Castle 7

Crown Prince

Aleeya and Hyuri helps Mrs. Qing and Uncle Jon to transfer the things from van to the kitchen.

“Wah, the ballroom so beautiful you know?” Said Hyuri to Aleeya.

“Really? I don’t have time to go see the ballroom yet. Maybe after we transfer all this goods.”

“I will show you the ballroom hall. It’s so huge and I believe more than 1000 people can fill in it.”

“I heard that only 500 people will be attending for the party.”

“Hm…maybe the royal family only could attend.”

“You must be happy, Hyuri.”

“Of course I am. Thank you for let me experience this. Even once in the life time, I really appreciate that.”

“No worries about that. No money applied to make you able to experience this.”

“Yes, you are right. Even more, I get the pay as well.”

After finish transfers the goods, Mrs. Qing gives them both the cloth to wear for the party. As a promise, Hyuri shows Aleeya the ballroom hall. The ballroom being decorates with silver and gold curtain with the pink roses at each corner. The floor has been close with the red carpet.

“Wah, it is just like a fairy tale movie. I never see this beautiful hall before in my life, Hyuri.”

“You feel like dancing, my dearest friend?” Said Hyuri. She starts to dance.

“I feel like…a princess.” Aleeya still feel amazed.

“Of course you are, Princess Aleeya.” Aleeya smile with the Hyuri’s joke.

“Hm…what will you be then? Princess Hyuri?”

“Nope, I will be your loyalty servant. Here I come to serve you my dear princess…” Hyuri bow to Aleeya. Then they both laugh.

“ are the princess as well. I don’t want to be the princess alone.”

“Okay, how about we dance?”

“Is it okay?”

“No worries…the party will start at 8. We have a plenty of time. So, let’s have fun first. Well, like we always do when we do the housekeeping.” Hyuri then take Aleeya’s arm and drag her to the centre of the hall.

She then make Aleeya dance with her. “It should be nice if there is music.”

“Should I sing instead?” Said Aleeya. Hyuri just nod.


After 15 minutes have fun then they walk to the kitchen. Others waitresses already start to decorate the table. Aleeya and Hyuri come to help them.

At 7Pm, the people start to fill the hall. The guests were so beautiful and charming. Both Hyuri and Aleeya almost drop their jaws when they see that. It feels like them from other world. They never see those beautiful women and handsome men before.

“Where are they come from? Which planet?”

“They are the most Honourable and Great Family members, of course there are more outstanding.” Explain Mrs. Qing when she heard Hyuri said that.



“Now the party begin!” Right after that, the hall become crown with talking and the sound of glass and everything. The waiters start busy to serve the guest.

“Where is the Prince?” Whisper Hyuri. Aleeya shook her head.

But then…

“Welcoming Prince Jaejoong, Sir Yunho, Sir Yoochun, Sir Junsu and Sir Changmin to the Ball.”

Automatically, both of Aleeya and Hyuri turn their head to see the Prince and his Honour Friends. The hall become quite a while. Everyone look at the 5 men who walk enter the hall.

“OMG, Aleeya…” Said Hyuri. She seems cannot believe with what her see.

“Please have fun.” One of the men said aloud.

The hall starts to crowd again. “We should serve the guest, Hyuri.” Said Aleeya. Hyuri just nod.

“You become mute already?” Jokes Aleeya.

“For now. I just hope I not fainted.”

“Tell me if you want to. So, I can hold your back.”

“How about if I faint at the Prince’s arm? Hm, is it too greedy? Then, at his honourable friends.”

“You are funny, Hyuri. Well, we should be apart now. You serve there and I will serve there.”


“Owh, Hyuri…”



“You too, dear.”

Then, they both walk separately. They start to serve the drink to the guest. And then rush to the table to fill up their tray.

“Hi…still remember me?” Aleeya turn to her right. She tried to remember the face.

“Suite Room hotel…remember?” The man said again.


“Changmin. Well, we could not know each other at that time.”

“Sir Changmin.”

“Just call me Changmin.”

“But, you are Prince’s friend. I should address you well.”

“I’m just the friend by the way. Not the Prince.”

“But you are still from the Honourable Family member.”

“I’m still an ordinary person like you. So, please call me Changmin.”


“Hm…you not say your name yet.”

“Ah…my name is Aleeya.”

“Aleeya! Nice name. So unique.”

“Hm…sorry. I still have a work to do.”

“Owh..yeah, sure. Anyway, I’m glad to meet you again. I hope we can meet again next time.”

