Chapter 5

Seducing Mr Workaholic

Here's the update before you read : okayy i changed the fond to italic when it's monologue.. thanks for the suggestion though.. cause i've been confused myself on how should i differentiate it when writing.. so whenever you see italic it's the monologue. Enjoyyy! ;D






Seungwan's eyes opened slowly and blinked a few times, adjusting to the sunlight seeping through curtains. He felt the warmth of Joohyun in his arms and rubbed her back with his thumb.

"Joohyun," he whispered.


Joohyun stirred but didn't wake. Seungwan gently pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. Her fever seemed to have broken. 


Seungwan sighed in relief. "Your fever is breaking." He gently brushed some stray hairs away from her face. 


Seungwan carefully slid out of bed, tucking the covers around Joohyun. He made his way to the bathrrom, turning on the shower and letting the water heat up as he took a long shower.



Joohyun's eyes fluttered open, her mind still hazy from sleep and from the remnants of the fever that had kept her in bed all day. She put a hand on her forehead and felt the fever had came down.


Joohyun propped herself up on an elbow, squinting and realized she was alone. She mumbled to herself, "Isn't Seungwan was here last night? But I don't see any of his luggage. Am I dreaming about him? Haish.. Bae Joohyun, you're down bad for him. Your fever had broken down after you dreamt about hugging him!!" She convinced it was a dream.


Joohyun felt the urge to use the bathroom. With a long step, she walked to the bathroom and turned the doorknob.


"Ahh, did I locked the bathroom door from the inside again?" That was one of her bad habits - locking the door from the inside.


She quietly got her spare key from the nightstand and unlocked the bathroom. As she pushed open the door, steam billowed out and the sound of running water hit her ears.   

Joohyun's eyes traveled to the shower, where she saw Seungwan's body form under the shower. She blinked, trying to process what she was seeing as Seungwan didn't close the shower curtain. "Maybe I'm still dreaming. Last night I dreamed of him hugging me. Now, I dreamed of him taking a shower. Is my brain this dirty?" 


Joohyun rubbed her eyes and pinched her cheeks - confirming it was not a dream. When she opened it again, she still saw Seungwan was taking a shower.


Joohyun was trying so hard to not look down, to keep her gaze respectfully on his face. But her eyes wandered lower of their own accord, taking in the broadness of his shoulder, the curves of his abs, and his exposed lower parts. For a moment, her heart beaten fast, and for a moment it stopped..


Seungwan turned around and saw Joohyun. His reaction remained unaffected, calmed and continued showering. However, Seungwan noticed Joohyun's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.


"Err... you are taking a shower. Keep showering. I will lock the door for you." Joohyun stuttered as she spoke. Slowly, she pulled the door and locked it. Joohyun threw the spare key aside and sat down - reprocessed what happened earlier.


The memory of glimpsing her husband so unguarded and would no doubt remain burned in Joohyun's mind. Joohyun suddenly heard the doorknob being unlocked, and she quickly ran out. 


Joohyun went straight to Sooyoung's room. Sooyoung was drying her hair and suprised by Joohyun's presence.


"Why, Joohyun unnie?" asked Sooyoung, worried.


"Sooyoung-aah, why you didn't tell that your oppa is back?"


"How do I tell you, if unnie was asleep when he was back?" Sooyoung answered.


"After all, Seungwan oppa came back suddenly, we didn't know either."


"It seems that you are really love by Seungwan oppa and... the vitamin that he bought was also affective. It healed unnie in just one night." Sooyoung continued. 


Joohyun knew she should be happy because Seungwan was willing to come back early, and she  automatically recovered from the fever. But now, the embarrassment started getting thicker. 


"Where do I put my face? How do I deal with him? Ahh.. even worse, I've seen his ...." Joohyun mumbled something incoherent to Sooyoung.

"Did something happened?" asked Sooyoung. 

"No...nothing." Joohyun tried to deny it. 

"Mmm," Sooyoung grinned, abled to guess what happened as Joohyun ambushed her room.



