Chapter 11

Seducing Mr Workaholic

Sooyoung sighed as she rested her hands on her growing belly.  Joohyun had insisted to pay for the parking, making Sooyoung waited in the car. As Sooyoung gazed idly out the window, she noticed Joohyun paying for parking at the meter across the street. Suddenly, she saw Joohyun stumbled and clutched her head like she was dizzy. Before Sooyoung could react, she heard the blaring of a car horn nearby.


Sooyoung's eyes flew towards the sound and she gasped in horror. A car had come barreling down the road, the driver slamming on the brakes but still sliding towards where Joohyun stood swaying unsteadily.


"Joohyun!" Sooyoung screamed, throwing open the car door despite her bulky middle. She lurched towards the rainy street as quickly as she could waddle, panicking at what she might find. As the car came to a skidding halt, Joohyun laid unconscious on the asphalt road.


Sooyoung reached her just as the driver leapt out, white as a sheet. "Call 911!" Sooyoung yelled at him before dropping to her knees beside Joohyun. 


"Please hang on, they’re coming,” Sooyoung whispered, gently lifting Joohyun’s head into her lap and her matted hair.


Quickly assessing the situation. Joohyun had no visible injuries aside from a few scrapes and grazed on her arms, but she was unresponsive. Sooyoung held two trembling fingers to Joohyun’s neck, letting out a shaky breath when she felt the faint but steady pulse beneath her skin.


It felt like hours until she could hear the ambulance wailing as it raced towards them, though Sooyoung knew deep down it had only been minutes. She quickly explained what little she knew to the paramedics before they gently lifted Joohyun onto a stretcher and into the back of the vehicle. “I’m coming with her, I'm her sister,” Sooyoung said firmly, refusing to leave Joohyun’s side. 


They nodded understandingly, making room for her in the back of the rig. The ambulance sped off into the rain, sirens wailing. Sooyoung sat numbly watching the medics work, answering questions vaguely about Joohyun’s health and any allergies she knew of. As they pulled up to the ER, Sooyoung jolted into action. “I need to call her husband,” she said. One of the nurses nodded in understanding before they whisked Joohyun away behind the emergency room doors.


Sooyoung stepped outside into the cool evening air, taking a few deep breaths to steady her frazzled nerves before dialing Seungwan with shaking fingers. It rang endlessly until finally, Seungwan answered. “Sooyoung? What's wrong? Is everything okay?” Sooyoung didn’t know how to begin, but knew she had to tell Seungwan what happened as soon as possible.


"I'm actually on my way to pick up Joohyun now. We were going to have a dinner tonight." Seungwan continued.


Sooyoung's heart clenched at his words. Leave it to Joohyun and Seungwan to try and work things out so earnestly. "Oppa, that's why I'm calling," she said somberly. "There's been an accident. It’s Joohyun unnie. She was in an accident." Her voice cracking with emotion. Sooyoung heard rustling on the other end as Seungwan sprung into action. “What? Is she okay? Where are you?” Seungwan frantically fired off questions, his own voice now shaking with panic and concern for her wife.


Sooyoung took another steadying breath. “We’re at the city hospital ER. I don’t know much yet, the medics took her back as soon as we arrived." Her voice broke.


"I'm on my way. Is she breathing?" Seungwan asked, the fear evident in his words.


Sooyoung nodded even though he couldn't see. "Yes, her pulse is steady. But she's unconscious..." Her voice trailed off as another sob overtook her.


“I’m on my way,” Seungwan replied firmly before hanging up, not wanting to waste another second. Seungwan slammed his foot on the gas as as he wove through traffic. They'd had a fight - had it been his fault Joohyun became so distressed?



'It's all my fault', he thought desperately. 'Please let her be okay.'  He had to make this right, had to tell her how much he still loved her. 


Finally he screeched into the hospital parking lot and leapt out, not even bothering to lock the car in his haste. He sprinted through the automatic doors, frantically asking the admitting nurse where to find Joohyun and Sooyoung.


The nurse directed him to the ER waiting room and he burst through the doors, skidding to a stop when he saw Sooyoung sitting alone, sobbing into her hands.


Seungwan burst through the doors in a panic, "Sooyoung,” he breathed, Sooyoung into a tight embrace as she clung to him, repeating what she knew to reassure Seungwan that Joohyun seemed stable for now. “They took her back for scans but no one will tell me anything,”


Hours passed as they stared blankly at the clock, neither able to find words to fill the deafening silence. Eventually a doctor emerged looking somber. "Her scan shows a mild concussion but no internal bleeding or fractures.We have her stabilized for now but she hasn’t regained consciousness yet.” They both sighed in relief at the good news. "Her blood sugar was low, she probably had dizziness earlier."


"She had passed out at the scene likely due to low blood sugar levels in addition to the shock of the collision. You can see her but we need to monitor her closely overnight for any changes."


Seungwan let out a sigh of relief upon seeing Joohyun resting in the bed, though still troubled by how pale she looked. He hurried to her side and gently grasped her hand. 


Seungwan turned to face sooyoung with a small smile. "Thank you for being there for her Sooyoung. I don't know what I would have done if something serious had happened."


He glanced at the digital clock on the wall, noticing it was past 8pm already. "Have you eaten? You must be exhausted. You need to rest too in your condition."


