First impression,

Blue Crush

After dinner, I decided to go to the beach for a stroll. I took off my flipflops and walked at the edge of the sea. I enjoyed the night breeze and the chilling sand. This was the time I could actually be alone and thought of my mother. Mom, remember the first time you taught me to surf? I kept failing and kept falling into the sea, which I felt like giving up. You didn't stop encouraging me. You trusted my ability. Here I am, mom. I've became an athlete. Beach athlete, to be exact. I'm here doing my part time job as a lifeguard. And I saved a boy's life for the first time! You must be so proud of me, mom. I chuckled. I sat down, closed my eyes and enjoyed the rhythm of the waves. It was really soothing. 

Time passed and I had to head back to the dorm before Becks could even nag at me for being home late. She kept nagging that a girl shouldn't stay out alone till too late. I got up carrying my flipflops on my right hands while the other tucked in my hoodie's pocket. 

"Hey, Rochelle. What are you doing out here alone?" A familiar voice sounded from behind. I spunned around and saw Mr. Baek standing there. 

"Ah, anyeong, Mr. Baek. I was taking a stroll until I got lost in time." I bowed to show him my respect.

"Damn, you know what, Ro?" He smirked at me. 

Ro? He started calling my nickname? 

"If being y is a crime, you'd be guilty as charged." He eyed me agin from head to toe.

"Excuse me? Uhh... Thanks?" I stuttered. 

Mr. Baek leaned closer to me and said, "If you were a door, I'd bang you all day long..."

I startled and took a step behing staring at him.

---Flashback for Mr. Baek-----

As I was taking pictures of Taecyeon. I caught Rochelle taking off her hoodie while running towards the pier. Damn that body of hers. I couldn't take my eyes of her. When she helped that little boy, her long, healthy arms touching the boy was so y. I know she was trying to rescue the boy. I couldn't help myself thinking dirty of her when I saw her bending down again with her dangling with the support of her bikini top. She's just so hot. I think I can get her into my photoshoot one day. She'll be famous. I don't think she'll reject me. I'll get her tonight. 

---Flashback ends----

"You know, young lady. Have you ever thought of being famous? I can make you much more famous than Tyra Banks or Elle Macpherson. You just have to listen to me." He said, soft enough for both of us to hear.

" What are you planning to do?" I tested him to check if he was going to pounce on me. 

"I'll put you into my photoshoot. You just have to follow me to my room now to talk about the details and maybe take a few shots with your bikini you wore today. You have a nice figure." he smiled at me. 

"Thanks Mr. Baek, but I'm not intersted." I smiled and turn away. He caught my wrist and held on me tightly. I shookhis hand off and stared at him. 

He stepped towards me and I stepped backward.

"I want you, you know," he said. "From the time you jumped into the sea and saved the boy. I couldn't take my gaze off you. You were very well trained. If you can just listen to me tonight, I'll make you famous."

"Okay, thanks. But, no," I said and I turned to run.

Mr. Baek stuck his foot out, catching my ankle, and I tripped, falling heavily to my knees. 

I glanced up and saw that he'd pulled out a black handkerchief, which he snaps in the air once, before winding it around his hands to make a garrote. To choke me. 

Stupid man. 

Maybe he should know I've been taking karate since young. I silently thanked my dad who forced me to lessons. I learned about disarming an assailant. 

Carmly, I climbed to my feet and face Mr. Baek. I lowered myself quickly into a squat. Then I crouch forward, scuttling toward him. He looked sirprised, and I took advantage of his uncertainly by scooping up a handful of sand from the path and hurling in into his eyes. 

I launched up, smacking him with both fists right in the stomach. He tried to catch my neck with the outstretched handkerchief, but I blocked him by knocking his wrist off course with the heaviest part of my forearm. He losed his balanced, and I helped him fall by giving him an extra shove. He landed in the sand, squealing. 

Immediately, I jerked his arm backward and leanned in to his ears. 

"Okay, so here's what going to happen." I said. "Two choices, you bring me to your room and I'll crack one of your nuts, right or left. That's your choice. Or, you forget all the ideas you thought about me and let's just stay work partners. I still have to face you with 2PM. What d'ya think?" 

"We'll stay work partners. Let's forget tonight. Nothing happened tonight. I promise." he whimpered and struggled to get off. 

"Can I trust you?" I wanted to make sure as I held him tighter. 

