Castle 40

Crown Prince

Princess Hana looks around the Swan Lake. The green tree around the lake makes the view more beautiful. Unfortunately, the beauty of the scenery cannot make her heart feel calm. She touches her chest and the tears drop fast.


All the memories that she makes with Yoohwan replay likes a movie in her mind. Besides Gyuri, Yoohwan is her best friend. He always at her side no matter what. Without realizes, she always depend on Yoohwan. She cannot hide anything from him because Yoohwan will always knew what happened to her. That's the reason how he knews about her disease eventhough she kept the secret from Gyuri and even Miss Qing.

"I'm sorry..." She really felt guilty to Yoohwan. Yoohwan has been a loyal friend for her for the past 10 years but she never knew anything about Yoohwan. She doesn't know that Yoohwan was also sufferred due to his brain tumor.

"I'm sorry for being selfish." Cried Hana. Jaejoong comes to her and hug her.

"You know you cannot cry likes this? You are not purely heal yet, my dear."

"Oppa...I have done wrong to Yoohwan."

"No, you are not. He knew that you will blame yourself but he said it was not your fault."

"He deserves to be happy, Oppa. But, he always listen to me and take care of me. I never knew that he had..."

"He said that compare to you, his one was nothing."

"I know the pain, Oppa. I believes he endure much more pain compared to me. He always smile. He always happy. He encourage me. But, I did nothing to him..."

"He said you gives him hope to stay alive. At least, he could stay alive in you."

"I don't even say goodbye to him."

"He did while you are in coma. Just please don't blame yourself."

"In order to survive me, he sacrifice his life."

"He didn't sacrifice his life for you without nothing, my dear. He gaves you his heart so that he can keep alive in you. The same reason why I wants to sacrifice my life for you, he did it because he loves you."

"I know he loves me but I always dissapoint him. I always told him that he will not have a future if be with me, I told him that, oppa. I didn't realize that he is also lack of time but I waste his time with nothing."

"I understand, Hana-ah...The only thing that you can do now is keep alive so that his sacrifice for you will be worth it."

Hana then throw her look at the lake. She came with Yoohwan here before and ask Yoohwan to bury her here, Without knowing, Yoohwan went to heaven before her and now this lake become his home.

"I will come and visit you again, Yoohwan. I promise you, I will always be happy so that your heart will stay healthy and keep beating."





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Chapter 42: Found this. Read this. Love this. Its simple story, but how you wrote it is nice and beautiful. I do really wait for the sequel, bc i still have a lot of questions in my mind abt the story. I think you made a good story, have great idea, and if it's executed well, you still can elaborate the sequel. Thanks a lot for sharing the story. Look forward to the next.. :)
UknowAde #2
Chapter 42: will wait for your sequel.. update it soon k.. :)
nianaihar #3
Chapter 41: @UknowAde - Thanks for your opinion..actually, I wanna made a sequel for this story which i would like to tell more about Jae & Hana's, I will just stop this story and draft a new exciting one...thanks for the reading ya! I really do appreciate for your time spent and every comment. :)
UknowAde #4
Chapter 41: Hi Author-nim, I would hope you could tell us more about princess hana 's love life or JAe's love life. as I feel you too concentrated on Hana's death . (talking too much about death all the time). Thank you
nianaihar #5
Chapter 40: I will have a long break and appreciate for all the comments and loves from you towards my story. TQ and have a nice day :)
nianaihar #6
Thanks for the readers and all your comments. I will end this story soon. Please let me know your opinion on this story.
I like this story!!!!
Thanks a LOT!!!!
Chapter 35: such a beautiful story,,, I like it and I hope you'll keep writing more chapters for it
it would be a waste if you end it so soon,,,, anyway wish you all the best
nianaihar #9
Sorry my dear readers..i lost my laptop so I have to stop writing for a only i got a chance to write again..TQ so much :)
UknowAde #10
Chapter 35: Thank you for continue this story again..