Castle 3

Crown Prince

The King and Queen having their breakfast when Prince Jaejoong back from jogging. He then join the table.

“How your party son?” Ask Queen Sera.

“Great mum. We are having fun.”

“Then good. You should always put yourself into that socialize life.”

“I agreed with your mother. You should not always spend your time by yourself and to your friend. You should sometime appear to public. Let your people know you.”

“Understand, Father.”

“Your Father and I maybe will not around for a month. We have to travel to Europe for the Royal visit. I would like you to come with us but I believe you will refuse it.”

“Don’t worry about me mum. Nothing will harm me if I keep stay in castle.”

“I already ask for more security to guard the castle and also some bodyguard which will follow you to anywhere.”

“I don’t need bodyguard, Father. I can take care of myself.”

“It’s for your safety. I wouldn’t ask for bodyguard if I know nothing can harm you. You are the future king and you should been protect from any harm.”

“But…” Prince Jaejoong still wants to argue. He hates bodyguard. He hates if someone control his life.

“Please don’t make your mother worried, son.” Queen Sera said while looking at Prince Jaejoong with her soft mother’s eye. Prince Jaejoong falls in it when it comes to his mother. He then nods.

“Okay mum.”

After the breakfast, Prince Jaejoong takes a rest at his chamber.

“Sire, you need anything?” Ask YoungMin.

“No, YoungMin.”

“I will be outside if you need anything.”

“YoungMin. Thanks.”

“No Sire. It is my duty.”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what sire?”

“Thank you for always be at my side for all this time.”

“It’s my duty sire.”

“I know.  You still young. You should have your own family now. Don’t always stay with me. If not you will be single forever.”

“I will loyal with you until you don’t need my hand anymore.”

Prince Jaejoong sigh. “You so loyal to me. Thank you.”

“It’s my…”

“Yes, I know that it is your duty, YoungMin. I just hope that you will treat me as your brother. I feel alone, YoungMin.”

“You are not alone, sire. You have King and Queen. You have your friends.”

“That is not my point, YoungMin. I need someone that I can share my feelings with. I cannot share it with Father and Mother. And also, I cannot share everything with my friends. For example like this moment, I really need a sibling that we can play and have fun together.”

“I understand sire. I’m sorry that I cannot be your accompany.”

“Don’t be sorry, YoungMin. You do nothing wrong. I just hope that I’m not a prince. I want to be ordinary person. I want to enjoy this life as an ordinary person. You should glad that you able to enjoy your life as ordinary, YoungMin.”

“Sire…you should be lucky that you are prince. In future, you will be a king. You don’t know how many people out there desire to be a king. The world outside not like here, sire. We struggle to live. You are lucky to be born as prince…”

“Should I? I think my life is more dangerous than all of people like you. If this life as fun as what you said, then I will not lose my sister, YoungMin. My life is cruel compare to yours.”

“You still remember Princess Hana.”

Prince Jaejoong low his head. Suddenly one drop tears fall from his eyes. YoungMin just stand silent. He should not bring up about that.

“Sorry sire.” Said YoungMin. Jaejoong shook his head.

“You don’t know how much I miss her. At the time like this, I always think of her. If she still alive, she must be already 20 years old. I must be the control brother that will ask where she go…with whom she going out…but…”

“…I cannot do that.”

“Sorry, Hana…I cannot protect you. I am truly sorry.” Jaejoong rub his face several time then hewalk to the bathroom. He doesn't want YoungMin to see his tears.
YoungMin understand Prince Jaejoong more than anyone else. He already become Jaejoong's servant for so many years already and he know Prince Jaejoong well. The Prince might be strong outside but he too soft inside. YoungMin believes with that character, Prince Jaejoong will become a great king in future. Even he is the Prince but he never act like a Prince. He is more humble than others.


Thank you for spare your valuable time to read my story.

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Chapter 42: Found this. Read this. Love this. Its simple story, but how you wrote it is nice and beautiful. I do really wait for the sequel, bc i still have a lot of questions in my mind abt the story. I think you made a good story, have great idea, and if it's executed well, you still can elaborate the sequel. Thanks a lot for sharing the story. Look forward to the next.. :)
UknowAde #2
Chapter 42: will wait for your sequel.. update it soon k.. :)
nianaihar #3
Chapter 41: @UknowAde - Thanks for your opinion..actually, I wanna made a sequel for this story which i would like to tell more about Jae & Hana's, I will just stop this story and draft a new exciting one...thanks for the reading ya! I really do appreciate for your time spent and every comment. :)
UknowAde #4
Chapter 41: Hi Author-nim, I would hope you could tell us more about princess hana 's love life or JAe's love life. as I feel you too concentrated on Hana's death . (talking too much about death all the time). Thank you
nianaihar #5
Chapter 40: I will have a long break and appreciate for all the comments and loves from you towards my story. TQ and have a nice day :)
nianaihar #6
Thanks for the readers and all your comments. I will end this story soon. Please let me know your opinion on this story.
I like this story!!!!
Thanks a LOT!!!!
Chapter 35: such a beautiful story,,, I like it and I hope you'll keep writing more chapters for it
it would be a waste if you end it so soon,,,, anyway wish you all the best
nianaihar #9
Sorry my dear readers..i lost my laptop so I have to stop writing for a only i got a chance to write again..TQ so much :)
UknowAde #10
Chapter 35: Thank you for continue this story again..