The War in our Hearts

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Two war-torn kingdoms are united by the wedding of their prince and princess. The peace they strived for is fragile and built on a marriage that is doomed from the very start. How long will peace last when some people would do anything to shatter it? [Crown Prince!Baekhyun x Princess!OC]

Two war-torn kingdoms are united by the wedding of their prince and princess. The peace they strived for is fragile and built on a marriage that is doomed from the very start. How long will peace last when some people would do anything to shatter it?







Baekhyun’s dark brown eyes stared at her, anger and hate burning within them. “You have never seen war, have you, Princess?” he said bitterly, spitting the last word as if it was a curse.

“I haven’t,” Soomi answered truthfully.

“Then it’s time to wake up from your ignorance. Take a long look at what you missed.” His tone was resentful, and his cold gaze made her want to run away. It left no doubt of what he thought of her. She knew even before he voiced it. “You're just as naïve as I expected. To think I had to marry someone like you to end this war... It’s ironic.”

Soomi lowered her head to hide the tears shining in her eyes. He was as terrible of a person as she had feared and didn’t make an effort to get along with her. She felt gloomy about her future; it was unlikely she would ever find happiness when not even her own husband was on her side. How would the rest of the royal family treat her? And what about the people of his kingdom? Soomi hardly believed they would accept her. She would face their scorn and sooner or later, someone would try to get her out of the way. If she was lucky, she wouldn’t have to suffer long.

Not looking up at Baekhyun, she finally found her voice and responded in a surprisingly calm tone. “I agreed to this union for the sake of my people and because I want the bloodshed to end,” she said, raising her head to meet his eyes. “I'm not as naïve as you think, Prince Baekhyun.”



  • Pairing: Baekhyun x OC
  • Genres: Romance, Historical, Drama
  • Status: Completed


The new cover was made by Myeonallo! Thank you so much for your gorgeous work!! ❤



Prompt: “People who can't sacrifice something important can never hope to change anything! - Attack on Titan


Check out my other fanfics too if you want!



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Another fanfic is finished! ❤️ Please leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts on the story 😄


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784 streak #1

Two kingdoms - will the peace last? Interesting plot. 😉👌

Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Characters: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Chapter 22: ITS SO CUTE how caelum's and lux's royal guards get along with each other, it's like the war never happened and soomi was the one who connected them together! soomi game changer fr <3
Chapter 11: originally i was going to comment after the first five chapters but i didn't realize i was already far ahead because i'm SOOO HOOKED! i love how kind and selfless soomi is and she doesnt even try to fight for her own character, only fighting back when it comes to her kingdom. T___T she takes every insult of herself but when it comes to her kingdom and family, she doesnt hesitate and i love that about her. especially how baekhyun and the knights see that very clearly -- how selfless she is <3
Chapter 21: The ending of this chap is soooo beautiful😳 Finally he confessed to her!!!! Them endearing each other by SAYING My Queen/My King>>>>>>>>>>>>>😻
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Oh nooo the king has died 😔 It must be really hard for Baekhyun. He's scared rn about throne & responsibilities. This is normal ig. Soomi is such a wonderful wife. She's trying so hard to comfort him. She's GONNA be a great queen!!
Chapter 19: They are so chaotic 😂 the knights always spread good vibes around her which is great. Baekhyun always find a reason to bring amusement on her face. He's so fond of her now sksjskdjs-
Chapter 18: They are not even safe in their own palace. So much suspense! Lord Wang is still rude asf- this guy is really suspicious.
Chapter 17: well DESERVED! Yoobin should die, there is no forgiveness for traitors. Thanks to lady Yang- I THOUGHT SHE WAS VILLAIN BUT SHE TURNED OUT TO BE AN ANGLE SKSKDKS-
Their mooshiness is so cute. I love the way she's always red whenever Baekhyun kisses her🤗.
Chapter 16: They finally kissed!!!! SHE ADMITTED THAT SHE'S ALREADY IN LOVE WITH HIM-😻 He might also confess later but oh godddd the kiss was so pleasant...😩. The nobles are so jobless, why they are always gossiping about her?! ughh & lady Yang is countiously getting herself embarrassed. That is annoying asf. Looks like Soomi & Lisa's friendship is really sailing!
Chapter 15: The hug was so comforting. THEY HUGGED EACH OTHER THE WHOLE NIGHT! oh my hearttt is exploding 💓🙈 They are perfect for each other.