Chapter 7

UNSEEN (Female Version)

Just like that...

I was caressing his hair while he leaned his head on the pillow close to my neck. I could feel his regular breathing on my skin while he snuggled on me. We were like back at that time again when we were being close to the bed, and the only difference is without words. We used to spend time just talk on the bed before shutting our eyes in each other embrace back then. I just realized we are still being close with the fact of his presence in everything I did even though he had known what I have done wrong to his company. But, we seemed far away somehow.  

'Yeah, I messed up with his company!'

I sighed remembering how the news is spreading about him. The only bad things about him. My hand stopped only realizing that I don't deserve to be here being close with him again honestly.

"Don't stop!" He said while pulling my hand back to his hair again. Holding my hand tighter he kept his eyes closed enjoying it with his trembling eyes which told me he was still awake.

"Haven't you slept?" I looked at his face closer. 

'How can I deserve this man?'

"Uhm..." he nodded like a spoiled boy in my embrace. Trying to give my smile even though he can't see me, I trailed my finger from his hair to his jaw. As I stopped at it, I rubbed his jaw that almost full with his beard that started growing which he hates, gently. 

"Why don't you shave?" Asking the simple question to start our pillow talk, I paused when I saw his slight smile after my words. The purest expression of him that I lose these months. "You hate this." 

"I don't know." 

The long silence overcame us again while I was still caressing his jaw gently. Mesmerizing his sleeping face closer, my mind reminded me about how awkward we were with each other even though we were always together. Being together in months still couldn't melt the invisible ice between us. After months of silence, I still need time to get close to him again without being strange. Especially after the news of him spread all over the country. The news mostly likes rumors which were like peeling each layer of him. 



"The news about you..." 

"Can you just talk about what we are doing, right now?" I saw the way he was tightening jaw. I can't deny, his expression already told me everything, he also furrowed his brows being uncomfortable with my question. He didn't want to be asked such a question. The runaway man who didn't want to be asked something about his works both bad or decent news when he was on his private's side. 

The long silence overcame us again. I lost the topic which I easily found when we were still fine with each other. He avoided the theme vaguely with his small moves on fixing his head on the pillow. Being with him close for months before I left, I can feel him. All of his hidden emotions that he preferred to be gulped down by himself without sharing it with others, even for his closest one. As far as he could hide it, he chose to be silent and diverting the subject to the simplest thing he wanted to know. Not talking about something hard that might put us in the coldness ever again. 

"I still don't know the baby's gender." I tried to throw the bait he might love to be talked with. Remembering how hard I put myself straight about what I have done which ruined our relationship, I forgot to involve him in this journey. The one who was excited about it. Since he knows my pregnancy, we never talk about this together. He chose to wait for me first to willingly give him the explanation first. I never put in mind the fact that he still deserves to know the news about his child. And  I thought it is the right time to slowly repairing our relationship. 

"Why?" He said while hardly trying to open his eyes. 

"I don't know," I shut my eyes and let him figured it until I felt him pulled me closer gently to his warm embrace. 

"Should I accompany you there?" I heard his deep whisper voice echoed as I can hear his heartbeat thumping irregularly while my head was leaning closer to his chest. Giving a nod, I gave him my answer. Even though we seemed far away, I still need his presence in everything I will do for our child. I might be late before, but I will fix it for us. Like he always says. Doing everything for us. Not only he and I, but also our child. 

"Should I shave the beard?" I add trying to keep our first pillow talk to calm both of us who were unseemly having an exploding bomb of relief after the reconciliation. 

"Sure," he said while I felt his lips on my forehead.


In the morning...

I looked at my appearance in the mirror in the bathroom after getting a shower. Rubbing the towel to my hair, my eyes turned I gazed at my slightly shown baby bump that wrapped with the bathrobe. Stopping my activity, I pulled out the towel to the cabinet. This baby finally got to know the father's house. Even I hardly try to put the baby away from anything that is linked to the father, the baby still has its way to be here again.  
Not long after that, I smelt something coming from the kitchen which made my stomach growled and also the baby soft-kick. 


I went to his direction who was happily serving a breakfast. Realizing my presence, he turned his gaze at me with his morning dimples smile. He came forward as dragging me gently to him and giving a kiss to the side of my lips. 

"Good morning," he greeted me with his deep voice in our close distance. Blushing from his lowkey flirt, I diverted my gaze from him while biting my lower lip as I looked down to the plate he just served on the table. Two plates of fluffy pancakes with maple syrup's bottle beside them.

"You cooked," I said the word awkwardly.

