It's just the begining

Blue Crush


Finally, today was the last day of the photoshoot. I didn't even realize how fast time flew due to the busy schedules. They were shooting a commercial for Cass Beer. “Ro! Can you bring me some clean towels?” Coordi-Unnie shouted for me.

“Okay.” I passed her a stack of clean towels. “Give me those used towels, I’ll send them to the laundry.”

“Ro, do you mind holding these for me?” A man approached me from behind handling me two cartons of beers. “I’ll be back.”

“Sure.” I took the cartons of beer from him. So, these are the beers 2PM advertising for?

“Hey, need help?” A familiar voice said and I turned to look. It’s Chansung. He’s walking towards me with a bundle of bananas in his hands.

“No, it’s alright. It’s not that heavy.” I gave him my best eye-smile.

He nodded as he peeled off one of the banana, “you seem stronger for your size.” He then eyed me up and down.

“Yea, I’ll take that as a compliment.” I smiled. “Well, don’t underestimate things I can do. I’ve carried heavier dumbbells.” It’s true. Thanks to Ethan who recently challenged me heavier dumbbells than the usual dumbbells I was carrying during workout. I accepted obviously, I love challenges. And this was how my muscles are trained. Carrying these beers defined my muscles more. I always wanted to be a little girl who gets pampered from everybody sometimes, but unfortunately, my life didn’t allow. But hey, Chansung offered just now. Why did I reject? Huh, I must think twice next time I said something.

“Huh, I can see that.” He grinned at me while finishing his bananas. Yes, all of them, oneshot. Thanks to him, I started to like bananas now. They’re kinda tasty.

“Mmm, don’t worry. I’m can handle these. Hurry up and finish your CF. Maybe if we’re lucky, we can have more time to party tonight.”

“Party?” Chansung’s eyes lit up. “Where?”

“Oh, it’s just a mini party at Becks’ bar. Indoors. Just to celebrate you guys’ success and, holidays! Yeayy.” I smiled up at him.

“Oh, Wow. Great!” I can sense excitement coming from him.

“Yea, it is. Uhh, I think you better get running. Coordi-Unnie’s calling for you.” I nodded towards Coordi-Unnie who’s waving for him. “Look at her, lol.”

“Alright, see you tonight.” Chansung ran up to her as she ordered him to take off his top. She started applying some oil all around his body. Huhhh, I sometimes envy her job, she gets to touch all their faces and body all they like. How many girls would kill to be in her shoes. I would too. I smiled.

“Ro! Hey, thanks!” The man earlier came up to me and took the beers away. I grabbed the towels and headed to the laundry.



“Becks! I don’t have anything to wear!!” I shouted from my room.

“I can hear you. There’s no need to shout.” Becks came into my room. “Let’s see what you have.”

I laid on my bed and checked my phone. Oh, a message from Nichkhun. I replied his text and saw Becks frustratedly going through my closet. I laughed. “Becks. You’ll never find anything there. I didn’t pack much cuz I thought I’m only here for work. Didn’t expect this. Unlike you.” Wait, it got me. I grinned.

“Yea, seriously. You know what? I love dresses that’s why…” Becks said and she turned around. She saw my face and she understood me. “OMG! NO! Am I thinking what you thinking right now? NO WAY! It’s damn insulting for me kay? I’m size 6 but you’re like, 4? OR maybe 2! No. No. No.”

“Naww, come on, Becks. I’m not that small.” I tagged behind her into her room and closed the door. “Please. Please. Please?”

Becks gave me one more glare and then she opened her closet. “Really, I have nothing for you.” I sat on her bed and watched her trying hard to search something for me. Wow, she had sooo many dresses! As I was amazed by the view, Becks suddenly threw me some dresses. “Try this!”

“Ew, too much laces. No.” I scanned through the dresses. “Urgh, this is too much.” I picked up another one, “Ew, no.”

“You better stop complaining.” Becks said and then she stopped. She turned to me holding up a mini , sapphire blue, tube dress. “You can try this.”

“Oh, wow. This is so beautiful.” I got up, and took the dress from her. “This is great!”

“Yea, I bought this a while ago but couldn’t find a right chance to wear it. But you’ll wear it first.” She smiled.

“Aw, thanks a lot!” I hugged her. “Love you.”

“Yea, I’ll hate you if you dirty my dress.” Becks patted my . “Take good care of it.

After some time, Becks finished up my make up and she leaned towards the mirror to touch up hers. I put on the heels I borrowed from Becks. I never feel so confident before. I felt, just, great.

Knock. Knock. “You girls are taking too much time. We’ll leave first. See you.” That was Jack. I heard footsteps fading then the door. Then there was silence.

“Gosh, these boys. Why can’t they wait just for a while?” Becks complained and grabbed her clutch purse.

I checked myself in the mirror. My hair’s slightly permed. Just a few lines of eyeliner can already make my eyes attractive. I shoved my hair past my shoulders and checked my dress, Becks’ actually. It perfectly wrapped around my body which defined my arms and legs beautifully. I looked dazzling. I loved it.

“Come on. You look great! You have long arms and legs!” She hugged me from behind. “Pweetyy”

“Becks. You made me sound like a chimpanzee.” I frowned at her. “Long arms and legs?”

“And you make me late.” Becks threw me my clutch purse and pulled me towards the door.

We reached the bar and I took a deep breathe before opening the door. Breathe, Rochelle. You look great. I pushed the door and walked in together with Becks. Becks was already bobbing her head to the music while walking towards the bar counter.

I spotted 2PM at their tables. Junho And WooYoung, the two dance machines are already dancing to the music. Chansung was at the table snacking into any food he saw at the table. Nichkhun, Junsu and Taecyeon was chilling on the couch drinking.

Taecyeon’s POV

Hm, great party. Where’s Rochelle? I thought she’s supposed to be the first to be here? Since she’s the organizer. Then I saw her walking into the room. Damn, she looked hot. I never seen her with her hair down. That dress fitted her perfectly. When I found out I was staring at her, she was already sitting down beside me.

Rochelle’s POV

 I walked towards their table and I caught Taecyeon’s stare at me. I blushed. Man, he must know his stare can melt any girl’s heart.

“Hey guys!” I stood at their table. Nichkhun stood up and hugged me.

“HEY RO!!! You’re so late! Great place, with great friends and best sister!” I nudged him and  sat down beside Taecyeon. “But, isn’t this a little too short?”

I looked down at my skirt. It had already rolled up higher revealing almost all my thigh. “Oops, it’s B ecks’ dress. Kinda short, huh.” I tugged at the hem of the skirt.

“Don’t. You’ll spoil it.” Nichkhun grabbed my hands and took off his vest.

“No, let me.” A deep husky voice said beside me. Without knowing, Taecyeon had already place his blazer on my legs, covering them.

“Thanks guys.” I smiled up to both of them.

“Yah, now you only look at these two hotties and forgot my existence already?” Junsu sat up and said to me.

“Hahahaha, nope. I didn’t. You’re still the best.” I thumbed up at him and smiled. He returned my smile. Gosh, I love his smile.

As I took another sip of my drink, I tried to join their conversation. Suddenly I felt a strong arm behind me. I looked left and saw Taecyeon resting his arm on the couch behind me. This kinda make the distance between us closer. Much closer. I almost couldn’t feel my breath.

“Rochelle.” A voice said from behind. I turned around and had a shock of the night.



NUHOOOOOO!!! This chapter was deleted. I rewrited it, so it's quite different. Though the storyline's still the same. I've lost subscribers and comments. But I'll still support AFF. :3 

I'll update chapter 7 tonight and maybe 8 . Thanks for reading! 

Comment and subsribe please~ Don't be a silent reader! <3 

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Chapter 13: Oooohh...
They are going on a date ^^
?$!&',$@;3(.)8?;),)7;£>£%}\!!!!!! ! They kissed OMG!!!
marikrismas #3
oh how i missed theee!

they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! oh my goooooodness!! they're too cute haha (:
hottest1158 #4
ohmygod finally!!!! XD
and they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuxuan #5
update soon
hottest1158 #6
taec is jelly!!! lol oh how i wish i was her! cant wait fo ur next chap! <3
marikrismas #7
ooh i am sensing jealousy from ethan!! was my initial prediction no longer a prediction now?? haha i guess i'll have to find out later huh? :P
cant wait for the next update! (:
yuxuan #8
update soon
BeastFreak #9
Love your story, cant wait to read ur update ;)
And really sorry for not giving a comment before now.
marikrismas #10
ooh is khun falling for her too?! is it going to be a love SQUARE!? daaaang this girl. getting all the guys! :P hahahaha but who knows, he could just be thinking of her as a sister like you ethan... hmmmmm i guess i'll have to wait and see haha (: