
little white lies | chaennie

Roseanne's POV 


Today will be the first day of my job as a house painter. I just wished my day would be bearable enough, given that I'll be working with the Miss Kim.


If you're asking if I did dye my hair back to its original tone, I did not. Yes, your girl was brave enough to not follow her boss. In my defense, my hair color does not define my skills and as if it's going to change anything.


If I know, this somehow makes me creative and artistic—to engrave art in my body, in my soul.


Before Jisoo and I arrived at the Kim's household, I put my hair in a tight low bun so it's not too obvious. 


We are standing here in the same spot as we were yesterday. We waited for a minute or so until I heard footsteps as Miss Kim and Irene ascend from the stairs. 


Jisoo instinctively bowed her head and greeted a good morning in a cheerful tone on Miss Kim. The latter just looked at us in a serious manner. 


Once again, I stood there looking like an idiot. If it weren't for Jisoo, I would completely forgot what to do. She nudged my side, and I was brought back from my trance. 


"Good morning, Miss Kim," I mimicked what my best friend did and smiled at the boss. Miss Kim didn't look too happy. 


"Tsk, if she didn't gave you a signal, you wouldn't even know what to do," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone looking straight into my eyes. She may be a lot smaller than me, but damn, that girl is scary as hell.


"D'accord. Since this is your first day at work, I will instruct you a few things. All the materials—paints, brushes, everything you need—you can find it all in the basement. Now, what I want is, a good, neat, and fully furnished paint job done fast." I listened to every words she was saying and kept on humming, signaling that I was agreeing. 


"Your break time will be at 12nn," she paused for a second. "I'm sure you brought lunch with you? If you want to drink water, you can just ask the maid," She raised her brow, waiting for my response. 


"Um Miss?" Jisoo asked with her teasing smile, engaging in the discussion. "Please, don't be mad but can I say something?" 


"What? What are you even doing here? You're supposed to be washing the car," She answered in annoyance. 


I just remained silent. 


"It's all done. I already finished it a minute ago, " Jisoo reasoned out. "So I was saying, if Chaengie can just have her lunch here?" 


This triggered Miss Kim, as her gaze quickly turned into a scowl. Her brows drew together. "I'm sorry but this house ain't a charity, Jisoo," she scoffed with the idea. 


I felt bad for Jisoo. Every time she address her concerns regarding me, especially me, I feel like it always leads to something bad. 


"No, it's okay Chu. Miss, don't worry I'll just buy outside, " I assured her.


Jisoo looked at me confusedly and I winked at her, to which she immediately got what it is on my mind. Oh I got this.


"If you're going to buy outside, how many minutes would that take?" She asked while crossing her arms tightly.


"That depends," I hummed as if I'm thinking deeply. "Considering the traffic, three hours maybe?" I continued.


"Miss Kim, did I hear three hours? Oh my, that's too long," Jisoo supported my notion.


"Tu te fous de moi?! Irene?!" Miss Kim  was grumbling with what I just said. 


"Jen?" Irene mumbled nonchalantly. 


"Did you hear what she just said?" Miss Kim continued with her protests.


"Loud and clear, " Her secretary answered. 


"It's only her first day, and she's already testing my patience," She huffed pointing a finger at me. "As if I have a choice. Just eat here for lunch," she said in gritted teeth.


"Um Miss? There's another thing." I wonder what excuse does Jisoo have to say now. Not that I'm complaining though.


Miss Kim groaned before saying, "What now?" She looked like all she wanted at this second was this conversation to end. 


Jisoo looks at me. I squinted my eyes at her.


"I have to say. There's this thing that um.." Jisoo started. "Chaeng can't eat her lunch without a softdrink or juice on the side."




"It's okay, Chu. I could always just buy outside. It's only gonna take two hours anyway, no big deal," I stated innocently, running a hand through my jaw.


"That's enough, I—" She frustratingly turn to Irene. "Make sure to give her food and softdrinks later at lunch," She said bitterly. 


"I'll cut that to your salary," She gave me death stare before stomping out.


"Damn, she stingy," Jisoo uttered in low voice. Irene was fast enough to pinch her sides. 


"Hey, that hurts," Jisoo whimpered at Irene.


"Wait a second," Miss Kim suddenly retreat, standing in front of me leaving a generous space between us. 


"If I remember, I told you to dye your hair back, didn't I? Care to explain that?" She pointed at my hair.


"I already tied it into bun so it wouldn't be too disturbing on your vision, if that's what you are worried about," I answered while swinging my arms back and forth.


"Well, that's not what I said right? I clearly stated DYE your hair back to natural, NOT tie" She emphasized the word 'dye'.


"Miss Kim if you don't mind, platinum lilac hair color suits me more than brown so..," I uttered as calmly as possible. 


"Oh Really? Are you applying to be a model here?" Miss Kim said mockingly. 


"I don't see why not?" I chuckled to Jisoo who's trying to contain her laugh. 


"Never!" She huffed. If she were a balloon, she's near to bursting any minute now. 


"Irene?! Can you see how disrespectful this woman is being," She turned to Irene, venting all her vexation. 


"Stop wasting my time and start working! Now, go!" 


I glanced at Jisoo, then we head to each of our workspace. 












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blackpinkforever #1
Chapter 14: update pleaseeee
Chapter 14: i sense an incoming action scene.
good luck with your homework! XD
Chapter 8: hmm. Lisa plays as some kind of gang leader in this fic. I can see why lisoo isnt involved now XD
Chapter 7: lol grumpy Jennie is kinda cute
Chapter 2: aww, no Lisoo involved?

I shouldn't be picky anyway :/

great plot you have going here!
Aaryhs #6
Chapter 1: Family
blueeyedcondemned #7
Chapter 12: Finally you remember Jennie
Chapter 11: The meeting with Jongin went sideways
Was that Lisa in the car earlier?
Chapter 10: *facepalms* that escalated quickly