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Due to an unfortunate accident, you get entangled in the crimes of a local gang. From that moment on, you constantly have to fear for your life, being stalked wherever you go. The only ray of light left in your dark days is the handsome stranger who visits your coffee shop every morning. [Criminal!Baekhyun x Reader]

Due to an unfortunate accident, you get entangled in the crimes of a local gang. From that moment on, you constantly have to fear for your life, being stalked wherever you go. The only ray of light left in your dark days is the handsome stranger who visits your coffee shop every morning. He easily steals your heart and you fall for him, unaware that he is a notorious criminal.

However, when a dangerous gang leader learns of your connection to him, he forces you to make a fatal choice. You only have two options.

How far will you go in order to survive?





  • Genres: Romance, Suspense, Action
  • Inspired by the VCR shown at Baekhyun's concert
  • Warnings: Violence

Author's Note:

Hi there!! I'm finally posting what I've been working on for weeks! This idea has been bugging me ever since Baek's concert. (I was blown away by that btw >////<) The VCR was such a great inspiration for a fanfic that I couldn't resist actually writing one. This story will be based loosely on it; I will change certain things so it's not predictable.

Copying and reposting my work is not allowed!
If you post my work on other pages without my consent, it's considered plagiarism.


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Chapter 3: Woah... I loved the whole story so much authornim.. one of the best... well written everything... fluffy, cute ,full of suspense, mystery, thrill and actions.. wow.. complete package and Rollercoaster ride... loved the way their relationship started from total strangers to lastly lovers... even though that one event and intense incident were so shocking and nerve-wracking...specifically when she was on gun point and later the plot twist moment of last shooting... that part was so heartbreaking and heartwarming cause of the situation, emotions, feelings and confession... glad that atleast they got to confess to each other.. even though it wad sudden and they had feelings for each other but that incident brought them more closer than before... so happy for them and their happy ending... it's a relief that they got their deserved happy ending..otherwise I would cry..TT TT..really enjoyed reading from beginning till end.. so catchy and interesting plot and characters... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing and lovely story ❤️..oh I guess L for love as he endearingly called oc as love.. ah.. I also loved their cute, fluffy and lovely teasing lovey-dovey moments..hehehe... 🫶😍🫰👍🙆‍♀️❤️🤗👏😍
784 streak #2
Chapter 3: This chapter was tense for a good part of it, but I really enjoyed reading it! It had literally kept me on the edge of my chair and with every paragraph I wondered what would happen next! I was afraid that she wasn't going to make it and that it was going to be a sad ending, but in the end everything was alright and they got their happily every after!


Thank you!
784 streak #3
Chapter 2: I am glad that she didn't manage to escape and that Baekhyun stopped, getting answers from her. It's good that she finally opened up to him and shed some light on the situation. There is more revealed and Baekhyun also said a few critical things, so that's good! *thumbs up* The rest of their time spent together was just adorable and so heart-warming and sweet. I. LOVE. IT. <3

But then morning came and horror struck. Beakhyun was nowhere to be found, and the person she feared the most was standing at the front door with a gun pointed at her. *sighs*

UGH! I HATE JIWON! -_- Once again, Baekhyun came to the rescue... but that cliffhanger... *sighs* Please... no...

Thank you!
784 streak #4
Chapter 1: I swear this first chapter gave me the chills! *blinks* But I loved it! I feel sorry though, living in fear is not a good thing and it's hard to live with certain things. It's a constant struggle and it causes a lot of stress. *sighs*
Baekhyun on the other hand, seems like a sweet, but an interesting guy. I believe there is more to him than meets the eye, but I won't be jumping to any conclusions yet! ^^

Looking forward to seeing what happens next! ^^
Chapter 2: hey i wanna read this fic but here it says only authors friend can read it. can someone tell me how can i read it too????
Sykrh_ #6
Chapter 3: Whenever I read your story, it felt like I'm watching a movie. I can "see" it while reading. The best part of your stories is definitely the friendship between the guys! They're always there to support him💖 and I'll never say no to Fluffy Baekhyun! It's the best😆

I have yet to watch the vcr😬 me No like tragic endings😭

Thank you again!! See you on the next fic!!😝
Chapter 3: OMG this story is so good.. Thrilling and Cute.. I love them both so much.. Both characters are perfect in their imperfections.. They are hopelessly in love.. They are not courageous but still can die for each other stupidly.. I am glad that they talked it out and didn't separated.. They were both practical with their reactions.. You write such beautiful stories.. Soon I am going to read all the rest of your stories too..
kpopkoreaforever #8
Chapter 3: Hi ! It was such a beautiful story, it felt like watching a soft action movie with the perfect amount of action and the perfect amount of romance <3 I really enjoyed reading it ! I am always amazed by all your stories and how you make up such wonderful and various plots ! Now every time I want to read a baekhyun story, I know where to look for it ;D
It's fluffy without it being too cheesy nor too much, and isn't too dark (my heart can't handle it when there is too much against XD )
Thank you for this story <3
Chapter 3: Okay so I’m gonna be frank here I’m gonna be that annoying reader you’d found in most of your stories (if not all) coz I’m checking out all of your work! They are amazingggggg I really love your way with words and also Baekhyun’s characters in all of your stories so far!
tang53 #10
Chapter 3: I just come across this story and it is amazing. I love and look forward to your other products.