Unbreakable 2

Best Absolute Perfect

It had been a week after Bang left for his promotion and so you put your heart and soul into the project you were assigned to. Partly because it kept your mind off Bang and how much you miss him whenever you finished work and found no phone call from him or seeing him waiting at your inn for your dinner. But the more major reason was because the project was an important project which could help you to be promoted and would mark a start for your career.

You stayed back in the office to try out different style that your client requested but nothing was up to standard. "Urh!" you groaned, not caring to keep your voice down as you were the only one left in the office. Turning your chair towards the window, you looked up to the moon which was shining brightly in the pitch dark sky. "What is he doing now?" you asked yourself while thinking about Bang. You looked at your watch and figured that B.A.P should had already finished their first showcase, you took out your phone and dialed the number Bang had given you before heading off the airport.

"Hello?" a low yet lovely voice was heard. "Bang! What are you doing?" you asked with a little of aegyo as you wanted to cheer him up after a tiring showcase but instead of a small laugh which you were expected from him, his voice quickened huskily, "Oh I'm busy right now. I'll call you later. Bye!" Then a long beep was heard. Trying not to focus on the fact that he hung up so harshly on you, you tried to think that you two would have a long night talk with each other. So you gathered your stuff quickly and headed back home.

Meanwhile Bang had just finished with his showcase. "Guys!" his manager came and gave the whole B.A.P a big group hug, "You guys were awesome out there on stage! So as the result, I'll treat you guys dinner." "Hyung," Bang called the manager, "Can I go back to the hotel first? I need to call ___." Since the manager was in a good mood, he let him off but when they were on the van heading off back to the hotel to drop Bang off, seeing his dongsengs' sad face when they knew that their leader was not joining them, he gave in and followed them to the restaurant.

"Omo, Yongguk hyung is so heavy!" Zelo and Jongup both exclaimed in sync as they lay their drunk leader on the hotel bed. Not knowing that he had to call you, the boys didn't woke him up and just let him sleep till his heart content. "___. ___," he mumbled between his sleep when Himchan came out from the bathroom. Being his naughty self and knowing that Bang didn't want anyone to see his soft side for you, Himchan took a video clip of Bang mumbling your name and saved it into his laptop, "Hehe, I'm gonna blackmail you with this," and laughed silently.

Three o'clock in the morning. You waited for five hours since the time you reached the inn until now and he had yet to call or text. You sighed heavily as the missing feeling of yours squeezing your heart tightly as the clock ticked. Figured that he was properly tired after the showcase, you decided to give up waiting and went to bed. Sure you were a little angry at him for not keeping his promise but what could you do? Call him? No way! You were already the cause of a big lie that he had to tell the public and especially his fans so you didn't want to be more of the burden for him.

"So tell me, since you wrote the song Secret Love for B.A.P, do you have a secret love too?" the emcee shot Bang a question that cause the fans to hold their breath, waiting for the answer to leave their idol's lips. You were watching the live interview of B.A.P during their promotion on TV and the question made you chocked on the ice lemon tea that you were drinking. You couldn't help but to hold your breath too. Despite knowing that he would deny it, you still secretly wishing he would admit that he was having a relationship with you. "No I don't have a girlfriend," he replied calmly with a laugh, showing his gum which cause the girls to scream loudly. However their scream weren't loud enough to subside the sound of your cracking heart. Expected that to happen but hearing him denied the fact that you two were in a relationship made your heart sank and brought you to the edge of tearing. You hugged the cushion on the sofa tightly, trying your best not to let your tears fall.

"Bang," you greeted softly still recovering from your mega crying session an hour ago, "How is the promotion?" You didn't know why you called him. You were sure you didn't want him to hear your sobbing voice but you missed him so much and you just wanted to hear his voice so badly. "It is fine," he replied and you could hear the tiredness in his voice, "Hey can I call you back later? I'm going for dinner with the boys and the staff. B~" Despite knowing that he was tired and wanted his food, you couldn't help but let out a mindless comment, "Not again." "What?" he asked, surprised at your annoyed tone. You could no longer endure it and poured out your feeling, "You told me you would call yesterday but did you? No! I waited for 5 hours for you call but there was nothing like that. And seeing you denying our relationship in front of thousands of people didn't help much ok. And worse, now you don't even wanna talk to me? Sure! Go for your dinner, yeah then call me later, when? When you come back three months later?"

You didn't know where you got all the courage to shout at him with that kind of tone. You were always very understanding towards his career and despite the fact that he broke his promise because of his career countless of time before, you never snapped and complained like how you did seconds ago. "Ya ___!" he shouted your full name, indicated that he was extremely angry, "Do you think that it's easy? I wanted to call you but how could I leave the boys alone yesterday after our first showcase? You should know better that I can't expose our relationship and you were the one who said you didn't mind then why are you complaining now? And do you think I want to deny it? I don't want to lie to my fans and because of you, I have to! I really need to go now so yeah bye." Then came the beep again.

After hearing his words, you broke down completely. "I don't want to lie to my fans about and because of you, I have to!" his words pierced into your heart like swords and knives. The thing you didn't want to happen the most, happened. You sat there on the sofa motionlessly with tears running down your face. You became a burden to him and he properly would hate you for making his life miserable. "Is this the end?" you thought to yourself as more tears escaped from your eyes.

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I love this fanfic so much :3 ❤
numrock12 #2
@RockyBlue it's inspired by Se7en's story with his girlfriend on Strong Heart YG special edition :3
Chapter 20 is to mu like tablos storg on strong heart, during yg family reunion episode
update update! *pumps fists in air*
Update soon! Can't wait to know what will go on with the relationship :( !!
dreamsunachievable #8
.-. So.... she shouldn't have just ran out like that D: Or the manager should just let them be public already D; its not like that.. broken-doll sender will stop harassing her D:
so much kisses > v < hehehe, that's really sick of someone to send a doll with broken head to her D:< must be someone jelly of them >:3 update soon ^ ^ !!
whoa. it's getting interestiiing~