Chapter 10

Seducing Mr Workaholic

Joohyun and Seungwan were lost in a passionate embrace under the darkening sky, lips and bodies fused together with desire. All thoughts of dinner were long forgotten as they explored each other to the backdrop of faint stars emerging above.Their kiss grew heated and passionate as hands roamed seekingly over clothed forms. Joohyun tangled her fingers in Seungwan's hair, drawing him closer.


But suddenly Joohyun's traitorous stomach let out a loud rumble, breaking the spell. They broke apart breathlessly, staring at each other in surprise for a moment before smiling at each other.


"I'm really not helping set the mood, am I?" Joohyun giggled, cheeks reddening in embarrassment even as her insides continued to grumble angrily.


Seungwan grinned and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. "It's okay, I think your stomach is trying to tell us something. Come on, I know the perfect place to get you fed."


Joohyun couldn't help but smile at his tender care, taking his hand and allowing him to pull her to her feet. "Thank you, Seungwan."


As they drove, the air gradually filled with savory scents wafting from the shoreline. Joohyun inhaled deeply, mouth beginning to water as she realized where Seungwan was bringing her.


Soon the lights of a beachside restaurant came into view, windows aglow and warm against the dusk sky. Inside they could see families and couples enjoying casual meals along with the breathtaking ocean views.


"I know this place!" Joohyun exclaimed. "Their seafood is to die for." Her stomach voiced its agreement loudly, making them both laughed.


Seungwan smiled and opened the door for her. "Then let's get you some, shall we?"



At the restaurant, Joohyun studied the extensive menu with gusto, her cheeks still faintly blushed from remembering their kiss. Noticing, Seungwan smiled warmly.


When the server arrived, Joohyun ordered in a small voice while Seungwan watched her fondly. Once alone again, he knew the cause of her lingering shyness.


"Still thinking about earlier?" Seungwan asked softly. Joohyun bit her lip, nodding.


Seungwan understood her sweet embarrassment. Reaching across the table, he tenderly brushed her fingers with his own. "Don't be uneasy. I'm happy we took that step together."


When their meals arrived, Joohyun dug in happily, savoring each delicious bite. But between tastes, she noticed Seungwan watching her with a fond smile. "Is it that good?" he asked teasingly. She nodded enthusiastically.


Midway through their meal, Seungwan saw her portion seemed meager compared to his food. Joohyun glimpsed Seungwan discreetly transferring a portion of his seafood onto her plate. "Thank you, you don't have to do that. I'm full really," she protested.


"I just had some extra, that's all." Yet he continued watching Joohyun from the corner of his eye. 


Seungwan kept gradually adding more of his food to her plate little by little. Before long, she realized with mild alarm that his portion had dwindled to almost nothing while hers overflowed bountifully.


She tried returning some but he refused. Joohyun blinked at the sudden bounty. "Seungwan, you hardly ate anything!"


He waved dismissively. "Don't talk with your mouth full. Hurry up before it gets cold." Joohyun smiled softly.


As they were eating, a woman's voice came to say hello, "Hi, Seungwan."


Joohyun turned her way. It was indeed Eunbi. However, Joohyun eyes were distracted when she saw Eunbi's hand holding a man. "Ohh, it's Sehun-ssi"


"So, what I heard is true? You also came to Jeju." Seungwan said to Sehun while inviting them to sit. Joohyun in disbelieved that Seungwan casually invited them to join in.


"Well, since you are always busy spending time with your wife, I called Sehun to come here so I won't feel lonely." Eunbi answered. 


"Sehun, but you said you're going on a vacation with...who is it this time? Eunchae?" Seungwan talked.


Joohyun just listened. She knew a little things about Sehun from Sooyoung. According to Sooyoung, Sehun was said to be an honourable playboy.


"Yaa..don't look at me like that. Eunbi found out that I applied a vacation and I was forced to come here," Sehun told him.


"So, you're willing to leave Eunchae and come here?" Seungwan continued to interrogate.


"Well for a friend as beautiful as Eunbi, I'm willing to do anything," Sehun replied. 


It was hard for Joohyun to believe. The last time she saw Sehun at her house, he was picking fight with Eunbi. But now, he looked really care for Eunbi.


"You sure you aren't drunk?" Seungwan asked again. 


"Well, I hope I am.."


Joohyun noticed Eunbi was busy smiling from earlier, like something was wrong. Joohyun was pretty sure that Eunbi delibarately called Sehun, wanting to attract Seungwan's attention.


"You two..are a thing?" Joohyun started.


"Do we..look like a thing?" Eunbi questioned her back, signaling a psychological war with Joohyun.


Eunbi said teasingly, “I do like someone though, Seu- ”


Before Eunbi could continue, Seungwan interjected, “Their food is amazing, wouldn’t you say so dear? Let's eat."


As they ate, much of the conversation revolved around the foods. "Oh..yeah, about the secretary you told me to interview the other day.." Sehun started.


Joohyun heard at the word secretary mentioned by Sehun. 'So, it's true that my husband just fired his secretary because of the ticket mixed up.'


"Sehun, I don't want to talk about work tonight." Seungwan interrupted his word. As a devoted workaholic, Joohyun was surprised by his words. Joohyun hoped to discreetly listen in on details regarding the secretary incident.


 Joohyun noticed Eunhyuk frequently glancing her way with an inquisitive look but brushed it off. 'Why? Is Sehun tried to blame me? But it seems Seungwan doesn't want me to know that he fired his secretary..Unfortunately I already know about the news'


Joohyun looked at Seungwan with a smiled. "What's wrong?" Seungwan asked, noticing Joohyun was grinning.


Taking Joohyun chin gently in his hand, Seungwan directed her face to the food."Look in front and focus on enjoying your meal, okay?" His thumb her cheek soothingly.


Joohyun sensed undercurrent from Eunbi. She then turned to Joohyun with an uncharacteristically icy gaze. Just then, Seungwan excused himself to the restroom. No sooner had he left than Eunbi leapt up as well, muttering about a phone call.


With Seungwan and Eunbi absent, Joohyun found herself alone at the table with Sehun. She fidgeted nervously under his probing gaze. "You and Seungwan have known each other a long time then?" he began casually.


Joohyun nodded. "Our parents are old friends, so we grew up together."


Sehun hummed thoughtfully. "Hmm.. Such a strong bond must come with certain...expectations from others."


She frowned at his insinuation. Ignoring her hint to drop it, Sehun pressed on. "Tell me, did you have any influence in firing that secretary recently?"


Frustration mounting, Joohyun snapped, "It t wasn't like tha-" .A chill ran down Joohyun's spine - realised both Seungwan and Eunbi weren't at the table. Had Sehun intentionally delayed her from searching, as a distraction? She felt there was an ulterior motive behind.


"Sorry, I'm going to the restroom," Joohyun excused herself with an ominous pit grew in her stomach. Sehun called for her name, as if trying to stop her. Joohyun continued her steps based on the signs shown.


Arriving at the intersect of the hallways, her steps stopped. She couldn't believe what she saw. Eunbi had Seungwan pressed against the wall, hands clutching his shirt desperately as she sobbed into his shoulder. But, what Joohyun didn't see was the way Seungwan struggled, hands wrapped tightly around Eunbi's wrists trying to detach her iron grip.


Seungwan eyes were clenched shut, face contorted in discomfort. "Eunbi, please stop, you're not thinking clearly. Let me go," he pleaded firmly through gritted teeth. But she clung to him.


"Joohyun, wait!" Seungwan said, heart gripped with panic as she started to turn away. But she didn't turn, shoulders tense with betrayal.


He rushed after her, grabbed her arm gently. "Please, it wasn't what you think. Let me explain," Seungwan pleaded. But upon seeing the wounded disbelief in her eyes, words died in his throat. Joohyun walked away to pack her bag at the table.


