
Blue Crush


Ethan’s POV

I couldn’t find Rochelle since mid-party, neither could the members find Taecyeon. I hadn’t really talk to Rochelle due to her busy schedules. Nowadays, besides ‘I’m leaving! Don’t wait for me!’ or ‘Hi, I’m back. I’m so freaking tired..’ or even ‘Gahhhh.. How can all of them be so hot at the same time?’ ; I hadn’t really heard anything from her. By the time she came back to the dorm, she’s already too tired to talk and she’ll head straight to bed. She sometimes would even pass out on the couch.

“I don’t know. Normally he’s the last one to leave this type of place.” Nichkhun said while the party ended.

“Yea, how odd. Rochelle said she wanted to enjoy this night but she left early?” Becks put on her pullover.

“Couldn’t it be that they’re both together now?” Chansung ate some leftover snacks. This guy never stops eating.

“Yea, they’re both together now. I saw them walking out the door just now.” Jasmin said. “Both of them.”

“Yah, you didn’t stop them?” Nichkhun seemed annoyed.

“What for?” Jasmin frowned at him.

“Aish, I don’t care. Let’s go back. I need to sleep.” Junsu yawned.

Rochelle didn’t come back and it was already pass midnight. I laid on my bed trying to sleep. Until I heard the door. I opened my room’s door and saw Becks and Jasmin ran to the door.

“Hi. Sorry, she fell asleep. Where’s her room?” A deep voice came from the door.

“Oh, this way. Come on.” Becks led the way to Rochelle’s room. I stood at my door watching him walked past me. He looked at me and nodded. I nodded back when Jasmin opened the door for him to go in.

After some time, Taecyeon walked out from the room. “Thanks for sending her back.” I thanked Taecyeon.

“No problem.” He smiled. “I’ll get going. See you.”

I locked the dorm’s door when I saw Becks walking out from Rochelle’s room. “Hey, how’s Ro?” I asked as I opened the refrigerator to get some milk.

“She’s fine. Jas will be sleeping in her room. She said she’s fine with it.” Becks combed her hair while walking towards her room. “Don’t stay up too late. Nights”

When I went into my room I heard the door again. Who would it be at this hour? I went to the door and saw Taecyeon out there.

“What’s up?” I asked him confused.

“Uhh, I’m sorry to bother. Nichkhun’s asleep, I think. Cuz he wouldn’t answer the door and even his phone. I left the room key in the room and I couldn’t get in now.” Taecyeon explained. So, he’s looking for a place to sleep.

“Ohh, and?” I asked sarcastically. I know he’s an idol, but it didn’t work for me.

“…. I… I need a place to sleep.” Taecyeon stuttered a little.

“Oh, come on in.” I smiled at him. “Do you mind if you use the couch?”

“No, not at all. It’s fine with me.” Taecyeon sat on the couch. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I said and went into my room.

Rochelle’s POV

I stretched and opened my eyes, I left my eyes half open because of the sunlight. Then I realized I’m already on my bed in my room. Wait, what? I didn’t remember anything. I sat up and thought hard. I remember being at the beach beside Taecyeon while he was singing Only You. Then everything was a blur. Wait, did I fall asleep while he was singing? Oh no, how rude of me. I need to apologize as soon as I see him.

I got up and saw Jas on the floor. , I left her alone last night. She must be mad. I cover her with the blanket she kicked off. Jasmin, still hadn’t change. She never failed to kick off her blanket while she’s asleep. I smiled and headed to the bathroom. The bathroom was attached to my room, so it’s easier for me. It’s better to have my own bathroom than to share with two guys. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I left my hair down. I checked the time before walking out my room. 7am. Whoa, how early of me. I’m going to prepare breakfast for all of them. I never once prepare for them, I need to repay now.

As I walked to the kitchen, I saw a figure on the couch. Jack? According to Becks, he’s always sleeping on the couch. But why did he look taller and bigger now? I walked towards the couch and see who was it. TAECYEON?? What was he doing here?? I stared at him and tried to think what else happened last night. Did he perhaps carry me back?

“Are you going to stare or wake me up?” Taecyeon mumbled suddenly.

“Oh, you scared me.” I jumped. “Sorry.”

“Mmm..” He rubbed his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Oh, I needed a place to sleep. Nichkhun locked the door and I left my room key inside. I couldn’t get his phone too.” Taecyeon sat up while stretching. His flexed muscles were so attractive.

“How about Mr. Seo? You can’t get him as well?” I asked while walking into the kitchen.

“Nope, they’ll realize how many missed calls later.” He followed me to the kitchen. “Can I have this?”

