Blue Crush


Ugh, I look like a walking zombie searching for food. I looked into the mirror while combing my hair. Those idols kept me anxious whole night, I barely even sleep. My hair's definitely not helping. I brushed everything back into a ponytail, changed and went out my room. Jack and Becks were already there eating their breakfast. 

"Oh hey, Ro. It's weird seeing you so early. Are you okay?" Jack said as he munch on his bread. 

"Morning. Yea, I'm fine. I need this to keep me awake for today. I barely got any sleep." I replied while sipping Becks' coffee. "Where's boss?"

"Out to see our manager.. Here, eat this." Becks passed me some bread.

We ate our breakfast while discussing about our job later.  

I glanced at the clock and realized it's already 8. I immediately grabbed my bag and hurried both of them to the beach lounge bar. I remembered Ethan asking us to gather at 8 sharp. Whoops, late agin, I guess. 

We took the stairs down to the lobby and I spotted many people with gifts and cardboard written all koreans and 2PM, something, hwaiting and stuffs. I wondered who were they when Jack suddenly pulled me away. "No time. I'm curoius as you are too, Ro. We're late, c'mon."

We reached the lounge bar and had our meeting. Ethan introduced those idols to us. 2PM? Ohh,so those people were fans. So, there're 6 of them. I was still troubled remembering their names. As I was trying to remember their names, all of a sudden I heard crazy screams from the lobby. 

". They're earlier than expected. Let's start now. Becks, go prepare some drinks for them. The rest, do your job. And Ro, come with me." Ethan stood up and arranged the tables and chairs properly before running to the lobby. I caught up with him and checked my appearance through the reflections of my phone. Hmm, not that bad. Thank God I have great skin. 

I waited snxiously beside Ethan for 2PM to come while watching those insane fangirls fighting through the way just to get a clearer look of them. "Boss, when will they start their photoshoot? And where are these fans going to stay? In our resort?" I tugged Ethan's shirt asking him. Before he could even answer, I saw people walking towards us from the corner of my eyes. I turned and looked. I swear I was dazed my their looks. They're all tall, built and breath-taking good looking. 

The one with a handsome Italian look glanced at me and smiled. I smiled back when they went up to their respective rooms. I could feel the rush of the blood to my face and I caught his eyes. I thought I fainted when he smiled at me. What was his name again? Damn, I had to remember them for I'll be following them around. I never knew that man could be this attractive. Now I know why they had to hold the whole resort. They had to prevent those those media and fans from their privacy. 

The photographer and the manager wanted to meet Ethan and I to talk about their photoshoot. We went into the meeting room and sat down in a circle. Becks came in and served tea. Before leaving the room, she turned to me and wink while putting her thumbs up. I smiled and continue to focus on their talk. 

"So, the whole concept of this photoshoot is about 2PM being outdoors, exposed in the sun with their well-trained body. We had plan to use this resort for at least a month without any circumstances. I can't guarantee the exact day to finish, but I can finish it as soon as possible." Mr. Baek, the photographer explained. I nodded to show that I understand. Without ANY circumstances? I wonder what can happen..

"Wow, it must be tough because just a photoshoot had to use such long time." Ethan shook his headwhile the photographer nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's really tough especially when the photoshoot's outdoor. We can't predict the weather, and we need the right timing for everything." Mr. Baek sat back while drinking his tea. 

"Ohh, Ethan, I'm sure I'd talked to your manager about a helper to keep everything in charge during the photoshoot and maybe guiding us out around this place? Can I see him?" Mr. Seo Min Jae, 2PM's manager asked. I shot Ethan the look when he said 'Can I see HIM, instead of HER'

Ethan gave me the 'sorry' look and said, "uhh, it's a HER, actually. And she's right beside you." Ethan pointed at me and introduced, "This is Rochelle. She was chosen by our manager himself to help you guys out." Mr. Seo turned to look at me and smiled. 

"Ohh, great. A lady huh. It'll be easier for those boys. I think they're already tired of me. Maybe a girl can get their spirits up again. Tell your manager that he had made a good choice," he chuckled at his own jokes when I didn't even find it funny. "So, do you mind guiding us throughout this month without ceasing?" 

YES I DO. But I couldn't reject or my head's going to be chopped by my boss. "No, not at all, sir. May I know what else I have to take note instead of keeping everything in charge during the photshoot and guiding you all around this resort?" I smiled and asked politely. 

"Oh, there's a lot. You can come visit us sometimes in our rooms or even getting to know the boys better and talk to them." he semmed like he was having fun. Then it got me. I started getting confused so I asked, "urm, I'm sorry to ask, but is this trip for the photoshoot or vacation?" I frowned.

"Both." Mr. Seo smiled. I looked at Ethan then back at him. Mr. Seo seemed to understand me finally and said. "Thanks to Mr. Park Jin Young, the founder of JYPE, had agreed to give these boys a break after the photshoot. He said they need a time of rest. And me too. Finally."

"Oh wait, so that's why he booked this whoie resort for at least a month!" Mr. Baek suddenly voiced out after being so quiet for some time. "Yeah, exactly." Mr. Seo answered. 

Ethan's POV

Oh no. What? Visit them sometimes to their rooms? I'm not trying to think dirty, but, how can you not trust 6 beastly man against a girl. Especially Ro. I have to protect her. She's like a little sister to me. I don't want her hurt. I walked back to the dorm, together with Ro, to take a quick bath before I continue the job later. They're starting the photoshoot later.

Ro changed into some comfier clothes not forgetting to put on her lifeguard hoodie. She look so cute when her hair's tied into a messy ponytail. 

"Boss, what's the concept are they taking later?" Ro asked me while zipping her hoodie to cover her swimsuit, a bikini actually. I wonder why she had to wear that. Luckily her bottom are shorts or it'll be too revealing. 

"Uhh, I'm not sure. We'll see later when we arrive. And oh. Don't forget, the media and the fans are still there, so be careful not to create any scandals." I reminded her with a smirk as I walked her to the beach. 

"Ethan. Scandals? Please, I'm just a worker. Nothing will happen. You sounded so much like my dad." Ro gave me that glare which made me smile wider. " And shouldn't I be lucky? I bet everyone of those fangirls would die to do my job." 

"Haha, yeah. True. You should be lucky. Good luck on your job! Don't make a mess!" I shouted at her when she walked towards the whole crew who were preparing for the photoshoot. 

" Yes, DAD! No worries!" she grinned at me and then run to the crew. 

Please be safe, sister. 

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Chapter 13: Oooohh...
They are going on a date ^^
?$!&',$@;3(.)8?;),)7;£>£%}\!!!!!! ! They kissed OMG!!!
marikrismas #3
oh how i missed theee!

they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! oh my goooooodness!! they're too cute haha (:
hottest1158 #4
ohmygod finally!!!! XD
and they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuxuan #5
update soon
hottest1158 #6
taec is jelly!!! lol oh how i wish i was her! cant wait fo ur next chap! <3
marikrismas #7
ooh i am sensing jealousy from ethan!! was my initial prediction no longer a prediction now?? haha i guess i'll have to find out later huh? :P
cant wait for the next update! (:
yuxuan #8
update soon
BeastFreak #9
Love your story, cant wait to read ur update ;)
And really sorry for not giving a comment before now.
marikrismas #10
ooh is khun falling for her too?! is it going to be a love SQUARE!? daaaang this girl. getting all the guys! :P hahahaha but who knows, he could just be thinking of her as a sister like you ethan... hmmmmm i guess i'll have to wait and see haha (: