Chapter 02

Let Me Love You | XiaoDery
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"I'm so ing doomed." Hendery said to himself while looking at the mirror. He just woke up and felt weird because he just dreamed about Xiaojun last night.

"I'm doomed! Ahhhh! This can't be!" He bit his lip and ruffle his hair messily. "No, no. I can't. Please heart you can't! Why?! Why Xiaojun? He's my best friend for sake!"

Hendery looked at his reflection to the mirror again and made a crying face then ducked his head down. He's so frustrated now that he confirmed that he likes his best friend. It's not actually a bad thing, Xiaojun is nice, he's gentle and soft. He's super cute when laughing and a part of that, they knew each other for a very long time. Xiaojun is emotional and Hendery loves to pamper him with foods whenever he's sad and Hendery won't get tired of it. He loves doing everything for him.

But still, Hendery cherishes him so much. How could he fall for him? Is this even right?

"He's not that cute when we were young? Well, he is cute but not that cute. The happened to me? Hendery?! Are you okay? Wake up you fool! Get yourself together!" Hendery shouted and slapped his face in front of the mirror. He looks crazy but he wished that this is only a dream.

But it's not.

"I don't want him to avoid me."

"Why are you so loud?!" He heard his sister slammed his door. He won't deny that it was pretty scary.

"Ahh you scared me!"

"Your voice is scary too! Stop shouting! It's early in the morning Wong Guanheng!"

Hendery scratch his nape and brushed his hair. It's growing long, but it does looks good on him though.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry." Hendery sighs then looked at the mirror again. "What I'm going to do with this?"

Hendery stood up and went outside. It's boring when he's alone and he can only think one thing to avoid the boredom.

That is to go to Xiaojun and play with him. Unlike him, Xiaojun can do anything when he's alone. He can just read novels, compose a song, listen to music or sleep. He preferred being alone though but Hendery is an exemption. He don't mind if he's with him, that will be amazing.

"Should I go?" He asked himself, but he ruffles his hair and just pulled the gate to go out and at the same time, Xiaojun just came out from his house too and he seemed going somewhere.

"Yah!" Hendery calls him because he can't help it and Xiaojun looked back. His fallen hair looks so soft.

"Oh, hey!"

"Where are you going?" Hendery walk towards him. He can't help it, it's hard without him.

"I'm going to buy spicy rice cake. I've been craving for it."

"I'll go with you. Let's go." Hendery said then pulled Xiaojun along with him.

"You're bored I guess."

"You can say that. It's okay to tag along right?"

"Of course. You can always tag along."  Xiaojun smiled and put his arm on Hendery's. They'll always walk like this. "Even if I say no."

"You hate crowded places so I'll come with you for company." Hendery said and he can feel that Xiaojun tightened his grip on his arms. He knew him very well, that's why they stayed together for a long time until now. He didn't realize that he's been staring at Xiaojun, he couldn't really stop himself for adoring him.

"Why do you look so cute today?" Hendery asked.

"What?" Xiaojun eyed him and looks confused. "I am?" He touched his face.

Did I ing say that out loud?

It's already late before Hendery realized what he just said so he'll just go with it.

"Y-yes. I think? A-Are you trying to impress someone?"

"Who will I impress? I don't have someone, I'm always with you." The older said. He doesn't mind, he prefers being with his best friend than any other people here.

"Aw, you're right. But, have you ever thought of dating someday?" Hendery looks at him and Xiaojun looks back.

"Dating? No, I don't think so, how about you?"

Hendery shakes his head. "If I will date, it means we will grow apart together. It's like, you were there but it feels so distant since we have some things to keep from each other. I hate to be apart from you." Hendery honestly said. He's saying the truth though, he's been with Xiaojun since little and he can't imagine his life without him. He became the person he want to be with when he's

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jastayy #1
Chapter 8: i love your story.
Chapter 4: Ohhh that took quite an interesting turn~
Chapter 1: Hmmm it's really cute
I really like it~