Chapter 4

Seducing Mr Workaholic



"Hyun..what's wrong with you?" Taeyeon asked as he bumped into her.


"" Joohyun stuttered. 


"What's wrong? You look like you just met a ghost," Tiffany interrupted. Joohyun scratched her head wanted to know how she got into the room last night but deep inside she knew it was her husband.


"Hyun-aah help prepare a coffee for your husband... he's working today right?" her mom directed.


Joohyun nodded and went to the kitchen as she finished brushed her teeth. 


Joohyun knew Seungwan was busy working, thus she would not dare to imagine having their honeymoon holiday anytime soon.


"Are you poisoning my coffee? How long will you stirred it?" Joohyun heard a Seungwan's voice making her suprised - almost accidentally spilled the hot water. But, Seungwan then walked heading to the dining room.




Seungwan walked into the dining room, where his father in law, Taeyeon was already seated.


Taeyeon smiled fondly at his new son-in-law at the table, "Good morning, my boy! Well, it seems you've married my stubborn daughter."


Seungwan chuckled, "Good morning, dad. That I have." He stole a glance at busy Joohyun. 


Taeyeon folded his newspaper and setting it aside. "Take care of her, you hear?"


His voice softened. "Joohyun may seem tough on the outside but she's sensitive  on the inside. She rarely shows it."


Seungwan nodded seriously. "I promise I'll always take care of her and make sure she knows how loved she is."


Taeyeon smiled, "Good man." "Did you sleep well?" He continued.


"I did, thank you," Seungwan said while playfully massaging his shoulder.


"Joohyun and I had a .... vigorous night. Your daughter worked me to the bone," he added a wink and might as well exaggerated the story.


Taeyeon let out a belly laugh.


Just then Joohyun walked into the dining room carrying two cups of coffee with toasts and crackers.


"What's so funny in here?" she asked, setting a plate down in front of each of them.


"Oh nothing, dear," Taeyeon said, shooting a sly grin at Seungwan.


"Your husband was just telling me how you made him worked last night."


"Dad!" Joohyun gasped, blushing furiously.


Taeyeon smiled mischievously, "When I was your age, your mother and I -"


"Okay!" Joohyun cut him off.


Just when Joohyun about to escape from the scene, Taeyeon stopped her, "Where you're going?"


"I'm going to my room." Joohyun replied.


"Why? You didn't get enough sleep last night?" Her dad asked making Joohyun blushed.


"Hyun-aah, you should accompany your husband having breakfast," her mother said softly.


Taeyeon and Tiffany had finished their breakfast and walked away to give the newlywed some space.


Joohyun thought herself, "He's a grown up man.. why would I have to accompany him? Plus he's reading the newspaper... let the news accompany him." 


Obeying to her mother's words, Joohyun slowly pulled the chair in front of Seungwan to sit. Seungwan was deeply immersed in the papers.


Meanwhile, Joohyun got herself thinking...- whether he was pretending to read or was he really reading. Joohyun stared at his face for a long time. 


Joohyun amazed to see his glowing skin that had no trace of blemish, curious of what kind of skin care he used. 


Seungwan could sense Joohyun was watching him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Joohyun peeked over his newspaper, sneaking glances. "She thinks she's being subtle but I know her little games," Seungwan thought to himself. 


Seungwan lowered his papers and caught her in the act, their gazes met.


Suprised, Joohyun grabbed the newspaper from his hand and pretended to read it. Her eyes kept looking at the writing and she found it strange.


She tilted her head to the side, "Ahh! Joohyun! What is this? You read the newspaper upside down! Think, Joohyun. Think!"


Seungwan made a serious face as he tried to hold his laughter when he saw her holding the paper upside down, completely oblivious.


"And what news have you found so fascinating, my wife?" Seungwan teased. 


Still pretending to read the paper, while holding it upside down, "It seems fish are flying and the birds are swimming." Joohun claimed faking seriousness.  


After a few minutes of pretending, she finally had the courage to lowered the paper little by little. Joohyun was still shocked to see his eyes were still on her. She quickly pulled up the paper again. 


Not long after, she heard a sound of chair scraped against the floor.


With the thought of Seungwan had moved away, she lowered the newspaper but  found he was standing while still looking at her. 


