Nothing Better Than This

Letter of Confession

In a blink of an eye, it's already Monday. I had a hard time going to sleep last night, still can't decide if i should tear it or not. There's a part of me that wants to  but another part of me says that i shouldn't. I slept at 1 and woke up at 5. WOW! this freaking "U.Y." is making me think to much. Ugh! and why am i thinking? It's  not like he's Yunho.

ah.. Yunho..

Almost four years of unrequited love. There won't be a way that he's going to like me. I wonder why am i waiting? why am i not making a move? I don't even know myself. I already know. There is no us for me and Yunho.

I stood up from my bed. Went to the bathroom. Stripped from my clothes then went under the shower. After i was done, I went to my closet where my uniform was hung. I put it on, then walked to the mirror, i fixed my hair then i was done. I went downstairs and grabbed two toast, then grabbed my things, went out of the door then locked it. I pulled out my phone and called Junsu.

" Hey! morning, where are you ?... oh! yeah?... Let's go to school together.. Yeah i'm sure.... what suddenly? i've always been like this.... What ever,.. and i wanted to talk about something.. yeah.. it's about the admirer guy... Ok.. i'll be there in 10 mins.. i'll call you when i arrive... Yeah see you later." 

I ended the call went to the garage and opened the door, i walked to my car door and opened it. When i was inside, I started the engine then i was off to Junsu's.

7 minutes later..

I pulled out in Junsu's drive way, I honked at him two times and he looked out his window and signaled his going down. Few seconds later he came outside, he locked his door, then turned to me with a grin, i just smiled back. He went inside the car and put his seatbelt on.

"Hey hyung!"

"hey.." i said with a not-in-the-mood tone.

"What's with the tone." he slapped my arm a little too hard causing me to wince. " Aren't you excited, you're going to meet your Prince Charming."

He looks more excited than me about knowing the mystery guy.

"Why are you so excited?" i said a little annoyed. "It's not like i'm going to answer him, he's not Yunho. So why bother. Did i tell you I'm planning to rip themmmppfff..." before i can finish my sentence, I felt a hand covered my mouth.

"Don't you dare rip that freaking paper or else." He said with a serious look. I removed his hand from my mouth.

"Or else what" I challenged.

"I'll rip your Yunho's hair out then rip your head off after." He said, not looking at me but to the road ahead. I widened my eyes. Then i laughed, not taking his threat seriously.

"Come on Junsu. You're not serious, are you?" I asked suddenly chills creeping in my skin.

"Try me." he said then turned to glare at me. If looks can kill, We'll be in an accident now. I smiled nervously.

"Ok, calm down.. So what do you want me to do?"

"It's your decision. But i am telling you now, If you rip that paper in that gate, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." He said then turned to look at the window.

 He left me thinking there. What should i do. Should i just dump the guy indirectly? Aissshhh...

I drove to the parking lot and found a vacant one. I parked the car and went out of it. Junsu and i walked to the gates. My heart thumping like crazy. I wish i won't regret this decission. My feet feels heavy as we near the gates. 

One step..

another one...

and another one... 

and then another one..

then another onee...

We were abiut 5 steps away from the gate when Junsu pulled me back with a really serious look.

"Hyung, no matter what don't rip the paper."  

Yunho's P.O.V.

The day that will change my life finally came. I am so nervous. Many thoughts started to fill my mind. The one that stands out is "IS HE GOING TO TEAR IT?". I am really nervous. I got ready and started to walk to school. While i walk in the side walk, i tried to think of other things, but my mind still keeps flying back to the possibility of him tearing the paper. 

In no time, i reached the school's gate. I took a deep breath before going in. I came a little too early, there's not that much students yet. I walk to the shed where you can see the gates. I sat on the bench attached to it and pulled a paper and pencil and started writing. I finished two letters, then I took out a stationary paper to write a poem. You must be thinking. How can someone fall just by reading poems right? So i decided, if he didn't tear the paper, I would give hints then confess tomorrow- Valentine's day. Yep! i will. Too long huh. I know, but i have plans settled.

Slowly the students started to fill the school. Time is ticking and any minute he can walk in. I paced back and fort.

"Hey hyung!" I jumped in shock. It made my heart jump. I clutched my chest and panted hard. 

"OHHH MYYYY GOOOOD! CHANGMIN!" I hissed. "Are you trying to kill me from heart attack?"

Instead of apologizing, he just smiled at me innocently which made my annoyance to another level.

"hehe! Hi hyung, Good morning." he greeted with an oh-so-innocent smile. I didn't answer him and just glared at him.

"What?" he asked then raised both his arms.

"If you don't like me, just tell me. Don't kill me from heart attack! you idiot!" I snapped at him.

"What did i do? I just said hi, is that a bad thing?" He said with teary eyes. I began to panic.




"UWAAAAAAAAAAAH!" he sobbed, his hands rubbing he's wet eyes.

"Y-yah! I was j-just surprised, okay. Don't cry" I said as i put my hand in his shoulder. I moved my hand to his head and ruffled his hair. "Forgive, hyung. Okay?" I said with a little smile in my face. Hoping he would stop crying. But he still didn't. I sighed, i just know one thing to make him stop.

"I'll buy you lunch and snacks later, so stop crying now please." And that did the trick, he stopped crying. He went back to his happy expression. "OKAY!!!!"

I glanced at the gate and saw Junsu pulling Jaejoong. He has a serious expression in his face. I watched every step he took, i sighed. He never fails to make my heart jump everytime. 

End of P.O.V.

Yunho continued to watch Jaejoong. While Jaejoong is started walking again. His hand inside his pocket, clutching the letter, As he stepped in the middle of the gate. He pulled the letter out of the pocket, still holding at it tightly. Yunho, was still watching him, heart beating fast and loud, about to explode. His breath starting to shorten. He watched Jaejoong's every move.

Jaejoong on the other hand is still looking at the paper in his hand. Still questioning himself.

Tear or not..

Tear or not..

Tear or not... 

Tear or not...

Yunho, is still watching, his lips going upwards, turning into a really wide smile.

"Hyung?! what are you doing?" Changmin asked his hyung then looked from his shoulder, then turned to his hyung again. A weird expression plastered on his face. "You know you look like a obsessed stalking watching a star's every move right." He commented as he watch Yunho's expressions.

Jaejoong sighed, he can feel everyone's attention was directed at him. Maybe they're all wondering why i am standing in the middle of the gate  staring at a freaking paper in his hand, he thought. He put the crumpled paper on his pocket, looked up then resumed his walk to his locker.

Yunho, on the other hand suddenly jumped then did a happy dance, startling his dongsaeng, who has a dumbfounded look on his face. Yunho looked at him with a dorkily happy smile.

"Changmin-ah! You know Jaejoong, right?" He asked eagerly. The latter nodded, "You know where his locker is, right?" again the other man nodded again. "Can you do me a favor?" he asked again, while doing an aegyo. Changmin looked at him, with a disguted expression.

"Okay! okay! just move your ugly face away from me." Yunho just pouted and pulled a box and a paper from his bag, Then handed it to Changmin, his face immediately lit up. "Can you give it to Jaejoong for me? Go now before he leave." Changmin just frowned and started to walk to his mission. But before he walk too far he looked back.

"You still owe me lunch and snacks, okay?" Yunho just raised his thumb up with a smile.

to be continued...

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Hello! everyone please read the comment i left on this story! This thing can only hold less than 300 words so i couldnt say what i really wanted. 💕


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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 12: Oh nooo... so yunjae got together is just a dreammm??
Pleasee, is there a sequel for this fics???
(^_^)v here again...
Brownsugar40 #3
Chapter 12: Please update.
Hello Everyone! This story is already 5 years old. The idea popped in my head as i was thinking of confessing to the guy i liked back then; but i didnt do it. I was too scared. ANYWAY~ i just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU! To everyone that has read, reading and the ones that will read this story. I was just reading and re-reading all the comments; you guys have no idea how much your comments cheer me up. To be honest i have stopped writing for a few years now and has been on a writer’s block for the past 4-5 yrs but your comments gives me the will and inspiration to start writing again. THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE! I wish i could all give you hugs for all the love you gave for my story. ❤️?
Chapter 12: even after this many years it still gets people. It's so fluffy I love it *^^*
i know its been 4-5 years since this was written but i cant stop myself to be like junsu giggling all over. This is a normal cliche story but you make it so amazingly wonderful to be read at and you gave me the feeling of going back to highschool. you were indeed awesome!
Brownsugar40 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the story I enjoyed it
Chapter 12: Thanks for sharing a beautiful story...
Chapter 5: More things will happen with just one kiss :D
Chapter 4: Why do I have different feeling when I read this story before? :p