I've saved a life

Blue Crush

From a distance, I could see 2PM were getting ready for their photoshoot. All of them were just wearing a tank top and some shorts. All of them looked perfect. I suddenly feel nervous to meet them. Wait, why would I be? I'm just doing my job. ".... Good luck on your job. Don't make a mess!" Ethan shouted at me after I took a deep breath and walk towards them. "Yes, DAD! No worries." I gave Ethan a smile and continued on. 

"Rochelle! Here you are! Come here! Hurry up!" Mr. Seo pulled me to them. All of them lifted their head to look at me. "This is Rochelle. She's going to help us through this whole trip here. So be good, boys." 

"Hi, I'm Rochelle. Ro, in short from. I'm here to help you guys out, so do not hesitate to call me." I smile at them. 

"Oh, you. I was wondering who you were earlier when you stood beside Ethan. So you're Rochelle, huh? I'm Chansung. Nice to meet you." Chansung. The Italian looked man remembered me. Wow. Am I lucky? 

"Yah, you punk! You noticed her earlier? Why didn't you tell us? Or you're just too busy checking out pretty girls like her?" The person talked in a daegu style. "And hi! I'm Junsu. The oldest and their leader." I giggled at his jokes and nodded in reply.

"Our grandpa." The puffy cheek fella mentioned and the rest of them laugh in agreement. "Anyeong, I'm Wooyoung."

"HELLO! I'm Junho!" A guy suddenly popped out and gave me his best eyesmile. I couldn't help smiling when I see him. "Hi, heh." I chuckled. 

"Yah, Junho-ya. Are you trying to kill her with your eyesmile? Stop it. Hi Rochelle, I'm Nichkhun. And that is Taecyeon." he pointed to the guy who's currently taking his pictures. I turned to look at him. Damn, how can he be so attractive? I realized I couldn't take my eyes off him. He just looked perfect and those killer eyes and the jawline he has on his face. His body's well-trained. He just looked so good when he posed to the camera. Then I started wondering how's his person. 

"Are you going to drool already?" Someone whispered into my ear and I spunned around. "Junho-ya. You scared me. And no I wasn't staring at him." I blushed immediately. 

"Haha, I didn't even said that you're staring at him. I know he looks great. But me myself isn't that bad, am I?" He uses his eyesmile at me again. "Wait, how old are you?"

"Lol, no. Not bad at all. 19." I answered. 

"Oh, I'm still older. You're suppose to call me oppa." he rubbed his chin and then looked at me again. "Will you? Call oppa. Faster."

"Yah, hyung. What are you doing? Coordi noona was calling for you." Chansung nodded at me to greet me and then walked away. 

Sigh, what's my job here seriously? Everybody's busy and I'm here doing nothing. I still don't get my job. I turned around and saw many fans were out there screaming 2PM's names while Jack and the rest tried to hold them back. Out from nowherem I saw a little boy running across the pier. 

"BRYAN! COME BACK HERE! AHHHHHHH~~~!!!!! BRYAN!!!" someone screamed. 

The little boy accidentally slipped and he fell right into the sea. ! WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING? Without thinking, I ped my hoodie and ran towards the pier and jumped straight into the sea. I heard screaming and people calling my name. I just couldn't be bothered. I had to rescue this little boy. 

I swam towards the struggling boy and tried to grab him but failed. Suddenly he stopped struggling. . did he faint? I clenched him tightly onto me and swam to the land. I carried him to the beach and placed him down. He remained motionless on the sand. A woman ran towards me and pushed me away and shook this little boy hard. "BRYAN! DON'T SCARE ME! WAKE UP NOW! BRYAN!" she screamed.

Immediately I jumped into action. The first step is to determine if this was an actual emergency. I poked and screamed at Bryan as what my dad taught me. Regardless, he didn't move. I knew this was meant it was an actual emergency. The first thing I have to check is his airway. I tiltled his head back, which easily opened the airway - so far so good. The next thing I needed to do is to check to see if he was breathing. I was suppose to look, listen and feel for breaths.... but this woman wouldn't stop yelling at me. I got annoyed and yelled back at her. "AHJUMMA!! Can you PLEASE shut up for a while?? I'm trying to help your son! I've learnt CPR. Trust me and give us spaces." I backed off the crowd and continued.

After several seconds, I determined poor Bryan was definitely not breathing. The next step was to give him two breaths. This was the worst nightmare that came true. I always feared something like this would happen to me as a child. I didn't know if I had to do the whole Oedipus thing, either way, this was not going to be easy. As I prepared to give Bryan two required breaths, I remembered dad telling me I should use a pocket mask when performing CPR. The pocket mask that would allow me not to put my mouth directly on Bryan’s mouth; the pocket mask I could not locate.  As I leaned over him, I also remembered dad telling me if the rescuer was not going to breathe for the victim, the rescue would fail. I had contemplated this for a moment as I starred at his mouth, but with all the witnesses standing around I knew it was hopeless. I pinched Bryan’s nose, placed my mouth on his mouth, and gave him two, slow, exhaled breaths. Thankfully, the breaths went in. This was the most important step of CPR since air entering his lungs verified Bryan was not choking on water. The next step was to check for circulation. With the crowd around me, I put my hand on Bryan’s neck. I had no clue how to check for a neck pulse since my dad didn't include this skill, but I wasn’t about to admit it to anyone there. After about ten seconds of squeezing Bryan’s neck, I checked for signs of circulation the way I had been taught. 

Since the color in Bryan’s face was a beautiful shade of blue, it was clear he had no circulation. The next step was to look for the line. Believe me; it was not going to be a problem today. The reason we were looking for the line was so we could find the anatomical landmarks necessary to perform the chest compressions correctly. I quickly learned something new about anatomical landmarks as I searched for them on him. I was able to locate the line and could proceed with the necessary chest compressions. Thirty compressions followed by two breaths, this was to be done two times, which would make a minute of CPR. After a minute of CPR, the blue color in Bryan’s face was replaced with the familiar pink color living people have. To everyone’s amazement, Bryan was back among us. Having re-checked his for breathing and circulation, and convinced both were present, I placed him on his side in the recovery position. As he lay there, in a semi-conscious state, I told him to try and remain still and not to worry. This was the boy I had just saved. As I held his head in my arms, the sound of the siren could be heard as the ambulance approached the resort. As everyone else ran to see the approaching ambulance, I leaned over Bryan and whispered ever so softly,“The ambulance is here and everything is going to be fine. I took care of you... Thank God you woke up, your mother was so worried. Good job, Bryan."

After the ambulance took him away together with his mother. I slumped back to the ground and exhaled in relieved. I had just save someone's life. Then I heard cheering from people. Loud cheer. I looked up and saw Ethan walking to me. He covered me with a towel and helped me get up to my feet. I realized that I was just wearing my bikini top. "Good job, Ro. You passed as a lifeguard. You were great." He praised me. "Just passed? Can I get an A+ ? I was so worried back there." I stuck out my tongue at him.

I bent down to take my hoodie and put it on when I saw Mr. Baek and the rest were staring at me. ", boss. I got to go. I owe them an explaination by leaving them aside. I'll meeet you up later." I ran to them and apologized. The members were just staring at me like they've met a ghost. I caught Mr. Baek's smirk. He came up to me and said, "Wow Rochelle. I can't believe such a pretty girl like you can be a heroin. You're the best. Daebak!" He eyed me from top to toe and got back to his camera. 

"Wow, Rochelle! I didn't know you can swim! And rescue a life as well! You're great!" Nichkhun lightly punched my arm and exclaimedto the fans. "Our little helper is so cool! Yeay!" The fangirls screamed louder than ever. Oh no, what did that mean? Was it meant that I'm going to be dead? Those fangirls were probably going to come after me since Nichkhun leaked that to the fangirls.

Taecyeon's POV

I was still taking pictures when I realized that the girl I met earlier was staring at me. So I do look great, huh? I wonder what her name is. I couldn't make it when they introduced her. Mr Baek had already started. 

Finally, my shots were done. Suddenly I heard screaming. I thought it were those fans when I saw this girl suddenly ped her hoodie revealing her bikini top while running toward the pier. Damn, she looked so hot in that. 

"Rochelle! Where are you going?? We're not done!" MinJae Hyung shouted at her. So, her name's Rochelle. Nice name. I was actually planning to talk to her but she ran off. Then I saw her diving into the sea from such height. Her diving pose was so accurate, it's like she went through swimming training. Then I realized everybody was panicking. I was still curious so I went up beside Nichkhun and Chansung who were flapping their arms around yelling her to be careful. 

There was a sudden crowd so I moved in a way to see what's going on. Then the crowd faded and I saw Rochelle placing her lips to the little boy's mouth. Was she giving out CPR? I stared at her did the whole thing and I suddenly felt like I was sharing her worriness. She looked so worry from her eyes while giving the unconscious little boy CPR. After a while, the boy moved. And the ambulance had already arrived. I felt proud of her. The members were cheering when they saw that scene. I smiled to myself when she came back wet, apologizing to us. I walked away and leave the cheering job to the rest of them. 

Rochelle's POV

The members were cheering while hugging me. Hugged by 2PM? I'll be flying to the moon if I was one of those fangirls. But I felt more like choking when they hugged me. I was nearly out of breath when Chansung gave me a bearhug. His strong arms wrapped around me lifting me up from the ground while praising me. When he finally placed me down, I smiled and thank him. 

I wiped my wet hair with the towel Ethan gave me when I saw Taecyeon walking away. I didn't get to talk to him today. Is he always that cool? Why do I care so much when I didn't get to talk to him? 





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Chapter 13: Oooohh...
They are going on a date ^^
?$!&',$@;3(.)8?;),)7;£>£%}\!!!!!! ! They kissed OMG!!!
marikrismas #3
oh how i missed theee!

they kissed! they kissed! they kissed! oh my goooooodness!! they're too cute haha (:
hottest1158 #4
ohmygod finally!!!! XD
and they kissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yuxuan #5
update soon
hottest1158 #6
taec is jelly!!! lol oh how i wish i was her! cant wait fo ur next chap! <3
marikrismas #7
ooh i am sensing jealousy from ethan!! was my initial prediction no longer a prediction now?? haha i guess i'll have to find out later huh? :P
cant wait for the next update! (:
yuxuan #8
update soon
BeastFreak #9
Love your story, cant wait to read ur update ;)
And really sorry for not giving a comment before now.
marikrismas #10
ooh is khun falling for her too?! is it going to be a love SQUARE!? daaaang this girl. getting all the guys! :P hahahaha but who knows, he could just be thinking of her as a sister like you said....like ethan... hmmmmm i guess i'll have to wait and see haha (: