Chapter 24: No Regrets

Double Trouble


Lmao, back at it again with the update, this just seems to be how it is now. Although we've been working on just outlining the rest of the story, so don't be surprised if a final Chapter count suddenly shows up!
But, thank you to everyone who has been supporting the story, and sticking with us even though we haven't been the most consistent with updates!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy, we'll see you in the next one!

-Arya and Hannah.







Baekhyun felt betrayed by the universe, as dramatic as that sounds. He started this semester with high hopes and motivation. He wasn't going to procrastinate, or so he told himself, and it looked like he would enjoy every class since he only had excellent teachers.

And then it was as if the fire nation had attacked.

Baekhyun couldn't believe his eyes when he walked into his vocal performance class Wednesday morning to find none other than Park Chanyeol sitting in there as well. He lets out a sigh. It would be rude to ignore him, so he approached him and the moment Chanyeol noticed, he pulled that oh so annoying smirk, sitting back in his chair like he was the king of the world.

They greeted each other, Chanyeol flirted with him.

Nothing out of the ordinary whenever they saw each other with the group.

Baekhyun looked for a seat, maybe, or maybe not intentionally away from Chanyeol. It wasn't a big deal. They could share a class without having to listen to Chanyeol's pick up lines and other than having different opinions during class, which sometimes caused a small debate between them, they didn't interact that much.

However, that same morning the teacher had assigned a project that was very important for their grade and instead of letting them pick a partner to work with, the teacher did that job for them. Resulting in Baekhyun having to do his project with Park.

They instantly looked at each other when their names were called. Chanyeol approached him when the class was over.

"Well, well, well…" he said with a smile. Baekhyun sighed.

"We meet again," Baekhyun replied.

"Why do we sound like archenemies from a bad superhero movie?" Chanyeol chuckled. Baekhyun didn't like that he had to look up a bit to talk to him.

"I guess that's what we are in this class," Baekhyun picked up his things when he noticed a phone being placed on his desk.

"Also, I guess now you're going to have to give me your number," Chanyeol smirked, making Baekhyun raise an eyebrow.

Although he was right, Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeol's phone, dialing in his number and making a phone call so he could save the other's number too.

“I have a small studio at home so we can maybe get together and throw a few ideas soon?” Chanyeol smiles, retrieving his phone and saving the number.

“Sure, I have things to do today but you can text me or whatever.” Baekhyun sighs, clicking his pen against the surface of his desk.

"I'll try to not call too often." Chanyeol was still smiling. Somehow it felt like he won a battle.

" And I'll try to not ignore your calls too often." Baekhyun shot back, throwing his bag over his shoulder, giving him one last smile before he left the classroom.

He could only hope for the best.

"Park Chanyeol… out of all people," Baekhyun groans as he throws himself into Kyungsoo's bed. "Can you guys believe my luck?"

Kyungsoo and Jongdae exchange a look, at times like these, it was better to let their friend vent and let it all out as he recounted that morning.

"I think she did this on purpose," Baekhyun says. "We often argue about class topics, so I think she wants to see what we can come up with together.”

Jongdae chuckles, shaking his head. “Doesn’t that sound like a ninety’s rom-com?”

“Shut up,” Baekhyun groans again. He grabs a pillow and holds it tight against his chest.

“Baek, I’m sure it’s going to be fine,” Kyungsoo sits next to him, patting his arm. “I’m sure he’s nicer than he lets others know. You might be surprised.”

Baekhyun sighs. “I sure hope so.”

"And if he's not being serious about it, you can always ask to have a different partner." Jongdae shrugs.

"Well… it won't hurt to try," Baekhyun says.

He's never been alone with Chanyeol either way, so it could also be awkward. Maybe they don't have anything in common and won't have things to talk about. He didn't seem like the type to take things seriously.

There were so many things that could go wrong.

Kyungsoo and Jongdae could almost see the way Baekhyun’s brain was moving inside his head. They know there isn’t much they can say to make him feel better. Baekhyun is a known over-thinker among the three of them.

“It’ll be okay,” Kyungsoo pats his back. “Have faith in your own talent.”

“That’s true,” Jongdae stands up and stretches. “He’s going to deal with the Byun Baekhyun.”

“He won’t know what hit him.” Kyungsoo adds with a nod.

 Baekhyun visibly relaxes. “You’re right.”

Both of his friends chuckle.

“Of course, we are,” Kyungsoo starts setting his things on his desk. “I’m glad you’re not in the middle of a crisis anymore.”

“Yeah,” Baekhyun sits up. “Should we watch a movie?”

“Can’t. Kai is coming over to study,” Kyungsoo says as he finishes up. “He should be on his way.”

“Oh…” Baekhyun then smiles, raising an eyebrow. “Right, I forgot you had a date.”

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and chuckles. “It’s not a date.”

“How naïve you are my dear Soo.” Baekhyun lies down again.

“We should go and give them some privacy,” Jongdae chuckles, ruffling Baekhyun’s hair. “Come on, I’ll buy you something sweet to cheer you up.”

“I’m always up for that.” Baekhyun bounces off of the bed with a little more vigor than he had plopped down on it with. 

Kyungsoo sighs, but he doesn’t say anything in response. He knows it would be useless.

Jongdae and Baekhyun leave the dorm, not before commenting on Kyungsoo’s study session some more and winking at him. He waits for another ten minutes when there’s a knock on his door. Kyungsoo opens the door to find Kai standing there, with a bag tightly secured over his shoulder.

Kyungsoo smiles, stepping aside so he can walk in.

“Alone today?” Kai asks as he sits down with a smile.

“Baek and Dae just left to cheer Baekhyun up a bit,” Kyungsoo answers, sitting across from Kai, pulling his laptop towards him a bit.

“Is there something wrong?” Kai pulls out his own laptop and other materials to start working.

“Oh, well, looks like he got paired up with Chanyeol for a project,” Kyungsoo can’t help the smile.

Kai laughs. “Tell him I send my condolences. That’s going to be interesting.”

“I know,” Kyungsoo chuckles, standing up. “Want something to drink?”

“Water is fine,” Kai replies.

Kyungsoo collects some snacks and two water bottles before sitting back down.

“So, where should we start?” Kai opens his notebook before he starts inspecting his pens. He soon selects one to use and inserts the rest of them back in the bag. Seeing him do this during class and when they study together Kyungsoo is somewhat used to this already.

He simply grabs the pen Kai gave him, as he always does whenever they’re studying together.

“Let me see,” Kyungsoo goes over the topics, selecting one to start with.

They work in comfortable silence for a while, occasionally sharing ideas and information found. It is this way for about thirty minutes until Kai’s phone buzzes with a new notification. Kai stretches before he reaches out for it to check it. Kyungsoo briefly glances at him before going back to his own work.

Kai laughs before he sends a message back.

“Sorry, that’s Sehun complaining,” Kai chuckles, setting his phone down but he still stares at it as if he’s waiting for another message.

“Complaining?” Kyungsoo looks up.

“Yeah…” he receives another text and sends another reply with a smile before he continues. “So, you know about Sehun’s secret but not so secret crush on Junmyeon Hyung.”

Kyungsoo frowns. “I had a feeling… but should you be saying this so lightly if it’s supposed to be a secret?”

Kai smiles and rolls his eyes. “Emphasis on the ‘not so secret’ part.” He shrugs. “Everyone knows except for Junmyeon. I think even Yixing should know at this point.”

“Okay, and why is he complaining?” Kyungsoo chuckles.

“Well, apparently Junmyeon-hyung was going shopping today and Sehun bothered him until he allowed him to go but turns out it was a shopping date with Yixing.” Kai shrugs again, laughing when he receives another text.

Kyungsoo sighs. “You shouldn’t be laughing at your friend.”

“Of course, I should! You don’t know how much he laughed at me when-” Kai suddenly stops talking, clearing his throat. He looks up at Kyungsoo for a second, quickly going back to his phone.

“When what?” Kyungsoo asks.


There’s silence between them for a moment, and Kai switches the topic before Kyungsoo can get another word in to question him again.

“That’s his own fault, either way, I told him falling for someone who is so close to him was a mistake,” Kai places his phone upside down, going back to work.

“Don’t say that usually best friends are really great partners?” Kyungsoo frowns a bit.

“That is if they feel the same,” Kai shakes his head. “Besides, if they don’t, things can become awkward and then the group would be all weird.”

Kyungsoo sighs again.

“Also, he’s seeing someone else… isn’t that a sign that he should give up?” Kai says as he writes some information down.

“Feelings don’t work like that,” Kyungsoo says.

“Maybe,” Kai shrugs. “Are you saying he should still try?”

“I’m saying he can’t help the way he feels,” Kyungsoo replies. “Holding back feelings is not easy.”