As Seungwan approached the dining table for breakfast, Joohyun lowered her head down. Fortunately, she was just recovered from her fever and had reason to avoid from talking. 

Joohyun sighed and sometimes took a peek on his face. Seungwan looked usual as nothing had happened.


Joohyun started to feel the confidence to face Seungwan. "Ehh he looks sharp today. Even wearing a plain white T-shirt and a black pants, he looked very handsome. But, is he going out? To work?" her mind thought. 

"Where are you going? Working?" Jessica asked.

"No. I want to go to the store to buy a doorknob. I think the bathroom door is broken," he answered, looking at Joohyun. 

Gulp. Joohyun swallowed. She slowly looked down and tried to hide her face.

"Ehem.... you will go out without bringing your wife? You were out of the country working and left her alone until she caught fever. If she's stuck at home, she can die from boredom. Why don't you take unnie out?" Sooyoung suggested.

Joohyun kept pinching Sooyoung under the table - trying to stop her from giving suggestion. Feeling embarrassed, Joohyun wanted Seungwan to go out alone. 

"Ha! That's a good idea. Wan, take Joohyun out with you. She's been sitting in the house for days and didn't see the sun at all." Jessica supported.

"Don't worry, Momma. I won't mind staying in the house. After all, I just recovered, it will be difficult for him," Joohyun reasoned. 

"Go get ready quickly," Seungwan suddenly said. Joohyun looked at him and thought why won't he understand what she was going through.

"Joohyun. Hurry up and get ready. If you're stuck in this house, you might get sicker. After all, it's not easy to see your husband on vacation." Jessica said.


As she saw no point in protesting, Joohyun quickly went upstair to get ready.


Seungwan waited for Joohyun to changed her clothes and walked into their bedroom. An idea came to his mind. Before Joohyun could react, Seungwan backed her up against the wall.


Joohyun tried to walk past Seungwan but he had cornered her, "Seungwan, what are you doing?"


Seungwan smirks mischievously, "Just wanting to have a little chat with my dear wife."


Joohyun said hesitantly. "Are you mad.. about earlier?" 


 "Mad? No, we're married after all but I do have a few things to say." He stepped closer, as Joohyun's back hit the wall.  


"So..did you get an eyeful..?." Seungwan's tone was light but teasing as he continued. 


Joohyun peeked up at him, seeing the glint of mischief in his eyes. "Yah, I didn't mean to! I barely saw anything."


Seungwan raised an eyebrow. "So you did look."     


Joohyun flushed darker. "Just for a second! Then I left, I swear."


Seungwan chuckled. "A second was all it took, hmm? I'm flattered my dear wife found the view so...compelling."


Joohyun swatted at his chest. "Yah! Stop twisting my words. I didn't..." Her protest died as Seungwan crowded even closer, caging her in but still carefully leaving space between them.


Seungwan lowered his voice. "You didn't what? Appreciate the sight of your husband? I find that hard to believe."


Joohyun swallowed thickly, suddenly finding it hard to breath with him so close. "O-of course I do...but that was an accident."


Seungwan met her gaze, his dark eyes dancing with amusement.  "Then perhaps the next time won't be an accident. I'll give you a proper show."


Joohyun shuddered at the thought. "Yaa! Are you teasing me. I said I was sorry" 


Seungwan finally stepped back, holding up his hands in surrender. "Alright, I'll stop. There's nothing to feel sorry about, you know that right? Let's just put this behind us and say... just maybe next time you can barge in on purpose to enjoy the view."


Joohyun gasped. "Yah!"


Seungwan quickly pulled away and left the room. 


Joohyun kept silent in the car as Seungwan drove - feeling bored as he didn't turn the radio on.

"How was your week?" Seungwan asked as he started driving.

"Your momma and Sooyoung kept me busy the whole time. We did so much - gardened, shopped, cooked and shopped again."

"That sounds like them. I bet Sooyoung dragged you all over the stores no doubt."

