Bedtime Story

The Strongest Bond


Jongin had a strange feeling in his gut. He wasn't sure whether he was sad or relieved that he wasn't, and could never become, Sehun's soulmate. His rational mind was glad to be off the hook, but his heart had a blue spot on it, grieving what could never be. Had he secretly been hoping he was his soulmate? Why? And what did he expect? He was human, Sehun was an extraterrestrial. They had nothing in common. Of course he wasn't his soulmate. That would never work. And even if it could work, Jongin didn't want it to. He didn't want that kind of responsibility. He didn't want to be accountable for Sehun's life! Having a crush on a guy was emotionally complicated enough, and just dating seemed like an unclimbable mountain. Soulmate? Being practically married for life from day one was way too intense for Jongin. No, thank you!

And still, Jongin found himself kind of envying whomever would get the honor of being Sehun's true soulmate. Somewhere out there, in the dark, vast space, was an unsuspecting alien soul, waiting for Sehun to find it. He didn't know why he was suddenly having all these weird feelings. Did he want Sehun, just because he found out he couldn't have him? Maybe Sehun's powers had grown stronger, not requiring his touch anymore to affect him, causing him to think about him all the time, wonder about him, wanting to know every single little detail about him. It was annoying. And a little bit painful. Sehun was going to leave at some point. Leave, and never come back. It was best not to get too involved, Jongin begged his heart not to get too invested.

He took a deep breath. He was going to be strong, he was not going to be swayed by Sehun's powers. Sehun was just his temporary guest, and as such, he was going to treat him well until he returned back to where he belonged.


“Play with us.” Sehun asked Jongin, giggling as Monggu his face enthusiastically.

Jongin joined them on the floor, and they teased Monggu by playing catch between the two of them, poor Monggu running in circles, trying to steal the ball without much success. It was so funny, both Jongin and Sehun lost themselves in a fit of laughter.

Eventually they let Monggu have the ball, and he happily gnawed at it while Sehun softly petted him.

“Monggu really likes you.” Sehun sent Jongin a sweet grin.

“You think so?” Jongin beamed at the thought. He hoped Monggu was happy living with him, he just loved him to pieces.

“I know so, he told me.” Sehun said, as if it was the most mundane thing to be able to communicate with animals.

“Awww, Monggu-ya!” Jongin melted, grabbing Monggu, hugging him and kissing.

“I like you, too.” Sehun added with anticipation.

“Hehh... ehh... okay.” Jongin froze, his insides turning inside out.

“I don't get a hug?” Sehun asked with a budding pout on his lips. “Monggu got a hug. Why don't I get a hug?” he complained like he had suffered a great injustice.

“Hang on, I've got something better.” Jongin told him, doing the only thing he could think of to get himself out of this dangerous situation. He ran and fetched his mother's favorite chocolates. He had been saving them, since they were hard to find. Most places didn't sell them anymore. But it was an emergency, he had to distract Sehun, or there would be trouble. Jongin had vowed to protect his heart at all costs.

“Chocolate!” Sehun exclaimed happily. The distraction had worked perfectly. Sehun ate each piece with gusto, getting chocolate all over his face and fingers. He looked like a cute little kid that was having the time of his life. Jongin chuckled.


That night Jongin decided to sleep on the couch in the living room. There was no way it would fit both of them, so he would be safe from Sehun's intimate night hugs.

“Whatcha doin'?” Sehun asked, clearly bored. He was supposed to be in bed already. Jongin had tucked him in and everything. Because Sehun had refused to sleep alone, Jongin's plan had been to stall until Sehun fell asleep. He had tucked Sehun in and told him he would be right back, that he needed to do some stuff before coming to bed.

“I'm reading.” Jongin just said, holding the book in front of his face, reading line after line even though his mind was elsewhere, not comprehending a word he was reading.

“Huh?” Sehun snatched the book out of his hands. “Oh. You are gathering data.” he nodded. He quickly ran through the pages and returned it to him about five minutes later, throwing himself onto the couch in a sad huff, even though the couch was clearly occupied.

“Why did Sora have to die?!” Sehun's voice cracked, a tear running down his cheek.

“Sora dies?” Jongin gasped, completely taken aback.

“You ruined the whole book!!” Jongin scolded him, adjusting himself on the sofa, making room for Sehun, since Sehun was practically sitting on top of him.

“Oh... sorry... he he.” Sehun sent him a sheepish smile as an apology, before crawling into the sofa with him, wrapping himself around Jongin and hugging him tight.

“Good night.” Sehun just said and closed his eyes.

“You know this is weird, right?” Jongin said, holding his breath.

“I think it's nice.” Sehun beamed, burrowing his head into Jongin's shoulder.




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Finally back! Wasn't supposed to take this long, but it did >.< Hopefully more regular updates from now on :)


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Chapter 33: Comecei essa história sem qualquer pretensão, apenas para matar o tempo enquanto ia oara o trabalho e foi tão divertida! Ri muito com as "travessura" do Sehun. Pena que você não continuou.
Chapter 33: UwU they're kissing ^^
Chapter 33: if human can have this type bond ?
Chapter 33: Uuuuuuh..... Kissing.... They're kissing....!!!!

Lovely Lovely sehun
Seenaa #6
Chapter 32: Another gear ....????

Chapter 32: Another gear in the back lmao! XD
Seenaa #9
Chapter 31: Ahahaha same sehun same till now i'm still addicted to candy crush once i play i can't stop XD