Aleeya give Changmin a smile before she left.

“Miss the target, Changmin!” Changmin whisper to himself. He then walks to the women crowd to say Hi.

Hyuri see Aleeya run to the exit door. She feels weird and then leaves the tray on the table and follow Aleeya. She found Aleeya at corridor while holding her chest.

“What’s wrong Aleeya?”

“I need my medicine.”

“What medicine? Where is it?”

“I left it in the locker.”

“Wait here, I will go and take it.” Hyuri then run to the locker room as fast as she can. With trembling hand, she opens the locker and get Aleeya’s bag.

“Where is it? Please!”

Once she found the bottle, she run back to Aleeya.

“Here. Owh, I forget the water.”

“No…I need the medicine.” Aleeya just put the pills into with water. Hyuri looks scare. She just stays in silent when Aleeya sound in pain.

After a minute, Aleeya give her friend a smile.

“What was that?”


“Nothing? What you mean by nothing? Your heart…”

“Yes, there is something wrong with my heart, Hyuri.”

“But then, what are you waiting for? You should treat it. Do the operation.”

Aleeya smile while looking at Hyuri.

“Why are you smiling? This is not even funny, Aleeya.”

“You look scare.”

“Of course I scare. What if I didn’t follow you just now? What will happen to you then?”

“I’m fine now, Hyuri.”

“Yes. You are okay now. What happen if in future when you are alone?”

“I have been through this alone for several years, Hyuri.”

“So, you have this pain for so many years already? Then, why you didn’t tell me.”

“It’s nothing, Hyuri. Really!”

“You said this is nothing? You should look at you when you are in pain. Even I cannot stand to see that.”

“I know you are worried about me. I am sorry.”

“Of course I am worried. You are my friend.”

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go to hospital and do the treatment.”

“I will do later.”


“I’m still collecting money.”

Hyuri sigh. One drop of tears falls to her cheek. Drop after drop the tears come out from her eyes.

“You have been working hard for all this time because of this? You tell me that you want to further your study. You should have told me the truth.”

“I am sorry.”

“I’m your friend, Aleeya. You should tell me. I will spare you money to do the treatment.”

“No Hyuri. That’s the reason why I don’t want everyone to know.”

“But why? You could say that you borrow from me. After you heal, then you can repay me.”

“What if I not survive? I don’t want to have any debt from anyone.”

“Aleeya! I’m your friend. Of course I will not let you die. I bet you will do the same like I do.”

“I have no hope, Hyuri. I’m not only need the money. I need a heart too. I need someone that can donate a heart to me. It’s something beyond me…I only take this pills to stay alive.”

“Owh…what should I do then?”

“Nothing. Just please be my friend forever. At least, I have something precious moment that I left.”

Hyuri cried out while hug Aleeya. Aleeya pat her friend back.


Thank you for spare your valuable time to read my story.

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Chapter 42: Found this. Read this. Love this. Its simple story, but how you wrote it is nice and beautiful. I do really wait for the sequel, bc i still have a lot of questions in my mind abt the story. I think you made a good story, have great idea, and if it's executed well, you still can elaborate the sequel. Thanks a lot for sharing the story. Look forward to the next.. :)
UknowAde #2
Chapter 42: will wait for your sequel.. update it soon k.. :)
nianaihar #3
Chapter 41: @UknowAde - Thanks for your opinion..actually, I wanna made a sequel for this story which i would like to tell more about Jae & Hana's, I will just stop this story and draft a new exciting one...thanks for the reading ya! I really do appreciate for your time spent and every comment. :)
UknowAde #4
Chapter 41: Hi Author-nim, I would hope you could tell us more about princess hana 's love life or JAe's love life. as I feel you too concentrated on Hana's death . (talking too much about death all the time). Thank you
nianaihar #5
Chapter 40: I will have a long break and appreciate for all the comments and loves from you towards my story. TQ and have a nice day :)
nianaihar #6
Thanks for the readers and all your comments. I will end this story soon. Please let me know your opinion on this story.
I like this story!!!!
Thanks a LOT!!!!
Chapter 35: such a beautiful story,,, I like it and I hope you'll keep writing more chapters for it
it would be a waste if you end it so soon,,,, anyway wish you all the best
nianaihar #9
Sorry my dear readers..i lost my laptop so I have to stop writing for a only i got a chance to write again..TQ so much :)
UknowAde #10
Chapter 35: Thank you for continue this story again..