Joohyun smiled, "She did! It was nice catching up with them."

"So, what all did you all talked about?" Seungwan tried to act casual.

Joohyun teased, "Well, that's for me to know."

"Tell me! I'm curious."

"'s girl code. I can't betray your momma's confidence."

Seungwan narrowed his eyes playfully, "I see, how it is. You have started to conspire against me with my momma."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Joohyun answered as she yawned - felt tired from recovering from her recent fever.


"Sleepy? We still have a while before we arrived. Close your eyes for a bit" Seungwan said.


Joohyun dozed off as Seungwan drives. Some time later, she woke up and looked around outside when she felt like she had been in the car for too long. She questioned why would Seungwan drove for so long only to buy a doorknob? 

At last, her questioned was answered when she saw they entered a parking lot with large signboard of Ikea. Joohyun then got out of the car and quickly followed Seungwan's steps.  


Tha vast Ikea showroom loomed before them, like a maze filled with unfamiliar corners and endless possibilities. Seungwan started walking inside the building as Joohyun followed him from behind.


Joohyun eyes went wild looking at the showrooms - as flicker of excitement was felt as she stepped inside, taking in displays of immaculate rooms and brightly lit shelves stocked with home goods. 


She started to day dreaming about having a beautiful living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen and so on. "If I get all this, I won't leave the house. I'm willing to be a full-time housewife forever!" Wait..but where am I right now?"


The place was also teeming with people - families browsing together, couples arguing pleasantly over decor choices, friends there for the experience more than any purchase. It was easy to get distracted, lose track of where you were heading.


Seungwan seemed to sense this. He turned to Joohyun.


"Ahh!" Joohyun exclaimed. Suprised when she turned around to see Seungwan, when he was in front of her just now. "Joohyun," Seungwan called her.


"Give me your hand," Seungwan said. "Just..stay closed, okay?" he muttered. Seungwan acted aloof, but these small gestures showed his caring side.


Joohyun felt a rush of warmth as she gently grasped Seungwan's outstretched hand.


They made their way into the first room of the show floor. Joohyun was drawn to the various lamps and pouffes, picking up knick knacks that caught her eyes. But always, she returned to the gentle yet insistent tug of Seungwan's hand, drawing her back to his side. 


Joohyun knew his intention - eveytime she wanted to lag around , Seungwan quickly pulled her close. However, Joohyun can't help but grinned as their hands held.


They continued to venture into the furniture displays. Joohyun perched on a bed, testing its firmness. Seungwan sat beside her, his thigh pressed against her own. Joohyun smiled as he pulled her hand into his lap, absentmindedly tracing circles on her palm.


Eventually, Seungwan let go of her hand. Seungwan grabbed a shopping cart and began pushing it. 

This time, there was no more showroom, but they were in a warehouse.


"Choose whatever you want," he said. Joohyun was suprised to hear. She looked around as she didn't know what she wanted.


Joohyun remembered that she would started to stay at Seungwan's house, "I wondered what should I buy? I don't want to buy things that you already have," Joohyun spoke. 

Seungwan looked at her and thinking. Then, he bought her to the cooking equipment section. "I think the kitchen might need more equipments. I don't really cook at home. To be honest, I only know  a little about kitchen appliances."

Joohyun then started with the basics - she took some pans and pots. Seungwan didn't say much and just watched her. Sometimes, Seungwan asked Joohyun's opinion if she needed something.

There was also time when Seungwan asked her about utensils that he didn't know the function. But Joohyun could answer easily as she always went shopping for appliances with her mother.


Seungwan picked up a whisk. "What's this used for again?"    


"That's a whisk. You use it to mix and beat ingredients when you're baking or making sauces," Joohyun replied easily. 


Seungwan nodded and picked up a colander. "And this one?"  

"That's a colander. You use it to strain or drain things like pasta and vegetables."


Seungwan pointed to a vegetable peeler. "What about that? And that one over there?" He pointed to a grater.    


