
The A l m i g h t y can be BEATEN?!

"Uh, yeah," Yebin blushed as she noticed how close their faces were, "T-thanks, Jihwan."

"No problem!" grinned Jihwan and pulled Yebin back up.

"So what are you doing here, Jihwan? I thought Minyoung told you to go home right after school." asked Yebin, still a little flustered.

"I did go home but then got bored and decided to skate a little. Is Minyoung noona here too?"

"Yeah. Right now, she's racing some of the boys we came here with."

"Boys?" frowned Jihwan, "Are you noonas on a date with these boys?"

"No!" laughed Yebin, "They're our friends from school."

"Oh, do I get to meet them then?"

"Sure, why not?"

Jihwan helped Yebin along to where she said the race had begun and where Onew probably still was at. She spotted Onew and waved, "Onew oppa!"

Onew saw Yebin and ran over to her, "Where were you?! I was getting worried! You don't even know how to skate properly yet!"

"Sorry for making you worry, oppa. I guess I just got carried away trying to skate, eh-heh-heh." replied Yebin sheepishly, "Oh! This is Jihwan. He's Minyoung's little brother and he saved me when I almost fell."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Jihwan. I'm Onew. Thanks for saving Yebin." smiled Onew and patted Jihwan's back.

Just then, Minyoung came zooming into the "finish line", closely followed by Key, Minho, Jonghyun, then Taemin from behind.

"Hey, Minyoung! You won!" grinned Onew.

"Aw, darn! I lost." pouted Taemin.

Minho patted Taemin's head assuringly, "It's alright. You'll win next time."

"C-Congrats Minyoung!" panted Jonghyun as he tried to catch his breath.

"Thanks." smiled Minyoung.

Key grumbled something under his breath then pasted on a grin, "Good job, Minyoung! You won fair and square!"

He was about to come up and pat Minyoung's shoulder when someone stepped in his way.

"Don't you dare touch my Noona, Jerk!" said that certain someone.

"Jihwan-ah, what's the matter?" asked Minyoung, confused.

Jihwan didn't answer back but kept glaring at Key.

Key glared right back, "Who are you?"

"I'm Minyoung's little brother, duh." Jihwan rolled his eyes.


"So, Don't. Touch. My. Noona."

"I don't have to listen to you." smirked Key.

Jihwan balled up his fists and charged towards Key but Minho quickly held him back, "Hey, Kiddo. Chill."

"Wait, hold up. How does Jihwan know Kibum?" asked Yebin, puzzled.

Minyoung was also still confused until it finally clicked in her head, "Oh~! Jiwhan, don't tell me that Key was the one that kicked the can and wouldn't apologize."

"Wait, wha~?" Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows.

Minyoung started explaining the situation that had happened some time before.

"Oh~!" nodded Taemin.

"I see. It all makes sense now." added Onew.

"So immature." Jonghyun shook his head.

"I can't believe this! Yah, Kim Kibum! Apologize to Jihwan. Now!" commanded Yebin.

"Oh, hell no!" retorted Key in disgust.

"Wrong move! You gotta get on Minyoung's good side!" whispered Jonghyun quickly into Key's ear.

"Uh- I mean, argh! Fine! I'll apologize then!" Key glanced at Jihwan, "... Sorry. There, I said it."

Yebin rolled her eyes and smacked the back of Key's head.

"Ow! YAH! What was that for?!"

"You call that apologizing?!"

"Then what else is it?!"

Jihwan stared from Yebin to Key, Yebin to Key, over and over again as the arguement continued on.

Onew sighed, "When will they ever stop?"

"I say we ditch them." grinned Jonghyun mischievously.

"Ooh! Let's go over there, hyung-deul and Minyoung noona!" exclaimed Taemin, pointing at a computer cafe.

"So, wanna go?" asked Minho.

Minyoung shrugged, "Sure."

Jihwan looked at his older sister, "Can I come along, too?"

"Of course." smiled Minyoung and tousled Jihwan's hair.

"Okay, let's go guys." said Onew and the group of friends left the bickering cousins in the street.

"Gosh, you didn't have to hit me for that!"

"Whatever, you deserved it!"

"I do NOT deserve to be hit! Right, Onew hyu-?! Eh?! Where'd everybody go?!" frowned Key as he realized that his friends were missing.

"Oh, great! They left us because of your stupid loud mouth!" groaned Yebin.

Key glared at his cousin, "It's not only because of MY mouth, it's YOUR mouth too!"

"... YAH!!"



Haha, i looove writing the cousins' fights ;]

Thanx 2 all who commented!! :DD

OMGEE! Guess what?! I am officially done with all my college apps!! xD

i finished them at 2:13 am today, to be exact... rofl x3

Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2011 YEAHH!! XD

Btw, i enjoyed reading all of the comments with you guys trying to guess who the savior was :]

I have to say... the right answer was said! D: lol ^^

congrats to Supriya :] u guessed it right!

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P o s t e d : 11. 01. 01

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Chapter 20: It's nice hope u update somemore
calendaroflove #2
i like it!
Hohoho Minyoung already falling for Key or what? >XD kekeke
yayy! i finally caught up. hehhe
LOL . I have a feeling MinYoung will lose in this competition of love ;) LOL.
vikKiBeoMin #6
yeeehaaa~ just tell what u feel with each other!aiigooo~so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
finally, he took jonghyuns advice!!<br />
lol....soo cute/adorable/undefinable!!<br />
lol...update soon please
Nichichan #8
you better not be giving up!! >3< both you and key!!
ugh exams<br />
T-T<br />
i hate all the work that Bosc is giving us despite the exams<br />
stupid him<br />
ooooooh LeFante<br />
we should go X33<br />
uh oh what if Key takes her there O.o<br />
that would be bad for his "smoothness" haha<br />
can't wait to read more<br />
off to..."study" haha<br />