Truth or Dare

Blue Crush


Rochelle’s POV

Uhh. Today’s not my day. I was totally upset. I never once failed to do an airjump. But I couldn’t this time. Maybe it’s because I was challenging a 360-airjump. But I can’t even do the simpler one I used to do. What’s wrong today?

Chansung tagged behind me when I sneaked out from the volleyball game they had earlier. I felt really sorry for not joining them. But I really have to succeed an airjump today. Chansung volunteered to stay with me throughout my routine. How sweet of him.

After dinner, they planned to have a little gathering at the beach. Becks brought some beer for us. I took a bottle of beer and sat by the water. I hugged my legs while wiggling my toes in the water. I’ve always enjoy the night sea breeze. I let my hair down as I took another sip of the beer.

“Why are you here alone?” A voice said behind me. I turned around.

“Oh Taec.” I smiled up at him as he sat down beside me. This reminded me of that night. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. Just feel like joining you with your emo-ness.” I smiled showing his white teeth. “Mind sharing?”

“I’m not sad.” I punchied his arm. “Just.. there’s a few things running in my head, that’s all.” Lies. I was not thinking of anything. My mind was blank.

“TAEC! RO!” Jasmin shouted. “We’re playing Truth or Dare. Come join us!”

Taecyeon’s POV

I looked at her eyes. I knew something was going on. Why does she want to hide it? I wanted to ask her about Chansung when......

“TAEC! RO!” Jasmin shouted. “We’re playing Truth or Dare. Come join us!”

UHH. Great timing. We stood up and joined them. I sat down beside Ro as she joined their circle. There’s an empty bottle in the middle. Jasmin started first. She spun the bottle and it pointed at WooYoung.

“AHHH~~ My cheeky mate!!!!!” Jasmin shrieked. “Truth or dare?”

“I’ll take truth.” He smiled. I wonder what she’s going to ask.

“What do you find attractive in a girl?” Jasmin asked him.

“Uhhh...” WooYoung answered. “Nothing specifically. When I find the right one, I’ll like everything about her.”

 “Ooooohhhhhhhh~~~” All of us squealed.

It was WooYoung’s turn to turn the bottle. It stopped at Junsu. Hahahaha. I’m sure he’ll take dare.

“Dare!” He shouted. See? That Daegu..

“Carry the person on your right and run to Becks’ bar and come back here.” WooYoung pointed at Ro. Wait, what? Ro was on Junsu’s right. Is he really going to carry her?

“Me???” Ro pointed at herself. She looked so cute when she did that. “Junsu. You really going to carry me?”

“Wait. What’s the penalty??” Junsu stood up and pull his black tee.

“I’ve wrote everything here! You’ll just have to pick one.” Becks lifted up a small black bag. “Naww, come on! Just to and fro! Don’t spoil the fun!!”

“May I?” Junsu faced Ro. I immediately look at Ro. She nodded. NOOO!! I can’t let him touch her! .... Wait. What’s up with me? It’s none of my business.

I watched Junsu carried her bridal style and ran to Becks’ bar and ran back here. Ro was clinging onto his neck tightly. He slightly bounced her up and down. “Gosh! You’re so light, Ro.” He exclaimed.

“Let me down.” Ro requested. “Faster. Put me down.”

“I won’t! It feel great when you’re hugging my neck like this.” Junsu grinned, earning ‘woots’ from all of them. I almost stood up to bring her down when Ro suddenly push Junsu’s chest and got down herself. She hitted Junsu lightly on the arm and sat down again beside me.

“You okay?” I blurted out. Regretting it already. Of course she’s okay. What else could happen? Gosh, Taec, you .

“Yea. I’m fine.” She whispered and smiled. I loved that smile. Her smile never fail to impress me. She looked so cute and I wanted to make her smile just for me. ........Wait, I did not say that. I shook my head and tried focusing on the game.

Junsu spun the bottle. It pointed at Ro. I’m anticipating this. “Wow. Hahah.” I nudged her. “Truth or Dare?”

“Take a truth, Ro.” Nichkhun requested. “I actually have something to ask.”

“Yah. I’m the one who’s supposed to ask. You wait for your turn.” Junsu shifted his position to have a better view of Ro. “Take Dare, kay?”