Joohyun patiently explained the uses of a rolling pin, spatula, garlic press, ladle, soup spoon and more, answering each of Seungwan's questions effortlessly.   


After a while, Joohyun thought to herself. "Is Seungwan, really not familiar with all these kitchen tools? Or are you just testing my knowledge?"   


Well -  Seungwan did impressed by her knowledge. " I looked forward to cooking with her someday," keeping his thought.


"Huh, plates? Don't you have plates in your house?" Joohyun asked when Seungwan told her to get some plates and bowls for side dishes.

"I do have paper plates though, if you're okay with it," he replied. Joohyun then took six plates as well as cups. 

Unconsciously, their cart was loaded with items. After they bought and put everything inside the car, Seungwan held her hand back and entered the store again. 

"What do you want to eat?" Seungwan asked suddenly.


"I don't know what to choose cause I've never eat here before. You can pick, as long as it make my stomach full." Joohyun said to him. 


"Mmm... if we eat biscuits, you would be full too right?" Seungwan replied. 


Joohyun muttered to herself "I would be full, but it left me unsatisfy." 


"Let's go eat their meatball, then." Seungwan claimed. Joohyun felt like jumping around as she only heard about their signature food before.


"Mmm, nevermind. You know what, let's just go grab something simple" Seungwan said, teasing her.


"Huh? I don't want. I want to try their meatballs!" Joohyun spoke.


"But, I don't know where is their café," Seungwan replied.


"Liar, he's trying to tease me. I'm still gonna look around and find the store indicator." 


A woman suddenly approached Seungwan in a flirty tone. "Hi, Seungwan. Fancy seeing you here."  Joohyun noted that the woman was very beautiful.


"Your wife?" The woman asked and Seungwan only nodded.


Joohyun looked at Seungwan, waited for him to introduce them. But he never do.


"Hi, I'm Joohyun," Joohyun reached out her hand.


"I'm Kwon Eunbi, nice to meet you, Jangmi-ssi ," Eunbi shaked her hand. Joohyun questioned if Eunbi was playing with her.


"It's Joohyun."


"Ah sorry, Jangmi-ssi. It's easy to forget." Eunbi said while smirking.


Seungwan put an arm around Joohyun, "Eunbi, Joohyun's name is Joohyun."


Flustered at being caught, Eunbi spoke, "Oh, my mistake! Sorry Joohyun, it must have slipped my mind."


"So, what are you doing here?" asked Seungwan.


"I always came here every month. Do you know, I would always replace my furnitures with something more trendy and.." 


"Since you've always been here, you must know where their café is right?" Joohyun interrupted making Seungwan held back his laughter.


"Sorry, my wife is like really hungry now," Seungwan said while wrapping his hand around Joohyun's waist.


"Okay, I'll show you. I feel like I haven't eaten their food in a long time," Eunbi answered as if she wanted to be invited.


"In that case, let's eat together!" Seungwan exclaimed, making Joohyun slightly annoyed.


Eunbi quickly grabbed a sit next to Seungwan, a bit too close to Joohyun's liking. Joohyun then grabbed a sit across Seungwan.


Joohyun feigned a smile while watching the interaction with narrowed eyes.


"So, are you guys always eat here?"Eunbi turned to Seungwan with a flirty smile.


"Just showing Joohyun their meatballs. She's never had them before."


Eunbi pretended to be shocked, "Well, you have to try them. They're the best!" as she giggled and casually touched Seungwan's arm, "I'm glad, Seungwan recommended it to me when we first met."


Seungwan remained oblivious. Joohyun slightly annoyed, but she tried to only cared about her stomach as the food were served. Joohyun didn't intervened with most of their conversation as they proceeded to chat about work.


Most of the food , were eaten by Joohyun. Seungwan only ate a little, and then put it on Joohyun's plate.


Most of the time, Seungwan picked up the food and placed it in Joohyun's mouth. Familiar with his habit, Joohyun automatically knew what he liked and disliked. 


Eunbi woman shifted awkwardly. Whenever Joohyun offered her food, she replied "That's okay, the food here are really fattening. I don't really want to eat." 

After a while, Joohyun had finished the food, and they... still continued to talk about work. Joohyun started to support her chin as she felt the sleepiness came in. It's tiring - her eyes can't stand it any longer. Joohyun's head started to nod forward almost hit the table.


But then, Seungwan swiftly reached out and lifts her chin, stopping the fall.


"Why?" Seungwan asked softly.


"I must be more tired than I realised," Joohyun said feeling embarrassed.


"It's alright, you should rest. Here, lean on me." Seungwan spoke as he moved and sat next to Joohyun.


Eunbi frowned, clearly unhappy with Seungwan sitting next to Joohyun. "Anyway, as I was saying..." she continued.


"Do you want to go home and lied down?" Seungwan ignored the woman as he focused on Joohyun.


"I want to go home," Joohyun answered while rubbing her eyes.


"Okay, we're going back home now," Seungwan replied.


At the same time, Joohyun smiled. God! Joohyun began to notice that Eunbi was gazing at her with dissatisfied eyes.


Seungwan helped Joohyun up and wrapped a supportive arm around her, "It was good seeing you, Eunbi but we really must get going."


Eunbi reluctanted to say goodbye, shot another irritated look at Joohyun, "Alright, see you !"


"Hah! Feel free to be jealous of me.. I got Seungwan's attention," Joohyun shot Eunbi a smug glanced as they walked.



Red Velvet's Wendy & Kwon Eunbi Are K-Pop's Cutest New BFFs - Koreaboo

Seungwan and Eunbi  <3




It's official, Bae Joohyun had officially became a full-time housewife to Son Seungwan aka Mr. Workaholic.


"We'll be heading off, momma," Joohyun said while shaking her hands with Jessica.


Jessica kept hugging her and Joohyun started to hear Jessica's sobbed. After hearing the cry, Joohyun started to join as well. When both of them had started crying, Seungwan tried to coaxed them - in extreme manner.


"Oh, momma, it's not that far from your house in Seongbuk-dong to our house in Cheongdam. You can reach it in the blink of an eye. If you really miss your daughter in law, you can visit us anytime," Seungwan said.


"Seungwan-aah, you know nothing," Jessica replied.


"If Seungwan does anything bad to you or he forgets that he has a wife because he's busy working, let me know," Jessica continued.


Joohyun just nodded. Her mother once said that marriage matters should never been share with others, even with close family. 


"That's right, Joohyun unnie. You need to be more firm with Seungwan oppa," Sooyoung supported.


Sooyoung then approached Joohyun closely and whispered, "And if possible, try to seduce my brother so he would come home earlier from work" 


"Seduce him? How? I've never been into seducing class. I've only been to a pilates class - and at that I dropped out after two to three times."


They soon hit the road.


"Can I share a house with him? What should I chat about with him? Ahh..Joohyun calm down. You can do it! Let's fight for your future." Joohyun thought to herself - and accidentally squeezed Seungwan's hand.


"Why are you squeezing my hand? Do you have a stomach ache? Are you trying to poo?" Seungwan asked while driving. 


"Ahemm..." Joohyun let out a small cough and pulled her hand away, as she tried to hide her embarrassment. 


"What do you want to eat tonight?" Joohyun tried to change the topic.


"I want to eat you." Seungwan answered.


"Ohh, so which one are you? Vampire or Cannibal? I can accept if you're vampire.. Edward Cullen.." Joohyun asked excitedly.


"Huh? Cannibal? Vampire? What are you talking about?" Seungwan asked Joohyun.


"You said you wants to eat me? Or are you a werewolf?" Joohyun continued.


"HUH?" Seungwan looked at Joohyun with shocked. 


Joohyun suddenly heard him sighed and mumbled something. 


"Why? Did I said something wrong? He said he wanted to eat me.. eat that means - ohhh"  Joohyun just understood what he meant and kept lowering her head.


"Ohh..Joohyun, why are you so slow..but ! I asked him properly, he's the one giving me a weird answer."


"Wait! Is he serious? But.. I'm not ready yet. What should I do? Should I be honest with him?"  The questions wondered around Joohyun's mind. 


"Ahemm..." Joohyun cleared again and tried to gather the courage to talk to him.


"Unfortunately, I'm having the time of the month," Joohyun lied.


"I don't care." Seungwan replied.


"I will work you out tonight until you'll be too tired to do anything else" Seungwan added. Joohyun felt like a big rock hit her head and her breathe stopped.

Joohyun looked at him and he was still serious. "This is crazy. So, this is what my husband really is when we're alone. Before anything happens, I should save myself. How? Should I jump out of the car now?" 


While Joohyun was considering whether to jump or not, the car suddenly was stopped. Joohyun looked around and suprised to see they had arrived at a parking lot of an expensive condominium - Eterno Cheongdam.


Joohyun quickly opened the car's door to run away.


"You seem fast. Why? You cannot wait?" Seungwan grinned.


"Here's the key card. Our house is on the 20th floor. You can go first, I'll follow shortly after bringing the stuffs from car," Seungwan said while handing her the house card. 




Joohyun opened the door and stepped into their penthouse for the very first time.


She gasped for a moment. "Oh my... I can't believe what I'm seeing now. Thick dusts are covering every surface and cobwebs filled the corners of the room. Clearly, he wasn't the one for housekeeping and it seems like it has been a while since anyone had propery cleaned in here."


Yet beneath the layer of neglect, Joohyun could saw that Seungwan had arranged the layout and furniture in an organized, modern fashion.


The double story penthouse spanned an entire floor of the high-rise building. The modern open layout featured floor-to-ceiling windows that provided stunning panoramic views of the city with Han river. The living room was open and airy, with sleek white sofa facing the TV mounted on the wall. Behind the living room, Joohyun could see the dining area, where a sleek wooden table and minimalist dining chairs sat waiting to be used.


(Imagine Seungwan's penthouse is like this. from kdrama, My Love From The Star)

Man from the Stars'” $940,000 Drama Set | House design, Asian homes, Asian  home decor


You Who Came From the Stars / My Love From Another Star – luxury apartment  sets: HIS – Archi.drama


"So, how is it?" Seungwan asked, stood next to her.


Joohyun looked at him. Seungwan seemed to be smiling proudly at the condition of his house. "So... you mean you will make me work until I'm tired tonight.."


"Yup, please help me clean this house," Seungwan answered.


"Why? What do you think I want to do?" He added.


"Then, why do you say you wants to eat me?" Joohyun asked, unsatisfied.


"Because this works consume a lot of energy," Seungwan replied. Joohyun faced immediately turned red for having a dirty thought.


"Joohyun.." Seungwan called.


"What do you really think?" Seungwan asked while moved his face closed to Joohyun.


"No..nothing, really." Joohyun stuttered.


"Okay.. if that's the case..bye," Seungwan pulled back.


"Huh? Where are you going?"


"As usual, working"


"So I have to do all this alone?"


"There is no one else in this house.."


"But.." before Joohyun could finished her sentence, Seungwan had already gone. A few seconds later, Joohyun heard a sound from the door clicking. Joohyun was left alone.





Joohyun scratched her head, and armed herself with cleaning supplied and determination. "Urgh, where does he even find the time to accumulate this much dust!?" Joohyun grumbled to herself as she wiped down yet another surface in the living room.


As Joohyun started cleaned for the kitchen, she was struck by how sparse it was. He only owned basics - one plate, one cup, one spoon, one fork. It seemed he lived a solitary existence without indulgence in superficial things. 


Dusting and wiping, vacuuming and scrubbing. Joohyun moved methodically throughtout the vast rooms, focusing her energy on practical tasks that would leave a tangible result. With each surface cleared, she felt a sense of accomplishment. Progress, one meticulously cleaned nook at a time. 


