Letter of Confession


 The lesson flew by pretty fast, and in a second everyone was packing their stuff. Jaejoong felt another tap in his shoulder. He looked up and saw, Yunho smiling at him.

"Hey! you ready to go?"

"Why? where are we going?" Jaejoong asked, completely confused about how the other is treating him.

For the whole day the Kingka has been nothing but cute and touchy. It was weird. The most popular guy hanging out and being cutesy to a nerd *a freakingly beautiful and hot one*.

"Well, aren't you going to your last period class?" Yunho answered as if it was the most obvious answer- well, it actually is.

"As far as i can remember, we don't have the last period together." Jaejoong said, with a thinking face on. Yunho rolled his eyes because the other student is too slow to catch up. Is he really one of the nerds of this school? He pondered.

"Jaejoong, you know there is only five minutes to class and you're still here staring at me like an idiot. Are you planning to go ? or just skip your next class?" Yunho said calmly while Jaejoong widened his eyes.

"HOLY CRAP!!! why didn't you tell me?" 

"Well, fir-" Before he can finish his sentence a hand pulled him.

Jaejoong stood up then broke into a run. Not forgetting to pull Yunho with him out of reflex. Shoving every student who's in their way. They ran to the end of the hallway- a really long one where Jaejoong's class was.

"Hey Jaejoong! slow down" Yunho said but the other wasn't listening. "Jaejoong!"

They reached the end of the hall and thankfully the class hasn't started yet. Jaejoong stopped, both bend down hands on their knees.

"HaAAAH.. HAAAH.. HAAAh.." They panted. Jaejooong turned to Jaejoong. Surprised that the other is with him.

"HAAAH..Why haaaah are,.. you here? Isn't your class downstairs?"

"You haahhh.. pulled me in here.. haaaahh ... and how haaahhh... did you know haahhh.. my class is down stairsss.. haaahhh.." He said. Panting. Almost out of breath.

"I did? I'm so sorry!" Jaejoong said looking down. His cheeks started to burn.

Now everyone in class is now looking at them from the windows and the door. Everyone watching and listening to what they are talking about.

"Well, It's okay. You were rushing. I can't blame you." Yunho said with a kind smile, his eyes looking down lovingly at the other man. Everyone can see it except for the beautiful student. "Anyways, i got to get going, i have to go down, i might be late already." 

Jaejoong stood up straight, already recovered from the running. "Ohh, okay. I'm sorry i pulled you this far." 

Jaejoong felt a hand in his head. He looked up(?) to the other and saw a loving smile.

"Silly! it's okay." Yunho said, chuckling because of the cuteness of the other, he leaned down and gave a kiss on the other's cheek. Everyone have their jaws on the floor, shocked by the sudden move of their beloved kingka. Jaejoong is stunned, he was frozen. He can't move from the where he was standing.

"See you later okay?." Yungho said and left. He turned to the stunned students and winked, his finger in his lips. Some students snapped out of their trance and squeeled like a going on a sudden brake.

Jaejoong is still standing, eyes dazed. A hand automatically going up to his kissed cheek. He started walking and went inside the classroom. His every move was watched by his classmates. He reached his chair and sat down still dazed.

"HEY! YOU!" a furious voice woke up Jaejoong from his trance. "Are you that great to have Yunho kiss you?" A pale girl with a beautiful hazel eyes strode furiously to Jaejoong. It was Go Ara, the Queenka- or so she call herself. She is known to have a really big crush for the school's mighty Kingka. Looking at her expression, it is obvious that the girl saw what Yunho did.

"What do you think you're doing? Leeching around my Yunho?" She exclaimed as she slam her hands on Jaejoong's table. The beautiful student looked at her with wide eyes, obviously frightened at the said girl. He looked behind her and there she saw four other girls with their arms crossed in their chest and was looking at him with a y expression.

"I-i d-didn't do a-anything" Jaejoong stuttered. His only wish for now was for the teacher to come in. Ara scoffed at what he said.

"Are you kidding me? Didn't do anything?!!! You let him kiss you in your disgusting cheek. Of course, you didn't do anything." She said as she leaned closer to Jaejoong who leaned back. "What you did was unforgivable. And if i see you again together, I will ruin your life." 

She was about to lean more closer when a hand stopped her and pushed her head back. She stumbled and got caught by her "friends:"

"WHAT THE-" Ara stood back up and was about to punch the person who pushed her, but the other caught her fist and squeezed it really hard.

"If i were you, i would think about what will happen next if you lay a hand on me or him" The girl said then pointed at Jaejoong. Jaejoong looked at his saviour. She was about as tall as him and has a pair of captivating cat eyes. Ara crossed her arms in her chest, with a mocking expression in her face. Jaejoong looked at one of them, back and forth.

"And who are you supposed to be? Wonder Woman?" She laughed and was followed by her followers.

"You don't have to know and i dont want you to know. A like you isn't worth it to know who i am." the cat-eyed girl calmly answered. "Now go back to the dumpster where you came from before i erase that fugly face of yours." Ara was taken aback on what she heard. She stomped her foot, she produced a sound of angriness then started to walk to her sit.

"Oh! and one more thing" The cat-eyed girl turned to her. "Yunho is not yours, and whatever you do he will NEVER, remember NEVER be yours." she said with a grin which left Ara's jaw drop. Her fist clenched, she flipped her hair and walked dramatically to her chair.

The cat-eyed girl just shook her head. She looked at Jaejoong and showed a warm smile.

"Hey! I'm Boa." She said as she extended her hand. Jaejoong shyly took it.

"I-i'm J-jaejoong, "

"I know" Jaejoong looked at her confusedly.

"t-thank you for s-saving me few minutes ago." He said. She laughed.

"It was nothing. Oh! before i forget. Someone wanted to give this to you." She said as she extended a paper to Jaejoong's direction. Jaejoong looked at it. It was the same color as the previous letters.

"W-was it f-from U.Y.?" He asked as he took it. Boa's eyes lightened.

"OMO! how did you know?"

"A-ah nothing, it was because he was giving me letters and gifts for the past 3 days."

"Oh, i see, U.Y. Is a cheesy guy eh?" She said as if she knew something. Jaejoong looked at her and was about to ask her what she meant when the teacher came- who is 15 minutes late,

"Well, gotta go" she smiled again.

Jaejoong nodded and muttered thank you. He looked at the paper in his hands and opened it.

I just wanna hold your hands and be all cute and stuff. Yes, I am lame like that.

Jaejoong reread it again and again. He was once again confused. Hold my hands? had he held my hand? The only person who held my hand today was Yunho. He thought. Naaah, that's impossible. He shrugged it off and scanned the paper. He found another note.

If you want to know who i am, don't go home immediately ^^. Meet me in the field after you go to your locker.

I will definitely get your heart and you'll be mine.


Jaejoong folded the paper and put it in his pocket. Through the whole period his mind was roaming around what his admirer said. The feelings was like few days ago, except he has shorter time to think about it. .


The bell rang for the last time, another day has finished. It was the weirdest day so far for Jaejoong. His mystery admirer wanted him to go and meet him. He thought about it, and it turns out that he's curious about the identity. He pulled out his phone, typed a message, went through contacts, found Junsu's number then pressed send. He went to his locker, opened it and put the things that he doesn't need.

"Hi Hyung!" Jaejoong jumped in shock. It's the second time for the day.


"Whoa whoa whoa! calm down hyung, it's not a big deal. You're still alive, no harm done." Junsu said as he leaned to the lockers. Jaejoong ignored him and continued packing his stuff.

"Sooo... are you going to tell me why you texted me to come here?" He asked looking down at his friend who was on the floor.

" You know the admirer guy?" Jaejoong asked looking up at the latter.

"Yeah, why?" He answered. Eyes sparkling in happiness. For he knew who the admirer was.

"Well, he sent me another letter, asking me to go meet him in the field before i go home." Jaejoong said continuing what he was doing.

"That doesn't tell me why you texted me though." Junsu said crossing his arms in his chest.

"I wanted to ask you if you can come with me." He whispered why looking at his stuff on the floor.

"What? I didn't hear you." Junsu said, hand behind his ear.