Suddenly the newspaper on her hand was pulled, before Joohyun could speak, Seungwan stuffed his half-bitten cracker into Joohyun's mouth.


Seungwan walked away leaving Joohyun dumbfounded. 


Joohyun took a bite as she thought, "Did he purposedly feed me cause the biscuit tastes weird? It tastes fine though. Or.. is he trying to give me an indirect kiss?"


"Joohyun, what are you waiting for? Your husband is about to go to work." Tiffany signaled her.


Joohyun hurriedly sent him off. However, she was mad at Seungwan for going to work when they just got married yesterday.





Joohyun remembered what Aunty Jessica (whom now she called Momma) told her. Joohyun had to be patient with his son's behaviour. There is no holiday for him and there would always be work that need to be done. 


"Momma has no other choice but to marry Seungwan off. If not, he will not get married until he's old. After getting married, you can at least help me to scold him," Jessica added. 


"I'm going to be home late today," Seungwan shook Joohyun off from her thought. Joohyun just nodded.


"Don't forget to pack your clothes," Seungwan said. 


"Hah? You promised you'll give me a week before I have to move in to your house."


"A week.. from the day we promised. Which has been more than a week." Seungwan spoke as he recalled the day where Joohyun asked him to give her some time before she had to move in with him.


"Hah!  You can't do this!" 


"Who said I can't? Okay, I'm going. Don't forget to pack. Bye." Seungwan waved his hand as he entered his car and drove away. 


Seungwan walked to his office and greeted his assistant, Chanyeol. He headed into his office and started to check his emails. There were several reports that needed review and meetings to attend. Hours had passed and the afternoon dragged on with more meetings.


Chanyeol knocked on his door and entered the room, "Sir, there was a miscommunication at the Singapore office. They need you to fly out tonight to resolve an issue with the Tanaka Holdings. Your flight and hotel are booked."


Seungwan sighed, "How long will I be there?"


Chanyeol hesitated, "At least about 10 days, sir."





Joohyun was feeling bored as Seungwan had left for work. She had packed her things and looked at the clock showing 2.00 pm.


Joohyun decided to spent her time with novels when her phone suddenly beeped. She grabbed her phone to check the message, thinking it was from her friends who might want to know how she was after getting married. 


But, she felt excited when she saw Seungwan's name on the screen.


[ I have to fly out for work in Singapore today. Maybe for 10 days. ]


"What? Singapore? You'll be back after a week?" a message from her husband that suprised her.


"Yaaa! We just got married and you're going to fly out? For a week at that!? Ahh.. but.. for a week, this means he will not be by my side for a week. Good! I don't mind. I have time to spoil myself with mom and dad."


[ Okay ], Joohyun replied short.


[ Momma will come and pick you up this evening ], Joohyun eyes widened as she read it. Hoping he won't bring her along to Singapore.


[ Where to ? ] Her heart was beating fast as she waited for the reply.


[ To Momma's house. She misses seeing her daughter-in-law ]


Joohyun found herself thinking how would she survived spending nights at her mother in law's alone.


For Joohyun, Aunt Jessica was very considerate and not scary at all. But for his son... it was hard to say.  As a bonus point, Aunt Jessica also loved to read novels and had a mini library in her house.




"Wan-aah, Don't worry about Joohyun. I would keep her company while you're away. She's my daughter now!" Jessica talked to her son on the phone.


"Are you sure mom?"


"Absolutely! I miss her and I want to spend more time with my new daughter-in-law. We'll have a plenty of girls time." Jessica insisted.


"Thank you, mom. I know Joohyun will appreciate the company. She's still adjusting and I want you guys to feel comfortable with each other as a family." Seungwan claimed.


"You're welcome, sweetie. Have a good trip and don't worry about a thing here at home.




Although Joohyun was used to Aunt Jessica, being her daughter-in-law was a different feeling. Aunt Jessica, whom she called momma now still treated her as usual. Joohyun was the only who felt shy about it.


After living with her mother-in-law for almost two days, Joohyun had finally abled to adapt. For the past two days, there was never a time Joohyun spent a time alone. Joohyun had accompanied Jessica to markets, shopping together, planted flowers, and many more. 


The two women set off, arms linked. At the market, Jessica and Joohyun strolled through the bustling stalls, admiring the colourful displays of produce and spices. Jessica showed Joohyun her favourite vendors and introduced her to the market's delicious treats.


As they shopped, Jessica asked Joohyun about her week and listened intently to her stories. She marveled at the new novel Joohyun had been reading  and discussed about their favourite authors. 


After buying everything on Jessica's list, they stopped for refreshments. Sitting in the sunshine, they chatted easily about family, friends and neighbourhood gossip.


Jessica shared amusing anecdotes from Seungwan's childhood that had Joohyun laughing until her sides ached.


"My cheeky little boy was always finding trouble!" Jessica chuckled.


"Nothing too serious, I hope?" Joohyun said.


"Not really," Jessica replied. "More funny than anything." She continued. "Once when Seungwan was around five, I found him shaving his tongue in the bathoom!" 


Joohyun's eyes widened. "His tongue? How on earth did he manage that?" 


Jessica gigled. "I have no idea! That boy claimed he wanted to imitate his father. But his tongue bled for days after that stunt."


Joohyun covered , trying not to burst out laughing at the mental image.


Jessica went on. "And there was also a time, I caught little Seungwan painting his face with my makeup!"


"No!" Joohyun gasped. "How did you react after that?"


"I demanded to know what on earth he thought he was doing." Jessica replied.


"He just looked at me with big innocent eyes and said 'Making myself pretty like you, Momma!'"


Both women burst into peals of laughter at little Seungwan's antics.


Jessica wiped tears from her eyes. "Oh, that mischievous boy kept me on my toes for sure!"


Joohyun imagined a tiny Seungwan with makeup smeared all over his face. 


"What a cheeky boy Seungwan was. He must have been quite the character!" Joohyun said wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.


Jessica smiled fondly. "He certainly was. But he's grown into such a matured man now, especially after his father passed." 


"You've raised him with so much love and wisdom." Joohyun said.


Jessica beamed with maternal pride. "And he's lucky to have you as his wife." As Jessica patted her hand. 


The next day, Jessica showed Joohyun her lush garden. They spent hours working side-by-side, planting flowers, weeding beds and harvesting vegetables. Jessica taught Joohyun the names of each plant and shared tips for caring for them. 


As they worked, they talked and laughed easily. The initial shyness Joohyun felt between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had melted away, replaced by growing affection. Jessica remaked how much they enjoyed their time together. 


"My dear girl, I think of you as my own daughter now. I hope we'll spend many more days like this together."


Joohyun's eyes welled with tears of joy. "I'd love nothing more," she said softly.


That evening, exhausted but happily so, they sat on back porch eating freshly picked tomatoes and basil.


When they received a guest whom Joohyun never met before. The guest went straight to hug Jessica and greeted her cheerfully and loudly.


Jessica seemed suprised by the appearance of the woman, "Ohh Sooyoung-aah, when did you arrived? Why didn't you inform me that you're coming?"


"Suprised!" said the woman who seemed to be slighly younger than Joohyun.


Joohyun talked to herself, "It is a suprised. Thank God we didn't have a heart attack. But, who is she? As far as I knew momma, I have never seen this woman. I also have never seen her whenever our families have gathering."


"This must be Seungwan Oppa's wife, right?" Sooyoung guessed.


Joohyun nodded and shaked her hands. 


"Hii, Park Sooyoung, you can call me Sooyoung," the guest introduced herself.


"Ohh? She referred Seungwan as oppa? Her surname is different but I can see her resemblance with Seungwan.." her mind continued to think.


"Seungwan's younger sister?" Joohyun guessed. "Ting-dong-daeng! That's right!" Sooyoung answered with a beamed.


Joohyun did not expect to meet her. Joohyun had heard rumour about Sooyoung.


Most people thought Seungwan was an only child. But, his father had an affair before he passed away, and had a daughter. Though, the child assumed her mother surname. All these were revealed after his father died.


In any case, Joohyun was impressed by this family. They were able to accept Sooyoung's presence.


Joohyun also heard that Jessica willingly raised Sooyoung since Sooyoung's mother had passed away since when she was in high school despite opposition from Jessica's own family.


Looking at their fondness, Joohyun felt warm.


"I'm sorry for not being able to attend Joohyun unnie's wedding, I'm afraid there would be a commotion from the elders" Sooyoung said, still holding a smile.


Joohyun knew deep in the corner of her heart, she wanted to attend the ceremony. 


"Where's Seulgi? He didn't come with you?" asked Jessica.


"He had morning sickness," Sooyoung said. "Again? It seems like he's the one that is pregnant and not you", Jessica questioned in disbelief.


"Err.. who's Seulgi?"Joohyun asked bravely.


"Ohh, Joohyun unnie might not know but I'm married and I'm now three months pregnant. Unfortunately, I can't introduce you to him now because he's not well," Sooyoung answered. 


"Ohh.." Joohyun nodded in understanding and continued "Congratulations."


"Thank you Joohyun unnie. Uh.. where's oppa?" Sooyoung asked as she looked around the house tried to locate someone.


"Huh, oppa.. what else would he do, he's working. In Singapore. For a week." Jessica answered.


"What? Working in Singapore? 10 days?" Sooyoung suprised like Joohyun before.


"He just got married, and had fly out for work?"


"Sooyoung, you know your brother." Jessica claimed.


"Wahh, Joohyun unnie has to be patient with Seungwan oppa. But it's okay. I will make sure you won't be lonely during his absence." Sooyoung said making Joohyun smiled.





Sooyoung was right. Joohyun were never lonely. Even though she's pregnant, Sooyoung was still actively walking here and there. T


heir main activity was shopping. In the meantime, Joohyun tried to spy on her husband. Even though she acted like she didn't care, Joohyun still wanted to know about Seungwan. What he liked and disliked - especially about food.


"Hmm...Seungwan oppa is really picky about food," Sooyoung commented as they were relaxing at the cafe. 


"Does he always comment on people's cooking?"


"Unnie, that is true!", Sooyoung claimed and proceeded "But, Seungwan oppa only commented when he eats outside food. If momma cooks, he never comment, even if the food tastes very salty. So you don't have to worry."


"Well, that is his mom. He surely must have wanted to take care of his mother's heart. Me? I'm not even his choice." Joohyun thought.


"Oh yes.. there's one more thing to know if Seungwan oppa hates the food. It's easy." Sooyoung said making Joohyun excited.


"If Seungwan oppa doesn't like the food, he won't say it, instead he takes a bite and stuffs it in other's mouth...but it rarely happens" Sooyoung laughed alone.


Joohyun immediately reminded of the event when Seungwan stuffed with the dry cracker.


"So.. Seungwan doesn't like cracker?" Joohyun asked.


"Joohyun unnie, how did you know?" Sooyoung asked with a suprised reaction.


"Oh my... did he stuffed your mouth with a cracker?" 


Joohyun nodded. "Wahh!" Sooyoung applauded while laughing.


"Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. Sungwan oppa may find it hard to show how he loves someone. Sometimes we can only see from his behaviour. If you want to know.. he only does that to people who he are special to him."




Sooyoung nodded confidently.


"So..I'm special?" Joohyun said softly as Sooyoung didn't hear what she said. Joohyun felt her cheeks hot and found her lips wanted to keep smiling.


Ahh..Joohyun suddenly found herself misssing someone...





Joohyun stared at her phone. She felt like her phone had no notifications for the past few days - while she actually just received congratulatory messages from her friends. 


"Waiting for Seungwan oppa to call?" Sooyoung grinned.


"No.." Joohyun denied, wanted to play it cool.


"Oppa hasn't call you yet?" Sooyoung asked. Joohyun just shook her head. There was no message and let alone a call. 


"Maybe he's very busy," Sooyoung said trying to persuade Joohyun.


"Let me call him," Sooyoung opened her phone.


"Eh, never mind," Joohyun tried to stop. Joohyun did not want to call that workaholic as he might get angry for disturbing him at work.


Despite her effort to stop Sooyoung, Sooyoung was still contacting his brother. 


"I can't connect the call. He probably turns off his phone. It's so hard to contact him when he's out working," Sooyoung told.


Joohyun stayed silent. She was thinking about her fate if she had completely fallen for him - alone and waiting for a call from him. 


"Sooyoung, Joohyun, let's eat," Jessica's voice was heard from far away. 


"Momma's calling, let's go," Sooyoung pulled Joohyun away, Joohyun followed even though she didn't feel hungry at all.


"Joohyun-aah, what's wrong? You look so pale," Jessica asked full of worried.


"Is it?" Joohyun asked while holding her cheeks.


"Momma, you don't have to worry, Joohyun unnie is missing someone," Sooyoung grinned.


"I did not," Joohyun denied with her blushing cheeks. 


"Haish..this Seungwan oppa..why wouldn't he call unnie? He really is cold hearted. Why would he agreed to marry if he's not serious with ....," Sooyoung stopped, minded her words.


Joohyun started to overthink, "Why would Seungwan agreed to marry me? Is he serious in this relationship? If he is. why would he prioritized work over our marriage? What if he was forced by his mom? But momma does not like to force people...a man's heart is hard to understand especially a man like him."





It had been a hectic few days traveling for this bussiness trip to Singapore. Seungwan had been so focused on the meetings and negotiations that he barely had time for anything else.


Seungwan had thought to call Joohyun as soon as he landed and settled into the hotel.


However, the meeting with the client ran long and Seungwan's thought was racing with deals and negotiations. He frantically checked into the hotel and collapsed onto bed, wanting only to rest his tired body.


The days bled into each other and before he knew it, few days had passed in a flurry of activity.





"Joohyun-aah..Joohyun-aah.." Joohyun woke up when she heard Jessica called her out.


Joohyun eyes felt heavy as Jessica looked at her with a worried face. 

Joohyun felt worried as why would Jessica put on a worried look.


Did something happened to Seungwan? 


"What's wrong, momma?" Joohyun asked, worried.


"Are you okay, Joohyun?" Jessica asked.


Joohyun quickly shooked her head gesturing she was fine. She sighed in relief as Jessica did not mention anything bad about Seungwan. Joohyun looked at the clock  and realised she had overslept until 5.00 in the evening. The reason why Jessica was worried.


"Momma..." Joohyun wanted to apologize as she felt she was acting inappropriate for waking up late. 


"Alright..hurry up and get ready. We're going to the clinic," Jessica said out of the blue.


"Huh..why would you want to go to the clinic? Momma are you hurt? Is it Sooyoung?" Joohyun asked her over and over.


"Eh..this're the one who's sick.."


"I'm not sick.." Joohyun replied. "If not, then why is your body feel cold like an ice?" Jessica said.


Joohyun realised she had been shivering.


"Hurry up, we're going to the clinic now, I'm worried," Jessica rushed.


"'s not necessary, momma. It's just simple fever . I will be fine after taking a rest," Joohyun tried to persuade her mom. 


"That's why you need to go to the clinic. What happens if the fever worsen. Hurry up."


Jessica said in a firm voice. Joohyun obeyed her mother-in-law words with no argument. 





Joohyun's fever became bad ever since she returned from the clinic. Joohyun suspected that her body may had shocked from meeting the doctor.


Or the doctor had a weird aura making her fever bad.


Joohyun passed the time by lying on the bed while being covered in thick blanket. She started to and felt like she was sitting inside the refrigerator. 


That night, Jessica and Sooyoung had taken turns taking care of Joohyun, making Joohyun felt guilty. She only eat a few spoons of hot soup that day.




Now in the hotel room, Seungwan realised that he was too absorbed in work to remember to check up on Joohyun. He saw a few missed calls from Sooyoung.


Seungwan decided to dial for Joohyun's number, hoping she would pick up. After several rings, there was no answer. 


Seungwan hung up, feeling uneasy. It wasn't like Joohyun to not answer her phone as he always seen her cling to the phone. He dialed again, but there was still no answer.


Seungwan decided to call his mother.


"Hi Momma, it's Seungwan. Is Joohyun doing okay?"


"Joohyun? She's been sick in bed with a high fever since this evening. She didn't message you anything?"


Seungwan felt a wave of dread. "Sick? No, I haven't spoken to her since I went to Singapore. What's wrong? Is she okay?"


"Her fever spiked to 102 degrees. She couldn't keep any food down. Sooyoung and I have been checking on her every hour and make her some soup."


"Mom, I'm sorry... "


"It's okay. We understand you would be busy with the clients. Joohyun probably understands you had no way of knowing"


"I'll try to go home as early as I can. And mom, thank you for taking care of Joohyun while I was away."




Seungwan rushed out of his room after the call and ran down the hall to his assistant's room.