"Why? Is it strange to look at me cooking?" He spelled the words with his seducing tone that thumped my heart in the early morning. Peeking at him, I saw his winking eye with his wide smile. Feeling my cheeks burnt with all his moves, I took a seat as fast as I can. 

"Orange juice as usual," he whispered while dragging a glass of orange juice to me. 

"Thanks, Jisung-ssi..." 


I had a good breakfast in the early morning and thanks to him. Tasting his first-ever cooked meal that I never imagined before. I didn't even know he can cook because he never showed it to me. Since he always likes to eat the meal I made. 

"Just take a rest in the living room!" He asked after snatching the plate I wanted to put on the sink right after I finished the meal. He even pissed off when I gave him my pleading eyes. 

Looking at his serious face, I left the kitchen obediently. It wasn't caused by something but, I don't want to ruin our reconciliation. Going to the living room right in front of the kitchen, I went to the couch. Taking the remote, I the TV. After reaching the couch, I took a seat gingerly while holding my grown tummy. 

As the TV , the breaking news that was about Jisung and his company came first. Biting my lower lip, I tightened my grip on the remote awkwardly. 

'We just made up last night.'

The rumors were going overboard. Even myself, the one who wanted to drag him at first can't help about the news. My mind went blank as my tears suddenly pooled in my eyes and my sight went blurrier. The sorrow overcame me when I heard the rumors were going far from the main topic. 

'It is just too much!' 

Suddenly, I felt the remote was being snatched from my grab. I looked up at him who was already standing beside me, turning the TV off. I can see his short-frozen state before he forced his smile to look at me. He put the remote back and grabbed my shoulders to get up from the couch before leading me back to the bedroom. 

"I thought it will be better if you take a rest in the bedroom. Yesterday was a tiring day for you, and you should recover on the weekend. Let's go!" He avoided them. The rumors about him that I never predicted to be that worse.

"Jisung-ssi, we couldn't avoid this topic forever." I stopped. We needed to solve it before going worse. I meant, it was already worse but I can't help to hear about the rumor anymore. But, he ignored my words and kept leading me to the bedroom. 

"Jisung-ssi..." I raised my voice. 

"Stop it, Chaeyoon-ah!" He almost shouted at me. I can see how much he was hurt. It is painful to see how hard he was trying to hide the rumor that enraged him which was portrayed clearly on his face.

Instead of continuing his anger, he chose to lessen his anger. His deep breath and furrowing brows showed his effort to calm himself. It must be wrenching him much.

"Jisung-ssi, we should talk about this!" Trying my last chance, I tried to reach his tightening jaw. 

"We wouldn't..." he mumbled after snatching my hand hard. 


Suddenly, I heard the voice that also I missed for so long echoed in the house. Turning my face to the main door, I saw his mother covering while widening her eyes, looking at us.


I fixed my dress as fast as I can. Her sudden presence in the house that I never imagined before. Changing to a proper dress than the bathrobe, I found a dress that I realized was left in this house. The dress was much tighter than I used to wear before getting the baby bump and gaining weight. I took a seat on the couch gingerly.

Only realizing the thing that his mother actually would have known, I was spying on the company growing up my nervousness. Looking down to my feet, I can't see her eyes like I used to do. I was betraying her mother's love for me. She treated me like her daughter since Jisung introducing me to his family. I enjoyed her love but, I was playing with her love.

I was being more nervous, especially since Jisung was staying in the bedroom after I got dressed. He had a conversation with his mother before, but he walked to the room after he saw me. Drown in my messed mind, I can't realize something until I felt her hand on my hair rubbing it lightly and taking a seat beside me. 

"How are you, Darling?" She whispered softly. I looked at her bravely, and I saw her genuine smile that I also missed. Mother love that she always poured into me. 


"How about your pregnancy? Seems like your pregnancy going pretty well. Is Jisung treating you well?" Far from what I imagined. She dropped her hand on my hair to my shoulder and rubbing it gently. Expecting that she will blame me for everything I had done for her family, she did vice versa. It was different when she embraced me. 

"Ah, I..." I held my tears and trying my best to smile at her. My heart was touched by her sincere love that I thought will change after knowing I am the one who put their company at this stake especially Jisung with all the rumors outside, she made me comfortable beside her. 

"Aigooo, You should buy some comfortable clothes for your pregnancy. This is too tight for you!" She nagged at me while pulling the dress as mothers do to their children. 

"Ne, Eomo-nim..."  I smiled until I can't realize a tear escaped from my eye. Wiping my tears with her thumbs, I can feel the warmth she had given to me all the time. 

"Why don't you tell me that you are already here? I should have brought many side foods for you two."

"It's fine, Eomo-nim..."

"Is the baby fine? I can't wait to see the baby." She held my hands tightly while giving a reassuring smile. "What is the baby's gender? It should be known by now." She caressed my tummy gently.

"I still don't know, Eomo-nim ..." 

"Why??? Jisung this kid is..." she peeked at the bedroom door while I held her hand tightly. 

"I just asked him last night, Eomo-nim." 

"If he did something bad to you, just tell me. And Chaeyoon-ah. Can I have your new number? I will be missing you with my grandchild." She pleaded to me. Holding her hand back, I smiled at her. 

"Ne, Eomo-nim..." 

"Aigooo, I didn't know that you're pregnant. I should have known earlier and helped you a lot about the pregnancy's things." She brought me closer to her embrace and rubbing my hair gently. For the nth times, I felt her love for me again. Jisung was born just like her. His gentle side descended from his mother. Pure love and his caring side put me as the luckiest woman in the world. Although, it also burdened me after I did wrong to them. 

'Am I forgivable?'


Running to the room I always wanted to reach every time, I held my lower abdomen while gasping out my breath. The smile that I didn't show every time I went to that place, finally came this time. Holding my elbow and shoulder in sudden, Jisung came to me with his worried face.

"Just walk, Chaeyoon-ah!" He scrunched his face in worry. Without holding my smile, I looked at his eyes straightly.

"Thank you so much, Jisung-ssi!" I blurt the words I wanted to say as I heard he just woke up. Jisung helped me pretty much with it. If he weren't the one that insisted on his death's announcement, I didn't know that I still can meet him or not. 

"I know. But, please don't run!" He scolded me while holding my tummy with a deep breath feeling relief. 


I came forward to his side slowly with a smile on my face. It was like a dream to see him opens his eyes after it closes in months. Taking a seat beside him, I held his hand tightly. 

"Oppa, finally you are awake!" I said looking at his still weak body after months in a comma. 

"G...g...go!" he stuttered with his cracking voice while trying to move his stiff hand which turned into a tremor because of he was trying too hard. Worrying at his condition, I looked at his eyes which were glancing at Jisung who was standing in front of him with the hatred he was keeping for so long. Trying hard to lift his hand, he pointed his index finger to Jisung and raised his voice. "GO!!" He tried to scream but also made his body trembling when he tried hard to move his paralysed body.

"Oppa!" I tried to hold his body that was trying to get up from his bed. "Jisung-ssi... " I looked at his squinted eyes after listening to my brother's shout and he left without words.


After some time, he calmed. He was freezing like a statue. Figuring out what is happening to him after he woke up after months. He lost his focus after knowing he couldn't do anything. The doctor said that he still needs the help of physiotherapy to make him back to normal.  

Making sure there were only the two of us in the room after the doctor left, he glanced at my tummy with his knitted brows without saying anything. 

Naturally, I looked down at my tummy while holding it tightly, don't know how to talk to him about this. Even at first, he would never accept the reason I am closed to Jisung, and now I am pregnant which is beyond our plan. 

"I know, I made a mistake. But I can't harm my baby." I said in a low voice admitting my mistake in ruining our plan.

"Jisung?" he uttered the word with much effort like he doesn't want to say that word ever again.



"I did as you planned..." I sighed while frowning my brows remembering that it was also caused a big disaster for me personally. As the lover of my rival.

"Why are you crying? Don't you remember how they put you into much pain before? Have you forgot about that?" He reminded me the same way he said I should use my brain instead of my heart like before. 

"I am sorry..." I said with my trembling lips trying to hold the tears. 

"Just go! I need time to get this situation." 



Walking out from his room, I met his eyes who was standing with his back leaning on the wall. I was stunned to see he was still there. He smiled at me while going forward to me. I closed the door quickly and smiled back at him. 

"Let's go home, Jisung-ssi!" 

"Just wait here for a while, I need to talk with him." He said while trying to open the door behind me. Stopping him, I took a step back and looked at his eyes. 

"Don't make a mess here! You know my brother doesn't like you..." I whispered. 

"That's why I should clean the mess. Don't worry! We will be fine. Trust me!" He moved my body to the other side and he came inside the room. He made sure that he locked the door before I can follow him. 


After some minutes passed, I heard the door was unlocked. I found Jisung smiled at me widely while closing back the door. 

"Let's go!" He grabbed my shoulder while walking away from the room.


After taking some steps forward, I heard a glass was broken inside the room. Slowering my steps, I looked at Jisung who changed his expression with his keen gaze forward still walking. He ignored the voice while tightening his grip on my shoulder. He looked unbothered. 


-to be continued-

Enjoy the story everyone ^^

With love,
Byeol-nim ❤

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miz_perfect #1
Update pls.. i cant wait