Chapter 5.2

Call You My Memory




- So you've done giving it?

Yedam nods shyly. Every time he meets Doyoung, he cannot keep his cool much less was standing opposite to Doyoung at that time. His heart was jumping wildly, his face was flushed like having a sunburn, luckily Doyoung did not pay much attention to him. Doyoung is so gentle and cute, Bang Yedam will be stupid because of the kid his whole life.

Junkyu smiles a crooked smile and nods showing his praise. Then, he tiltes his head and stares at Yedam with an inquiring look.

- Did Doyoung say anything?

- I just gave him the paper and left.

Yedam looks down.

- I dunno how he reacted.

- You coward

Junkyu almost pats the book on Yedam's head.

- I've thought you had a heroic spirit for years.

- Let me be

Yedam scratches his hair, not forgetting to throw a stern look to Junkyu. Junkyu did not help but now he is here to blame.

- Everything has its limits. If you behave excessively to Doyoung, I won't forgive you.

Yoonbin has appeared behind Yedam since when. Yoonbin knew what Yedam did, so he quickly walked back to class because he believed that Bang Yedam would come here to tell the story to Kim Junkyu. Yoonbin did not dare to tell Doyoung that Yedam was one of his two best friends, it was unclear why he wanted to hide this fact. Seeing Doyoung confused when the kid showed him Yedam's paper, Yoonbin suddenly wanted to throw Yedam out.

Calmly approaching Yedam, Yoonbin returns the paper to the one sitting still at the opposite side. Junkyu snatches the paper without giving Yedam the opportunity to destroy the evidence, reads the text inside then laughing out loud. After that, he asks Yoonbin on behalf of Yedam:

- Did you meet Doyoung?

- He found me.

Yedam snatches the paper and stuffs it into his pocket deeply.

- Alright Kim Junkyu, take care of your Mashiho.

- I care for him everyday.

- Junkyu has changed.

- What?

- In the past he was always taciturn and quick-tempered.

Yoonbin laughs because of the very accurate comment from Yedam. He can also notice that Junkyu is changing better. As expected, love has a very special power.

- By the way, how about that kid?

Yoonbin rolls his eyes and wonders who is the kid Yedam is talking about. Yedam obviously asked that question when looking at him.

- Park Jihoon

- You called my Jihoon "that kid"?

- Hey Ha Yoonbin, doesn't Bang Yedam have any principles? He dares to touch the lover of an elite boy.

Junkyu adds one more statement mainly to ironize Yoonbin, but Yoonbin is still like before that he is calm frighteningly.

- Jihoon was discharged last night.

- Are you gonna go to his house tonight? - Yedam asks.

- *nodding*

- Give my best regards to him.

Hearing that, Junkyu pulls up his eyebrows. He pokes Yedam's arm then saying:

- You want Jihoon and Doyoung to give you a feeling look.

- I don't. But that's a good idea.

- Yoonbin hyung

Seeing Doyoung, Yedam immediately turns away and finds way to hide under the desk. Junkyu has no other way but to hold his friend's collar and hoist him up. What the kind of man is this? Overly shy.

- Look up. And I'll go find Mashi.



Eating hurriedly to back to class in time, Mashiho cannot stop looking at his watch. Because of having an urgent matter before, he started his meal late. Eating in a hurry spoils his appetite.

- Take it easy.

Hearing the voice and knowing that is Junkyu's, Mashiho can only wonder why Junkyu could find out him even when he went far to here.

- Why are you staring at me?

Mashiho chooses not to answer Junkyu's question. The form teacher invited the leader or deputy leader from each group to meet him, but why Mashiho must go instead of Kim Junkyu? Junkyu would rather make idle chat about human's life with his friend in the classroom than go to the teachers' room, so Mashiho was forced to become a replacement, coercively, like the first days Junkyu was at odds with him.

- Are you angry with me?

Junkyu carefully observes Mashiho's eyes.

- Being angry has no benefit for me.

Mashiho wants to return Junkyu the notebook but he is stopped by Junkyu's hand.

- You can give it back later. I have a thing to say.

- Give it straight.

- Hang out with me tonight.

Mashiho shakes his head without thinking.

- I'm busy.

- That's an order, you musn't refuse.

- ...

- Just view it as my compensation to you because I asked you to help me attending the meeting.

Not knowing what Junkyu intends to compensate, Mashiho is half suspicious and half curious. He is still watchful over Junkyu although there has been many times he believed that Junkyu was not bad. Maybe it is because Junkyu is unpredictable, he has full of calculation and tricks to achieve his target and noticeably, his current target is Mashiho. Thinking to here, Mashiho puts hand on his chin and sighs. His mind is in a complete haze that has turned into the emptiness.

Junkyu also tiltes his head and rests chin in the palm of his hand, following Mashiho. In Junkyu's eyes now is the image of a kid who is thoughtful like having lost in his own world. Mashiho's eyes apparently wink once per second, his plump white cheek is covered by his chubby small hand. Mashiho's mouth moves without pausing from left to right as if there was something making difficulties for him.

- Why don't you answer me?

- What are you gonna do to compensate?

Mashiho looks at Junkyu with expectation.

- Take a walk and buy food for you

- Ok

- You like eating Tteokbokki and drinking Coca.

- You know that?

Junkyu will not confess that he peeped at Mashiho's yearbook written when the kid studied in Japan last year. Mashiho will give Junkyu a strong slap if the kid knows it? Maybe.

- Because I'm Kim Junkyu. So deal it. I'll pick you up tonight.

- I didn't agree.

Junkyu leans closer to Mashiho's face and that gives the kid goosebumps.

- I told you it's an order.

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Chapter 3: Uh oh...Mashiho really likes Yoonbinie hyung...Kyu, do something.