Once Joohyun finally finished with the living room and kitchen, she moved on to the master bedroom. As soon as she opened the door, Joohyun was startled to find it completely spotless - not a speck of dust in sight.


The deep shade of back and grey that dominate the bedroom gives it a moody and sophisticated ambiance. The walls were painted a charcoal grey and the floor was covered in dark wood that gleamed under the dim recessed lighting. 


The black leathered bed located next to a large windows allowed natural light to enter during the day and view of the panoramic Han river at night. Behind the bed was a walk in closet, and attached to the closet is an en-suite bathroom.



Finally, she spotted his massive two-story home office tucked away in the corner of second floor. Joohyun's curiosity piqued, she peered inside the doorway.


The office was suprisingly larger than the bedroom, a sweeping staircase lead down to his wooden desk. The shelving units were loaded with books, a fire place, a sparkling chandelier, and a couch facing the workspace. 


Though free of dust, the desk was messy with stacks of paper and pens scattered about. Respecting his privacy, Joohyun did not venture further into theoffice, but lingered by the doorway admiring Seungwan's sanctuary from afar. The untidiness hinted at spirited engagement of his work and interests.

10 K-Drama Homes That Are #Goals AF | Soompi


"How odd..." Joohyun thought to herself. Only the living room and kitchen had been in such a messy state - covered in cobwebs and dust. Yet all the bedrooms and his office seemed to have been recently and thoroughly cleaned. 


At first, Joohyun wondered if Seungwan had hired help cleaning those spaces, but that didn't seem like his styles.


Then it occured to Joohyun - perhaps Seungwan was secretly tidying up the bedrooms and office himself, out of embarrassment that she would discover the neglected state. Perhaps, Seungwan secretly helped her tidying up before he went to work.





" tiring!" Joohyun exclaimed as she felt her joints were about to dislocate.


Joohyun plopped down on the now spotless living room couch, and her phone beeped. 


A message from him. Joohyun immediately read.


[ I will come home at 8.00 pm ]


"Huh? That's it? I don't think he will be back home at 8.00 pm. If he's at work he probably forget to come home" Joohyun looked at the clock. There was only an hour left before 8.00 pm. 


Joohyun freshened herself up, and sat at the living room watching the news. Her body felt tired and her eyes felt the ached to sleep. But, Joohyun still tried to stay awake waiting for Seungwan. 


Her guess was right. Seungwan had not arrived home at 8.30 pm. 


With no food supply, and empty stomach, Joohyun took a small pillow and laid down on the couch. In a few minutes, Joohyun had lost her consciousness.




Seungwan hurried down the street, rushing from his meeting with clients that had run over by almost two hours. As he approaced the famous store for bibimbap and tteokbokki, he decided to stop and pick Joohyun's favourite food to soften the blow on his tardiness.


After purchasing the warm foods, Seungwan quickly made his way home. As he opened the front door and stepped in the living room, he saw Joohyun asleep on the couch. The television was still on, casting a soft glow across her peaceful face.


"Joohyun.." Joohyun heard her name was being called. Making her drifted off more with the soft voice calling for her.


"Joohyun..." The voice called again. This time Joohyun felt her cheek was gently . 


"Wake up... Joohyun."


For the third time, Joohyun forced her eyes opened as she saw Seungwan's face vaguely.


Joohyun looked at the clock, "You're home? You said you will be back at 8.00 pm, and now it's 10.00 pm," Joohyun said while rubbing her eyes.


"I'm sorry. The office had an urgent meeting," Seungwan explained.


"Let's eat," he invited. Joohyun shook her head no - she was hungry but she just wanted to sleep for now.


"Lets eat..Joohyun-aah. Your stomach might get gassy later." Seungwan softly invited her again.


Once again, Joohyun shooked her head no, and just when she about to lay her head on the pillow - Seungwan cupsed her cheek with one hand to stop her.


"Come on, I bought your favourite bibimbap, with extra gochujang. And tteokbokki from that famous place." He added.