“What?” I saw him opening the refrigerator picking up the milk. “Ohh, that’s Ethan’s. I don’t know.”

I stood beside him and stared at the refrigerator when he placed the milk back. I had no idea what to cook for breakfast. Bread? Eggs? Where’s the eggs? Where’s the jam or butter for the bread? How do you fry an egg? Or make a toast?

“What are you staring at?” Taecyeon looked at me then at the refrigerator.

“Do you know how to cook?” I asked him, embarrassed to look at him. I’m a lady but I don’t know all these. Maybe I should take cooking lessons.

“Lol, you want to make breakfast when you don’t know anything?” Taecyeon chuckled. I was kinda annoyed actually.

“Stop laughing. I really don’t know!” I blinked and pouted. “Normally Beck’s the one who settles our food. And she’s still sleeping now, I don’t want to wake her up. And I feel like repaying her, since she made breakfast every morning. And…”

“Let’s see what do you guys have….” He interrupted. “And stop explaining, breathe.”

I looked at him, wait, he knows how to cook? Seriously? A big guy like him? “You cook?” I asked him. Stupid, I know.

“You don’t believe?” He took some eggs from the refrigerator and raised an eyebrow at me.

“No.” I smiled and crossed my arms.

“Try me,” he challenged. “You are helping me though.”

“But, I don’t know anything..” I said.

“I’ll teach you. Come here.” He pulled me to the kitchen island.

Taecyeon cracked an egg into a bowl and asked me to do the same. I tried doing but failed. I got egg shells into the bowl. I pouted and wanted to try the second one when he grabbed my hands and helped me with it. Finally after a few eggs, I made it!

“OH! YEAY! I GOT IT!” I smiled at my success. “Hah, my first cracked egg without help!”

“You .” Taecyeon teased. I poked him and the morning continued with him cooking breakfast for us and me helping. Making a mess, actually.

After an hour or more than that, God knows. We finally finished the cooking and waited for them to get up. We washed the dishes first so there won’t be too much to wash after breakfast. We ended up playing with water. He was the one who started it.

“You guys better stop or I’ll get diabetes.” Someone said from behind. I turned around and saw Ethan already biting on a toast.

“Oh hey, Boss.” I smiled at him. “How’s your sleep?” I sat down beside him and took a bread munching it.

“Great! Until I heard noises from the kitchen.” He looked at me. “You made this? It couldn’t be you right?”

“Ethan!” I slapped his arm when he shared smile with Taecyeon.

“Yea, I made this and she was messing up all the while.” Taecyeon joined us at the table.

“WOW! Breakfast! Thanks Becks!” Jack shouted when he ran up to us.

“I didn’t make this. Taecyeon did.” Becks and Jasmin joined us.

“I made this!” I said and stared at Becks.

“Wow, really? Then the sky will be falling by now.” Jas teased and smiled at Taecyeon. “Great breakfast, Taecyeon.”

“Thanks. Well, at least she cracked her first egg without any help.” Taecyeon defended me.

I pointed at him and nodded. “Exactly! We should celebreate.”

“Pssh, for what? Wasting too many eggs?” Jack laughed. Then the whole table laughed. I glared at him. “Sorry”

Then Taecyeon got a call from Nichkhun. I looked at him until he hung up. He said that the members will be at the beach and asked if we wanted to join.

“Of course we do!” Jasmin exclaimed. “I miss my cheeky mate already.”

“Jas, you will never change.” I shook my head at her. 


Update! Thanks for reading people! :)

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Chapter 13: Oooohh...
They are going on a date ^^
?$!&',$@;3(.)8?;),)7;£>£%}\!!!!!! ! They kissed OMG!!!
marikrismas #3
oh how i missed theee!

they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! oh my goooooodness!! they're too cute haha (:
hottest1158 #4
ohmygod finally!!!! XD
and they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuxuan #5
update soon
hottest1158 #6
taec is jelly!!! lol oh how i wish i was her! cant wait fo ur next chap! <3
marikrismas #7
ooh i am sensing jealousy from ethan!! was my initial prediction no longer a prediction now?? haha i guess i'll have to find out later huh? :P
cant wait for the next update! (:
yuxuan #8
update soon
BeastFreak #9
Love your story, cant wait to read ur update ;)
And really sorry for not giving a comment before now.
marikrismas #10
ooh is khun falling for her too?! is it going to be a love SQUARE!? daaaang this girl. getting all the guys! :P hahahaha but who knows, he could just be thinking of her as a sister like you ethan... hmmmmm i guess i'll have to wait and see haha (: