
High School Sweethearts


Iseul mutters as she looks at the elaborate report in front of her, she’s currently visiting Eunji after the latter tells her that the evidence has arrived. Eunji basically tells Baekhyun to go away, preventing the boy from walking his girlfriend home, saying that they have some things to deal with (although Eunji already planning on telling Baekhyun after she tells Iseul).

“It’s so good, none of them could deny it.” Eunji sounds proud as she sits on the other sofa, “But, how….? Where…?Oh god, so many questions,” Iseul tries to suppress her curiosity on how Eunji got Jiyoung and her minions' fingerprints, even the security camera footage from the school.

“I have people who can do their job efficiently, I told them it better be as good as the D-Day report or else they won't be having a good life. I’m sure they exceeded your expectations,” Eunji sums up Iseul’s reaction, Iseul lets out a laugh before nodding her head. “I thought this is a takeover plan of some company, thank you.” Iseul thanks the owner of the house who shrugs.

“I’ve always wanted to do something to them but nothing huge happened then you came, and the opportunity presented itself. I should take it, if it means we would have a peaceful morning without her constantly trying to steal your boyfriend, of course, I’d make the most of it.” Eunji takes a sip of her glass of orange juice she pours when they arrive.

“I have no problems with her silly weird morning greetings but yeah, trying to steal Baekhyun when the target itself doesn’t seem to be interested in her is really annoying. These whole shenanigans just icing on the cake, again, thank you. You don’t really need to threaten people to do this though,” Iseul mentions Eunji’s previous answer and Eunji laughs at that, “I’ve threatened them so many times, I don’t think they’ll ever think I’m serious ever again.”

“So, what’s next? Just throw this into their face?” Iseul asks as she leans back on the sofa, Eunji raises her index finger and moves it left and right. Iseul raises her eyebrows at the response, “I’ve designed a plan, that might blow up in three days, two days if those es are annoyed too soon. I mean, I would. But before that, I have to confess about something,” Eunji shares as they hear Kai walking out of the bedroom after he takes a shower. Iseul is puzzled, as if Eunji is about to confess she murdered someone to gather the evidence.


Iseul’s eyes travel to Kai who’s looking for something in the fridge, he turns around at the call, and then as if he knows what’s going on, he closes the fridge and walks to the living room.

“He knows, I think I should let you know that. Because we also going to need his help on my plan,” Eunji confesses as Kai takes a seat beside her on the sofa, hands naturally resting on Eunji’s waist. Iseul noticed since the first time she hung out with them that Eunji and Kai are more couple-like, even doing more skinship than when they’re at school or outside. It only happens at the confines of her house or the den, whichever private place they’re at. That’s why its understandably funny reading the tabloids or random internet articles saying that they don’t like each other anymore (Soyeon who’s chronically online, keep tabs on it so they could laugh at it in the den).

“What—Oh, yeah…. Sorry, I know I wasn’t meant to know but I found out.” Kai apologizes, “I’m just bad at lying to him, we’re bad at hiding things from each other you know, so…. Sorry,” Eunji adds. Iseul just chuckles at the revelation, “It’s okay, I thought you were going to confess a murder or something, to be honest.” Iseul answers honestly and the three of them laugh together.

“So, what’s next?” Kai asks as both he and Iseul turns their head towards Eunji, who smiles at the question.




Everyone in the hallways looks at the source of the sound, Jiyoung shrieks at the bunch of papers coming out of her lockers. Iseul glances at Jiyoung’s direction locker while Eunji lets out a low chuckle while taking out her chemistry books. Everyone goes back to what they’re doing and doesn’t really put more care on Jiyoung who her minions quickly crowd.

“That’s a lot,” Iseul mutters as she puts the piece of paper from Jiyoung into her bag and takes out her book as well. Eunji laughs at that remark while locking her locker, “Deserved though,” Eunji shrugs at that before walking hand in hand with Kai, who rolls his eyes at his girlfriend’s answer. Baekhyun looks at the scene and pretends he doesn’t know anything as he walks beside Iseul.

“Are you guys going to train again after school?”

Soyeon asks the swimmers in the group as they settle into their seats, “Yeah, there’s a competition coming up next week and the week after. Why?” Iseul answers her followed by nods from Baekhyun and Sehun. “I need food, I can’t eat any more of Somin’s cook. No, never, I’m not eating those s anymore.” Soyeon closes her eyes as the thought of eating her eldest sister’s cook comes up.

“Why the hell is your sister cooking?” Sehun, who knows Soyeon’s sister's cooking ability too well, shrieks at that, “I was as shocked as you are but I’ve spent my weekend eating those ew….. No, I will throw up again,” Soyeon covers as her gag reflex is familiar with the whole feeling all over again.

“So you need Sehun to cook and you want to stay in the den until before midnight to escape that?” Chanyeol guesses and the girl nods with a huff, “You can just wait as usual. I’ll come by the den but I have some work to do after dinner so if you want to go home with me, you either need to wait there or comes with me to the company.” Sehun offers his cousin, who desperately nods at that. “I’ll just wait, I don’t want to see any piece of documents until Thursday.” Soyeon shakes at the second option. “Are you okay though? Weekend must be hard,” Eunji wonders as she looks to her right where Soyeon sits beside Sehun. Soyeon then continues to describe what she ate and what she went through during the weekend. She tells them their parents aren’t home and the chefs were given the weekend off. Soyeon and her other sister are scared of her oldest sister’s disastrous cook, no one really dares to cook another dish or questions ‘why the hell’ was she cooking nor ‘what the are those’ on her dishes.

“And I hope her soon-to-be husband would cope with that if I were him, I’d run away as far as possible.” Soyeon shakes her head as she ends her story, “Maybe she wants to practice her cooking skill, is she madly in love or something?” Iseul quips. “Yeah, it almost looks disgusting to me. But yeah, there’s talk about engagement or something if I’m not wrong, but killing her sisters using her cooks won’t fast forward anything.” Soyeon concludes her story.

“Oh gosh, neither of you can cook and I can still feel the disastrous nutella orange cookie…..” Sehun closes his eyes at the memories of throwing up after eating the cookies given by Soyeon’s sisters. Iseul asks what happened, and the story of nutella orange cookies poisoning, as told by Sehun begins.

Baekhyun fills in some details as well because he’s also a fallen victim but mostly lets Sehun or Kai tell the horrendous experience.  Iseul who’s sitting beside him listens to their story contently but also feels the glance from someone standing by the classroom door. The bell hasn’t rung yet so everyone rambles around chatting with one another, Jiyoung and her minions are talking near the door, glancing at Iseul before leaving the class when the bell rings. Baekhyun knows what’s going on but only focuses on Iseul’s glance toward Jiyoung right before they leave.

Eunji tells him about what she’s planning to do and tells him to make sure that Iseul doesn’t realize that she knows until it’s time.

“Will this actually works this way?” Baekhyun asks after reading all over again what Eunji has given to him, the girl lets out a chuckle. “Oh, come on, I thought you know me better. It will go down this way with no spare for errors.” Eunji takes a sip of her hot tea.

“Your girlfriend is a psychopath,” Baekhyun tells Kai who just laughs at the remark, “I would be disappointed if she’s not one—Ow,” Eunji nudges her boyfriend’s arm a little too hard from the usual but they still laugh together.



Iseul opens up her swimming locker before heading to the shower, she already knows the pattern of Jiyoung and her minions messing in her swimming locker. It would be right after everyone goes to training and while she’s in the shower. She suspects that because she’s fighting back, the paper is not a paper anymore but a few pieces of it at the same time, probably because Eunji is having too much fun printing all those pink papers with ‘shut the up’ on them. of course Jiyoung doesn’t know it’s Eunji, neither her nor her minions would ever realize it’s Eunji’s doing so the only thing they can do is just writing more bunch of paper to throw into Iseul’s locker.

Iseul picks up several papers out of her locker and then puts them in her tote bag before leaving for the shower. She’s not the last person to wash up but there are lesser people whenever she made it to the locker room again. She enjoys talking with the other seniors about the training, teasing Baekhyun on his routine, and talking a bit more before washing up. Neither Jiyoung nor any of her friends got into the club but they always manage to slip in those papers after the club practice. True to her hunch, the papers are there again after she finishes her shower.

“Damn, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

Iseul shakes her head before packing up and leaves, bidding goodbye to several other people left in the locker room. Soyeon waves her hands from the seats as soon as Iseul leaves the locker room, “Why do boys take longer time to take a shower?” Soyeon huffs as there’s still no sight of Sehun or Baekhyun. Iseul laughs at that. As if he’s been listening to what Soyeon’s been saying, Sehun throws her with his small towel while walking towards the two of them.

“Fewer shower stalls, calm down cuz.” Sehun grunts as he takes the towel back from his cousin who throws it back at him.

“Are you both coming as well?” Sehun asks as he puts the towel back in his backpack, “Ah too bad, got a date.” Iseul shrugs at the question. “Me too, but I bet the lovebirds and Chanyeol are already waiting for you.” Baekhyun jokes, Sehun just laughs but Soyeon throws a look at the couple. “Fine, enjoy your date, lovebirds who are too in love with each other.” Soyeon sings as she is pushed away by Sehun as they leave the couple.

“Hungry?” Baekhyun asks Iseul as he puts his arms around her shoulder, she nods as she looks up to him. “Can we have curry rice, pleaseee?” she pleads and he laughs as he leads them to leave the building. “I don’t think that’s how you ask your boyfriend things,” he shakes his head as they’re walking out of the school area. Iseul chuckles at his response, “You and your silly tax,” she playfully pinches his stomach area and he moves to dodge it. His arm that’s around her shoulder directly drags her along and they both burst into laughter.

“Pinch me again and this oppa would not take you eat,” Baekhyun threats her but can’t hide his laughter so it doesn’t sound like how it was supposed to sound, “Oppa my ,” Iseul teases him and about to run leaving him but his stride is longer so he catches up with her with just two strides and got her back, this time putting his arm around her waist before tickling her.


Iseul protests as her boyfriend just laugh at her, “Pay up the tax or we’ll just be heading home,” he teases her back. Iseul looks up to peck him on the cheek but he turns his head towards her as well so their lips meet instead.


Iseul slaps his arms but Baekhyun laughs as he tightens his arms around her, taking them to the curry place they always go to. They don’t do that a lot in public but no one’s really around after the club practice so Baekhyun tends to do more skinship with her and that way. During the day he would somehow stop taking notes just to look at her taking notes diligently or writing some notes in her books. He’d put his arms around her wherever they sit and sometimes would slowly rub her arms when he was bored during the lecture as well. Suddenly whispering random thoughts and they’d end up holding their laughter together. But she also getting braver and more natural in doing all those skinship with him during school as well, there are times when she’d just look at Baekhyun from her desk after she finishes her work. He’d realize that and then raises his brow at her but she just smiles or shakes her head, saying nothing. Leaning towards him in the library while highlighting her book or tapping on his palm when she’s bored in class. None of their skinship is on the level of annoying, just subtle acts that their friends notice as they’re the only people who would sit around them (both enjoy sitting at the far back of the class because Baekhyun’s intrusive thoughts are too intruding to sit in front). Just as Soyeon says, both are too in love with each other.



“What’s up with that?”

Chanyeol murmurs as they walk past a class where a table is crowded, Iseul take a look and then closes shut so she won’t laugh out loud. “What are they up to again?” Kai shakes his head as they continue walking to the cafeteria, “Whatever it is, I don’t think Jiyoung looks happy. She looks so terrified,” Sehun laughs with Soyeon because they see her face together.

It’s day four of Eunji terrorizing Jiyoung with her pinky papers all around, Iseul doesn’t even know how the girl got it done, but all Eunji needs from her are her green lights. She is reluctant, but Eunji ensures everything will be all right, and Kai assures her that he will make sure his girlfriend won’t do anything illegal. Eunji defends herself by saying it’s a pent-up feeling of being annoyed by Jiyoung and her minions all these years.

“They’re either really persistent or just pure idiot, it’s between those two. There’s no in-between.

Iseul quietly laughs as she remembers what Eunji said. She opens up her locker and as usual, yellow sticky notes are there, this time plural because there are five of them. Not as many as Eunji’s pinky papers but still, Iseul has to applaud them for being dense.

“Save me some seat, my bladder is bursting.” Eunji says before locking her locker, “It’s risotto with seafood, ooooh I'm running!” Soyeon reads the menu from her phone and Sehun catches her up. “Those blackholes,” Baekhyun mutters as they all walk to the cafeteria as well. It’s break time so everyone swarms up in the hallway as well as the cafeteria, Soyeon and Sehun walk the fastest to the cafeteria. 

When his phone rings, Iseul is queuing to take the tray in front of Baekhyun. He looks at the caller ID, “Sweetheart, let me take this. Save me a seat,” he softly whispers to Iseul before leaving the queue to take the call outside. It must be work-related and Iseul realizes how much Baekhyun works for his parents lately, he says it’s good training, and his brother is more of the tech guy while he’s naturally good with the management side. She compliments him a couple of times, and he shakes his head, saying that the others are doing it as well. But Iseul insists he’s the coolest of them all and she sees her boyfriend turn all pink upon hearing, “You’re the only one who can turn me all giddy with compliments,” Baekhyun shakes his head but Iseul keeps coo at him.

Iseul takes her food tray to the table where Soyeon and Sehun are already sitting and ready to eat while Chanyeol and Kai are busy scrolling through their phone. Iseul is about to take a seat when someone harshly grabs her from behind. Fortunately, she had already put her tray on the table, or else her precious food would be spilled onto the floor.

“What the—”


Jiyoung is the culprit, standing in front of her with flaring nostrils and face all red as if someone woke her up with a house on fire. Iseul knows what it’s about so she decides to play along, Eunji plans everything too well Iseul thought to herself.

Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Soyeon, who are already sitting at the table, stop whatever they’re doing and then prepare themselves if Jiyoung decides to do something else. Not Kai though, he looks way more composed but still keeps his guard up.

“What is this about?” Iseul crosses her arms, raises her brows at the clearly-going-to-blow-up Jiyoung who has several papers in her hands.

“You did this, didn’t you? You give me all those crazy notes, put it everywhere I go, EVERYWHERE!” Jiyoung lets go of her right hand and several pieces of paper leave her hand. Iseul catches one and reads on it.The familiar pink notes that Eunji shows great pride in, she silently laughs. But she doesn’t give away anything, letting the scene in front of her unravel itself a little more.

“Do you have any evidence?” Iseul calmly asks Jiyoung, although the cafeteria’s attention is on them. Iseul doesn’t falter back, she makes a mental note to herself to tell Eunji how crazy that heiress is to detail every single thing that Jiyoung would say or do.

“I don’t need to, stop looking all smug. I know its’ you and you can’t just ignore me that way. Do you think you’ll get away from this? Playing games and all?” Jiyoung clearly won’t back down even though she clearly doesn’t have any evidence, contrary to Iseul, who has everything detailed perfectly in Eunji’s report.

“Ah, I thought you’re smarter than this. You don’t have any proof and I’m not falling for your bluff.” Iseul is about to turn back to take a sit but Jiyoung isn’t backing down that she grab sIseul’s arm and turns her around to face her again.

“Stop looking so strong you little , I know because you’re getting back at me, arent you? Trying to look tough and all won’t work here.” Iseul doesn’t wince, the grabbing isn't that dramatic but some students gasped in shock. Soyeon almost throws her food at Jiyoung but Kai and Sehun automatically hold her down while Chanyeol is texting Baekhyun, wondering where the hell he is.

“I really don’t understand what you’re talking about, getting back at you for what? For unsuccesfully seducing my boyfriend over the years? Trust me, I have no bad feelings about that, he’s my boyfriend now. Why would I chase off his fangirls that clearly won’t stop fangirling on him?”

Jiyoung is clearly getting on her limit, her face all red and ready to bash anyone’s head at the moment. Iseul tip-toeing around this issue isn't giving her an easy way out.

“Stop playing saint, I know you did it because I put the EXACT SAME NOTES AT YOUR LOCKER!”

Iseul quirks up at that, amused at how Eunji correctly guessed Jiyoung’s anger (we don’t need to accuse her because she’d basically out herself if you keep tip-toeing around it, trust me is what Eunji wrote).

Jiyoung is all red and angry, ready to slap Iseul, before realizing what she just said, she looks around and sees that everyone either looks confused or just mortified at the scene that’s currently happening. Her minions at the corner of the cafeteria look horrified at the revelation as well, trying to escape, but the students then focus on them when Jiyoung realizes she s up.

Iseul smiles In triumph and steps closer to her before whispering.

“You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.”

Jiyoung is about to grab Iseul by her hair when a glass of orange juice pours all over her. Iseul steps aside and lets the girl in front of her be all drenched in orange juice from top to bottom. Jiyoung turns around, ready to flip whoever did that. Her shoulder hunchs back and long gone the all mighty Jiyoung, Eunji tilts her head as she puts the now empty glass on the table. Holding her food tray with only her right arm, narrowing her gaze upon the all-drenched Jiyoung before looking at her minions’ pointedly.

“I just hate it when someone tries hard to scare off my best friend for being in love with my other best friend, and Iseul’s being honest. She didn’t do it, because I did and it’s so much fun to see it unravel like I expected. You confessing and all is a splendid end to all these fiascos. Thanks, for making my job easier.” Eunji goes to sit beside Kai as if nothing happened, cleaning her utensils as if she didn’t just pour a whole glass of orange juice over someone in the middle of the cafeteria.


“We know what you did, everything’s here, all well documented and numbered. I don’t think you need more explanations about the anti-bullying code in this school, do you?” Baekhyun shows up with the headmaster beside him, a familiar file in his hand. He looks really pissed off, as if Jiyoung did it to him, everything all at once, and Iseul catches the sight of his clenched fist. Baekhyun rarely or even never gets angry, but he’s at his last straw now. Jiyoung looks as mortifed as the other students, the spectator, when she sees Baekhyun’s expression towards her and realizes that she lost her own stupid game.

“Han Jiyoung, you and your friends are coming with me to the teachers' office.” the headmaster takes the file from Baekhyun’s hand and leads the pack of girls to the teachers' office before nodding towards Baekhyun and Eunji. Iseul remembers that Eunji said whenever some bullying-related hapened, it would never be resolved in the headmaster’s office only, the teachers should know the preperators’ faces, giving them some wall of shame moment in the teachers' office. That’s why Hansaem has been bullying-free for decades.

Chanyeol suddenly claps as the bullies paraded out of the cafeteria by the security as well, everyone else joins him in clapping their hands before the cafeteria back to the usual hustle. People are surely talking about the newly happened scenes and a cleaning service is already standing by to mop off the orange juice spill.

Iseul still stands in shock, confused at how Baekhyun knows. He doesn’t suppose to know and that’s the plan all along. Baekhyun gets his food and returns to the table only to chuckles when he sees that Iseul is still confused. Althought not as confused as Soyeon, Sehun, or Chanyeol.

“How did you know? What—Did you?!” Iseul looks at Eunji, who’s finishing off her risotto, the latter clearly enjoys eating while everything goes down.

“He asked and I don’t think incorporating a little surprise is a bad idea, so why not?” Eunji shrugs, “Don’t worry, she makes a clear instruction to tell him to stay put, and he did, right?” Kai says as he starts to eat his food.

“YOU KNEW????!!”

The clueless trio looks betrayed at the information, still not catching up. Baekhyun smiles as he takes Iseul’s hand, explaining everything from when he found the first sticky notes to what happened a few minutes earlier. How Eunji, who was going to queue for the food, saw what would happen and stopped him before entering the cafeteria, telling him delta confirmed, and he did what she told him to do when explaining what role he should be playing.

“Taken from FPCON delta?” Sehun asks Eunji, who just nods to that question.

“You never said anything,” Iseul still can't believe what she just heard, “Well, you didn’t say anything as well, but I trust your judgment and believe that you’re just trying to find the right moment to tell me which would be after you found all the evidence,” Baekhyun replies to her confusion. Iseul looks at his sincere expression, his eyes focused on her, and remembers how pissed off he was a couple of minutes ago.

At first she thought it was because Eunji doesn’t trust her to be strong enough but after hearing everything, she knows it’s not Eunji who approaches Baekhyun with the information. He goes out of his way to try to find the solution only to come to the same problem solver Iseul seeks help from. Their hand still holding on, she can feel all the affection from his eyes dropping down on her. Without hesitation, she takes a quick glance around before leaning in to kiss him, briefly and softly, enough to tell him how much she’s thankful for him. Iseul leans back and both let out a small laugh, “I’ve never been that angry in public, you surely have ways of making me feel things, missy.” he whispers to her. Iseul lets out a laugh and then begins to eat as she’s too famished after the whole confrontation scene.

“Okay, I get that Baekhyun knows. BUT YOU??” Soyeon looks at Kai pointedly, but the guy just laughs at it, “Well, I can’t really lie to my fiancée, can I?” Eunji is setting her plate aside, saying it as if it’s something normal to say. Everyone nods off to the answer before stopping and realizing the words she said.

“What the ,” Chanyeol looks at the couple who clearly find their friends’ reaction as funny as Ross told Rachel that they’re still married. “You should stop giving people heart attacks,” Kai says as if he’s telling her off but Eunji laughs as she puts her head on his shoulder, “That’s my enjoyment in life, giving people heart attacks and all.” she snorts.

