White wolf

Double Alpha

Slamming the door room Chanyeol storm in to Sehun direction taking him from his collar in anger, he was mad...so mad “what the hell you were doing!”

Sehun take Chanyeol hands off and throw his body on the bed “You know! It’s my right”

Chanyeol frown “to fight someone doesn’t even want to fight back?” 

“No to fight an Alpha for an Omega!” Sehun said like it something obvious 

“The guy didn’t even transform goddamn it!” Chanyeol couldn’t believe how the other not even care “and you take others with you Sehun? What you can call that! a 9V1?”

Sehun stands in anger “what wrong with you?” He start to hit Chanyeol shoulder “that our nature the pack! Remember?”

Chanyeol huffs “No Sehun! that I call doing things behind my back!” 

Sehun roll his eyes “and guess what? I was right to do that!! Why you stopped me? You know I was right? And why that Kai! So now his your right hand! You ride him and come to the rescue!”

Chanyeol shake his head unbelievably “you kidding right!”

“Chanyeol! I think your changing! In a time like this you would be the one telling me to fight for it! And it been two days here and I can’t see my friend anymore”

Chanyeol huffs “your the one who becomes obsessed about that Omega! And for your information if Baekhyun reported you you would get expelled!”

Sehun laugh a very loud one with full of sarcasm “and when we even care about that?”

Chanyeol frown angry because of the attitude “since am the pack leader so like it or not if you do something without my knowledge or permission from now on you will be out!” 


With that said words Sehun storm out from the room in anger, he move down to the restaurant where everyone were having dinner he went in anger still enfold him and sits with his Luxion friends


Sehun look at a specific side where Baekhyun and Luhan were sitting in their group laughing with each other. Sehun didn’t like the view he really hate that Alpha! He really hate how he is taking his Omega and how he is now taking even Chany...wait a minute! He know he changed because he wants his Omega with him! But why Chanyeol changed? Why is he taking a second thoughts when it comes to fights while that the only thing they did since the day they born?

He start to look suspicious at the two! And it hit him a stupid idea but a very good one to make that Alpha angry! “Hey!” He said to a friend of him on the table “can you do me a favor?”

“Sure!” The man answered






“I didn’t expect that Wild Luxion would be that fast!” Suho said 

“His name is Kai!” Kyungsoo said

“I didn’t expect Kyungsoo will give him a chance to win the race!” Baekhyun teas and he clearly saw his deadpan friend getting red for the first time in his life



“Hey you want to hangout with me!” 



The 5 sitting on the table look at who talk at them with surprise 

“Excuse me?” Baekhyun said seeing that the guy is looking at him

“You know since your an Omega and am an Alpha! You really made my feelings move”

Baekhyun immediately stands in anger “Say that again!!”

“Your an Ome...

But before he could finish his sentence Baekhyun was fast to grab his head and slammed it at the table making everyone jump in surprise, Luhan roll his eyes knowing how sensitive Baekhyun is in this matter,

“Wow Baek chill” Suho said 

“And how your feelings now!” Baekhyun said in sarcasm to the guy whose nose is bleeding

“Man! I saw you avoiding the gaze to Chanyeol and he is an Alpha!” The man said putting his hand on his nose 

“Am I?” Baekhyun denied immediately 


“We know you are” 


Baekhyun turn to see Sehun talking this time, and he know it now it clear “So is this your little game now!” He said

Sehun shrugs “prove me wrong!” 


Baekhyun laughed sitting back on his chair the conversation between the two made everyone look at them, anticipating what will happen

“Why proving it since I have my Omega!” Baekhyun said holding Luhan waist and dragging him his side Luhan face was full red in the action half proud of how the other show him like an important person and half shy because he hate the intention.


The action made Sehun gritting his teeth in anger


“What to lose if you just stare at him!” Kyungsoo said interrupting and Baekhyun swear if he wasn’t his best friend in for 2 years he would cut of his tongue because of the stupid comment

“It will just made Chanyeol mad and guess whose idea it is to make an Alpha stare to Alpha!” Lay said “Sehun you should probably forget if his your friend don’t put him in stupid situations”

Sehun shrugs teasing “I don’t care! But we can see that your friend is an Omega”

“Omega! Omega! Omega” the Luxion students around start saying non-stop which made Baekhyun blood boil from the inside, Luhan look at Baekhyun worried “Baek!” He said eyeing him “calm down” he tried to make the other feel calmer because he can see his eyes start to Change to a yellow wolf eyes with a black iris in the shape of a line 

“Calm down Baekhyun!” Kyungsoo said moving in an aware position “you’re looking like your going to transform any minute!”


But at that specific time the one that everyone was talking about just came in the restaurant and it became surprisingly quiet! Chanyeol felt the tense that everyone is eyeing him, he notice one of his pack near the Elite table with broken nose, but he just decide to shake the idea and went all the way to where Sehun and the others sitting with “everything is good!” No one replied but they all turn to see something behind him and Chanyeol couldn’t complete the turn because he saw Baekhyun in the view moving to his side and weirdly sitting on the table in front of him and the action made Chanyeol want to full back with his chair but he couldn’t because Baekhyun was faster to grab his head from behind and bringing it to him and now they are face to face 

“What are you doing” Chanyeol said surprised looking at those now yellow wolf eyes 

But Baekhyun smirk “your friend want a staring competition! so be it!” 

Chanyeol felt embarrassing from his pack an Alpha starting at an Alpha! so he did look down at first, but he want to see in his eyes to confirm it but he know he is an Alpha so in his heart he doesn’t want to be disappointed when nothing happens 

“Look at me!” Baekhyun said gritting his teeth and pressing on the other black hair where he grabbed him before

“Look at him Chanyeol!” Sehun said  

Chanyeol couldn’t do a thing so he just look at him, but he felt the heavy feeling again! The same when he was with his eyes closed at the room! Nothing less and nothing more! uncomfortable but no inside desires for more! the face he was looking at was so much attractive definitely! But why it doesn’t triggers him as his soulmate when he see the eyes! Like there is some kind of wall between them


Baekhyun who break the eye contact after more then five minutes turn to look at Sehun with “satisfied now you and your bunch of brainless friends!” He said and stands moving to Sehun “you want me to stare at you too?” He come closer to him and whisper at his ears because the words he would say can hurt someone loud “Maybe you will be a good Omega to play with while Luhan is tired tonight”

The said words made Sehun stand and grab Baekhyun in anger but Chanyeol stand with him and separate the two “that enough for today Sehun!” He said and Baekhyun smirk looking at Chanyeol then turning around leaving the restaurant 


“Sehun you...” but Chanyeol couldn’t say another word because his phone was ringing he look at the phone ID with the name “Dad” he immediately slide the green button with “hey dad!” He stoped listening to him “is she alright? Okay I will come”

“What!” Sehun asked because after all they are childhood friends he know his father doesn’t call out of nothing 

Chanyeol shrugs “mom having the usual he asked me to come and see her”

Sehun nodded 

“I will sneak out of the school tonight cover me!” Chanyeol said and left the restaurant too, to be honest with himself he find it a good opportunity, the disappointment inside his heart was huge! How can he feel everything and nothing at the same time! He wanted to talk about it with someone...and whose better to keep a weird subject like an Alpha liking an Alpha without being his soulmate than his father? 





>>> <<<





The time was night and the place start to get empty students were all in their bedrooms now and probably sleeping 

Baekhyun in the other hand was rolling over and over in his king size bed, the sleep couldn’t get inside his brain tonight! Maybe because he did stay up all the past days, or because he was surprised how he get th courage to do a thing like that!, he open the little light in the corner of his bed and open a video, he stayed just looking at emptiness for few seconds then start to talk


“This is Byun Baekhyun again! Today something happened that made me think! I don’t know if am right but as I already told you I choose to be an Alpha but that let me think am I stopping in between the real alpha of Luhan? And even if I do! Should I back off or as his Alpha for years I should insist in having him!” He stoped just looking at his reflection then he nodded “i also stare at the eyes of an Alpha today! I don’t know how I get the courage! But I saw it...those red eyes were breathtaking” he huffs “well I don’t care Now! My main problem is Luhan and I guess if Luhan want to be with Sehun I won’t stop him but if Sehun is the one who want to force him to be with him...”


Knock knock knock


Baekhyun turn off the video recording and stand to open the door he found Kyungsoo standing there “Kyungsoo! Come in!” He said with a smile to his friend and the other smiled back with a “thanks”

Getting in Kyungsoo goes to the sofa inside the room and sits looking at Baekhyun who sits next to him

“I made up my mind!” Kyungsoo said and Baekhyun just nodded in anticipation so Kyungsoo ended his words “I think I will be with Kai”

Baekhyun smiled happily with “REALLY! Congratulations!” He said and hugs his friend who gladly accept the hug and hug him back “how come?”

Kyungsoo shrugs “I don’t know! But the moment I saw him changing to his form I felt butterflies every where I couldn’t keep my eyes off him and then I remembered what you said ‘choose yourself’ and that made me think if I refused this feelings because of my family tradition then I will live in hell so I choose myself and I will give it a try”

Baekhyun stands with a nodded “well my friend I should celebrate” he goes to a little fridge and take out two soda “no beer but” he gave it to Kyungsoo “this for seeing the mighty golden DO Kyungsoo finally having a soulmate”

Kyungsoo who gladly accept the drinks smiled shyly “thank Baekhyun”

Baekhyun shrugs “we are friend aren’t we!”

And Kyungsoo nodded happily but the two just stop the smiling faces and look worried at each other 

“Did you hear that?” Kyungsoo asked and Baekhyun nodded, the two immediately stands  and went to the balcony “what the hell!” Kyungsoo said looking at the group of wolves at the school front yard 

“Baekhyun you stay here” Kyungsoo said and Baekhyun frown at the comment, with that Kyungsoo run down stairs to the gates but Baekhyun followed him 


Getting at the gate the two find Suho coming with Lay “Kyungsoo, Lay!” Suho called and the two immediately nodded getting outside, Suho look at Baekhyun “go back to your room!” and he went outside, Baekhyun felt anger about it he turn to see Kai coming with a bunch of the new students and going out too, starting to get worried Baekhyun also come out to see what happening 




>>> outside <<<




The other side was having a plenty of wolves from different size it was obvious they didn’t want anything good a boy was in his human form standing in the middle. Like his waiting someone


“What do you want!” Kyungsoo said “you guys are in the wrong school”

But the guy smirked with “where is he?” But seeing Kai now coming to the view he smiled with “my dear Kai!” Made the three look suspiciously at him

Kai stand in surprise “why are you here Taemin?”

Taemin smiles “is Chanyeol around?” 

“You know he wins!” Kai said “Why you picking a fight here! Just leave” 

Taemin laughed “my dear Omega! Do you hate me because I left you?” The tone of sarcasm made Kai speechless...Kyungsoo felt anger...


Suho interrupted them “this is an Elite School if you guys have a fight between you two! settle it outside”

Taemin laughed “do we look like that kind of wolves to you?”


“If you have a problem with our students” Kyungsoo said starting to growl inside his throat “then you will deal with the whole school” with that he changed to his wolf form and charges to Taemin direction, Kai was fast to transform along with the other Luxion students that came out with him too, not finding anything to say because he can’t let Kyungsoo fight alone Suho changed following him with his Fancy Brown color, and Lay did the same following his Alpha


Baekhyun look at the others attack too with the lead of that guy named Taemin, they were outnumbered but he was glad that some Elite students come out of the school building and start to fight along with Suho.


Seeing that Kyungsoo who attack the leader he was having a hard time, because goddamn it they are wild they fight against each other probably daily! he was about to move to the fight scene that he doesn’t know what is really the reason of it but someone grabbed him “Don’t! I help him go inside” Baekhyun look at Luhan who said the words and pass by him Charging toward Kyungsoo and the others lead


Baekhyun intention was now on Suho who was against 5 he can clearly see him struggle, but Kai was there so he tried to help but all the eyes were on him everyone was biting each other blood was everywhere Baekhyun start to panic should he go in? Or he shouldn’t? What to do? But his panic attack was now worse when he heard a certain sound Baekhyun turn to look at Kyungsoo and Luhan and his eyes got wide open seeing his Beta on the ground, his legs runs immediately to him while he was turning to his human form “Lu!” He screamed kneeling down next the now all bruises and bites Beta he take his hoodie and put it on him and angrily he look at the wolf Taemin, Baekhyun stands his eyes now changed to a yellow color as before but he couldn’t move because Luhan grab his hand with “No! Please!”

Baekhyun look at him shocked then look at Kyungsoo that was now under the other who was biting him in his neck...not having the time to move he felt a wolf jumping in, and immediately biting that Taemin. A grey wolf. 


Sehun just join the fight and surprisingly he was so good that he and with the now injured Kyungsoo help could fight back


But still that Taemin was good! No wonder his the lead because he was so fast, so reasonable in his fight, knowing his steps and obviously knowing the weak spot of his opponent when Kyungsoo attacks he kept hitting the same injured spot, and that made Kyungsoo immediately full back leaving Sehun alone against him,


Baekhyun noticed that even if the students came for help one after one the others too they came from outside like they were making it a fair fight to not dash all in, in one time! 


moving Luhan to a safe spot Baekhyun look at him with a smile “your going to be okay!”

Luhan look at him painfully with “don’t” But Baekhyun didn’t care at this point! Kyungsoo is on the floor Suho is trying hard Kai is helping a lot but they are too much and Sehun is focused on one! Others can’t say they help  more! 





...He felt something...



...Something strange...




And in seconds he stands in front of him, a white big wolf that give the secure feeling inside of him...a white wolf without any single other color, pure like ice, and when he look at him, his eyes were red as fire...


Baekhyun muttered 



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Beau1996 1333 streak #1
Chapter 24: Interesting ending - let's the reader think about what happens next!!
Beau1996 1333 streak #2
Chapter 21: What kinds of consequences are so bad that Baek needs to forget??
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Chapter 20: Oh no - I think Baek's about to be taken...
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Chapter 19: I'm not sure what Baek is saying - did he get changed into a werewolf??
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Chapter 15: What is happening!!
Beau1996 1333 streak #6
Chapter 13: Omega status confirmed 🤨
Beau1996 1333 streak #7
Chapter 11: Who is the omega??
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Chapter 9: Comfort needed!!
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Chapter 5: What?? Chan is a white wolf!
Beau1996 1333 streak #10
Chapter 4: Can you fight nature??