"Yes, yes, yes. I shall not bother you or you can call my wife and tell her about this. I will not be alive by then. Please, let me go...." he pleaded while pulling his phone out.

 I let go and he turned around wanting to pass me his wife's number. This made me trust him. 

"Save it. It's okay. Promise this never happen. I'm not that cheap, just to let you know." I galred at him. 

"Okay, okay. I get it. I'm going. I'm sorry." he quickly walked away when he turned around again, "You know, you're really a tough girl. Your mother raised you up well." 

"Correction, dad." I looked at him. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did anything happened?" he looked curious.

"Uhh, we're not that close untill I have to tell you my background?" I said and raised one of eyebrow. 

"Oh, sorry. I'll see you tomorrow in the morning then. There's photoshoot tomorrow. I'm sorry again." he walked away to the opposite direction which leads to the room he lived. 

I sighed. This was so scary. I walked back to my dorm when I caught someone standind behind the tree. It was Taecyeon. I recognized his back. What was he doing here so late at night?

"Taecyeon?" I called to him seeing if he could respond. As I expected, he turned around. "What are you doing here?" 

"Uhh... I was looking for you actually. Thinking if you know any place to grab a drink or two." He answered with a deep, husky voice. 

"Alcohol?" i questioned him, regretted it after. Why did I ask this? Gosh.

"Yea, uhh. No. I mean, just some place which is quiet for me to chill" He rubbed his back-neck nervously. That was so cute. 

Quiet, which he meant no people that will notice him. Being an idol is troublesome somehow, huh. 

"Hm, you can visit the lounge bar. The whole resort was booked by you guys. So I don't think there's many people by now." 

"Yea, I did. But it was closed." he nodded towards the lounge bar. 

"Oh? I think Becks thought that you guys wouldn't come out at this time and the whole resort is booked by you guys, so there'll be no business. I think that's why she closed it earlier. Heh." I scratched my head. 

Wait. Since when he was here? He's like a stalker. This is quite a long distance from his room. And this way doesn't quite lead to my dorm. 

"Uhh, Taecyeon, since when you were here?" I asked him. 

"................ Sorry. I kinda followed you all the way here after the dinner." He said softly, but not enough for me misheard.

"Wait, what? Means you saw also what happened back there? When Mr. Baek was trying to harass me??" This was ridiculous.

"Yea, I saw....." He hadn't finish his sentences when I interrupted.

"Why didn't you stop him? Was all this a plan or something? What the hell?" I shot him a glare.

"But you are fine till now. You're awesome as a defender." He praised. I swear my jaw was going to fall off my face.

"You saw and you didn't try to help me? I know we don't know each other but as a third person, why coudn't you help? I'm a still a GIRL! I'll get scared too! Do you have any idea how scared I was back there???" I shouted at him. I know it was rude for you to shout at people you just knew, but I couldn't hold it back. Tears started flowing down my eyes to my cheeks. 

", you're crying? I'm sorry.. I.. I.." he stuttered when I turned around and walked away quickly before he could stop me. 

Why was today such a tough day? What's going on today? Why did so many things happened in a day? Why am I feeling so helpless when he actually left me alone facing a ert? He was a stranger! I don't even know him. He had the rights not to protect me. But, why do I care so much? This is unbelievable. 



Hi, readers! Thanks for reading! Please comment your opinion on my fanfics! Don't be a silent reader! Please! Thank you so much! 



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Chapter 13: Oooohh...
They are going on a date ^^
?$!&',$@;3(.)8?;),)7;£>£%}\!!!!!! ! They kissed OMG!!!
marikrismas #3
oh how i missed theee!

they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! oh my goooooodness!! they're too cute haha (:
hottest1158 #4
ohmygod finally!!!! XD
and they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuxuan #5
update soon
hottest1158 #6
taec is jelly!!! lol oh how i wish i was her! cant wait fo ur next chap! <3
marikrismas #7
ooh i am sensing jealousy from ethan!! was my initial prediction no longer a prediction now?? haha i guess i'll have to find out later huh? :P
cant wait for the next update! (:
yuxuan #8
update soon
BeastFreak #9
Love your story, cant wait to read ur update ;)
And really sorry for not giving a comment before now.
marikrismas #10
ooh is khun falling for her too?! is it going to be a love SQUARE!? daaaang this girl. getting all the guys! :P hahahaha but who knows, he could just be thinking of her as a sister like you ethan... hmmmmm i guess i'll have to wait and see haha (: