Good bye London

You Are Not My Business

Hiiiiiii chapter 2 updateddd~~~ waaaah finally i could update this chapter. my hands were itchy coz i really wanted to update as soon as possible. i really want to express my imaginations and share them to all of you. fiuhh~ well no need to chit-chat. let's read the story~ enjoyy~

_______'S POV

"_______, you really gonna do this? Don't you think this is... This... Is something that you should not do." Yeli, my cousin asked me with concerned look.
"Yes, eonni, dad really, badly, want me to do this. This is his will. You know that a will can't be ignored right?" with that all i said she got more concern.
I actually do not know whether this is gonna be good or bad. But, daddy must've known,me well enough to make me do this.
"Do you know what kind of risk that maybe gonna happen? I mean you don't know what kind of things that waiting for you there."
"I. Don't. Know. Just..... Argh, i don't know either. Daddy just told me to trust him, then i trust him. Please don't judge me." i said half whining.
Know here. In airport. I try to face the fact that i am going to Korea. right? I have to leave all my friends, my house, and other things that actually made me feel like home.All of that things. I have to leave them. My friends were like pleading for me to stay.But, i couldn't. God, you took people i love and make me suffer? Great. Thanks.

Passenger of Seoul Air with flight number 87387560 please be ready in fifteen minutes.Please check your belongings and head to the gate. Thank you.

That was it. My plane. I sighed before i stood up and face Yeli. A big sigh actually.
My dearest cousin held my wrist and somehow wouldn't let it go.
"Eonni, please  i have to go. You know i have to. Whatever it takes." i pouted.
"How come i can run the agency alone? I need you here too. I am only a mo..."
"A model. I know. You know. All the corner of the world know it. And i know that youare the weirdest, food maniac, short sleeper and the most important is that YOU are the best cousin that anyone could have. So, please. I will come back as soon as possible. Iwill come back when i am ready to take all the responsible." i said with encouragement.
"No buts."
"I just wanted to say that you will call me, text me, skype me, chat me, or anything. Justto keep in contact with me right? Won't you?"
"Ofcourse, i will. I need your so-called-wise tips. And i... still need you. Still, evenwhen i am already had a beatiful, and full of happiness life there."

I grabbed my bags and straighten myself to get ready. I looked at Yeli eonni and her face were like... o_O wth....
"What is wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that? Have you drink your medicine?" i asked her with annoyed tone.
"Baby, the one that looks wrong is you! God, what is wrong with your outfit?! You are a..." i cut her.
"Eonni!! No need to say it. Okay, i know my outfit looks like old and 'wth looking' but puhleaseeee... What is it in Korea until i have to wear something good?"
"Oh baby... You will never know. I heard that Korea almost made their fashion number
1 in the world. Well at least you have to be careful. Cause, once someone knows your background, they will..." i cut her (again).
"Eonni!!! Why you? Aish. Please just shut up about it. Past must be forgotten, okay?"
"Not every past must be forgotten. There are some memories that shouldn't be forgotten.Remember that honey."
Why is she talking like this? She is sooo forget to take her medicine.


Wow. What a trip. That was really loooooooong flight. I should've invented some kind of portal or something.

I was really confused with the atmosphere here in Korea. It was like a different planet.Oh come on hello. Hello. Hello.... Earth to _______. Okay _______, you can do it. Iwalked around and find a security. I walked to him and asked for where i could get a taxi. I was speaking in Korean though. So he could understand. Well, even Korean was not my first language. Daddy taught me Korean before he died. He taught, me alots of things in this world. He was the most generous person i have ever known.

Wait, why is everybody staring at me like that? Am i weird? Or i am such a goddessso they are wowwing me?

They were staring at me... Their eyes were scary.... Uuuuugggghhh.... I dashed and looked for taxi. But what i got was only a bunch of screaming girls. They screamed likea reallllyyy high tone. 'Oppaaaaaaa!!' 'Yeobo!!!' 'SHINee, i love you!!!' those words were echoing all over the hall. I was wondering what was that 'Yeobo' 'Oppa' meant? Oppa is a pronoun to called older man right? Were they waiting for their brother? Were they really his sisters? That many?
I was having headache because of all the screams when somebody grabbed my hand andturned me back to face him/her.

What the h*ll?! Who do you think you are? Touching me like we’ve known each other for so long already.

There i was standing like idiot that is so innocent until she couldn't do anything to prevent her self from getting into a strange, maybe-dangerous man's arms.

"You seem perfect for this." was all he said to me. Then everything was out.


Daddy, help me...


Cliff hanger? Not really. i think.

btw, i updated earlier than i promised.

so, i think i deserve some times to set this aside right?

hehe i still have to write the next chapter anyway soo still, fighting for mee~

sorry if there are mistakes, grammar error, typos etc. coz i was typing like a racing woman XD

and i'm sorry jjong still hasn't appeared on this chapter. maybe next chapter?

hehe well he is the main character but...

i'm planning the ending would be..................

well you'll see hehe

i really need to shut up right now soo...

see ya on next chappy~

thanks for reading, commenting aaaannnd subscribing~

wohoooo *random dance* *kiss jjong* haha

okay i end it now

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i don't know what i'm going to write... anyone with idea? i really want to cry :(


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glitter123 #1
cant wait!
KimSulli #2
Chapter 21: U're x gone update....
Haha.he luvs seena.silly oppa.haha
Wae yo?next chap,they will be like that?
Chisaki #5
:D so Joon is finally introduced. Update please~
Chisaki #6
Update please!!!!!
#7 paparazi..
Kyaaaa.u updated...was she jealous?hehe.cant wait 4 ur next chap
Chisaki #9
Hehe I like it~ update!!!
Nica96 #10
Hehehehehehhehe. This made me smile. And test, ugh. No fun. Update as soon as you can find the time!