
little white lies | chaennie

Neon Valley, NY

3:27 PM 


The deafening silence surrounding the four walls was so profound that the group of men standing began to react to the uncomfortable sensation and shiver in fear. 


They may look like a monster with their height and strangely hulking figure, but not to the Thai woman that can send an excruciating pain with just her mere presence and that all you want to do is shrink in your place. 


As they continue to wait, this only heightens the agony that's been eating up their conscience. 


The echo of the heels clacking through the wood floor resonated across the foyer. Everyone in the room bowed their head as the notable figure finally made an appearance. 


She paced around the lined men with a stoic look plastered on her face. The guy at the back soon grew too restless to stand still as the lady boss stopped infront of him. 


The boss huffed her thick bangs that is slightly covering her eyes. She looked at the trembling silver-haired guy. Her eyes were dull and emotionless. 


"Do you know what you just did?" She growled in low voice that startled the man. 


He closed his eyes for a brief moment, and then composed himself. He lowered his head further. "I apologize, Boss," His voice squeaked. 


"YAH! Do you know what you just ing did?!" Her voice was so harsh, it made the man in front of her flinched away. 


"I got cornered by those two guards. Asking me if they can check the bags. I got scared, I don't want to get caught," He explained in a brittle voice, as if he's about to cry any minute now. 


The woman turned her back and pinched the bridge of her nose, calming her nerves. She inhaled deeply and knocked the few items on the nearest console table. 


She growled and turned her heel to the man and grabbed him by collar, slightly lifting his feet off the floor. 


"I don't need your apology and your dumb explanation. What I need is, to see that hard drive, sitting on my desk immediately," She gruffed, every word she spit is like a deadly venom waiting for its next victim. Eyes darkening as she stares intently on the latter. 




A tall skinny guy that just arrived from the scene, tapped her shoulders and muttered, "Calm down."


She settled down the silver-haired guy a little harshly and turned to the direction of the owner's hand. 


"What are you doing here?" She said, not pleased to see the visitor. 


"You know, even when you don't call me. I really can sense if you needed my help," He sported a cocky smirk while caressing the tiny hairs surrounding his chiseled jawline. 


"What do you mean?" The boss asked tempted to know what information does the man possessed. She is getting impatient every second passed as she walked undeniably closer to the tall man. 


"Sister, relax." He paced around the room looking at the few broken small vases that was once filled with succulents. 


"What, is it Kai?" She growled not buying his playful acts.


"I was at the airport. I already know this was gonna happen. That's why I told you, to let me have it. But, you didn't listen." He stops at his tracks and averted her gaze from the deceased plants to Lisa.


"We've already took care of that nosy neighbor but unfortunately for you, the hard drive was on the loose," He said in a mocking tone. 


She growled even more. The veins on her arms became too visible as she clenched her fists tightly. Eyes boring deadly to her righthand man. 


"But, fret not, I'll take care of it."


Lisa walked closely to him and put a hand on his right cheek. She smirked for a second but instantly changed it into a scowl seamlessly. "Go," She commanded. 


She retracted her hand back and turned her heel. "I hate waiting." Her voice echoed through the hallway as she strut her way out.






RS Terminal 1 Airport, NY

12:51 PM


Two guards chased a silver-haired guy as if they were in a marathon but inside the airport.


On the other side, a tall man was watching from a distance, observing the three figures in a chasing incident. When they reached outside, the guy developed a distance from the guards. 


Kai walked subtly on the entrance of the airport waiting for his subordinate.


"You're late. Again." He looked at the small woman yelling at her driver. 


"And if I hear you say 'traffic', you wouldn't like what I'll be going to do with you." He overheard their conversation. 


Soon, a man appeared running from afar—clutching a black envelope. The latter clumsily hid the evidence on the small woman's luggage before sprinting to a different route. 


Kai was about to approach the tiny lady when her personal driver hurriedly grabbed her belongings and placed it on the trunk.


He observed the car and looked at its plate number before dialing a number through his phone.






The Hills, NY

4:06 PM


Jennie's POV


Irene was standing near my bed unfolding all the clothes I brought from my stay at Chicago. I was able to hold in all the consecutive scheduled meetings. All was a success which relieved me.


I immediately removed all my accessories including my shoes and plopped down of the bed. I let out a heavy sigh as a sign of exhaustion from the flight.


"Irene, I'm dizzy. I don't understand myself. I'm always on the plane but I still get mulmisimhae. Every single flight," I let out a small huffed and pouted. 


Irene pinched my cheek making me flinch at the contact. "Ouch," I whimpered. 


"I really love these chubby cheeks of yours. Don't lose them, okay," She laughed so hard that it made her snort. 


"Anyway, what do you want to eat later?" I heard her asked as she went back to unpacking my stuffs.


"Up to you. I just want to rest for now," I murmured sleepily not wanting to be bothered. 


I rolled to the side of the bed, and reached for the knob of my turntable and switch it to right until a blue light appeared on the little digital screen. 


There's already a record sitting on the player. Positioning the toearm above the record, I lowered the stylus onto the grooves of the vinyl. 


I hummed softly with my eyelids completely shut, resting, while listening to a beautiful love song. 


Oh, when I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord your love I'll keep

If I should die before I wake

I'll come back for you

That's no mistake


"Isn't this important?" Irene took something from one of my carry-on luggage. She lifted a slightly heavy object and tossed it on the bed—as I felt it drown onto the mattress. 


"Why did you placed it here together with your laundry?" She continued to ask but I didn't spare a glance at the object she's talking about as I was being carried with my own drowsiness. 


I heard a door being opened and closed, before slowly dozing off to dreamland. 
















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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 14: update pleaseeee
Chapter 14: i sense an incoming action scene.
good luck with your homework! XD
Chapter 8: hmm. Lisa plays as some kind of gang leader in this fic. I can see why lisoo isnt involved now XD
Chapter 7: lol grumpy Jennie is kinda cute
Chapter 2: aww, no Lisoo involved?

I shouldn't be picky anyway :/

great plot you have going here!
Aaryhs #6
Chapter 1: Family
blueeyedcondemned #7
Chapter 12: Finally you remember Jennie
Chapter 11: The meeting with Jongin went sideways
Was that Lisa in the car earlier?
Chapter 10: *facepalms* that escalated quickly