Sooyoung placed a hand on her baby bump affectionately. "I'm alright, I can stay a bit longer in case Joohyun wakes up and needs-"


Seungwan gently cut her off. "No, you've done more than enough. I'll be here to look after Joohyun from now on. Why don't you head home and I'll call to update you once she's conscious? You need to think of your and the baby's health too. I'm sure Seulgi is worried sick for you."


"I suppose a good night's rest would do us both some good, but call me right away if anything changes, okay?"


"I will, I promise. Thank you again Sooyoung, for being such a wonderful sister to her. Now go rest, don't worry about us." Seungwan gave her a thankful hug. With one last concerned glance at Joohyun, Sooyoung bade them goodnight and left. Seungwan settled into the chair beside his wife's bed.


"Joohyun, can you hear me? You gave us quite a scare. I'm here now." Seungwan's  eyes never leaving Joohyun Seungwan watched Joohyun's  various scratches on her arms from the accident. It had been hours since the doctors had stabilized Joohyun, but she still had not woken. Seungwan squeezed Joohyun’s limp hand gently in his own, as if somehow his touch could will Joohyun back to consciousness.


Seungwan sighed, gently brushing a strand of hair off her forehead. "Joohyun, what happened today? Did you not eat enough?" he murmured, knowing she couldn't hear him.


“They say you’re okay now,” Seungwan whispered, his voice hoarse from silent tears. “I won’t be able to rest until I see those beautiful deer eyes of yours open again.” Seungwan brought Joohyun’s hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles tenderly. “I’m so sorry this happened. I should not go to work when I take today off and should have never let you alone after our fight. Please wake up, my love.”


Seungwan took a seat beside her.


A nostalgic smile broke across Seungwan's face as he recalled the memory. "Do you remember when you slaved away all afternoon cooking my favorite dishes." 


"Galbi jjim, Seaweed soup and a lot more... I walked in the kitchen to find the most mouthwatering feast awaiting me. But you..." His smile turned mischievous.


"Somehow late at night you had even found time to make eels, probably trying to tease me. And you were sitting close next to me, trying to make me eat." Seungwan chuckled softly at the vivid memory. "You surely know how to sap a man of his self control, my love. I should have just swept you into my arms right then, food be damned. But instead I just try to look cool unable to show my feelings."


Seungwan trailed off lost in thought when a nurse bustled in then to check Joohyun’s vitals, offering Seungwan a sympathetic smile. “Her numbers are stable. We'll just have to wait for her to wake up,” she reassured before quietly making her exit. Seungwan sighed wearily, brushing an errant lock of hair from Joohyun’s forehead with a feather-light touch. 


Seungwan pulled his chair impossibly closer, settling in for the long night ahead. After a moment he resumed his one sided conversation in hushed tones, as if sharing secrets with an old friend. "I'll never forget how you join me late nights in my office room, reading novel while I was busy with work. Once I finished and would found you fast asleep on the couch, a novel open facedown on your chest where you had clearly waited up just for my company."


Seungwan focused his energy on Joohyun’s shallow breaths and the steady beeping of monitors keeping track of her heart rate. Seungwan found himself absentmindedly rubbing slow circles on the back of Joohyun’s hand, as if the gentle motion could soothe them both. 


A nurse swung by periodically every 3 hours to check vitals and make sure Joohyun was comfortable, always offering Seungwan an encouragement of how stable Joohyun remained.


Seungwan's mind turned to the other situation he needed to resolve - the misunderstanding Joohyun had about him and his coworker. The memory of walking into his office and seeing Joohyun's hurt expression after witnessing him hugging Eunbi flashed through his mind.


He shook his head, disappointed in himself. "I hate that I'm so closed off and awkward with people, even my own wife. I'd thought after our marriage I could openly show affection, but it still doesn't come naturally to me."


Seungwan lightly squeezed her hand again, hoping his words might somehow penetrate into her consciousness. "I need you to know that I've never been dishonest or unfaithful. My heart is only yours. I'm going to work on communicating that better from now on." 


Seungwan looked at the clock wall - showing 4 am. "It's late, and I'm rambling. As always, you have a way of making me lose track of everything but you."


Time drifted on as Seungwan sat vigil, chatting softly to Joohyun about their past or humming melodies he hoped were soothing. And so Seungwan settled in for the long night ahead, never releasing her soft grip on Joohyun's hand.


The morning passed quietly, around 11am, a soft knock sounded at the door before it cracked open slowly. Sooyoung peered inside with a smile, relief flooding her features at the sight of Joohyun looking more peaceful by the hour.


Joohyun remained in a deep slumber, the only signs of life being the slow rise and fall of her chest. Seungwan who had dozed off in the chair, head resting gently on the mattress while still holding Joohyun's hand.


Sooyoung laid a comforting hand on her brother's broad shoulder, stirring him softly. "Seungwan oppa, wake up." His eyes blinked open dazedly before focusing on Sooyoung with a weary smile. "Any changes?" she asked, hopeful despite knowing the likely answer. Seungwan shook his head no.


 Sooyoung brushed Joohyun's hair back tenderly. "What about you? You should get a properly rest." Seungwan opened to insist he was fine, but paused, really thinking about it.  Sooyoung continued. "You need to take a break, oppa. Go get cleaned up, eat a warm meal, and sleep in a real bed even if just for a few hours. I'll stay with Joohyun."


Seungwan immediately started to protest but Sooyoung cut her off firmly. "You won't be any help to her like this. And she'd want you to take care of yourself too."


Sooyoung earnest eyes left no room for argument, and deep down Seungwan knew she was right. He nodded reluctantly, pressing a lingering kiss to Joohyun's icy hand before rising stiffly from the chair. "Call me if anything at all changes even the slightest thing," he requested, voice thick with emotion


With one last reluctant glance, Seungwan stepped from the room, shoulders already feeling lighter now that Joohyun was in capable hands.


Seungwan dragged himself to the hotel, body operating on autopilot. A hot shower helped work the knots from stiff muscles, and a hearty meal provided much needed fuel and comfort. But as he laid down in the too-big empty bed, Seungwan's mind wouldn't quiet.


Flashes of their argument before the accident replayed endlessly through his guilt-ridden thoughts. If only he stay with Joohyun, held her close. His exhausted mind and heart couldn't stop wondering if things might be different now. 


He gazed around their bedroom, noticing all the little touches that reminded her so viscerally of Joohyun everywhere she looked. Her perfume lingering in the air, the novel she had been reading left open on the nightstand, silky pajamas folded neatly.


Sleep finally took mercy on Seungwan in the form of total emotional and physical exhaustion, as he clutched one of the hotel pillows, wishing it was Joohyun in his arms instead. When he awoke a few hours later, eyes were still swollen and puffy but body somewhat reinvigorated. 


 As consciousness returned, he became aware of a buzzing from the bedside. Blearily, he grabbed his phone to check the lock screen.


His heart stopped at Sooyoung's message. Seungwan shot up, suddenly wide awake. Joohyun was awake - and he'd slept through the news like a fool. With a speed he didn't know he possessed still in his tired state, Seungwan threw on clothes, grabbed his bag and raced out the door.


The drive to the hospital was a frantic blur. Seungwan ran every red light, cut off other drivers in his haste. All that mattered was getting to Joohyun's side as soon as possible. He burst through the wards, colliding with a nurse as he speed-walked to Joohyun's room.







Sooyoung sat at her bedside reading a book to pass the time. Around noon, she noticed Joohyun's eyelids fluttering softly. "Joohyun?" Sooyoung called gently, setting her book aside and taking Joohyun's hand in hers.


Joohyun's dark eyes slowly opened, glancing around in confusion before landing on Sooyoung. "W-where am I?" she croaked weakly. Sooyoung smiled in relief, squeezing Joohyun's hand reassuringly. "You're in the hospital, you had an accident last evening."


As Joohyun processed this, memories came flooding back - darkness taking over as she stumbled into the street. "The accident...I was hit by a car?" she asked shakily. Sooyoung nodded. "Fortunately, you weren'tt hit. But you felt unconscious on the road, thankfully just have some cuts and scrapes. You gave us quite a scare. The doctor said it might be due to the low blood sugar that you fainted."


Just then, Sooyoung pulled out her phone quickly, fingers flying over the keys.


[Oppa, it's Sooyoung. Joohyun unnie just woke up. She seems alert but confused. Get here as soon as you can.]


She hit send, praying he would wake to the message. But Seungwan remained fast asleep at home, his phone sat silent on the table.


Sooyoung beamed at Joohyun. "Seungwan oppa will be so relieved when he sees you smiling and talking. How are you feeling otherwise?" Joohyun considered. Her head ached but overall she felt lucky it wasn't worse."


"He really was worried sick about you," Sooyoung continued. "When I called him about the accident, he raced over so fast I thought he might crash the car too. And the entire time you were unconscious, he barely left your side. I had to force him to go rest at home because he was beyond exhausted just now.'



Joohyun sighed contentedly. "I'm so grateful you and Seungwan are here." But then a thought occurred - "Wait, you said how Seungwan was here all night...did he truly stay here that whole time?"


Sooyoung nodded. "Surprisingly, yes! He refused to leave in case anything changed with you overnight. My brother may act cold, but deep down he cares about family."


Just then, a cheerful nurse entered to do Joohyun's daily vitals check. "Good afternoon ladies, glad to see our patient awake and chatting!"


Joohyun greeted her warmly. As the nurse checked monitors and wrote notes, Joohyun asked "Pardon me, but was a gentleman here all night? I'm still fuzzy on the details."


The nurse paused in thought. "Hmm let me think...oh yes! A very distraught young man came in with you when you were first admitted. He stayed by your bedside the entire time."


Joohyun and Sooyoung exchanged knowing smiles. But the nurse wasn't finished. "Why, he even talked to you for hours despite you being unconscious! Holding your hand and begging you to wake up."


Joohyun's eyes widened, moved beyond words. The nurse continued obliviously before she exited. "And he wouldn't leave. Ended up falling asleep right there, still clutching your fingers, past dawn." Joohyun felt touched but also disappointed she hadn't gotten to see Seungwan before he left.


Joohyun then continued chatting and thanked Sooyoung profusely for keeping her company, the younger woman let out a large yawn. "I'm sorry, the baby must be tiring me out more than usual today," Sooyoung apologized, rubbing her pregnant belly.


Joohyun smiled fondly. "No need to apologize. You should head home and rest, I'll be fine now that I'm awake. Thank you for everything, really."



Sooyoung hesitated, but knew Joohyun was in good hands at the hospital. "Alright, but call if you need anything at all. Seungwan oppa should be here soon." With one last hug, she saw herself out.


As a nurse brought Joohyun's lunch tray, there was a soft knock at the door. "Come in," Joohyun called while picking at her food. The door opened to reveal Eunbi.


"I hope you don't mind me visiting? How are you feeling?" Eunbi asked. 


"I'm fine,"  Joohyun replied short.


Eunbi sighed, steeling her resolve. "Joohyun, I feel I must be honest. I care and has feelings deeply for Seungwan." Her confession hung heavy in the tense air between them. Joohyun startled not expecting her confession, despite knowing Eunbi' feelings all along.


"I would be lying if I say I didn't like him. Out of many men I know, he is the one that I trust the most. Plus, I grew with him during our university days. So, it's no wonder that I fell in love with him." Eunbi added. Her frankness suprised Joohyun.


"But the main reason I came to visit you because I want to correct the situation. I want to apologize..I know I was wrong to interfere with others marriage. But that because I thought Seungwan had to marry a woman he didn't love. But then I realised I misjudged him. So that day, I'm confronting him saying I'm letting go of my feeling." 


"In my sadness, I hugged him tightly, for the last time. That's when you turned the corner and saw us. But the truth is, Seungwan was actually trying to gently pull away from my embrace the whole time."


Joohyun studied Eunbi carefully. She continued. "When you shouted, it shocked me into reality of how I'd overstepped. Seungwan hurried after you, calling your name. I knew then I'd only made a mess of the situation with my selfish actions."


"But what you did was wrong...Eunbi," Joohyun spoke up.


"I know, Joohyun. But have you ever felt how I feel? For more than 10 years, I hoped for his love, but what did I get? Nothing. I only hugged him so that I can release the burden that I have feeling for loving someone that doesn't love me back."


"Eunbi, I know I was arranged to marry him. But, whatever happens after, I am his wife. So, I have the right to feel jealous and defend my marriage. So, I hope after this, you won't disturb our life again."


"What you did that day was enought to make me suffer. I know you are close to him and might as well know him better than I do. And, what you did will just make it more miserable for you. You should try to let him go as soon as possible," Joohyun continued, hoping for the best. Eunbi nodded several times.


Joohyun saw her eyes were red from crying. Eunbi added.  "I'm not as bad as you think. I'm a woman, I also have feelings. If I were his wife and someone tried to destroy my marriage, I would also be angry. That's why I'd better pulled myself out from this matter before it gets worse. After all, Seungwan realy cares for you. You're lucky to have him.." 


Joohyun knew she was lucky, "But he still loves his work."


Eunbi giggled, "That is undeniable. At that, if he has any problem, he would probably flooded himself with work."


"Joohyun?" Eunbi called her name. "I hope you can forgive me for what have I done all this time. As for the other day, I am at fault"


"I don't want to prolong the problem anymore, If you admitted your mistake, I forgive you," Joohyun said but sense of skeptical still lingering.


"Err..I'm late for a meeting now. So, I'll be heading out first. Thank you, Joohyun for forgiving me and I hope we can be good friends after this," Eunbi said before walking away.


As the door shut behind Eunbi, Joohyun sank back into her pillows deep in thought. On one hand, she believed the sincerity in Eunbi's apology and desire to move forward in a healthier manner. 


However was a sly, determined air about the woman that gave Joohyun pause. Something about the whole exchange didn't sit right with her. While she wanted to accept the apology at face value, intuition told her to remain wary.


Could Eunbi possibly try worming her way back into Seungwan's life, looking for any cracks to slip through? While she let bygones be bygones, her eyes would remain wide open where Eunbi was concerned.


Eunbi's feelings for Seungwan ran deep, as evidenced by her bold yet reckless actions despite repeated rejections. Admitting to pushing herself on Seungwan so brazenly also seemed calculated to stir trouble in their marriage.


"Moving on..?," Joohyun muttered. She had a sinking feeling Eunbi was far from finished trying to wedge between herself and Seungwan. But without proof, confrontation would get her nowhere.


As the afternoon sun filtered through the hospital room window, Joohyun could feel her earlier bout of exhaustion catching up to her now that the day's stresses were past.


Her stomach still felt unsettled from the measly hospital meal. As much as she wanted to stay awake  Joohyun's tired body had other ideas. She sank further into the stiff pillows, allowing her eyes to drift closed.


Joohyun slowly blinked her eyes open as the glow of sunset filtered into the hospital room. She turned her head to see Seungwan asleep in the chair beside her bed, head down facing her with his arms folded.


Joohyun studied his form, his casual clothes were rumpled, as if grabbed hastily without care that, hair disheveled as if he'd been running his hands through it endlessly. 


Debating whether to wake him, Joohyun afraid Seungwan might scold her later for getting sick from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position if she left him be. Gently reaching out, she brushed aside his unkept bangs tenderly.


When he didn't stir, Joohyun gave his skin a gentle pinch. Seungwan grunted softly, brow furrowing deeper as consciousness reluctantly pulled him from dreams. Slowly his eyelids fluttered open "Joohyun, what's wrong?"


"You'll catch a chill sleeping like that," Joohyun frowned in concern. But Seungwan's sleep muddled brain misinterpreted her words. Thinking Joohyun was the one feeeling cold, he reached over to rummage in his bag.


"Here, let me warm you up." Triumphantly, Seungwan let out a hot pack and went to hand it to her. Joohyun stiffled a giggle at his clueless response. "No, no, I'm fine. You must be cold over there!"


Still in tired haze, Seungwan mistook her meaning again. "Still cold? Don't worry, I'll get you warmed up." Before Joohyun could protest, he climbed carefully onto the hospital bed beside her.


As this was a VIP suite, the bed was larger than standard and just barely accommodated them both lying side by side if they squeezed tightly together. Seungwan curled Joohyun delicately into his protective embrace, tucking the thin blanket securely around them both.


Moments passed cocooned safely in Seungwan's protective embrace, Joohyun thought she felt his breathing deepen and even out against her hair, signaling he had slipped back into slumber's soothing depths.


But Joohyun found she was no longer felt sleepy and became aware of Seungwan's familiar scent enveloping her.  Thinking Seungwan had dozed off, she inhaled deeply, breathing in his familiar fragrance - sandalwood muted under slight stale sweat. Yet, rather than turn her nose, Joohyun found his aroma soothing. She snuggled closer, cheek resting contentedly over his steady heartbeat.


Just then,  "What are you doing?" he asked softly, amusement evident in his tone despite his tiredness.


Joohyun froze, suddenly aware of how intimate her actions may have seemed. She pulled back slightly to meet Seungwan's gaze, cheeks reddening in embarrassment at being caught. "I, uh, was just..." she stammered


Seungwan leaned down to nuzzle her cheek affectionate making her stopped, "Joohyun.. I'm sorry for everything," he spoke, voice soft.


 Without thinking, Seungwan gently rubbed his thumb along her chin in a tender caress. Joohyun blinked up at him questioningly. "Please, you have to promise me something. No matter what happens, you'll stay by my side." 


"That day at the restaurant, when you thought you saw Eunbi hugging me...she was grabbing me, trying to get me stay for the last time. But I was too closed off to see how it must have looked from afar. I'm sorry for how it came off."


Seungwan met her eyes then, his full of regret. "I know I've been a cold husband and I understand why you might have doubted me. But I want you to know...I never meant to hurt you, Hyun-ah."


Joohyun could feel tears welling up in her eyes at his vulnerable confession. This was the missing puzzle piece she'd needed all along to truly understand him. "'s okay. I forgive you. And I'm sorry too, for accusing you without getting your side of the story." 


Seungwan smiled weakly. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one who’s been closed off." He brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles


"..and I have have something to tell you," Joohyun said after a long pause.


Seungwan made a soft inquiring sound in response. Joohyun recounted Eunbi’s apologetic visit earlier that evening. 


Joohyun hesitated briefly before saying "Actually, Eunbi came by the house while you were at work. We had a talk."


Seungwan tensed. "Eunbi? What did she want?"


"She apologized  for what happened and wanted to clear the air properly. I think she felt bad about putting me in an awkward position."


Seungwan ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I wish she stops from interfering in our relationship. You don't need that stress."


Joohyun patted his arm soothingly. "It's alright, we worked things out. The misunderstanding is behind us now." 


Seungwan sighed. "I just don't like the idea of her inserting herself where she doesn't belong."


Joohyun tilted her face up to meet his fond gaze. "I've been meaning to ask - what is your history with Eunbi ?"


"I heard from Sooyoung that your relationship goes far back. I hope you're not mad at Sooyoung for telling me."


Seungwan looked at her, "Of course, I'm not mad. You deserve to know it."


"My dad and Eunbi's dad were friends, and her father looked up to my dad as a role model. Though Eunbi and I only met when I studied abroad in Canada. Eunbi, Sehun and I went to the same university, but both of them were my juniors."


Joohyun's curiosity was piqued. "That's a long history to share."


Seungwan nodded. "We became friends. When my year abroad ended, my father suddenly passed away." His eyes darkened briefly with old sadness before continuing.


"My family's company nearly went under from the loss. That's where Eunbi's family came in - her father had joined my dad as business partners years ago. He helped stabilize our finances until I could take over, never asking for anything in return."


"Eunbi's father said he was simply returning the favor my dad had shown him early on cause when her father was just starting out in business, he struggled a lot. My dad actually mentored and supported him behind the scenes." 


"I'll always be indebted to Eunbi's father for saving our livelihood. Unfortunately, not long after, her dad passed away, having his owned company bankrupted. and then... with his dying breath, he finally made promise for something in return."


Sensing his turmoil, Joohyun squeezed his hand supportively.


Seungwan met her caring eyes. "He asked me to take care of Eunbi, as he was a single dad and she Eunbi no other relatives left."


Joohyun gasped, no wonder she clung so desperately to past connections like Seungwan.


Seungwan gazed into the distance, reliving the memory. "But how could I say no, after everything her family did for mine?  For years I obliged to that promise."


"Oh Seungwan," Joohyun said softly, understanding Eunbi's attachment in a new light. "That explains so much about why she depended onto you."


He nodded. "I cared for her deeply like a biological sister, and still do in a way. But my heart belongs to you, Joohyun." Seungwan gathered her close reassuringly.


Joohyun snuggled into his reassuring warmth. "I believe you. Though her pain is understandable, Eunbi has to accept our boundary as a married couple now."


Seungwan tilted her chin up with gentle fingers. "Exactly. Which is why, since she said she has regretted for what she did..." His eyes bored intensely into Joohyun's. "If she tries to disrupt our marriage once more, I won't hesitate to cut Eunbi off for good. You are my priority, and we're all grown up now."


Joohyun kissed him softly in response. But after a long pause, Joohyun noticed something was bothering him. "Will you tell me what's really bothering you? I want to understand you better, Seungwan." 


Seungwan was silent for a moment. Joohyun waited patiently, giving him space to gather his thoughts. Finally, he spoke.


"When my father passed away, that's also when I just...shut down emotionally. I stopped letting people get close," Seungwan began hesitantly. "Along with the secret he kept, of having Sooyoung. I felt betrayed, he had hidden her existence and then abandoned her. I shut my heart off to the whole world after that."



"It was just easier that way, so I wouldn't feel the pain of being deceived or losing someone again and throwing myself into work was the only way I knew to cope. When we got married, I tried to open up for you but old habits die hard. I'm sorry I come across as cold sometimes. It's not that I don't care, I just have a hard time showing it."



"But when the hospital called...all I could think of was losing you. Like losing Dad... I was terrified. The thought of something happening to you-"



Joohyun knew Seungwan  rarely spoke of it. "Oh Wan-aah..." She reached out a hand, which Seungwan grasped firmly in both of his. "I'm still here. We're both still here."


Seungwan nodded, swallowing thickly. His eyes glistened with unshed tears in the lamplight. "I know. I just...have a hard time opening up, expressing how I feel. You must have felt so alone because of me."


Joohyun listened quietly, her heart aching for the grief and loneliness Seungwan must have felt all this time. No wonder he kept people at a distance. She the back of his hand soothingly.


She hugged him tightly, wanting to ease some of the lingering ache. "But you let me in eventually," she said. 


"You were so patient and kept finding little ways to remind me that you cared for us."


"Like what?" Joohyun asked curiously. She had tried various tactics over the months to get through his armor. 


A small smile played at Seungwan's lips as he recalled. "All the homemade foods you made, staying late in while reading your novel just to keep me company even when I was too stubborn to talk. Sending me your beautiful selfies when I was working."


Joohyun blinked back sudden tears. She had no idea Seungwan remembered all the things she done.


"I had no idea how you felt all these time, Seungwan. Thank you for telling me," Joohyun said softly. "I understand now why you acted the way you did. And I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner and tried to be more considerate of what you've been through. In the future, I want you to feel like you can share anything with me, without fear of being judged." 


Seungwan's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "I want that too. To share everything with you, Joohyun. You're the only person I've let in after all this time. I...I care about you deeply. More than I've cared about anyone." Seungwan kissed the top of her head gratefully. "From now on, I promise no more late hours. You will be my priority like it should be."


Joohyun was overwhelmed with emotion at his words. This was the most open Seungwan had ever been with her. She cupped his face with her hands, gazing into his watery eyes. "I care about you just as much, Seungwan," she whispered. "Please don't shut me out anymore."


But before drifting off, she heard Seungwan's quiet voice. "I love you..Bae Joohyun. You are my safe place, please stay with me."


Joohyun's eyes flew open, hardly daring to believe it. But Seungwan was gazing down at her with such tenderness, his walls completely down in that moment of vulnerability. She turned her face into his shirt, body shaking with quiet sobs.. "I love you too."


"heyy.. don't cry, you'll undo all the healing," he teased gently. But Joohyun could see tears glistening in his own eyes too.


Joohyun hiccuped a watery laugh and looked up at him with reddened eyes. "Sorry, I can't help it. You just said something so sweet." Seungwan's lips quirked up at the corners in a hint of a smile. "I'm merely stating facts."


He leaned in slowly, giving her time to pull away if she wished, but Joohyun only gazed at him with loving eyes. When their lips met in a gentle kiss, it felt like coming home.


Joohyun sighed contentedly against Seungwan's mouth, pouring all her feelings into the kiss. Joohyun wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the nape as their lips moved together languidly. Seungwan's hands softly caressed her back, pulling her as close as possible


As their kiss grew passionate, Seungwan knew he should pull away from Joohyun's intoxicating kiss, but her soft lips and eager response were stoking the flames of his long-suppressed desire. He could feel himself losing control, all thoughts consumed by the woman in his arms.


Seungwan's haze lifted from his mind as his protective instincts kicked in when he realised Joohyun was left panting for air.


Gently breaking their kiss, Seungwan rested his forehead against Joohyun's, taking a moment to regain his composure. Her swollen lips glistened temptingly, begging to be reclaimed, and his body throbbed painfully with unfulfilled craving. But he steeled his resolve, focusing on her comfort and injury in the hospital rather than his own needs.


"Hyun-ah, I think we should slow down. You're still recovering and we're in the hospital," he said softly once their breathing had evened.


Joohyun pouted adorably, as if sensing his half-hearted restraint. "But Wan-ah, I'm fine now. I can lock the door," she insisted, hands roaming once more across his straining muscles.


Her touch nearly undid his crumbling willpower. Seungwan took a shaky breath, summoning every last shred of self-control. "I know you do, love and believe me it's taking all my self-control not to ravish you right here. But the doctor said you need rest." Seungwan said, gently catching her wandering fingers and pressing a tender kiss to her palm.


"Tomorrow you'll be all healed up and then..." He trailed off suggestively, letting the implication hang in the air between them.


Joohyun's heart skipped a beat in anticipation even as she sighed dramatically. "You're no fun."


"I'm just looking out for your health, my wife. Once you've regained your strength, I intend to show you just how much fun I can be." Seungwan replied, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "We have all the time in the world now. What's one more night of patience?"


"I suppose I can wait one more day." Joohyun shot him a flirtatious grin.


As Joohyun drifted off to sleep cradled in Seungwan's protective embrace, he thought she had finally settled down for the night. But just as he was on the cusp of slumber, he felt her hands beginning to roam over his body once more.


She traced light patterns across his chest, following the hard lines of lean muscle underneath his shirt. Her fingers drifted lower to brush over his stomach, eliciting a soft gasp from Seungwan. Joohyun nuzzled against his neck, planting warm kisses along the rapid pulse she found there.


Seungwan swallowed a groan, trying valiantly to maintain his resolve. "Hyun-ah, you're making this very difficult for me," Seungwan murmured in a strained voice. His grip around her tightened, hands shifting to her waist as if to both pull her nearer and hold her in place.


Joohyun knew she should respect his call for patience. But decided to once aloof husband. She nipped at Seungwan's earlobe playfully before whispering, "Please, Wannie. I need to feel close to you."


Seungwan let out a shaky breath, his resolve wavering under her ministrations. But when Joohyun went to kiss him deeply once more, he gently halted her with a hand on her cheek.


At last Seungwan spoke, voice low and thick. "Hyun-ah, I promised to take care of you." He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead.


"Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow I'm all yours, I swear it." Seungwan gathered her into his arms with a final embrace, as if to savor the feeling, before releasing her reluctantly. His eyes were now pools with swirling desire battling duty within. 


Joohyun pouted again but knew further argument was futile when he used that gentle yet resolute tone. She nodded, conceding tenderly, "Alright, Wannie. I trust you."


Seungwan smiled, caressing her cheek. "Thank you for understanding. Now rest - I'll be right here." He pulled her into the cradle of his body, guarding her with his sure strength and steady heartbeat.


Seungwan slowly awoke as the sun light filtered through the hospital room windows. His eyes focused on Joohyun's sleeping form curled trustingly against his chest, rising and falling with each gentle breath. He simply watched over his wife as she slept on peacefully. His gaze traced over the delicate curve of her lashes against porcelain skin, the plumpness of lips destined to be his plaything alone.


Memories of last night came flooding back - her teasing touches that set his desires ablaze, Seungwan sighed, cursing their situation even as he thanked the fates for bringing them to this new understanding. Seungwan then disassembled himself slowly not wanting to wake her up, hoping for an update.


Joohyun then awoke to the morning sunlight streaming in and Seungwan's eyes watching her tenderly. "Good morning, love." Seungwan gifted her with a smile so radiant it put the sunrise to shame.


"The doctor said your tests came back clear and you're free to be discharged today," Seungwan told her. Joy bloomed in Joohyun's chest at the news.


"That's wonderful. I can't wait to get out of here," she said happily, stretching her limbs. Two nights in this sterile hospital bed was more than enough.


As Seungwan was helping her get dressed, there was a tentative knock on the hospital room door.


A young man poked his head in nervously. "Um, excuse me. Are you Mrs. Joohyun?"


Joohyun nodded curiously. The man entered, followed by a police officer. "My name is Minho. I'm the driver who almost hit you with my car yesterday when you fainted. I just wanted to see how you're doing and apologize in person."


Seungwan tensed protectively but Joohyun squeezed his arm reassuringly before addressing Minho. "It's alright, there's no need to apologize. These things happen, you weren't at fault."


Minho shook his head earnestly. "But I feel terrible about it. If I had been driving any faster, I could have seriously injured you. I kept seeing it replaying in my dreams last night." His eyes were filled with remorse.


The police officer spoke up gently. "We investigated the incident thoroughly. There was no evidence of reckless driving or any sabotage on Mr. Minho's part. He was going under the speed limit and slammed the brakes as soon as you collapsed in the road. It was simply an unfortunate accident."


Seungwan studied Minho carefully, seeing only sincerity in the young man's demeanor. Finally he sighed. "Thank you for coming to check on my wife. I can see this has shaken you deeply too."


Minho nodded emphatically. "All I could think about was if that was my wife or sister lying there. I'm just grateful she's going to be okay." His eyes welled up with tears of relief.


Joohyun smiled warmly and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "There, there. Why don't we put this behind us and start over properly? I'm Joohyun." She extended her other hand in greeting.


Minho took it gratefully, matching her smile through his tears. "Minho. It's very nice to meet you Joohyun." From that point on, the tension eased between the two men as they sympathized with each other's distress over the accident.


After Minho left, Joohyun began packing her things to be discharged. Seungwan helped in silence. As she done zipping up her bag, Seungwan brushed a lock of hair from her face. "I've extended our stay in Jeju for few more nights. What do you say we continue where we left off properly?"


His suggestive tone and eyes alight with promise sent a delicious shiver through her. Joohyun bit her lip eagerly. "I say fulfill that promise, husband."


Their drive passed in comfortable conversation, hands clasped over the center console. When they arrived at the hotel, Seungwan insisted Joohyun to rest and heal properly  first. He prepared a relaxing bath for her in their suite's  bathroom. Candles were lit, soft music played, and rose petals scattered the steaming water scented with lavender.


Her iPad, a romance novel, and a fruit platter sat waiting beside the tub. His pampering touched Joohyun deeply after all their recent struggles. She hugged Seungwan gratefully. "This is so thoughtful. You've truly become the most caring husband."


He kissed her forehead tenderly. "I'm making up for lost time. Now go enjoy your bath, I'll be right outside if you need anything." Reluctantly stepping away, Seungwan closed the door behind him.


Joohyun sank blissfully into the soothing water, sore muscles melting away. She selected a romantic playlist and settled in to read, snacking on grapes and berries. After half an hour her mind began to wander as hands drifted over soap-slicked skin, caressing slowly.


As Joohyun relaxed in the bath, her phone buzzed with a message. It was from Yerim.


"Unnie, we have a lot to catcth up for. Please come to my birthday party this weekend!  I've already RSVP'd for you ;),," the message read. Joohyun smiled. She typed out a reply agreeing to go, feeling up for a fun distraction now that things with Seungwan were improving.



Joohyun stepped out of the steamy bathroom, wrapping her robe around her slender frame. The hot bath had soothed her aching muscles.  Joohyun walked into the living room where Seungwan was curled up on the couch, settling some work. Joohyun knew she should check in with Seungwan first before going to the upcoming party as she just got discharged.


"How are you feeling after the bath?" Seungwan asked gently.


Joohyun smiled. "Good as new." 


"What if...what if I told you I want to have a baby?" Joohyun blurted out without thinking.


Seungwan's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What? A baby? Now?" he squeaked.


Joohyun clapped her hands over , mortified. "No no, that came out wrong! I meant, I want to go to the party. Ugh ignore me, my brain is still fuzzy."


"Only you would mix up 'going to a party' with 'having a baby' Joohyun," Seungwan giggled. "But I understand what you meant to say. And I suppose one little party might be okay, as long as you promise to take it easy and come right home if you start feeling unwell."


Joohyun peeked through her fingers, relieved Seungwan wasn't weirded out by her slip of the tongue. "Really? You'll let me go?"


Seungwan nodded. "Yeah, it's Yerim's birthday after all. Just be careful!"


Joohyun beamed in response to Seungwan, but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. As she moved to the wardrobe, Seungwan's casual reaction to her baby slip-up replayed in her mind. He hadn't seemed particularly enthusiastic about it either.


Joohyun's mind wandered. "Seungwan didn't seem very excited by the idea of babies," she thought worriedly. What if Seungwan didn't want a family after all?


Seungwan must have noticed the slight dimming of her mood, he walked behind her adopting a playful grin. "You know, being a Dad is not a bad thing." Seungwan hugged her close, one hand playing with the tie of her robe teasingly.


He snuck a hand under her shirt to briefly caress her flat stomach. "Especially if the babies take after their beautiful mother, ours would be absolutely perfect."


His suggestive words sent shivers through her body. Joohyun giggled, batting his hand away playfully even as heat pooled low in her belly. "Wannie, behave!"


Seungwan chuckled low in her ear, nibbling the tender lobe teasingly as his other arm banded around her waist firmly. "How about we continue this the bed?" Joohyun's robe had fallen loosely open during their movements, the soft fabric barely clinging to her curves.


With a gentle tug, the silky fabric slid from her body to pool on the floor. So magnificent," Seungwan breathed appreaciting his view. Before Joohyun could reply, Seungwan swept her into his arms bridal style and laid her on the bed. She gasped lightly at the unexpected movement.


"Wan-ah, please..." she breathed, desire pooling low in her belly. 


"As my queen commands," he growled, crawling over her lithe form to claim her lips in a searing kiss. Joohyun sighed contentedly into his mouth.


They set a steady rhythm, lost in the dance of sensual devotion. Seungwan watched her with hooded eyes dark with desire and something deeper - unconditional love that completed them utterly. Inhibitions were shed along with their clothing as they explored one another fully under passion's heady spell and words became unnecessary as hearts, minds and bodies joined together.


As they laid curled together in the afterglow, Seungwan gently traced patterns on Joohyun's . She smiled contentedly against his chest.


"That was so perfect. Nothing has ever felt as right as being with you," Joohyun sighed happily.


Seungwan placed a tender kiss to her forehead. "You were incredible, breathtaking. How did I get so lucky to have such a stunning, talented wife?"


With sudden urious, Joohyun asked, "You seem so naturally skilled. Was I really your first time too? " She flushed a bit at the memory of his expert touches.


A shy smile crossed Seungwan's lips. "You were. I had no other experience before you."


Joohyun's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? But how?"


Seungwan took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "I wanted to share that intimacy for the first time with someone truly special. And from the moment I saw you again, I knew it could only be you."


"Wannie, that's so romantic. I'm honored to be your first in everything," she said thickly. Joohyun drew nonsensical patterns on his skin, feeling his muscles twitch under her fingers.


"Honestly,  I'm not sure I'll ever get you out of my head now." Seungwan kissed her forehead gently.


Joohyun blushed fiercely at the sincerity and desire in his words. But she arched an eyebrow teasingly. "Is that so? Well then, perhaps I should give you an encore performance to really seal it in your memory..."


Seungwan groaned as his body instantly responded to her sultry tone. "Woman, you'll be the death of me. But what a way to go..."








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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1707 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
117 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^