"I said, I wanted you to come with me, that's why i asked you to come here." Jaejoong said louder than before while glaring at his friend.

"What if I don't want to?" The other asked as he looked away hiding his smile. Jaejoong locked his locker and slung his bag in his shoulders.

"Nothing, 'cause wether you like it or not you're coming with me" Jaejoong turned to his friend, grabbed his wrist then started walking.

"What's the point of asking me then." Junsu asked, irritated.

"It's more formal that way.."

"Pfsh.. formal my " He "whispered" which the other clearly heared and glared at the other.

The two continued to walk till they reached the gate of the school field. There was no one in there. Jaejoong looked at Junsu but the other just shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you sure he's meeting you here?" Junsu asked.

"That's what the letter said." Jaejoong answered hand pulling the letter out of his pocket then showed it to Jaejoong. The other student took the letter and read it.

"Hyung, it says here that you should go in the middle of the field and wait there."  Junsu said. Pretending to read the letter. Then looked at Jaejoong with raised eyebrow. Jaejoong just looked at him cluelessly.


"WHAT? WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE? MOVE YOUR FREAKING AND GO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD." Junsu snapped, frustrated at his friend's slowness.

"Ok, Ok.. Geez, no need to shout at me" Jaejoong grumbled as he turned to the gate and hesitantly walked in. He looked back at Junsu, but just saw the other shooing him. He pouted then turned to the field. He resumed walking. He reached the middle of the field and just stood and waited there.

Heart beating so fast, it feels like it's about to explode...

Breathing started to get uneven...

Dark clouds started to cover the sunlight...

He looked around the field but there was no one.

One by one students started to walk in the field and stood all around him, which made him a little nervous. What's going on? he thought to himself but he knew no one's going to answer him. Out of no where every one started singing.

Even if I wake up from my sleep.
It feels like I’m dreaming,
My finger is still cut with your fragrance
Your soft lips, that night,
Because we were so shy we didn’t say anything.
I’ve felt my heart
for the first time so full of this fluttering,

I’m your man

Jaejoong looked confused, (a/n: wow! i used this word too much in this story.. there are also other words >.<)

Over every night and over every day
Stay by my side only.
Will you become my boyfriend
To fill the empty left side of my heart?
Look carefully, you’re inside my eyes.

I’m only a heartbeat away

10 minutes earlier...

Yunho's heart was beating fast as each student walked in the field. He got a text from Junsu telling him they were in the field already. After reading it, he signaled a student. The P.A. system got everyone's attention.

Attention students, just one brief end of the day announcement. Jung Yunho, is asking for help. The people who can help, please meet him in the atrium. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Yunho stood in the atrium. He's thoughts running around how he's going to do this confession. All this time he hid under the name U.Y. terrified. That's another word to describe it. What if he says no. Shaking his head, Yunho caught a silhouette. He looked up and saw ten to fifteen students standing awkwardly in front of him. He beamed at them.

"so you guys really wanted to help me?" He asked and everyone nodded.

"OK!" He clapped his hand. "So, I wanted to confess to this person." He heard gasps and whispers. " Ok, settle down  guys. You agreed to help right. There is no backing out in this." Some looked down, but nodded. He handed out papers for each one. "I just need you guys to sing this for me." He gave them the instruction and a promise that he'll treat each one of them tomorrow.

He watched each students walk out the door. He took a deep breath, hand playing with a box. He hid under the bleachers as he watch the Jaejoong's expressions.

Even the boring days
I just laugh and get over them
And for just the days we promised to meet,
I wait everyday.
As I’m loving you,
I must be becoming more like you.
This side of me that
I’ve never seen is awkward.
This fluttering that I’ve felt
For the first time so full in my heart

So that I can feel it.

Over every night and over every day
stay by my side only.
Will you become my boyfriend,
To fill the empty left side of my heart?
Look carefully, you’re inside my eyes.
I’m only a heartbeat away
Jaejoong looked to his left and right. Wondering why they were doing this,
Silently close your eyes and turn around.
The wind carries these words (my voice)
The students stopped singing,  they divided in two. Making way for Jung Yunho. Who was singing too.
“I love you so much, my heart might explode..”
I’m the only your heartbeat
The students resumed singing, as Yunho walked to Jaejoong. The latter was speechless, he was watching the other as he walk to him.
Every night, everyday
The world becomes more beautiful.
The moment I saw you,
You were the biggest present
the heavens have sent me.
You’re my only one.
Over every night and over every day
Stay by my side only.
Will you become my boyfriend
To fill the empty left side of my heart?
Look carefully, you’re inside my eyes.
I’m only one
Then Yunho finished. Eyes looking directly at the other student`s eyes.
I’m here to love you
I’m only one heartbeat away

Yunho reached for Jaejoong`s frozen hands. Jaejoong looked at the hands then to Yunho. The taller student smiled lovingly at him. The beautiful student tried to pull out but failed. The hand only tightened.

"What is this?" Jaejoong asked really confused on what is happening. He is standing in the field where U.Y. told him to meet. The other was not here but Yunho is. Don't tell me... No it can't be... He denied to himself.

"I've been inlove with you for a long time." Yunho started which earned another few gasps from the students, he looked down and saw a shocked pair of beautiful doe eyes.

"I know it's silly but, I have fallen for you because of your voice. You have the cutest eyes under your thick glasses. Then I learned that you were friends with Junsu, we kind of got closer. And well i got to know you better. This past weeks i told my self i can't do this anymore. Then i decided to ask Junsu for help and well some of our classmates and school mates too. I asked them to give you the letters and the gifts. And now, here I am here standing in front of you." He kneeled on one knee. He looked up to Jaejoong

"Asking you to be my Boyfriend. Are you going to say yes?" He pulled out a small box and opened it. There it lies a simple silver single ring with a small heart in it.

(a/n: I know it's a crappy confession but hey i tried. It's hard to confess when you're hearing war stuff >.< )

Jaejoong looked at the man, eyes starting to get teary.




Tears started to fall down uncontrollably. He bit his bottom lips. Then nodded then smiled. Everyone started to cheer and clap. Yunho beamed at him. He stood up, pulled the ring out of the box, reached for Jaejoongs right hand then happily slipped the ring, then looked at the other, then pulled him in a tight hug. Jaejoong blushed at the other's action.

"HYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNGSSS!!!!" A piercing dolphin shriek startled everyone. They looked at the direction and saw Junsu running to them with a really wide smile. He jumped to the newly made couple and hugged them tight. The couple catched him and laughed...



Here's you're chapter everyone!! sorry for the late update.

Oh! Should i make few more chapters ?? ughh !! can't decide.. anyways please help me for my next story, please vote HERE !. 

Thank you for reading and comments are really LOVED!!!!

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Hello! everyone please read the comment i left on this story! This thing can only hold less than 300 words so i couldnt say what i really wanted. 💕


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yo_yunjae #1
Chapter 12: Oh nooo... so yunjae got together is just a dreammm??
Pleasee, is there a sequel for this fics???
(^_^)v here again...
Brownsugar40 #3
Chapter 12: Please update.
Hello Everyone! This story is already 5 years old. The idea popped in my head as i was thinking of confessing to the guy i liked back then; but i didnt do it. I was too scared. ANYWAY~ i just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU! To everyone that has read, reading and the ones that will read this story. I was just reading and re-reading all the comments; you guys have no idea how much your comments cheer me up. To be honest i have stopped writing for a few years now and has been on a writer’s block for the past 4-5 yrs but your comments gives me the will and inspiration to start writing again. THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE! I wish i could all give you hugs for all the love you gave for my story. ❤️?
Chapter 12: even after this many years it still gets people. It's so fluffy I love it *^^*
i know its been 4-5 years since this was written but i cant stop myself to be like junsu giggling all over. This is a normal cliche story but you make it so amazingly wonderful to be read at and you gave me the feeling of going back to highschool. you were indeed awesome!
Brownsugar40 #7
Chapter 12: Thank you for the story I enjoyed it
Chapter 12: Thanks for sharing a beautiful story...
Chapter 5: More things will happen with just one kiss :D
Chapter 4: Why do I have different feeling when I read this story before? :p