Chanyeol looked up in suprise as Seungwan bursted through the door, "Cancel all the meetings and finish anything important for me. My wife is unwell. I need to catch the next flight home to Korea."


Chanyeol sprang into action, understood Seungwan's urgency. He began making calls to reschedule everything while Seungwan rushed back to his room.


Seungwan haphazardly threw clothes and toiletries into his suitcase, thinking only of getting to Joohyun. Chanyeol soon arrived and handed Seungwan his itinerary and ticket for a flight leaving tomorrow.




( Still the same night Seungwan made a call to Jessica)


Joohyun was dozing off and awaken when she heard someone's phone ringing. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a glimpse of Sooyoung sitting not far from Joohyun's bed. Joohyun saw her answered the call.


"Ah, Seungwan oppa.. I call you multiple times. You didn't even replied the messages. Are you that busy until you couldn't answer the phone?" Sooyoung asked firmly.


She sounded angry.


Joohyun eyes widened at the mention of Seungwan's name.


"Joohyun unnie's fever is getting worse. We already took her to the doctor...yes Oppa...I had given Unnie medicine but it doesn't seem to do anything.." Sooyoung told him everything and continued,


"Oppa... can you just.. come back home.. We're worried about Unnie."


Joohyun was sure that Seungwan won't come back as he had work to do.





Next day. Second day of the fever.


Joohyun's fever was still bad. Jessica had called a doctor to visit. But the doctor still claimed it was just a usual fever, asking her to rest her mind from thinking too much.


The only way for Joohyun to stop thinking was to sleep. However, sleeping made her felt fatigue, making her lose the energy when she woke up.


That evening, Joohyun continued to drowse off early after taking her medicine. Her body started to sweat and felt slightly better.


Seungwan had finally arrived to Jessica's house late in the evening, exhausted after his long delayed flight. He carefully opened the bedroom door, not wanting to wake Joohyun.


The room was dark except for the glow of a bedside lamp. Tiptoeing to the bathroom, Seungwan quickly freshened up and changed clothes. Then he wet a washcloth with cold water, wrung it out and gently placed it on Joohyun's forehead.


Seungwan sat quietly, holding her hand and monitoring her condition. Whenever the compress warmed, he refreshed it and plaved it carefully back on her forehead.


Hours passed and Joohyun's fever finally began to to break. Seungwan, exhausted from staying awake and the long flight, lay down next to her in bed. He pulled Joohyun gently into his arms.


As sleep overtook him, Seungwan held Joohyun a little tighter. Though he planned to stay awake and monitor her fever, his exhaustion caused him to driff off holding her close.


Hours later, Joohyun fluttered her eyes opened. It was dark. Her head felt foggy but she felt slightly better. As her sense return, she felt a warm body curled around hers and her face was nestled against a firm, comforting surface.


 Joohyun poked the surface slowly. It felt like a man's chest. "A man...but who? Seungwan? But isn't he in Singapore?"


She slowly gazed up to make sure.


"Oh God! It's him! When did he came back? Or am I dreaming?" as she pinched her cheek hard. The pain told her this was real.


Seungwan was sleeping peacefully while Joohyun tried to let go from his hug, " he crazy to hug me when I'm having a fever? He will nag at me if he catch the fever. I better keep my distance."


The more Joohyun pulled away, the more closer her body got to his chest. As Seungwan kept tightened the hug.


"Maybe I should just let him be. If this workaholic guy fell sick, then he will spend more time at home. This is the time to make him spend more time at home. Oh God..forgive me.. I'm not praying for something bad to happen to my husband, I just want to teach him a lesson. Next time, don't leave your wife alone until she gets sick. At least, call her! I want him to feel what I felt," Joohyun thought. 


Joohyun relented and relaxed against him once more. She continued to sleep as the steady rhythm of his heart soothed her into a doze.








I tried to differentiate the word 'mommy'  for Tiffany and 'momma' is for Jessica, Seungwan's mother.
I will try to make the story longer. But i'm not sure how should I make the chapter longer. Is it like

1) add more dialogue and detailed between the characters to make each episode longer or

2) to continue more storyline in each episode to make it longer

I need help is it 1) or 2) .. I'll try to make next chapter longer. 
Thankyou for all the comments thoughhhh

See you soon ;)

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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1707 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
117 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^