Ro looked at him suspiciously. We all looked at her. “Fine. Dare.” She laughed.

“Yeay. Good!” Junsu clamped his hands. “Sing for us! I want to hear your voice.”

We all cheered. I loved his idea. I’ve sang for her once, now’s her turn. Ro looked at me and I gave her my best smile. “You turn now. Good luck.”

“I can’t sing!!!!” Ro shouted at all of us. “Nooo... Becks, just give me that small bag, I’ll take the penalty.”

“Nawwwww.. Stop being a buzzkill.” Becks hid the bag behind her. “Trust me. You’ll prefer to sing. I didn’t put anything nice in this bag.”

“Yea. Come one, sis!” Nichkhun pleaded. “Just a few lines?”

“I really can’t sing.” Ro complained again. “You don’t want to hear me sing..”

“Bull. I’ve heard her sing before!” Jasmin suddenly shouted. “Do you guys have a guitar here? Give it to her!”

“OH! Ethan’s guitar in my bar!!” Becks ran towards her bar. Yesh! There’s no way she can hide now. In a few minutes. Becks started running back with Ethan’s guitar. “Here! Take this and sing!”

Ro took the guitar and sighed. “Fine, I’ll just sing whatever that’s in my mind now.” She placed the guitar comfortably on her legs and cleared . “Ah. Ah. Ah.”

We all waited silently. Then she started. It’s Mine, by Taylor Swift. “Ah ah ah....” She strummed the guitar with her tiny hands.

“Ah ah ah..” She sang. “You were in college, working partime, waiting tables. Left a small town, never looked back. I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling. Wondering why we bother with love, if it never last. I said, can you believe it? As we’re lying on the couch. The moment I can see it. Yes. Yes. I can see it now..”

I can all of them with their mouth hung open. She was good. Her pure sweet voice somehow melted my heart. I looked at her again as she strummed the guitar harder this time.

“Do you remember we were sitting there by the water. You put your arm around me, for the first time.”

I caught Chansung’s smile towards her. I looked at her when she sang that phrase, she was glancing at Chansung who was sitting opposite her. Something fishy was definitely going on.

“You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter. You are the best thing. That’s ever been mine.....” Her voice faded. She put her guitar away and everybody cheered.

I stayed there looking at her. Did she forget that night? When I sang for her? She fell asleep in my arms. But why were Chansung and her sharing smile on that phrase? I didn’t like this.

Rochelle’s POV

After I finished singing, I felt extremely embarrassed. They still cheered and clapped for me. I hope they didn’t hear the mistakes I did while strumming. It’s hard to strum especially when I don’t have the pick. I felt Taecyeon’s gaze towards me. I looked at him and smiled, he didn’t return my smile though. I continued staring at him until I couldn’t take it anymore. I looked away awkwardly and laughed, “It’s my turn right?”

I spun the bottle. I watch it slowed down and stop at Nichkhun. He smiled immediately. I glanced up at him and challenged him a dare. He accepted it. I’m going to think of something fun for him to do.

“Urm... Dance I’m your man for me.” I said and smiled. “Becks. You have that song in your phone right?”

“Aww. It’s too easy!” Junho pouted. “Let’s make him seduce one of us in this circle by dancing I’m Your Man.”

“Hm. Good idea.” I supported Junho’s idea. I took Becks’ phone and played the song. I wonder who will he seduce. Maybe WooYoung? Or Taec? Becks had been telling me about KhunYoung or TaecKhun. It’s so cute.

Nichkhun slowly started dancing to the song. He even lip-sync to the song. I love their body wave. It’s so y. Nichkhun’s wave was funny. I looked away for a while when I felt a towel around my neck. I turned and saw Nichkhun’s face right in front of me. I gasped and fell back leaning on Taecyeon.

Nichkhun pulled me with the towel to pull me up. I stood beside him awkwardly as he ‘seduced’ me with his killer wave dance. I decided to have a little fun. I got used to the beat of the song and started pulling him close to me grinding my hips. I danced quite a few times with Jasmin way back when we were in junior high. I tried ‘seducing’ him back with my so called y dance moves but I don’t think I can. I could hear laughter from them. I was laughing myself also.

