Cross My Heart


Guanlin stretched his arms as he walked into his room, he walked towards his study and sat down. His father talking about Diana and his plans to marry them off made him uncomfortable.

Diana was a childhood friend, she was like a sister to him.

The male leaned forward to open his laptop, he was about to sign in to check his emails when his phone buzzed. He studied the screen before answering.

“Hyung,” He said while putting the caller on speaker, he opened a browser and his finger hovered over the keys briefly.

“I heard you were in Seoul, how come you didn’t tell me?”

Guanlin chuckled and shook his head.

“What good will it do? You’ll just drag me around.” He pointed out as he typed in Diana’s full name on the tab, photos of her appeared and some articles too.

“It’s been a while Guanlin. I haven’t seen you since Sanya!”

“I remember Sanya differently, but okay.” He murmured as he noticed a photo of a tall male standing beside his friend.

His eyes went to the caption below the picture, his brows rose.

“Wong Yukhei. Lucas Wong.” He mouthed as he studied the man’s face, he looked familiar. His father’s words started to echo in his head.

He was the driver when Diana got in an accident, he was drunk driving. That’s why there was a lot of talk back then, Guanlin could recall the two being main topics of school rumors. Lucas had disappeared after the accident and Diana had to stay in a hospital for months.

“Hey, you still there, Lai Guanlin?”

He blinked before nodding back.

“Let’s meet up some time, alright? I can give you a tour.”

“I already have someone to tour me around, hyung. Why don’t you just join us?”

“Who? Is she pretty?”

“You always assume that it would be a lady.” He said dryly, his friend chuckled from the other line.

“Call me when you’re free then.”

Guanlin faced his laptop again, he tilted his head.

“WongShen Group. WongXi Conglomerate.” He said to himself, he puffed his cheeks and leaned back on his seat.

“I thought Kris ge didn’t approve of him, interesting.”



“How long has it been since you last visited this city?” Ming asked as she took a long sip of her drink, Diana leaned back on the balustrade and smiled.

“A while. How have you been doing, Ming?”

Lina had set off in search for food, Ming looked at her friend.

“Better. Pa asked me if I could stay here for a couple of months for the office setup.”

“You hate staying here.” Diana chuckled, Ming rolled her eyes at him, Lina came walking towards them with a plate filled with fruit.

“We should go on a girls’ trip. No boys. No Lucas.” Lina suggested, Diana grew amused and glanced over her shoulder.

“Di, I know that you’ve always been the type to never get jealous but, really?” Ming mused as she jutted her lips towards the other side of the party.

Lucas was standing by the bar, probably in search for something else to drink. He still didn’t like drinking alcoholic beverages.

He didn’t seem to notice the group of women behind him, they all had their phones out, which confused Diana.

“Do..they want to take a photo with him or something?”

“No, they want to be friends on WeChat.”

“We ..What?” Diana blinked back at her friends, Lina laughed.

“WeChat, Diana. It’s like Kakao Talk but Chinese.” Ming explained, Diana tilted her head and looked on. Lucas was already facing them, he had a polite smile on his face as he spoke with them.

“Lucas has you all secured that you don’t even react to that. Very Lucas.” Ming mused as she raised her glass to her friend, Diana grinned and she felt Lucas staring at her.

“What?” She mouthed, Lucas was waving her over, she sighed and shook her head.

“Diana.” He called for her, loud and clear. Diana grumbled, she set her glass down and made her way towards him.

“I’d like you to meet some old friends of mine, Di.” Lucas said as he opened one arm to her, she felt his palm on her lower back and looked at the two ladies.

“This is Molie jie and Shasui. They’re friends of the family.” Lucas stated, Diana nodded back and gave them a small smile.

“Jie, this is Diana.” Lucas said, Diana noticed how the older one eyed her warily before speaking.

“I didn’t know Lucas was dating a foreigner. Nice.” She spoke in Cantonese, Diana tilted her head.

“Actually, no~”

“Wu Yinghua.” Diana spoke, she felt Shasui curiously looking at her.

“Yes?” Moli’s eyes turned to her, the Wu young lady met her gaze before speaking.

“Can she speak a bit of Cantonese as well? You are starting to look very Korean, miss Wu.” Moli said teasingly, it took a while for Diana to realize she was joking.

“Diana can~”

“I’m hungry, can we leave early?” Diana said in perfect Cantonese, Lucas nodded back.


“I’ll go have the car prepared. Don’t take too long.” She switched to Korean before patting his chest and making her way towards Xiaojun and the guys.



“Then, jie, excuse me. Shasui, enjoy the party.” Lucas said, he excused himself from the two women. Molie snorted and glanced at Diana.

“Jie, really?” Shasui sighed at her.

“Well, she doesn’t look like one of us. She’s been staying in Korea for so long, she’s even glued Lucas there.”

“Well, that’s his choice. He wants to stay there, I doubt Diana Wu would stop him if he wants to work here.”

“Lucas belongs in this society. Our society. All that girl knows is how to be rude and act like she’s above others.” Moli said mockingly.

“Come on, let’s put her back on her place.” Moli murmured as she approached the private table, Yang Yang looked up.

