Second Attempt

The A l m i g h t y can be BEATEN?!

***Author's note before you read:: The song that Key plays & sings later in this chapter is "Nothing Better" by Brown Eyed Soul. It was NOT written by Key & Jonghyun... lolz That's just for more effect in the story. keke ^^;; so yeahh~ just FYI if u didn't already know. ^o^ Oh, && the translation of the song is by me! :] Happy reading~!!


'Aish!' thought Key as he sent a punch to his pillow, 'I think my first attempt failed... She probably thinks I'm a joke. How do I make her fall for me?'

He thought back on the day with the fight with Yebin, how he got angry so easily over everything, and how Minyoung pushed his hands away when he pinched her cheeks.

Just then, his cellphone rang.

"What?!" he answered roughly.

"Chill, Mr. Almighty! We found out something that might help you out in your crazy plan," came Jonghyun's voice.

"Really?! What is it?!"

Jonghyun chuckled, "We found out that Minyoung likes guys who can play the piano well."

"Oh, well that's easy." smirked Key, regaining his confidence.

"BUT! There's a catch," continued Jonghyun, "the guys must be better at it than her."

Key's smirk faded away. What if Minyoung was, of course, way better than him at playing the piano too? Doubt and worry started to creep into his head.

This was the first time the Almighty Key ever doubted himself in being the best.

"Then what should I do? She's probably way better than me at the piano," said Key sadly.

"Whoa, is the Almighty doubting himself and admitting that Minyoung is better?!" cried Jonghyun, "Well, anyway, if you try your hardest and play from the bottom of your heart, I bet you a hundred percent that she will at least think of you differently. Give it a try. You might impress her."

Key slowly nodded his head in agreement and in thought. He would try it out.

Even though he knew he was already excellent at playing the piano, he would just practice a piece anyway and see what happens.

"Thanks. That helps a lot," smiled Key over the phone.

"No prob," answered Jonghyun back and the two boys hung up.

Here goes the second attempt into action!


"Hey, Minyoung!" shouted Yebin as she spotted Minyoung heading towards school.

Minyoung turned around and grinned when she saw Yebin.

"So, ready for the first quarter exam?" asked Yebin.

Minyoung shrugged, "There really wasn't anything to study."

Yebin pouted, "But of course! You already know everything! I'm so jealous! I wish I could get straight one hundreds on tests without studying like you."

Just then, Taemin came up running towards them, shouting, "Noonas!"

The two girls spotted him and waited for him to catch up.

"Hey, Taemin! What's up?" greeted Yebin.

"Have you seen Key hyung? We were all supposed to meet up in homeroom an hour ago but Key hyung didn't show up!" replied Taemin worriedly.

"Oh, that idiot? He's probably still at home sleeping," shrugged Yebin.

"No, we checked in his house already. He wasn't there... Hey, could you noonas help us find him? We still haven't searched the music room, infirmary, or the art room yet. Minyoung noona, can you search the music room? Yebin noona, the infirmary, and I'll search the art room," said Taemin.

"Uh–okay," agreed Minyoung, a little taken aback by Taemin's sudden request.

Yebin sighed, "Fine~ I'll go search for that idiot."

Taemin grinned and hugged both girls, "Thanks, noonas! You're the best!"

The quickly split up in search of Key.


Key sighed as he looked over the sheet music propped up on the piano in the school's music room. He placed his hands gently over the black and white keys and softly began to play the soothing melody.

He closed his eyes and began to sing,

"Always coming to me, your face, I remember...
My heart that was stopped and spitefully broken,
Your bright smile opened it so easily...
Yeah, like that I became your love.
All my unpleasant memories, I can't even remember anymore
Because your hand that's holding mine is warm like Spring...
And now, like a dream, my heart has stopped by your side.
I dream an endless dream that I won't wake up from for even a moment.
Like breathing, if you always stay by my side...
Nothing better,
Nothing better than you..."

There was a still silence as Key finished the last note. He slowly re-opened his eyes and smiled softly.

This was the first time he ever wrote a song and he had to admit, it was pretty good. He is the Almighty, what does one expect?

Instead of just playing a piano piece that anyone could know, he decided to write his own song so it would maybe impress Minyoung more.

Jonghyun had slightly contributed by writing the lyrics. Key, at first, thought that it was too cheesy but after trying it out, it was perfect with the melody.

Even though he was confident of playing this song perfectly later today during music class, in the corner of his heart, he was a bit nervous. There was the fear that Minyoung would possibly- probably- play better than him and his second attempt of trying to capture her heart would fail again; Also more that Minyoung wouldn't be impressed at all.

A sudden knock on the door to the room separated Key from his thoughts. His eyes grew wide when the person who knocked on the door slowly entered the room.



Yay! Update! lol xD

Guess what?? I next week and the week after that = the end of the world–I mean–Exam weeks!! T^T

I'm not excited much :/

Anyways~ hope this chappie made you guys smile :D

Btw!! Today is B2ST's cutie Yoseobie oppa's B-day~!! xDD <3

& it's also my friend's birthday ;] hahaa

Gahh... my birthday's soon 2!! T__T

It's Jan. 9th! D:

Wonderful Commenters (WC):








P o s t e d : 11. 01. 05

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Chapter 20: It's nice hope u update somemore
calendaroflove #2
i like it!
Hohoho Minyoung already falling for Key or what? >XD kekeke
yayy! i finally caught up. hehhe
LOL . I have a feeling MinYoung will lose in this competition of love ;) LOL.
vikKiBeoMin #6
yeeehaaa~ just tell what u feel with each other!aiigooo~so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
finally, he took jonghyuns advice!!<br />
lol....soo cute/adorable/undefinable!!<br />
lol...update soon please
Nichichan #8
you better not be giving up!! >3< both you and key!!
ugh exams<br />
T-T<br />
i hate all the work that Bosc is giving us despite the exams<br />
stupid him<br />
ooooooh LeFante<br />
we should go X33<br />
uh oh what if Key takes her there O.o<br />
that would be bad for his "smoothness" haha<br />
can't wait to read more<br />
off to..."study" haha<br />