"What the hell were you thinking back there, hugging me like that?! Do you have any idea what you've done?" Seungwan yelled at Eunbi, stomach roiling.


Eunbi crumbled under his fiery gaze. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't in my right mind. But I swear nothing happened, right!"


"Forget what happened, that's not the point!" Seungwan paced agitatedly. "Joohyun now thinks the worst. I might lose her forever because of your little stunt!"


Eunbi buried her face in hands, shoulders shaking with heavy sobs. "I never meant to hurt you both, please you have to make this right. Tell her we're just friends, I'd never come between you."


"Why did you do this? I told you my feelings are with Joohyun alone," he choked out brokenly. 


"and I told you my marriage is off limits!" Seungwan continued furiously. "You do need help, now leave before you damage things further."


As both of them returned, Joohyun moved robotically, continue packing her things with unseeing eyes. Seungwan called her name again gently. "Joohyun.."


Joohyun eyes fell upon Eunbi hovering at the door, face not quite...guilty? A seed of doubt sprouted "I'm sorry, I don't feel well. Please, can we just go back to our room?" Joohyun breathed shakily, eyes pleading. Seungwan softened and nodded.


"Of course, whatever you need." Giving Eunbi a stern look, Seungwan hurried away with Joohyun's hand in him.


The car ride back was painfully silent and tense. Joohyun stared blankly out the window as Seungwan frequently glanced over, willing her to say anything.


Finally Seungwan couldn’t take it anymore. “Joohyun please, say something. Yell at me, shout, I don’t care just talk to me,” he pleaded, glancing over at her stony expression.  


She exhaled shakily. “What do you want me to say? That seeing her all over you broke my heart? That I’ve felt so alone for months because you’ve been distant and cold?” Her voice broke despite attempts to stay calm.


"I told you nothing is happening, you have to believe me. Our marriage means everything to me."


“I want to trust you, I do,” Joohyun interrupted sharply. “But our marriage was arranged, we barely knew each other. So tell me Seungwan, what is it that you really want?”


Seungwan swallowed thickly, gathering his thoughts. He opened his mouth but she continued. "You've always kept to yourself, showing little affection. So seeing you with her today..." Joohyun voice broke.


Seungwan swallowed thickly. "You're right, I've never been good at expressing myself. But I do care deeply about you."


"Do you? Or is this just obligation to your family?" She searched his eyes for answers. "How am I to trust your feelings when you show so little?"


He took a steadying breath. "Please, let me explain what happened. It was a complete misunderst-", Seungwan tried to reach for her.


"No." Joohyun pulled her hand away. "We both need time to figure out if this marriage is what we truly want, or just what's expected duty for us."


Seungwan's heart dropped. "At least tell me, didn't our first kiss at the beach just now mean anything to you?"


Joohyun paused, memories of longing washing over her bittersweetly. But overwhelmed confusion quickly replaced warmth.


"I don't know what anything means anymore," she said at last, gazing sadly out at the passing scenery. Seungwan cursed his inability to articulate feelings until pushed to the very edge.


When they arrived at the hotel, "I think it's best if I return to Seoul alone." Joohyun voice came out colder than intended. "Or I can just move to another room."


Seungwan's heart dropped. "Please don't go, it's late and you'd be traveling alone." He took a cautious step forward. "At least stay the night in our suite where I can help in an emergency and we can discuss when you're ready."


She shook her head. "I don't know if there's anything left to say. Everything is such a mess."


Gently taking her hand, Seungwan gazed at her with eyes filled with sadness and regret. "Just give me one more chance to explain. If you still want to leave after, I won't stop you."


Joohyun studied his face, emotion welling behind her stoic expression. After a long pause, she sighed. "Alright, I'll stay for now. But I need space to think."


"I'll take the couch, you can have the bedroom all to yourself. I promise not to bother you at all." Seungwan looked at her with earnest eyes, seeking some semblance of trust.


Joohyun hesitated, seeing the protectiveness in his eyes mingled with plea. "The couch really is enough for you?"


Seungwan nodded. "Of course. You have the bedroom all to yourself, I promise I won't disturb you."