Joohyun eyes widened, "You did? With extra gochujang and tteokbokki?" Making sure she didn't misheard him.


"Woa, your eyes went big at the mentioned of the food," Seungwan smiled.


"Of course. Where? Where is it?" Joohyun looked around.


Joohyun saw some packages on the dining table. As if blessed with energy, she quickly got up and approached the dining table.


"Wow!" Joohyun screamed happily.


"You're not going to eat with me?" Joohyun asked Seungwan as she saw him looked through the files he bought from work.


"I ate with Eunbi earlier," he answered.


"Eunbi? Who?" Joohyun asked. Joohyun questioned herself whether he tried to be honest or deliberately tried to make her jealous.


"You forgot? Kwon Eunbi? The one we met at the store that day," Seungwan replied.




"Mmm.. somehow I think Eunbi has a heart for my husband.." Joohyun lost in her thought.


"We ate with the clients," Seungwan said suddenly, startling Joohyun from her reverie.


"What? Why did he told me that? I don't even care who he eats with. Did he think I'm gonna sulk over that girl."


"Did you told me that cause you don't want me to get jealous?" Joohyun asked with no hesitation. 


However, her question remained a question as Seungwan was immersed in his work. 


"Well, it's better not to think much. Let's gobble up these foods. But - how did he knew I like bibimbap with extra gochujang.. and tteokbokki? Is it a coincidence? Did he hired a investigator to spy on me? But what is his motive for doing all these? Maybe he wanted to know if his wife is a glutton or not..or maybe he secretly likes me,? 


Seungwan suddenly got up from his sit. Joohyun then started to eat quickly and noticed he walked into the kitchen.


Suddenly, Seungwan reappeared with a glass of water for Joohyun.


Joohyun looked at him, "Oh? Why is he so nice at me today? Wait! Did he put a drug in this water trying to take advantage of me!!?"


"Tonight.... do you still have the energy?" Seungwan asked whispering in Joohyun's ears.


"Hrrrrkk," Joohyun felt the tteobokki stucked in . Seungwan handed her a glass of water, and Joohyun gulped the water down, "Ahh, what a relief.."


Joohyun saw Seungwan grinned, noted that he wanted to on purpose.


"Don't forget to go to the bedroom when you want to sleep. I don't want you to sleep in the living room again. You'll hurt your back," Seungwan reminded her with a firm voice.




"Lub..dup.." Joohyun's heart beated as she opened the door to the master bedroom.


"This is my first day staying at his house. This time it's just me and him in this big house. The feeling of fear is still there." Joohyun looked inside and saw no trace of him, "Ehh? He's not here? What if he waited somewhere to lunge at me?" as she took a peek over the bathroom.


Joohyun remembered his office and walked to the office loacated at the end of the hallway. She saw a light through the door which was slightly door.


Joohyun bravely opened the door and peeked her head to look inside. 



"Why? What do you want?" Seungwan asked from his work table.


"Err..nothing," her voice trembled.


"It's late. Go to sleep," he said.


"You don't want to sleep?" Joohyun asked.


"Why? You want me to cuddle you to sleep?"


"Huh? No, no." Joohyun quickly rejected him. "I'm not ready yet. So, you can do your work late until night then," Joohyun thought to herself.


"Okay. I will go to bed first. Thank you for the food just now," Joohyun said with a grinned before closing the door. Joohyun quickly went to the bedroom and continue her interrupted sleep earlier.





Yeahh.. the second lead has came. I decided to name as Eunbi since Seungwan had guested on her concert before, and she had became guest and special dj on youngstreet. Also their cute interaction. Some of my ideas where to name her as Sohee, Sana, Sejong but Seungwan seemed closer with Eunbi. 

They have tons of pictures together !!! That's why....



Red Velvet's Wendy & Kwon Eunbi Are K-Pop's Cutest New BFFs - Koreaboo



Kwon Eunbi Talks About How Selfless Red Velvet Wendy Is – Here Is What She  Said | KpopStarz

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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1707 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
117 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^