“When?” Iseul asks them, Eunji then raises the beautiful ring on her left ring finger. “A few days before I tell you all the information I got. We watched movies and I drifted off, when I woke up he’s right there, got flowers and the ring.” Eunji tells them how Kai still got her in his embrace, sleeping soundly on a rainy Saturday afternoon and somehow getting a huge bouquet of tulips and baby’s breath placed beside her. “Then she looks up and realizes what’s happening, I was halfway through my speech when she reached up to kiss me and all so, there’s that.” Kai continues the story.

“Garrard?” Soyeon asks Kai about the ring and he nods, “She doesn’t tell much about designs but she does have a royal taste in Garrard,” Kai confirms.

“I know, we’re practically underage and all, but hey we’ve done everything adults do and I’ve spent my entire life with him. Spending my whole life with him doesn’t sound so bad after all,” love-smitten Eunji (or, as Soyeon called it, Eunji’s lover version) looks up at Kai, who beams back at her. Anyone who sees them would know how over the heels they are towards each other.

“Okay, who are you and what did you do to our Eunji?” Sehun shakes her head at the couple, earning laughter from the table and glare from the newly engaged couple.



“If that doesn’t plan out the way Eunji guessed it and I don’t know about it, when will you tell me?” Baekhyun asks Iseul when they’re walking towards her house from the bus stop, “Probably on our date after school, like this? So you won’t lash out at her because she’s not worth it and I’m not letting you to give her the attention she wanted from you," Iseul shares her original plan, not forgetting to enunciate the not letting part that makes Baekhyun chuckles at it.

“Sweetheart,” Baekhyun calls her as he stops walking, their holding hands stop in the middle as she turns her head at him.

“I know you’re capable of anything and probably much stronger than you know, but please let me know if you ever encounter whatever is bugging you. I’ll fix it, we can fix it together.” he sincerely says in the last sentence. Iseul’s heart swells at his words, and she knows him well enough to know that he never backtracks on anything he says and always means what he says. That’s how sincere his words are, he never tells her to leave it to him, he lets her know that they both can work on anything to fix it.

Iseul closes their distance and then smiles as she cups his face with both her hands, she doesn’t say anything but kisses him. He puts his arms around her waist, the kiss is longer than what the one during the break but shorter than they’d want it to be because a grandma chuckles at them.

“High school sweethearts…..” the grandma murmurs lowly but the couple definitely hears it, making sure the grandma passes before letting out a laugh.

“I will, don’t worry and thank you.” she whispers before giving him another peck on the lips, Baekhyun has the biggest smile on his face even when the rain suddenly comes pouring down a few blocks from her house that they need to run to make it.



ahhh finally I get to update thisss! jiyoung finally get what she deserved and oh my god I love Baekhyun and Iseul, I need a Baekhyun for real. anyway, sorry for taking it so long to update this but I'm now officially a registered licensed pharmacist!!!! the stress of the exam blocks all of my creative juice so I apologize for the slowwww updates! i hope you enjoy this and we're parting with them soo:( I dragged this out longer than I should:( please don't forget to tell me what do you think down bellow and see you on the next update!

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byunieee #1
Chapter 16: Hahahahhaaha, i like how eunji get back at jiyoung, and how iseul face jiyoung with braveness i just love the couple too they are really understand each other thanks for the update
BubuBaek_Na94 #2
Chapter 15: Ohhh I’m excited for the big reveal!!!!
Nlnz2016 #3
Chapter 15: Great to see you back. I wonder what Baek and Eunji will be up to in next chapter. Ha ha. Can’t wait for the bullies to get their lesson!
ririsriandini #4
Chapter 14: Oh wowwwww you finally back😭😭 thank you so much!!! I bet it jiyeong and her minions. Omg I hope it didn't harm her,😭
Chapter 14: it’s definitely jiyeon and her minions ain’t it??
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 13: Cute and loving couple.
BubuBaek_Na94 #7
Chapter 12: Adorable!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: omggg so cute i love them!!
Chapter 12: This story is so sweet and cute ugh ugh ugh
ririsriandini #10
Chapter 12: They officially a bf and gf YEAY OMG THE WAY BAEKHYUN ASK HER DAD PERMISSION TO DATE HER....Does guy in these day do that? They all need to see Baekhyun like this!! Im melting OmgGGGGG I WANNA BE ISEUL