“I know.”

They both go back to work silently for a few minutes. Until Kai drops his pen once again.

“Have you ever had to hold back your feelings like that?” he questions.

Kyungsoo hums, thinking about it. “I think we’ve all had that crush that we never expressed our feelings to. That was a long time ago though.”

“Why didn’t you say anything then?” Kai tilts his head slightly.

“Because I was a teenager and liking him in secret seemed better than actually saying something,” it’s Kyungsoo’s turn to shrug. “I don’t think you ever held back though.”

Kai scoffs. “Of course not. Life is too short to regret things. Saying how you feel, spending time with people you care about, enjoying the things you like. I do all of those things carelessly.” He smiles. “He’s now regretting not having said something sooner.”

“Maybe he was afraid of being rejected.”

“That’s a risk you have to take,” Kai types something on his laptop.

“You sound like someone who has never been rejected,” Kyungsoo shakes his head, but just like Kai he starts working again.

“I have been rejected,” Kai says. He bites his bottom lip as he turns to look at Kyungsoo. “Once.”

They stare at each other for a while, until Kyungsoo finally realizes what he means. It’s not like that was really a rejection although he understood why it sounded or felt like one. There’s a soft blush rushing to his cheeks. He didn’t think Kai would ever bring that up again.

“I bet you regretted that then,” Kyungsoo grabs his bottle of water, realizing it is now empty.

“No,” Kai says, gaze unwavering. “No regrets.”

His eyes are so honest that Kyungsoo doesn’t know what else to say. He just nods and starts reading the information he has in his notebook. Those two words still echoing around them.

No regrets.


Sehun takes a deep breath. This time he really outdid himself. He wasn’t sure if this was his way to put down his own feelings or just torture himself more. Because he should’ve known, of course, he should’ve known.

He frowns when he sees Junmyeon and Yixing walk into another store.

And it doesn't help that he technically did this to himself.

On top of that, Kai just keeps reminding him of that in his texts. When he insisted on going shopping with Junmyeon he didn’t know Yixing would also go, he thought they would just hang out like before. Then Junmyeon mentioned the other was going, and Sehun didn’t want to back out because the other would probably know it was because of his boyfriend.

This happens when you don’t ask the right questions Oh Sehun.

Yixing opens the door again, looking at Sehun. “Don’t just stand there. It’s cold.” He gestures for him go inside and Sehun does with a sigh attached.

He doesn’t know if they’re looking for anything specific, but he just wanders around the store looking at everything and nothing at the same time. They’ve been in a couple of stores already and Sehun hasn’t gotten anything yet. The other two seem to be having fun. He wishes he could say the same.

“Sehun come look at this,” Junmyeon calls from the other side of the store. Sehun walks over to see him standing by the jackets. Some of them look nice and maybe something he would wear. Junmyeon pulls one out and holds it in front of Sehun. “Try it on.”

“I don’t think I’ll buy it though,” Sehun says, but he takes his own off to try the new one on either way.

“I’ll get it for you,” Junmyeon takes a step back to see how it looks on him. He has a satisfied smile on his face. “It looks good.”

Yixing nods. “It suits you.”

“You don’t have to buy it,” Sehun mumbles, feeling heat rise to his face. 

“It’s not a big deal, you came all this way with us so we should at least also get something for you,” Junmyeon walks away to another section with Yixing following close behind.

“But I forced you to bring me,” Sehun says, even though they can’t hear him. He sighs as he follows them.

Junmyeon looks at a few other things, taking them into the dressing room per Yixing’s suggestion. He also made him promise he would walk out with each outfit so they could see how good it looked. Yixing distracted himself with the scarves and Sehun just stood there silently.

“You’re not usually this silent when we’re with the entire group.” Yixing mentions, not really looking at him as he does.

Sehun blinks. “I’m usually like that with people I trust.”

“So… you’re saying you don’t trust me,” Yixing smiles, turning around with a scarf in his hand.

“That’s-” Sehun clears his throat. “That’s not what I meant.”

Yixing chuckles, wrapping the scarf around Sehun’s neck. He takes a step back. “Well, I think we have more in common than you think.” He takes it off and places it back on the shelf.

Sehun raises his eyebrows and he can’t do anything else other than look away.  

Not long after Junmyeon walks out of the dressing room wearing the first outfit. He’s looking at the mirror, tilting his head. “I don’t know. What do you guys think?”

Yixing turns to look at him. “I like it. Although to me everything looks cute on you.”

Junmyeon blushes softly, going over to punch him in the arm, glancing at Sehun. “Don’t say things like that so lightly.”

“Why? Am I wrong Sehun?” Yixing smiles, now looking at Sehun.

The other just freezes, not knowing what to do or say. He looks between the two, scratching the back of his head.

“No, you’re not.” Sehun shrugs and walks away.

Yixing simply chuckles and pushes Junmyeon back into the dressing room. Once they finish trying everything on, the three of them walk around the rest of the store, paying for their things and leaving with their bags. Junmyeon suggests that they eat something, so they find a nice café just a few stores down the place they were.

They sit at a table and Junmyeon takes their orders before going to the counter to get them.

Yixing rests his chin on his hand as he leans forward over the table. “We should do this more often. I had fun.” He smiles.

Sehun coughs a bit. “Sure.”

“Oh! Also, before I forget,” he looks inside one of the bags and takes out the scarf he wrapped around Sehun before, doing it again with a smile. “I noticed you weren’t wearing one and it’s really cold. You shouldn’t go out like that.”

Sehun’s eyes widen and he doesn’t move. He didn’t think the other would actually get something for him too. “Uh… thank you.”

“No problem,” Yixing smiles. He then hears Junmyeon calling for him so he helps him carry everything. Yixing stands up, sending Sehun one last glance before rushing over to Junmyeon and taking a few things out of his hands.

Sehun looks down at his scarf, tightly wrapped around his neck. Suddenly it feels warm.

Guess he’s not so bad after all .


When Kai finally arrives home is already dark outside. He walks through the living room where his mother is watching TV. He leans forward, kissing the top of her head.

“Oh, hey sweetie,” she smiles at the gesture. “How was your afternoon?”

“It was fine,” he shrugs.

“Did you eat dinner already?” She pauses the show she’s watching and turns to look at him.

“Oh yeah, Soo and I ordered pizza and stuff while we worked,” Kai nods, removing his coat and draping it over his arm.

“Soo?” Jongin comes out of the kitchen and into the living room. He’s already wearing his bear pajamas, holding a cup of tea.

“Ah yeah, I was over at Soo’s dorm to study together,” Kai says.

“Why didn’t you bring him here?” His mom playfully pinches his arm.

Kai laughs, rubbing the spot.

“Yeah, I thought you guys were studying here,” Jongin says, frowning.

“Oh well,” Kai locks eyes with his brother. “I wanted it to be just the two of us, we had a lot to get through.”

Jongin bites his bottom lip, he doesn’t say anything. He knows what his brother means. He doesn’t look away though, he would not show weakness.

Kai chuckles, shaking his head and kissing their mother’s cheek. “Good night.”

And then he walks upstairs, leaving Jongin a thoughtful Jongin in the living room.

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Chapter 14: I love how Baek brush off Chanyeol's flirting. hahaha and Soo, why are you so popular with boys? haha chick magnet aren't you?
Chapter 13: wow Kyungsoo, leaving Kai like that? you really have a strong personality in you. and Kai, I know it is hard, but you should at least try to let your guard down knowing that the other person has already put their walls down. it's a leap of faith.
Chapter 12: Kyungsoo's so popular haha and yet dense. when will he actually realize what Baekhyun and Jongdae mean? ohh, and here we go with Chanbaek. can't wait how they will progress.
Chapter 11: oh, "I'm not backing down" let's go Jongin and let our ship sail haha
Chapter 10: I love how their friendship is blooming and can I say that the twins are too cute. haha they are already whip.
Chapter 9: oh, so the jealous game starts now. haha geez Jongin. well, geez for the twins, I'm excited to see how they will put a fight for Kyungsoo.
Chapter 8: I love Kyungsoo's friendship with Baekhyun and Jongdae ❤ they're so cute having each other's back. buuuut, is it wrong to ship Jongin with Kyungsoo at this early stage? Jongin's so soft I wanna keep him with Kyungsoo.
Chapter 7: Awwww Jongin, bb is sleeping on Kyungsoo's shoulder, I can't stop smiling
Chapter 5: Kaaaaai, haha omg this is getting so much interesting. I cannot stop reading
Chapter 4: Oh my, haha Kyungsoo's friendship with Jongdae and Baekhyun is soooo cute. And yeah Soo, you wouldn't think of that kiss, sureeee