As Joohyun tossed in bed, her mind drifted to earlier that day. Their kiss on the beach had felt so sweet and intimate. For the first time, she thought maybe their relationship could progress to the next level. Joohyun imagined a romantic night together, discovering each other in new ways.


But then the fight happened, shattering those hopes. Joohyun sighed sadly. "How did things turn so sour so quickly?" Doubts started swirling too loud to ignore. 


Their marriage was arranged. Joohyun recalled all the little things she did to attract her husband - cooking his favorite food, making late night snack, sending pictures to him just hoping to get closer to him. 


Yet he rarely reciprocated such gestures, always closed off. Did he even want this marriage, or was it just duty in his eyes? But Seungwan did seem to appreciate her dishes and responded well to her missions.


Joohyun thought of earlier relationship with Suho that ended badly with him cheating. What had she done to deserve badluck in men?


Meanwhile, Seungwan laid awake on the cramped couch, his mind replayed their beach kiss over and over. Joohyun's shy smile and flushed cheeks afterwards made his heart flutter. Seungwan really thought they had started connecting on a deeper level. He let his mind wander to how the night could have played out had it not been ruined. Making sweet love to Joohyun and holding her close all night.


"Joohyun cuteness kills me," Seungwan muttered to himself with a sad chuckle. The way Joohyun bit her lip shyly and avoided eye contact endeared Seungwan so much.


But then reality came crashing back. "I do act cold with her," he sighed, guilt weighing heavy. When they first moved in together, Joohyun organized their home alone while he worked long hours.


Seungwan thought about all the times Joohyun tried reaching out, only to retreat shyly when he didn't respond in kind. "Joohyun must have felt so lonely," he said regretfully. He knew Joohyun tried hard to understand him despite his reluctance to open up.


Hours slipped by and exhaustion finally claimed Joohyun, tumbling into a fitful sleep. Meanwhile on the uncomfortable couch, rest eluded Seungwan as well. Repeating their argument in his head, picking apart every word for answers that wouldn't come.


Slowly the stresses of the long day weighed heavy, dragging him beneath the tides of slumber at last. 


In the dead of night, Joohyun startled awake from restless visions. Moonlight bathed the room as she peered at the darkened window, alone. Glancing towards the living room, her heart felt ached seeing Seungwan's shivering form.


Sliding from the sheets, Joohyun padded softly over and retrieved a thick blanket. She gently unfurled it across his curled figure, tucking the edges snugly around him. Seungwan sighed softly in his sleep, no longer shaking with cold. Joohyun brushed his hair tenderly, before headed back to her room.


Seungwan stirred restlessly on the couch, pulled from fitful dreams. Glancing at the clock, its pale glow read 8am, realizing he'd probably should get ready for work.


As sleep receded, he became aware of the soft blanket draped over him. Seungwan's heart swelled, knowing Joohyun must have come to check on him in the night. Despite arguing, she still cared enough to ensure his comfort. Seungwan clutched the blanket fondly, breathing in its lingering scent of lavender - her signature fragrance soothing frayed nerves.


As he dressed, Seungwan mind wandered to Joohyun still slumbering behind the closed bedroom door. Seungwan crept quietly to the bedroom door, pressing his ear against the wood.


Unable to help himself, Seungwan softly turned the knob and peered within. Golden sunlight caressed Joohyun's sleeping form nestled under blankets, damp cheeks even in dreaming.


Seungwan padded over to crouch beside Joohyun, tenderly brushing wet strands from her face. Joohyun sighed softly but didn't stir, finding solace in shallow sleep at last. Seungwan ached to gather her in his arms, soothing all her pains away. But that tender bond lay broken until trust mended its cracks anew. "She looks so small and fragile like a baby."


Seungwan whispered against her brow in parting kiss. "Sleep well, and know that you are in my heart always,"  then with a final  glance, Seungwan slipped away for work.


Joohyun stirred as sunlight spilled across her face, glancing blearily at the clock in surprise. It was nearly noon - she couldn't remember the last time she slept so late.


Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked around the empty room warily. Seungwan must have already left for work without disturbing her as promised. Part of her was grateful for the solitude.


As wakefulness came, Joohyun noticed subtle signs that he had been in the bedroom - the blanket tucked just a touch straighter than her restless sleep could manage. A glass of water left on the nightstand for her parched throat.


Then under the glass, she spotted a small folded note. Joohyun picked it up gingerly, heart in as she opened the delicate parchment.


Inside, Seungwan's scratchy handwriting wished her restful dreams. He hoped the water would revive her upon awakening. Joohyun clutched it close, stunned by his small act of care.


A second note lay underneath - an invitation to dinner once he returned, to "continue our talk." Joohyun sniffed and smiled softly as she read.


Dear my goddess wife Bae Joohyun,

I hope you were able to sleep okay after last night. I really think about everything that's happened with us.

Our marriage started out arranged, and that was totally my bad. I shouldn't have just kept to myself and acted like work was more important than being there for you. You deserve so much better as my wife.

You've been so nice to me even though I didn't really show it. Like all the sweet things you do that I never really appreciated before. I'm really sorry about that. The problem was me, not you at all.

I know sorry doesn't fix it, so I wanted to ask if you'd come have dinner with me tonight, away from here. Maybe we could go to that beach where we had first kissed and talk under the stars. I want to explain what happened and really open up to you in a way I never have before.

It's not to make up for before or anything, it's cause the truth is somewhere along the way for a long time ago, you really came to mean everything to me. I just want you to be happy, whatever that means for us going forward.

The choice is yours. But I need you to know you'll always have a special place in my heart no matter what. I really hope you'll say yes. Please take care, my Joohyun.

Hoping for better days,
Your Seungwan




After splashing cold water on her swollen face, Joohyun took a few deep breaths to calm frayed nerves. 


The bell ring pulled Joohyun from her daze. She opened the door to find Sooyoung beaming cheerfully. "Oh? Didn't you say the other day that you won't be coming today?"


"Hi! Unnie, I was just in your hotel area and thought I'd pop by," Sooyoung said cheerily. Joohyun tried to smile.


"That's nice of you. Come in." She led Sooyoung to the couch as her sister prattled on about sights to see.


"We should hang out!" Sooyoung said.


"It's okay. Actually, I'm feeling rather tired. Perhaps another time," Joohyun replied weakly.


Sooyoung frowned. "Are you sure? You seem off." Her bubbly demeanor shifted to concern.


Joohyun sighed. "It's fine, really. Don't worry about me."


But Sooyoung wasn’t convinced. “What’s wrong? Did Oppa do something to upset you?” Gently taking Joohyun's hands, she said, "You know you can tell me anything, right?"


When Sooyoung's question rang out, the dam broke within Joohyun. Tears came flooding forth in terrible gasping sobs that wracked her thin frame.


Sooyoung tutted softly and gathered Joohyun into her arms, letting her weep bitterly into her shoulder. She made soothing noises but asked no further questions, simply allowing the tears to flow freely. 'There, there. Let it all out.”


For what seemed like an hour, Joohyun cried, releasing all the pent-up emotions of the past day - hurt, anger, confusion, fear. Sooyoung held her steadfastly through it all.


Gradually, the wracking cries subsided to hitched breathing and occasional whimpers. Joohyun clung tightly to Sooyoung's blouse feeling drained mentally and physically.


Sooyoung continued to hum softly, rubbing slow circles on Joohyun's back until her racing heart slowed and tears dried up completely. Only then did she speak. "There now, you feel a bit better?" Sooyoung asked gently. Joohyun nodded feebly against her.


"Why don't you rest? I'll stay with you." Sooyoung guided Joohyun's exhausted form to the bed, tucking blankets around her spent figure. Too tired to protest further privacy, Joohyun allowed sleep to fall as Sooyoung watched over.


After a few hours of fitful rest, Joohyun awoke to find Sooyoung reading nearby. Upon noticing her stir, Sooyoung asked gently, "Feeling any better?"


Joohyun nodded slowly, mindfuzz clearing. She was grateful for Sooyoung's silent comfort. A thought occurred then - perhaps distraction could lighten tortured spirits, if only for an afternoon.


"Sooyoung... would you like to go shopping with me?" Joohyun ventured shyly. Her sister's face broke into a warm smile. "I'd love to. Anything to get your mind off cares for a while."


They walked arm-in-arm through Jeju's winding alleyways, stopping in colorful shops along the way. Tired but content, the sisters strolled towards Jeju's breathtaking coastline as dusk painted the sky in vibrant hues. Finding a secluded spot by the water's edge, they sat chatting while waves lapped soothing rhythms.


Joohyun broke out snacks and drinks she'd purchased, offering one to Sooyoung with a small smile. Her sister accepted gratefully, and they relaxed on that early eveing.


Once colors faded to smoky twilight, Joohyun spoke up hesitantly. "Sooyoung, there's more I need to tell you about yesterday..."


She recounted walking in on Seungwan and Eunbi's intimate moment, hurt resurfacing as graphically detailed memories replayed. Sooyoung's face schooled into solemn focus.


"Eunbi and our family go way back. But I assure you, whatever you witnessed, Seungwan only treats her as a sister at most." Her tone rang with conviction borne of deep familial bond.


Joohyun wanted desperately to believe. Sooyoung reached for her hand consolingly. "His heart belongs to you, as yours does him. Trust that in time, all will become clear through open hearts."


"I wish I could fully believe that," Joohyun sighed despondently. "But when I saw them together...they were hugging so intimately."


Sooyoung wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. "I understand why that would shake your trust," she soothed. "But you know how evil Eunbi is. She just lunges doing whatever she wants despite Seungwan oppa's protests."


"I don't mind if Eunbi likes him, but I'm just afraid if Seungwan has any lingering feelings for Eunbi after knowing each other since she had been with him since the start of the company." Jooohyun added.


Sensing her lingering turmoil, Sooyoung pressed, "The only ones who truly know his heart are you two. Have faith in him okay?"


"Joohyun unnie, do you know why the other day I said.. I won't be coming today?" Sooyoung tried to change the topic far from Eunbi. Joohyun only shook her head no.


Sooyoung sighed. "Seungwan oppa...actually had today off from work. His work had finished yesterday and wanted to spend the day with you. But earlier he said he will be going at work. He asked me to stay with you in case you seemed troubled, and needed company."


"I think he feared overcrowding you during a delicate time after the fight. But please know his intent was only to soothe from afar, in his own awkward way." Sooyoung continued.


Joohyun froze in realization. "He wanted to give me space...but also make sure I wasn't alone."


Sooyoung nodded. "Seungwan oppa cares for you deeply, even when actions seem unclear. Seungwan only wanted your comfort." 


"Haih, that Oppa is actually shy to show how he cares for the people he loves. Just like when he first found out that I'm his younger sister. He acted liked he hated me when we first met, but behind, he quietly arranged everything for me. At first, I thought that was his responsibility but over time, I can see that is from his heart and that is just how awkward he can be."


As they walked along the shoreline, Joohyun suddenly stopped. "I've been so foolish."


Sooyoung turned to her inquisitively. Joohyun balled her hands into fists, eyes hard with determination. "Eunbi has clearly been trying to come between Seungwan and I. Well, no more - it's time I to declare  a war with her!"


Sooyoung put a calming hand on her shoulder. "Don't do anything rash. You need to think properly before dealing with Eunbi - I've known her antics for years, and she can be sly."


Joohyun took a steadying breath. "You're right, I shouldn't lose my temper. But I will be having words with her soon..."


" you happen to know where Seungwan is working today?"


Her sister tilted her head grinning at Joohyun. "He may still be at the office burying himself in work. Why do you ask?"


Joohyun fiddled with her hands nervously. "I want to see him, to apologize for last night. Explain how I really feel."


