Nothing Better Than This pt.III

Letter of Confession

Jaejoong blushed after hearing the message and also from embarrassment.. The two maknaes started teasing him. While Yunho is smiling so wide that he have to cough to hide it. "Ooooooh"s can be heard around. Another tap in his shoulder was felt. Another letter was handed. He opened it and smiled.

So I kind, sorta, maybe like you alot more than i originally planned. What are you gonna do about it?

He chuckled. He leaned back a little bit but didn't get that far, he felt something blocking him. He looked to the left and found Junsu. He looked to the right and found Changmin. Both looking over his shoulder, eyes directed to the paper. It took him two seconds to realize what they are looking at; and when he did he quickly crumpled it then give both of them a smack in the head. They withdrew with a pout and both have hands where Jaejoong smacked.

"Umma! what did you do that for?" Changmin whined.

"Hey! I didn't teach you to interfere other people's business." He said glaring at the younger man. "And you!" he said turning to Junsu. "You're suppose to teach him something more mature since you're older." 

"We're just curious." He said in a matter of fact tone. "And it's not like you say what's on the letter's that U.Y. guy is giving you. " He said, then turned his head to glare at Yunho- the other man just raised both his hands in a surrendering pose.

"Well, maybe because i don't want to share it to you." He said that started packing his things. "Aisssshhh. Whatever."

"Hey! Hey! Where are you going? We still have 30 minutes of lunch left." Junsu asked.

"Away from you." Jaejoong snapped.

"Whoa! whoa! whoa! umma! way to be mean." Changmin has his hands up, looking at the other student with half hurt, half happy hurt *because of the letter*

Jaejoong just rolled his eyes at him. Junsu sighed.

"Hey! I'm sorry okay, we're just curious." 

"Fine. But i'm going." He said then slung his bag in his shoulder and was about to walk away when a certain voice stopped him.

"Wait! I'll go with you." Jaejoong looked back and saw Yunho packing up. His heart started doing summersault.

Yunho jogged to him then smiled, "Ke, Thanks for waiting."

All eyes are watching them, both In envy and in jealousy.

Then he slung his arm on Jaejoong's shoulder. Jaejoong blushed then bowed his head to hide it. Unknown to the blushing guy, Yunho had his other hand up in a peace sign, as if saying a message to the ones left at the table. The trio just shook their head. Junsu had a knowing smile in his face.

"What's up hyung? What's with that expression?" Changmin asked innocently. Junsu shook his head,  "Nothing, I'm just pretty sure that tomorrow there will be a new couple" 

"What do you mean?" Yoochun asked, an eyebrow raised. (A/n: i just realized this is the first time Yoochun talked in the story.) Junsu leaned back to his chair.

"Nothing. I'm just sure those two will start dating each other." He said calmly.

"Oh! so you knew?" Changmin said while nodding. Yoochun just looked at them confused.

"There's something that you guys aren't telling me." He said in a sulky tone.

Junsu leaned back to the table, followed by the other two. "Do you know the U.Y. guy that has been sending Jaejoong hyung those letters and gifts." He whispered. Yoochun nodded.

"Well that guy is Yunho hyung." He said then leaned back on the chair. Both hands behind his head with a smile.

"Aah~ I see" Yoochun nodded in understanding. Changmin went back to his food, and Junsu laughed his famous dolphin laugh.

Yunho and Jaejoong walked out of the cafeteria, Yunho's arms are still in Jaejoong's shoulder, seems like he has no plan letting go soon.. Everyone in the hallway has their eyes casted on them. Jung Yunho. One of the most popular guy in the school is with the beautiful "nerd" of the school. Now that's something new to talk about. Every person they passed started whispering at each other. Jaejoong felt everyone's eyes on them, he bowed his head down then faked coughed.

"Are you sick?" Yunho asked, looking down at the beautiful man. Worried written on his face.

"Uhhhmmmm.. n-no" he stuttered. "I-it's just, y-you're arm. It's still in my s-shoulder." he continued, blush still not leaving his cheeks.

"O-oh! right!" Yunho answered in realization. He slowly removed his hand then moved it on the back of his head to scratch it. "heh! sorry. I didn't realize that." He smiled, hands slowly holding Jaejoong's which made the him blush more than he is. Jaejoong tried to move his hand but the other held on it tighter. "so, where are you going?"

"uhhm.. i-i was going to the library, but i-i guess i'll just go to t-the f-field to s-study." He said still stuttering. He looked at the people around them then realized that some of the girls has been glaring at him since the latter took his hands.

"i-i guess, i'll go first, see you later Yunho" he said then, snatched back his hand back then broke into a run.

Yunho pouted. He really wanted to be with Jaejoong. This was the DAY! the day he'll confess. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and he really wanted to be with the other for that day. Yunho stopped in the stairs, then sat, he pulled out a red stationary paper, cut it in half then started to write on it. After he was done, he folded all of them and put two of them to his pocket and the other one he just held it in his hands. He stood up and walked to the field where he found Jaejoong with a thick book on his lap and earphones on both ears but his eyes are focused on the road near the field. He sneaked up to him, he walked slowly and quietly.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~~~~!!!!!!!!!" Jaejoong jumped out from where he was sitting, earphones yanked away from where it was. "AAAAARGHGHHHH!!!" he groaned then crouched down to touch his foot where the THICK book fell. Yunho widened his eyes then walked hurriedly to Jaejoong.

"Oh ! Jaejoong! are you okay?" Yunho looked out at his foot, wincing on how it looked painful.


"! i'm soo sorry" Yunho said, panicking- the least he can do before he can confess is to make Jaejoong mad at him. He helped Jaejoong sit back down. "I'm really sorry" He said again as he massage the foot.

"ahh~ it's okay. Sorry, i yelled at you." Jaejoong apologized, Yunho smiled in understanding. "Heh, I'm sorry too. It's my fault for scaring you like that" 

"Oh~ yeah." Jaejoong said, then smacked Yunho's shoulder which made the latter wince then rubbed the smacked part with a pout. "That pout is not gonna work on me mister. Next time don't scare me like that, What if i fall in here then bump my head on one of the sits. Are you going to pay for my hospital bills?" He nagged, picking up the dropped book, settling it in his lap then picked up his iPod to pause the song he was listening.

"Hey, I already said sorry." Yunho said in a cute tone which made the other melt. "Forgive me~ forgive me~ forgive me~" He continued, hands glued together in a praying pose with his eyes his eyes on Jaejoong. The latter just chuckled then instantly melted.

"Fine, Just move your face away." he said while shoving Yunho's face on the other side. He acted like he was disgusted, but inside he was jumping up and down like he a kid who tasted his first candy. Yunho faked a hurt face.

"Wow! i didn't know you are this mean. I thought you were kind, beautiful, nice, intellegent, and kind, and really Kind, and KIND!" Yunho said his left hand wiping his fake tears while the other hand was clutching his chest. Jaejoong can't stop smiling inside.

"I was said to give this to you," He pulled out a paper from his pocket then waved it in front of Jaejoongs face. "But since you are mean to me, I decided not to." He teased as he watch Jaejoong watch the paper in his hand. He was about to put it back in his pocket when he was stopped by Jaejoong's hands. He looked back at the latter and realized that he was still staring at the paper. I guess he really is curious to know who am i, Yunho thought.

"Who gave this to you?" Jaejoong asked as his eyes divert from the paper to Yunho's face. He waited for some seconds, waiting for the other to tell him but the other did not answer.

"Why should i tell you? You were mean to me a while ago." Yunho continued to .

"fine, I'm sorry okay." It's just that your face is too handsome to look at, my eyes is about to go blind because of the brightness, He continued in his mind. He had to bite his underlip to prevent himself to tell the other that. Yunho looked at the other's lips and unconciously his lips. "Now will you tell me who gave this to you?" Jaejoong tried asking again. And now it succeeded. Yunho was caught on the bait,

"I don't know, he said to tell you that his name was U.Y." He said, acting like he don't know who it was from.

"Oh, OKAY! now can you give it to me?" Jaejoong said with a cute expressuib and hands extended, waiting the other to put the paper on the awaiting hands. Yunho turned his head to look at the latter, which he totally regretted, he can't take Jaejoong's expression. It was too cute to handle,

"Aiish! Fine, here." He surrendered then handed the paper. Jaejoong took it excitedly, then opened it. It was another quote.

I wish you would sneak up behind me, and whisper in my ears, the things i've been dying to hear.

Yunho peered over the latter, acting like he doesn't know what's in it.

"What does it say?" He asked, but Jaejoong just held it near his chest hiding it away from Yunho. Though the other already know what was written on it. Yunho raised his hand, acting like he's surrendering.

"Okay! don't tell me" he pouted.

The two stayed there until the bell rang. Yunho had been extremely cute all this time, he can't take his hands of Jaejoong's hands. They stood up from the bleachers, And like the last time, Yunho took Jaejoong's book, and now even the bag.

"Yah! Give me my things back" Jaejoong said while pulling at the bag that was already on the latter's shoulder. Yunho is being weird today, he thought.

"Just let me carry it, just take it as another apology about your foot. And  besides, we're in the same class anyways." Yunho said holding tightly on the strap of both bags then extended his arm, offering help for the other which Jaejoong gladly accepted.

He helped Jaejoong go down the bleachers. When they reached down they started walking to their class, walking side by side each other. The other student's faces were like the once before he went outside. It was scary, everyone was looking at them. They reached their class, then Yunho helped Jaejoong walk to his desk. He said down all the other's stuff.

"Are you sure you're okay? Is you foot still hurting? he asked. Jaejoong puffed out his cheeks and nodded yes.

" Okay, if you say so, See you later then, Angel" Jaejoong widened his eyes in the nickname but stayed his cool. Then Yunho walked off to his sit.

Few minutes later after Yunho left Jaejoong alone, He called one of his classmates, handed a paper and then said to give it to Jaejoong. Then adviced that when the other asked who was it from or if who gave it, just say it was given by a man named U.Y. The student gladly did was he was told to, then walked to leave, he glance in Yunho, then the other gave him a thumbs up. He watched Jaejoong open the paper and the changing expression.

My Universe will never the same, I'm glad you came.

Jaejoong shook his head then smiled, this guy is really something. The teacher for the fourth period came. then he started the lesson.



how many times have i said that the next chapter will be the last chapter ??

Gosh! this was supposed to be the last but why it wasn't??

This was supposed to be the final but i cutted it of so yeah.

Please wait for the last chapter,

Anyways, i hope you understand

and please go here and vote !

Thank you for reading!! 

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Hello! everyone please read the comment i left on this story! This thing can only hold less than 300 words so i couldnt say what i really wanted. 💕


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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 12: Oh nooo... so yunjae got together is just a dreammm??
Pleasee, is there a sequel for this fics???
(^_^)v here again...
Brownsugar40 #3
Chapter 12: Please update.
Hello Everyone! This story is already 5 years old. The idea popped in my head as i was thinking of confessing to the guy i liked back then; but i didnt do it. I was too scared. ANYWAY~ i just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU! To everyone that has read, reading and the ones that will read this story. I was just reading and re-reading all the comments; you guys have no idea how much your comments cheer me up. To be honest i have stopped writing for a few years now and has been on a writer’s block for the past 4-5 yrs but your comments gives me the will and inspiration to start writing again. THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE! I wish i could all give you hugs for all the love you gave for my story. ❤️?
Chapter 12: even after this many years it still gets people. It's so fluffy I love it *^^*
i know its been 4-5 years since this was written but i cant stop myself to be like junsu giggling all over. This is a normal cliche story but you make it so amazingly wonderful to be read at and you gave me the feeling of going back to highschool. you were indeed awesome!
Brownsugar40 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the story I enjoyed it
Chapter 12: Thanks for sharing a beautiful story...
Chapter 5: More things will happen with just one kiss :D
Chapter 4: Why do I have different feeling when I read this story before? :p