Cross My Heart


“That doesn’t look safe.” Yang Yang murmured as Diana and Lina hovered over the claw machine, Ming was in the process of changing her bills for coins.

“I thought they wanted a nice little party at the suite, and now we’re here.” Hendery murmured, they were at a night market and they stood out way too much because of their outfits.

“Seeing those three makes me remember high school.” Xiaojun mused before walking towards the girls, Diana was eyeing the lobster plushie with interest.

“How’s work for you? I heard Diana called you up.” Lucas asked, Hendery shook his head and grinned.

“She was having a hard time with one of their partners, she found out that they were banking with us.”

Lucas crossed his arms and nodded.

“So, were you…really serious about it?”

Lucas turned to his friend before nodding back, Hendery smiled.

“It may be too early and everything, but I just want her to know.”

“Are you sure Diana’s fine with that? I mean, Lucas, this is Diana Wu we’re talking about.”

Yang Yang glanced at the two, his brows rose before speaking.

“Diana doesn’t get scared off, especially if it’s Lucas.” He pointed out, Hendery looked at the girls again. Ming was waving them over, she was having a hard time to scoot down to claim their prize.

“I want her to know, no, I’d like it if she knows how I feel.” Lucas said softly, Diana finally looked up from the claw machine and smiled at him.

She made her way towards them, she already had the lobster clutched in one arm.

“Did you get what you want?” Lucas mused as Hendery gave the girl a fist bump.

“I did, now it’s time for midnight snacks round two.” She announced before inching closer to him for warmth, Lucas nodded and tucked her under his chin.

“Hendery looks good in navy blue.” She said, the latter grinned at him.

“What is it now, Diana?”

“You mentioned an ice cream place earlier.”

Lucas chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

“Lucas, I swear to~”

The male let go of her and gently patted her hair down.

“We’ll get ice cream and I think it’s best we head back to the hotel. It’s getting cold, Di.” Hendery was laughing as he walked away from the couple.

Lucas smiled and took the girl’s hand in his.

“I have to admit, I miss these idiots.” She hummed as they followed their friends.

“They miss you too.”



“Did you see that?” Moli asked as the driver stepped on the gas, the girl was talking in a shrill voice.

“What do you mean, jie?” Shasui asked, she knew her sister was in a terrible mood. After all, she was just snubbed by Diana Wu and also, they didn’t get the chance to talk to Lucas properly.

“That girl has an attitude, just like the rumors said. The Wus are a pain to deal with, she thinks too highly of herself.”

“Well,” Shasui took off her heels and leaned back on the seat.

“She is a Wu, jie.”

“Sure, however their family has become way too open for letting the older brother marry someone not like them.” She spat.

“You think Lucas is better off without Diana.” Shasui stated, her sister snorted and rolled her eyes.

“He’s way too good for her, Lucas needs a wife who can handle being around many people. That girl earlier would not even look at us.”


“I know you like the whole seeing the good in people, but mei, do I need to remind you,”

Shasui looked away and pursed her lips.

“How much we need this project to happen? And the only way out of this situation we’re in…is them. The Wongs.”

“Jie, what are you trying to say?” Shasui asked, her forehead creasing.

“Make Lucas yours and that will solve all our problems.”


“Diana is nothing but a distraction to him now. Everyone knows that staying with her will not do him any good, that girl is basically an outsider.”

“She doesn’t seem like an easy girl either, jie.”

“She’s no good for him, he needs a wife that will help him maneuver around Chinese society, and that’s you.”



“They still hate you?” Yang Yang mused as he took another sip from his wine, Diana looked up from the minibar and rolled her eyes at him.

“It has been a while since you took over, Di. They still haven’t gotten used to you? And your sunny personality?” Ming followed, Lucas grinned before plopping down on the sofa.

“I think from the way my brother ran things…he was too soft, you know. And, I have nothing against that.” Diana pointed, most of them were already dressed in sweats, they were gathered at their hotel suite enjoying a few drinks before heading to bed.

“But things are..a little inefficient, some managers take way too many breaks, projects are always delayed.” She trailed off before walking to them.

“They got used to your brother, you mean.” Hendery stated as Xiaojun helped Lina with the food.

“Yes.” Diana replied as she sat down beside his Lucas and curled against his side, she rarely showed any sign of affection in public, but she was comfortable enough around their friends.

“So, they see me as the bad guy. Enough about me, I’m curious to know if Yang Yang hasn’t burned down their office yet.” She mused, the group guffawed.

“Huh. Very funny, Diana.” He replied, Diana shrugged at him before picking up a slice of apple.

“I might have to stay in Seoul for a bit, are your doors open?” Hendery started.

“Just don’t bring any of your girlfriends around me, okay? You’re always welcome,Guanheng.”

“Right, Lucas, I noticed at the party, you know the Gongs?” Lina spoke, Lucas looked at her and nodded.

“Our families go way back, why?”

Ming chuckled and took a sip from her beer.

“I know that laugh.” Diana pointed out, Xiaojun looked at the two girls.

“There’s just been a lot of rumors around them lately, that’s all.” Lina finished, Diana slowly nodded.

“What rumors?” Xiajoun chimed in.

“People say that the reason why they suddenly kind of stopped appearing in public was because of their company having troubles.”

“Troubles? Financially?” Lucas queried, the girl nodded back at him.

“Must be why they wanted to set that appointment with you. A work thing.” Diana chimed in as she sat up.

“Or, they could be husband hunting.” Ming mused, Yang Yang shuddered at her comment.



“And you were the one who kept on and on about treating this is a short vacation.” Diana commented as she slid down from the car, Lucas gave her a sheepish grin as he held the door for her.

“I didn’t know they heard about me being in town.” He muttered as they walked towards the revolving doors, Diana grew amused as they got inside the lobby, employees greeted their young boss as he passed by.

“It’s just a few documents that need your signature, it’s fine, Wong. I can wait,”

“I wanted to drive you to that strip mall you were talking about.”

“The traditional market place? We’ve got time.” Diana hummed as she discreetly held onto the sleeve of his jacket, Lucas smiled, letting her be.

“I know, but I wanted to spend that rest of the weekend with you. Just you.”

“Ew.” She shot back, they reached the elevator and waited for the doors to open.

“But, it is nice to have you here. You in my workplace, a fantasy.” Lucas said jokingly, Diana eyed him warily.

“Let’s get~”


They both turned and Diana recognized the two ladies making their way towards them, her brows rose and she let go of Lucas.

“Good thing you’re here, do you have time?”

Lucas paused, his brows going up, his father’s words suddenly played in his head. He couldn’t exactly say no to them, despite knowing that whatever project the Gongs want to present wasn’t going to be approved.

“Right, you wanted to discuss something, jie. Shasui, good to see you.” He greeted them warmly, Moli’s eyes went to Diana briefly before continuing.

“So, upstairs?” She said, Shasui glanced at Lucas again, unable to take her eyes off him.

“Uhmm, I actually have plans today, and,” He turned to the girl beside him, Diana was checking her phone.

“Hey, Di,” Lucas nudged her, the girl looked up.

“Will it be okay if I extend here for a bit? You can take the car, I’ll ask them to drive you.” He offered, Moli’s brows went up, her childhood friend was asking for permission from the girl.

“Take your time, I can entertain myself.” Diana let out a small chuckle, Lucas smiled and kissed her cheek.

“I won’t take long.” He hummed as she fixed the straps of her purse.

“I know you wont.” Diana’s eyes went to the girls briefly before walking away from them, the Gong sisters watched as she got inside the waiting Rolls Royce. Moli rolled her eyes and looked away, while Shasui was still looking at Lucas.

“So, going up, jie?”

"Are you sure your master wont get angry if you're a minute late for her shopping escapade?" Moli asked dryly as they got inside the elevator.

"Jie, please," Lucas said with a polite smile.

"I would really appreciate it if you get along with her."

"Why? Are you going to marry her?" Moli snorted, Shasui glanced at her sister, a little peeved. Moli really did want to pick fights.

"If she'll have me, yes."



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Chapter 9: I suddenly miss Lucas, such a baby
Hmm i miss this
Chapter 9: need this update. need to know how lucas handle his brat girl and friends. how that two girls can handle diana. we need more Di annoying self
Chapter 2: if it's not too much work for you please update this once in a while Author. I can't get enough of Lucas!
Chapter 9: Still waiting for this update hahaha missing Lucas and Di moments.
Chapter 9: Diana and Lucas will go through it all
And I can't believe I just saw this. What the hell have I been doing?
topbias #7
Chapter 9: Totally miss them more. Will wait for update!

Extra: I don't really watch NCT or WayV, but I'll probably do so after this hehehe
Chapter 9: I sense trouble ~
Chapter 9: It made me miss them more
I hope Lucas and Diana would make a comeback soon