As the song ended, I was grabbing his tank with my fist. He was just inches away from me. I looked into his eyes when he returned my gaze. I panted and pushed him off. “Thanks. I ended up giving myself a dare, instead of you.” I sat down beside Taecyeon again when Nichkhun ruffled my hair before sitting down.

“My turn now. Nichkhun placed his hand on the bottle. “I hope this stops at Taecyeon.” I looked over at Taecyeon who was being silence through this game.

“Yah. Why are you so quiet?” I poked Taecyeon’s stomach when he just glared at me. I flinched. “Okay. Okay. I get it. Quit staring like that.”

Then there was an uproar. I looked at the bottle. It stopped at Taecyeon. I laughed and patted his back. “Good luck.” Taecyeon shrugged and smiled.

“Truth.” Taecyeon said to Nichkhun. “What’s there you didn’t know about me?” Oh, so TaecKhun was real? I liked this.

“Okay.” Nichkhun inhaled and asked him. Which I was surprised too. “Do you have feelings towards Rochelle?”

I was totally confused. I looked at Nichkhun to check whether he was kidding. He wasn’t. Everybody whistled. I looked at Taecyeon and I realized he was already staring at me. I looked at him straight into his eyes. I was trying to read his mind.


I felt like my heart stopped beating. His stare can really melt.

Taecyeon’s POV

“Do you have feelings towards Rochelle?” I knew he was going to ask that. I looked at Ro. Her eyes widen. We shared this stare for I don’t know how long. For a few seconds, I can already feel my heart exploding when she stared at me like that.

No. No. I can’t do this. No.

“I’ll take the penalty. “ I finally said to break the awkward silence. “Becks.”  

“Aish. What a spoiler.” Becks threw the small bag at me. “I thought something’s fun going to happen.”

I dug into the small bag and picked a small paper. I read it out loud. “Finish 4 bottles of beer one shot!!” This is way easy. I can handle this.

Rochelle’s POV

The night ended and I went back to our respective rooms. I received two texts. The first one from Nichkhun.

Hey, sis. Sorry if I scared you today. Taecyeon’s asleep already. I think the beer Becks prepared wasn’t light. Heheheheh. Don’t worry too much. I don’t wanna see frowns on your pretty face. Go sleep. Nights <3 *smooch*

From: Khun Oppa (You still haven’t call me oppa, you wanna die, is it?) 

I smiled at his dorky text. I texted him back.

Yea, you scared me. But, no worries, kay. I’m fine. You go to bed too. I don’t wanna see a panda tomorrow. Junsu is enough. LOL xD Sweet dreams, OPPA! <3 (There, I’ve said it.)

From: Your sista, Ro.

I checked my second text. Min-Jae Oppa.

Hey, Ro. Mind doing me a favour? I’m leaving now back to the office. Help me wake those boys up tomorrow morning. They still have to do their daily routine. Workout. I trust you can help me. I’ll be back tomorrow night, if possible. Have fun. Thanks a lot.

From: Min-Jae

Wake those boys up? Okay. My job was not finish. I wonder how’s it like to wake those boys up. I bet they’re going to stay in bed the whole day.


Woots, update. I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to change the fonts. I hope you guys understand. Enjoy. :3

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Chapter 13: Oooohh...
They are going on a date ^^
?$!&',$@;3(.)8?;),)7;£>£%}\!!!!!! ! They kissed OMG!!!
marikrismas #3
oh how i missed theee!

they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! oh my goooooodness!! they're too cute haha (:
hottest1158 #4
ohmygod finally!!!! XD
and they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuxuan #5
update soon
hottest1158 #6
taec is jelly!!! lol oh how i wish i was her! cant wait fo ur next chap! <3
marikrismas #7
ooh i am sensing jealousy from ethan!! was my initial prediction no longer a prediction now?? haha i guess i'll have to find out later huh? :P
cant wait for the next update! (:
yuxuan #8
update soon
BeastFreak #9
Love your story, cant wait to read ur update ;)
And really sorry for not giving a comment before now.
marikrismas #10
ooh is khun falling for her too?! is it going to be a love SQUARE!? daaaang this girl. getting all the guys! :P hahahaha but who knows, he could just be thinking of her as a sister like you ethan... hmmmmm i guess i'll have to wait and see haha (: