasing him gently. "I'm sorry for laying on it all night."


Seungwan stretched with a soft groan, circulation returning, and grinned. "Don't worry about me, I didn't mind the company one bit."


Joohyun giggled, peering at him curiously. "Then what had you so entertained while I slept?"


A playful glint entered Seungwan's eye. "I was busy contemplating our passionate activities from last night."


She swatted his arm amid giggles. "Yah, behave yourself!"


Seungwan caught her hand, bringing it to his lips with a roguish grin. "I couldn't help noticing we had an audience..."


Joohyun raised a brow in confusion. Following Seungwan's gaze, she spotted the bunny plush staring from across the room.


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"Yah, are you saying Tokki saw us?! Tokki is too polite to peep."


Seungwan chuckled, squeezing her waist. "Oh I don't know, she was propped in a prime spot. I'm sure her button ears heard more than a few of your...vocalizations of pleasure."


She swatted his chest, though a smile tugged at her lips. "Y-Yah! That bunny is far too innocent for your dirty mind."


Seungwan bent to brush a tender kiss to her lips before continuing in a playful tone. "Though on second thought, perhaps Tokkie's senses aren't what they used to be. After all, she is getting old and worn in years..."


Joohyun quirked a brow curiously. "Oh? And what deficiencies do you imagine the poor bunny suffering from?"


Seungwan pretended to ponder seriously. "Well, it's possible age has dulled both her hearing and eyesight. So while she may have witnessed this handsome man's virtue..." He winked saucily, eliciting a giggle from Joohyun.


"...the details were likely lost to her failing senses. A blessing, truly, to spare me from further trauma!"


A giggle escaped Joohyun's lips at his playful antics. "You're incorrigible! Leave my poor Tokki out of your nonsense." 


Joohyun's giggles subsided as a contemplative look crossed Seungwan's face. "What is it?" she asked, tracing patterns along his collarbone.


Seungwan smiled reminiscently. "I was just remembering another of your furry companions - that squirrel plush named Manen back home."


Her eyes lit up in recollection. "Ah yes, Manen!"


Seungwan's face took on a mock-jealous air. "You know, I've always suspected he harbored less than honorable intentions towards you."


Joohyun raised a playful brow. "Oh? And what villainous acts has this innocent toy committed?"


"I believes he hopes to one day steal my wife away," Seungwan declared solemnly before breaking into laughter.


Shaking her head in amusement, Joohyun faced him fully. "Well then, we can't have that! What shall we do with this insolent squirrel?"


Seungwan his chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, perhaps a playdate is in order. We introduce Tokki and Manen, see if a connection forms. With any luck he'll leave you for her instead!"


Joohyun collapsed into giggles, swatting his chest. "You're terrible! Leave my stuffed friends in peace. Although, it would be cute if they met..."


A devious grin spread over Seungwan's face. "Great, it's a playdate! I have no further competition for your affections then! Manen can occupy himself with charming the lovely Tokki."


Joohyun playfully slapped his chest. "Yah, don't go sabotaging my friendships! I'm keeping those furry cuties far away from your scheming."


Realization dawned and Joohyun began to giggle. "Don't tell me you're jealous of a stuffed animal!"


Seungwan silenced her giggles with a tender kiss. "Can you blame me for feeling protective? With the time you spent bonded to Manen, I can't help feeling a tad replaced."


Joohyun softly, cupping his cheek. "Silly man, you know there's only one heart I've given fully. Manen is but a comfort from lonely days past, while you embrace my present and future completely."


Seungwan attempted to keep up his facade of jealousy over Manen, putting on an exaggerated pout. "You laugh now but that squirrel really is planning to steal you away from me. I'll be all alone with just Tokki for company." He let out a dramatic sigh.


Joohyun saw right through his act but played along. "Aww poor Wannie, don't be sad!" She pinched his cheek affectionately.


He took her hand in his, eyes pleading. "There is only one thing that can lift my spirits now."


Joohyun raised a brow inquisitively. "And what's that?"


Seungwan leaned in close so their noses were almost touching. "I need my lovely wife to kiss away the blues."


Seungwan giggled at his cheesiness but obliged, pressing her lips softly yet meaningfully to his. Seungwan responded eagerly, all traces of pretend sorrow melting away.


When they parted, wide smiles remained. "So how do you feel now?" Joohyun asked playfully already knowing the answer.


Seungwan pulled her into his arms, heart full to bursting. "Perfectly content, with you by my side and that squirrel a distant memory." She laughed, light as feathers in his sure embrace.


As Seungwan held Joohyun close, he leaned in wanting another kiss but was interrupted by a knock at the door.


"Hyun-ah, Wan-ah, breakfast is ready whenever you guys are!" called Tiffany from outside.


Joohyun pulled away suddenly, face flushing red. "Coming!" she replied in a strained voice.


Seungwan cocked his head quizzically. "Is everything okay?"


"What if they heard us last night..." Joohyun mumbled self-consciously - Were they being too loud just as Seungwan claimed?


Seungwan bit back laughter at her adorable discomfort, hugging her reassuringly. "Relax, love, I'm sure they didn't hear a thing," he soothed.


Joohyun whined into his chest, hiding her face. "Easy for you to say! I'll die if she brings it up over eggs and toast."


"Have faith in your mother's discretion, darling. She raised you to be a lady, after all," Seungwan teased gently.


Collecting herself with an incredulous glare, Joohyun extricated herself from his arms. "You'd better hope so, or no dice for a week mister."



Seungwan clutched his chest in mock agony, following her lead to dress amid amused giggles.


Their fingers tangled companionably as they descended, finding Joohyun's parents setting freshly cooked feast at the dining table.


Pleasant chatter drifted, topics meandering between food, weather, and plans for the day. 


To their relief, her mom and dad seemed totally clueless as they chatted about the neighborhood gossip. Joohyun began to relax, thinking they were in the clear.


But then her dad brought up a strange noise he heard during the night. "Sounded like cats fighting right outside the window!"


Her mom nodded. "Funny you should mention that, I thought I heard something similar. But that can't be right..." She turned to Joohyun questioningly.


"We don't have any stray cats around, do we? I'm still half asleep, but I'm sure I didn't dream those yowling noises."


Joohyun turned beet red, avoiding eye contact. How had her mom misinterpreted those sounds as cats?!


Seungwan jumped in nervously. "You know cats, always getting into scraps after dark. Must've been a couple strays passing through."


Her parents seemed to buy it, shrugging off the weird occurrence. "Ah well, as long as it wasn't anything serious. Pass the toast dear?"


Joohyun breathed a sigh of relief. Her parents were truly clueless - she thanked her lucky stars for small favors. 








helooo i'm back after a looong motivation to write lessened for a while when things were heating up online. But I've taken a short break and I'm feeling re-inspired now. I just needed to step away for a little bit to get some perspective and refocus on why I enjoy writing fanfic in the first place. I'm ready to get back to writing now without that negativity hanging over me ;))


I might have been writing NEW fics.. aigoo i just can't help it despite i still have few ongoing stories....but that latest fiction, i swear i will finish writing all the chapters on the draft and then i will make it available.. (i had wrote 14 chapters for that, and around 14 more to go)


AND yess i plan to continue finishing this fic..This writing holds a special place as my very first fiction piece. Looking back, the plot lines I came up with then weren't very strong. So I want to take some time to rework the storyline and tighten up those initial plot points before continuing it... 



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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1707 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
117 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^