Sooyoung smiled knowingly. "That's a wonderful idea. Seeing each other now could help clear the air for an honest talk."


"Will you show me where it is, please?" Joohyun asked.


"Of course." Sooyoung gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. 


As they continued towards the car, Joohyun suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. "Woah, I feel a bit faint," she said, grabbing Sooyoung's arm to steady herself.


Sooyoung gazed at her with concern. "You've been through so much emotional stress lately. It's taking a physical toll as well."


Joohyun took a few deep breaths, willing the dizzy spell to pass. But her legs felt like jelly. "Here, sit for a moment," Sooyoung guided her to a nearby bench. 


 Sooyoung rummaged in her bag, producing an energy bar. "Eat this slowly." Joohyun nibbled on the bar as her head cleared a bit. Sooyoung rubbed her back gently. 


As Joohyun's dizziness eased on the bench, Sooyoung said, "Wait here while I pay the parking fee."


"Sooyoung!" Joohyun called out. Her sister turned questioningly. Weakly rising, Joohyun made her way over. "Let me pay, you should sit down instead." She nodded to Sooyoung's pregnant stomach.


 "It's okay Unnie, you shouldn't overexert yourself," Sooyoung protested.


Joohyun took her hands. "Please, rest - the stress isn't good for little one." Joohyun hurried off to a parking meter, shuffling through her purse. 


As Joohyun paid at the meter, she turned to head back to Sooyoung waiting in the car across the street. But the intense dizziness suddenly washed over her again. She swayed on her feet, forehead beading with sweat. Distantly, Joohyun heard Sooyoung call out in alarm. Then, Just then, a nearby car slammed on its brakes with a loud squeal and honk, barely avoiding collision. Joohyun froze in shock, vision tunneling at the near accident.


Through blurred vision Joohyun saw the world swayed violently as panic gripped her chest. Joohyun's heart raced and breath came in shallow gasps and her legs gave out as darkness crept swiftly in. The last thing she heard was screeching tires, Sooyoung's terrified screams merging with the clamor. Then, silent blackness swallowed her whole as rain falling lightly on her face. Sooyoung's tearful face swam into view above.










lolll i've been teasing so much. Okie okie I just want to make a proper closure for tsundere Seungwan before them indulging stuuuuffs together. 

Anyway I saw on twitter..that Joohyun might has seen the musical. Imagine..IMAGINE Joohyun suprised Seungwan as she came home to their dorm, saying she watched the musical as they sit on the couch, or perhaps they already met earlier at the venue. Haih.. but part of me happy that they kinda gatekeep that information, cause it be like 'they do not need to prove anything for their bond' and especially I like how we know it's not a fan service or obligatory where sm make the members go and share their pictures together something like that..



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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Hahaha Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 7: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha
Chapter 13: It's nice that they're doing their best to improve their married life. Now now does suho still harbour some feelings to joohyun? Why is Jennie acting like that to joohyun given that she's already pregnant and she already got suho. Perhaps she's insecure? Because deep down she knew that suho is still hung up on his ex. But maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation. Is Eunbi really sincere with her apology? Because I'm in the same boat as joohyun here. Can't help but be skeptical with her intentions. Mhmm... Are we going to see little joohyun or seungwan soon? I guess we'll never know until a couple of chapters. I'm glad you are back author-nim. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. I hope that when writing becomes a burden to you or at least feels like it. I hope you remind yourself that you don't owe us anything. You write for yourself and you are just sharing it to us
1713 streak #5
Chapter 13: Welcome back authornim~
120 streak #6
Chapter 13: welcome back authornim 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update… I’ll wait for your return…
sswxbjh #8
Chapter 12: Author-nim, we’re still waitng for you to continue this wonderful story. I hope you comeback. 🥹
Author-nim, do you have plans to finish this fic? I sincerely hope you will, because it's too good to be left unfinished.
Chapter 12: At last Seungwan realised his mistake.... So good to know Joohyun now can be happy.... ^^