“Shasui, Moli jie.” He greeted, Diana looked up from her drink and smiled.

“I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, Diana. I was just joking.” Moli said conversationally as she sat down, Hendery looked up from his drink as she spoke.

“It’s just that I’ve always been curious about you, Lucas has been appearing on all sort of gossip sites every since you two went public.”

Diana smiled, she felt Hendery nudged her shoe with his.

“You know, joking with Diana like that requires at least a three year old friendship and a bulletproof vest.” Xiaojun said jokingly, Yang Yang turned quiet.

“Lucas must be really important to your family, miss Gong.” Diana said as she set her glass aside, Shasui looked at her.

“Of course, he is. I’ve known him since~”

“Since you always check gossip sites for him. How nice it must be to have that much time in one’s hands. I’m envious.” Diana said with a small smile.

Hendery looked away and grimaced.

“W—Well, I just happen to briefly view the pages.” Moli said defensively and then Lucas arrived, Shasui sat up and smiled at him.

“We’re heading out first to eat, we’ll meet you later at the suite?” Lucas spoke, Hendery gave him a thumbs up.

“Oh, you guys have an afterparty?” Moli asked, Shasui pushed a glass towards Lucas.

“You should at least enjoy one drink before leaving, Yukhei.” Shasui spoke to him, Moli nodded along.

“It’s to celebrate you being back in town, we haven’t seen each other in a while.” The older girl urged him, Lucas paused, his eyes went to the drink. Xiaojun and Yang Yang glanced at each other, a little antsy.

“Drink up, Yukhei.” Shasui tugged on the sleeve of his jacket, Hendery wanted to bolt.

“Shasui, it’s~”

Diana picked up the glass and finished the drink in one go.

“Can we go now? I don’t have time for a reunion. It’s too foreign for me.” She said as she stood up, the Gong sisters stared at her with wide eyes.

“Diana, chill.” Hendery spoke in Korean.

“The bulletproof vest doesn’t sound so bad now.” Yang Yang murmured as Diana rolled her eyes at him, the girl stepped down from their booth and walked away.

“Well, I need to go.” Lucas was smiling as he jogged after the girl, Shasui watched as the male reached Diana. He was smiling as he wrapped one arm around her while walking. Diana was speaking as they waited for the elevator and he hunched down to hear her.

“Jie, really? Must you try to aggravate her?”

“She seems weird.” Moli shrugged, totally unaffected.

“Moli jie, just please don’t try to get in her nerves.” Hendery said softly, Shasui watched as Lucas leaned over to kiss the girl’s cheek, she looked away.

“Why? What can she do about it?” Moli chortled.

“Everything. Diana can do everything.”



“I take that you don’t like my friends.” Lucas mused as they reached the lobby, Diana paused and looked at him.

“It’s okay, they’re your friends.”


“What?” She half-whined, she really was just hungry.

“Moli jie can be a bit difficult, but Shasui is okay.” He said as he took her hand in his, Diana shrugged at him.

“It doesn’t really bother me, Wong. Moli’s fine, she’s just a bit of a…”

“Snob?” Lucas said jokingly as the Rolls Royce pulled over at the curb, waiting for them.

“A pain in the .” She said with a small grin, Lucas chuckled and held the door for her.

“But she’s your friend, so, don’t mind me.” Diana said as they reached the waiting car, Lucas nodded as the girl opened the car’s door.

“What do you feel like eating?” He asked as he fixed the hemline of her dress, Diana shrugged back at him.

"Let's go what you want to eat, just please don't make me take pizza tonight."

"We'll go with Japanese food then."

“They were serving too much fruit, and I wanted to leave before you spot Wilson Tang in the crowd.” She said jokingly, Lucas snorted in reply.

“I’m glad we decided to come, Wong. It’s nice seeing the guys again.” She said softly as she fixed the lapels of his coat, Lucas smiled and nodded.

“Should we extend our stay?”

“Sure, and then maybe when we get back I’ll be jobless because the board has managed to kick me out.” She hummed back.

“Then, you can simply marry me and forget about the board.” Lucas said jokingly, Diana made a face at him.

“And next, you’ll have Wu Yifan chasing you with a knife. Perfect.” She shot back, Lucas chuckled before pressing his lips against hers.

“You know I’ll always have your back, Di.” He whispered before pulling away, Diana smiled and nodded.





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Chapter 9: I suddenly miss Lucas, such a baby
Hmm i miss this
Chapter 9: need this update. need to know how lucas handle his brat girl and friends. how that two girls can handle diana. we need more Di annoying self
Chapter 2: if it's not too much work for you please update this once in a while Author. I can't get enough of Lucas!
Chapter 9: Still waiting for this update hahaha missing Lucas and Di moments.
Chapter 9: Diana and Lucas will go through it all
And I can't believe I just saw this. What the hell have I been doing?
topbias #7
Chapter 9: Totally miss them more. Will wait for update!

Extra: I don't really watch NCT or WayV, but I'll probably do so after this hehehe
Chapter 9: I sense trouble ~
Chapter 9: It made me miss them more
I hope Lucas and Diana would make a comeback soon